BB 01-12

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Contact us via email: Honaunau359@gmail.


83-5360 Mamalahoa Hwy Captain Cook, HI 96704

Phone:328-2727 Fax:328-2729

January 12, 2016


Ike, Kulia
i Kupono

Developing Knowledge and Striving For Excellence

January 15

*Deposit Day 7:30 a.m. in Cafe

*4th Grade Field Trip to Pu'uhonua
O Honaunau for Lapa'ani

January 18

No School- Martin Luther King Day

Janurary 20

SCC Meeting 4:15 p.m. in Library

February 5

Deposit Day

February 11

Lions Club Vision Screeing - Gr 3

February 15

No School- President's Day

Feb 17 - 19

Gr 4 & 5 Trip to Camp Erdman

7:30 a.m. in Cafe

March 16 - 24 Spring Break

March 4

Deposit Day


We are sending home a sheet with the EMERGENCY CARD
information. Please fill in any new information such as phone # and
contact information. It is extremely important that we have the
correct information on file as we may need to contact you in case of
an emergency. Your attention to this important information is
appreciated. Mahalo

Report Cards- We will be sending your child's report card home.

We anticipate to send it at the earliest of January 12, but no later
than January 19. Please be on the look out for this.

We will be sending home T-shirt order forms today in the

Tuesday Envelope. Please note that the deadline for the
orders to be submitted to school is Thursday, January
22, 2016. Mahalo in advance.

7:30 a.m. in Cafe

We are sending home an Asbesto Hazard Emergency Response Act flyer in both English and Spanish. Should you have any
questions please feel free to contact the school at 328-2727. Mahalo.

The Dept of Health has provided more brochures on Dengue Fever. We now have brochures in Spanish and Marshallese.
We are sending home a hard copy of "Fight the bite" card. Just a friendly reminder that we all still need to do our part to
keep our students safe in our community.

We would like to send out a great Mahalo to all the families that submitted their Parent Surveys. There were great
responses. We do need some clarification on various comments. If you feel you would like to ensure your comments are
clear, please contact the school. Mahalo
The Lions Club - will be coming to our school to do vision screenings for the Grade 3 students. Please fill out the Parent
Authorization Form for your child to participate. If your child is not in Grade 3 and you have any concerns for his/her
vision, please call the school to have a Parent Authorization form sent home. Mahalo

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