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Dakota Edwards
Laurie Oberg
January 21, 2015
English 11
To Pledge under God
The phrase under God in the Pledge of Allegiance does in fact have
all the reason to stay a part of the Pledge. The Pledge of Allegiance has been
around for years without being challenged, but everything comes with one.
Michael Newdow was one challenger that gave the Supreme Court the run
around with a piece of this. Also, no one in the United States is forced to say
the Pledge of Allegiance. It isnt a large problem, yes men and women will
fight for their rights when it comes to the point, but only involving a matter
being wasted on a phrase being said in the Pledge of Allegiance that can be
ignored from being said.
From the hands of a Baptist minister, Francis Bellamy was the man who
had created the Pledge in September of 1892 known as The Youths
Companion which was used for the anniversary of Columbuss voyage to
America. The original, The Youths Companion was changed many times to
the Pledge we recite today, the original included Amen with a closing. This
was later removed after some time. The phrase under God wasnt added
until 1954 along with many alterations before this which gives the final

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product to be the Pledge of Allegiance we know well today that hasnt been
changed since. Michael Newdow won and lost the case concerning his
daughters rights of the First Amendment to say the Pledge of Allegiance and
have under God removed permanently, which the Supreme Court had to
rule. Newdow didnt have enough of a claim to fight for what he believed in
considering the fact that he didnt have full custody of his daughter.
Although you could act against many phrases in the Pledge of
Allegiance because of the First Amendment, also part of the First Amendment
is that being of freedom of speech; the big idea of the part that is quite
literally the freedom of speech part. As Americans of the United States of
America we do have the choice to (some of us) synchronized speech of the
Pledge or with respect quietly stay seated. Schools also own the choice of
letting their students say the Pledge. Not only this, there is also the phrase
under God could offend religions that have different beliefs such as
multiple Gods or none at all.
In Conclusion, very clearly the phrase under God shall continue to be
said in the Pledge of Allegiance. Wherever one may be, they must remember
that because of the Pledge of Allegiance we do have a stronger country as
one to believe in themselves to overcome any challenge to be thrown at
them, whether its riots in the streets or as simple as configuring a problem to
keep the Pledge of Allegiance , such as the Newdow case. It is to stay the
way it is for the last sixty years.

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