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Description of plant

It is worth mentioning is that the banana is not a "tree", as some think, it is

a species of "weeds", it is due to
Plant stalk non-wooden, which consists of wrapped on each banana perennial plant
leaves ranging in length from 3-8 meters depending on varieties, a single-lobe
plants, consists of plant of a real leg is Ccormh or Qalkassh exist under the su
rface of the soil, and out of root as well as the large leaves her sheaths spira
lly wrapped around itself made up of the plant and false that appear above the s
oil surface of the leg. And out of the middle of this leg pregnant syphilis. The
number of developing leaves on the banana plant different varieties and the str
ength of its growth, number of leaves and usually ranges between 30-52 and paper
, and graduated from the real roots of the leg. There are two types of roots are
the roots of a diet that comes out directly from the real leg and extends verti
cally in the soil. And fibrous roots grow horizontally and this. And the fruit o
f the banana is called a finger, and every two rows of fingers are separated fro
m each CFA Guenabh, and each group of paws Spath be from 6-14 CFA by category an
d the circumstances surrounding the plant. There are flowers mounted on a pregna
nt syphilis are three types of flowers:
Feminine flowers. There syphilis in pregnant base, is made up of a large ova
ry is composed of three compartments. It consists of fruits Bakraa without any n
eed for pollination and fertilization.
Hermaphrodite flowers. There in the middle of a few pregnant syphilis and qu
antity, may be small fruits do not ripen.
Memorandum of flowers. They are found at the tip of a pregnant syphilis, it
has been falling immediately after the composition, or may remain depending on t
he species.

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