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In conversation with Mary of Guise

before she is murdered.

Mid to close shots cutting from

Her Majesty rules with the heart...
Walsingham and Mary of Guise create not with the head.
an intimate atmosphere. Gender
Mary of Guise It is hard for a
woman to forget her heart.

Arriving to release the seven Catholic

bishops he has tricked.

Cuts from Walsingham in control

outside the dungeon which is
crowded with the imprisoned
Bishops. Mid and close up shots.

Bishop Gardiner Walsingham! I

would know by what authority you
have kept us locked up here!
Your Graces must forgive me, but
you are now free to go.
Bishop Gardiner I am sure this
infernal work has not saved your
bastard queen.
Her Majesty has won the argument.
Bishop Gardiner By what count?
By five, Your Grace.
Bishop Gardiner You will be
damned for this! And I pray God
your wretched soul will burn in hell!

Arresting Norfolk for treason and

indicating proof of Norfolks treason.

Shadows build tensions. Cuts from

Your Grace is arrested. You must go
Norfolk and Walsingham indicating
with these men to the Tower.
Norfolks signature on document from
Norfolk I must do nothing by your
orders. I am Norfolk!
You were Norfolk. The dead have no

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