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Les devoirs Homework Menu

Je mappelle ____________________________ heure _____

French is a living language! When you leave the classroom, you will be equipped with the ability to use the French language in
your daily life. This is why homework should be something meaningful to you. Choose 4 of the following activities. Some are
cultural, some invite you to learn more about French, some encourage you to interact with people, and others ask you to
creatively work with the language. Once you complete an activity, show Madame Smith during reasonable times in class
(please NOT at the beginning of the hour), before school from 7:15-7:50, or immediately after school. I will initial and date
each completed section. Each activity is worth 10 points (40 points total). This sheet is to be collected on or before 2:46 PM
on _____________________. DO NOT LOSE IT! Note: A (*) indicates activities that may be done in groups of 2-3. If you do
not have a computer or phone to use, please see Madame Smith for times you can come in to complete the assignments.
*Research a holiday that is
not celebrated in the U.S. but
is celebrated in a Frenchspeaking country. Proof: Turn
in paper or small poster that
talks about the holiday, at
least 3 customs, at least 3
photos, and your thoughts
about the holiday & its
*Prepare a recipe from a
French-speaking country!
Could be a dish/dessert you
prepare & share with your
family OR it could be
brought in for the end of the
quarter French food day!
Proof: picture/video from
home or bring actual food.
MUST turn in recipe, too!*

What are some French

phrases youve always
wanted to know how to say?
Proof: Find 5 schoolappropriate phrases youve
wanted to know and write
them in French and what
they mean in English.

Bring in a magazine, brochure,

newspaper article, song lyrics,
etc. in French. Highlight or circle
at least 5 cognates (words that
are similar to English) that you
find in the text and attach a
three-sentence explanation of
what you understand/think its
about. Proof: bring in text and

Record a video of you having

a conversation outside of
school with someone in
French. This could be
someone at home that you
teach some French to or even
a native speaker! Each
speaker must have a
minimum of 5 lines! Proof:
show video & translation.

Play the Duolingo app or go to the website

and play in French. You will need to show that you progressed 3
levels = 10 points, 6 levels =20 points. Proof: Show your portable
device or on the computer your progress.
Important! You must show Madame Smith your starting level
before completing this! She will make a note of your beginning
level and initial this box.
Begin: _____

Initials: _____

*Create a music video of yourself (and other classmates,

family, friends, if desired) using a song youve heard in French
class or another song you have found in French that teaches
French vocabulary. I have some, if you need help. This could
be the numbers, greetings, alphabet, days/months etc. You
must be singing along in video and have obviously
incorporated some intentional, rehearsed choreography!
Worth 1 or 2 assignments, depending on quality.*
Proof: show video to Madame Smith (and class if desired!)

Go to:

Study any of the French

vocabulary sets (with sound
on). Take a practice quiz, play
Gravity and Scatter. Proof:
show Madame Smith your
computer / screenshot. Need
to show scores/times for all 3.

*Create a French vocab. poster

on a topic of your choice (ex.
sports, school supplies, fruits,
animals, etc.). Must be done
with pics of YOU! You must
include a title and label at least
10 photos in French. Proof:
Turn in poster to be

Make an original 10 question

Kahoot! Quiz for French. You
must include the answers.
Include a picture for each
question. Questions could be on
French vocab. or cultural
information. Proof: Login to your
(free) Kahoot! account and
share with my user name

Go to and
select French under Subjects.
Play to donate rice to hungry
people in the world. Proof:
Take a screen shot of the at
least 400 grains or bowls you
earned and share it with
Madame Smith (email or on
your smart device/computer.

Create an 8-scene comic using

at least 10 French phrases or
vocabulary we have learned in
class. It does not have to be
funny but should make sense.
Characters could be people,
animals, foods, or other
inanimate objects! This could be
drawn & colored or clipart. Proof:
turn in comic.

Interview an adult who uses a

language other than English in
their career. Find out how
knowing another language
helps him/her in this career.
Find out about this persons
education, career duties, and
where he/she works. Proof:
paragraph in English or a
recording of interview.
*Research at least 7 major
French brands or products. Start
by googling Top 100 French
brands. Choose 7 brands
familiar (or not) to you. Proof:
paper or poster titled French
Brands, 7 brand names each
with a logo or pic, & list of
products they sell.*

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