Dakota Edwards-Foreign Policies

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Dakota Edwards/Nolan Richter

United States History
February 19, 2015
Past United States Foreign Policies
The United States throughout the years have many foreign policies with other
countries to interact and set standards for their organizations, corporations, and
citizens. We will be comparing and contrasting the similarities and differences of
foreign policies the United States created prior and during 1890-1917. The core
reasons the United States created foreign policies was for building a stronger
economy and expansion. This created the superior country we know today.
The United States has always wanted to become a stronger country and who
better to help us than our own neighbors. The United States happened to obtain
15.5 million dollars from Britain after the Civil War for damage to the United States
from Britain selling the Confederacy warships to use against the Union; this is
known as Alabama Claims (1869). Similar to obtaining money for the United States;
President Taft created Dollar Diplomacy(1909-1913) to earn money from the
Philippines by giving out loans they couldnt pay back causing them to slowly pay us
back and be powerless to us, it just didnt involve post war conflict.
We would be the large country in power if it wasnt for blood and tears being
shed to gain the land we needed. The Treaty of Paris (1783) enabled the United
States to expand westward to the Mississippi River; this not only brought an end to
the Revolutionary War creating momentary peace but gave the United States a
large piece of land to expand throughout. Presidents Harrison and Cleveland both
contributed to taking over Hawaii in 1893 and 1898 by using Pearl Harbor as a
mannequin of a threat to the queen that the United States was ready to go to war
unless the United States was able to overthrow, in which they were very successful
in achieving. The United States may have overthrown Hawaiis government but
Hawaii only became a protectorate for some time. Both events share peace in the
end between the two countries but go through hell achieving the land sought after.
In conclusion, the United States have used foreign policies to get what they
want or need from other countries by building their economy and expanding into
diverse parts of the world. The United States have been very wise and successful in
using the tactic of foreign policies.

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