Prewriting Activity: The Evaluation Essay Written Composition

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Prewriting Activity: The Evaluation Essay

Written Composition

Name your restaurant. Be sure to pick something in which you have an

interest. The aim of your evaluation is to persuade us about this subject.
For restaurant options based on cuisine, go to,, etc.


Name the 2-3 students you will do this assignment with.


Print out at least three specific sources of information for your restaurant.


If applicable, identify one person who has been there to interview.


List at least five three specific background facts about your subject that
your reader will benefit from knowing. You will need to research these.


List at least two criteria by which to evaluate your subject.

The Components of an Effective Evaluation
Choose a General Subject: Restaurant
Choose a Specific Subject: A type of cuisine and a specific restaurant
Provide background information: Research basic info on the restaurant
Identify your criteria for evaluation: Choose your two criteria to evaluate
Judge your subject using each criterion
Provide specific support for your judgments: Logos and Pathos evidence

Make an overall assessment (your verdict)

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