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January 24, 2016

8:50 & 11am Worship Services

We exist to connect all people with Jesus Christ.

We do this by welcoming enthusiastically, growing deeply and serving courageously.

204 S. Ninth St., Columbia, Mo. 65201

(573) 443-3111


8:50 & 11am Worship

The prelude is a silent, personal preparation for the worship of God.

(+) Please stand as you are able and comfortable.
Responsive readings: One (Italics) All (Bold)
FWS = The Faith We Sing, UMH = United Methodist Hymnal
Children of all ages are welcome in our worship services.
Childrens worship and activity packets are available at the entrances.
They may be left in the pew or returned to one of the baskets following worship.

y Coming Together into Gods Presence z


Concerto in B-Flat (1st movement) (George F. Handel)


FWS NO. 2233

Nancy Cooper, Childrens & Family Life Leader

Children are welcome to remain with their family in worship or may proceed now to
participate in one of these ministries:
Children 1 year 2nd Grade: Childrens Church and Serendipity Choir (W6)
Children Kindergarten and under: Nursery Care (W7)
Parents and children reconnect following worship at the room listed.


8:50 Agape Choir

11:00 Chancel Choir Gloria (from Mass in G) (Franz Schubert)

The Yearning (Craig Courtney)

y Receiving the Word of God z


See page 4

This is the Word of God for all people.

Thanks be to God.


Proverbs 2:1-6 

Mindful Love

Rev. Charity Goodwin-Rosario

y Responding to the Word of God z


Seek Ye First

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Come Away to the Skies (Dale Wood)
To give your offering electronically, scan this QR code or
click the DONATE button at
Praise God, from whom all blessing flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

y Sending Forth into the World z


Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise


The God of Abraham Praise (Marianne Kim)


Rev. Trista Soendker Nicholson; Rev. Charity Goodwin-Rosario
Marty Hook, Director of Music
Jenna Braaksma, Pianist; Craig Datz, Organist
Flower Acknowledgments
The flowers that grace the chancel this Sunday morning are given to the glory of God by
Jeff, Katie, Grace and Ted Harris in loving memory of Michael Perry and in honor of Nancy
Perry on the occasion of their birthdays
by Ester Mendoza, in loving memory of her mother, Teresa Mendoza.

The Word Proclaimed - Proverbs 2:1-6 (NRSV)

My child, if you accept my words
and treasure up my commandments within you,
making your ear attentive to wisdom
and inclining your heart to understanding;
if you indeed cry out for insight,
and raise your voice for understanding;
if you seek it like silver,
and search for it as for hidden treasures
then you will understand the fear of the Lord
and find the knowledge of God.
For the Lord gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding;
New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright 1989 the Division of Christian Education of the National
Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights


Dinner Club Kickoff - If you signed up for Dinner Club, you are
invited to meet your dinner group in the Atrium after the 11am
service. Bring your calendar ready to plan your dining adventures!
Growth Groups - Watch for information in next Sundays bulletin
about new Growth Groups.
Grace Notes Choir (2nd-5th grade) meets in the Chapel at 6pm
on Sunday nights
Cornerstone Coffee Shop Mission of the Month - When
you visit the coffee shop in December your tips will support the
Mission of the Month: Room at the Inn Winter Shelter.
2016 Altar Flowers - If youd like to provide flowers for morning
worship, please sign up on the chart in the Connector.
Offering Envelopes - Thank you to everyone who picked up their
personalized giving envelopes this past month. We will be mailing
out those that remain this week.
Giving numbers? Not any more! Whereas in the past, a giving
number might have been assigned to you and your family, we now
identify contributions simply by donor name. Donations made
by check are credited to the person signing the check. In the
case of cash donations, I assign those to the first name appearing
on the envelope. That being the case, adding an address helps us
distinguish donors when we have persons sharing a common name.
Giving Statements for 2015 - Church Community Builder
(CCB) users can access their 2015 giving statement at moumc. Thank you for making use of this very convenient
resource. We will be mailing 2015 giving statements to donors
not using CCB the week of Jan. 25. As always, thank you for your
support of Missouri UMC and its ministries!
MUMY Youth meet on Sundays at 10am & 5pm and Wednesdays
at 6pm CONTACT: Rev. Hank Jenkins at
Facebook group: MOUMY Twitter @MUMYHank

Coming Up

AARP Tax Prep Service Starts Jan. 25 in th CLC - MUMC

HOURS: Monday, 11 am - 3 pm; Tuesday & Thursday 3 - 7 pm
NO APPOINTMENTS! First-come, first-served each day.
Open Door Ministry meeting: Thursday, Feb. 4 at 7pm in CLC
107-109 Rev. Kendall will take the opportunity to discuss topics
of interest related to the General Conference of the United
Methodist Church, which is coming up in May. This meeting will
replace the previously scheduled Open Door Ministry meeting on
Jan. 21. There will be no meeting on Jan. 21.
College Age Ministries Weekly Gathering & Bible Study Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the Cornerstone Coffee Shop. Need more
info? Rev. Kim Parker at

Welcome to Missouri
United Methodist Church
January 24, 2016
Our Presence
Please place this sheet in the offering plate.
o8:00Worship o8:50Worship o11:00Worship
Name ______________________________
Street Address ________________________
City, State, ZIP ________________________
Phone ____________________________
This is a new:

oAddress oPhone #

I am a/We are:
oGuest: o1st time o2nd time
oRegular Attendee(s)
oStudent at _______________________
How did you learn about us?

Our Prayers
oShare with Prayer Team & Caring Ministries
oShare with Prayer Team & Staff
oConfidential Pastors Only

Our Gifts
oMy offering is made via regular electronic funds
oPlease send form/instructions so I can begin
donating electronically.

Preferred Method of Contact:

I/We would like to:

oSubscribe to the weekly email newsletter,

The Messenger (provide email above)

Next Sunday, Jan. 31

Worship at 8, 8:50 & 11am
Be Still and Know
Rev. Kendall Waller
Join us next week as we look at
the spiritual pathway of Ascetics.

oFind out more about

oWednesday Night Live
oGrowth Groups
oChildrens ministry
oMUMY (Youth) activities
oCollege Age/Young Adult activities
oSinging in the Choir
oUnited Methodist Women
oLinked to Learn Tutoring Ministry
oPrayer Shawl Ministry
oDiscovery Days Preschool
oContainer Project
oHaiti Clean Water Team
oServe with Room at the Inn at MUMC Jan. 31
through Feb. 14
oServe with the Worship Technology Team
(slides & sound)
oServe as a golf cart driver

Room at the Inn Winter Shelter

Donations: payable to MUMC with RATI noted.

The Shelter will be at Missouri

UMC Jan. 31-Feb. 14.
If you are interested in signing
up to volunteer, let us know:

I am interested in the following:

oHow to live a life of faith
oGeneral information
oBaptism information
oMembership information
oOther ___________________________

Bring your own dinner & fellowship 5-6pm

Pastoral teaching & experiences at 6pm
Ministries for all ages

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