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It revision

Using emails key terms :

Store and forward system:- when an email is sent it is stored on an

email server and remains there until the recipient accesses their is at this point that the server forwards the message to
Address book:- an email tool that allows you to store the names and
Attachment:- a file or document that to attach to the email when you
send it to someone.
Cc:- stands for carbon copy. You can copy in additional email recipients
using this in where you write their name.
Bcc:- stands for blind carbon copy . You can copy in people to emails but
hide their identity and email address to other people. When entered into
where you put in their name.

Benefits of using emails:

Speed of delivery
Cost (other than board band)
Instant delivery on a global scale.
Delivery to multiple people
Having a record of the correspondence between users.
Webmail providers 9 including Hotmail, gmail..)
Drawbacks of using emails.
Privacy and security (e.g. hacking)
Internet access the fact that both senders and receivers have to have
email accounts can be a problem because some people dont have
internet access.(or chose not to use it)
Sometimes a lack of interactivity may be a problem . in situations where
an instant replys is needed
Phishing scams
Email protocols
Simple mail
Post office



The internet standard used use for sending messages across ip
network in server-to-server transfers. Also used by email users to
send to email servers.
Used to retrieve emails rom an email server over a TCP/IP
connection .this is the most widely used email retrieval protocol .

message access


normally users download emails to their local computer using POP3this deletes them from the email server.
this is the other popular email retrieval protocol.normaly users work
on the emails as they reside on the email server using IMAP and do
not download them.

Data exchange:
Key terms :
Data:- any kind of information that has been formatted in a specific way.
Different types of data includes audio, video, images and monitoring
signals as well as text.
Devices:- used as a genetic term to mean computers , peripheral
hardware , mobile telephones , manufacturing plan, environment monitors
and many other things.
Peripheral:- any device such as a printer , attached to a computer to
expand its functionality.
Codec:- a device or program used to encode or decode data.
Internet packets:- a formatted block of data sent over networks and the
internet. A packet contains the address of the sender and destination, the
data itself and error checking.
Voice over internet protocol :
VOIP is a group of internet protocols that provides a means of sending voice and
multimedia communication over the internet rather than by public telephone
networks. Real -time communication has become more and more common, with
communication by voice over internet protocol growing in popularity. VoIP is
available over desktop and laptop computers as well as many other internet
devices such as smartphones. One of the most popular VoIP systems is Skype
this is why you have to have a microphone and webcam in or plugged into your

Wireless networks:
Wireless networks are another means by which data can be exchanged between
a computer and a network is any network servicing computer or other devices
(e.g. mobile phones) in which the connections do not use cables of any kind.
Wireless communication usually uses radio waves, but infrared communication is
also used.
Wireless networks has many advantages probably the most important one is
mobility, people are no longer tried to desks and wirers.
In wireless networking all devices using the network need to have a wireless
network interface card through which they gain access to the network. The card

is used to transmit data across the network and receive incoming data from the

Key terms:Byte:- in computing and telecommunications, a byte is a unit of digital

information which consists of 8 bits.
Universal serial bus(USB):- A higher-speed serial connection standard the
supports low-speed devices (e.g. mic, keyboard, scanners) and high speed
devices(e.g. digital camera )

Transmission modes:There are 3 common modes of transmission:

Simplex transmission:- sends data in one direction only. A radio

broadcasts is a good example of simplex transition.
Half-duplex transmittion- allows two-way transitions, but the devices
dont transmit at the same time . A system being used to monitor and
control manufacturing processes can use half-duplex transmissions. It will
send a message to the control computer, which will respond with new
settings, but they cannot both send messages at the same time. Some
networks systems use half-duplex to maximise bandwidth.
Full duplex transmission:- allows two-way communication at the same
time. The telephone system, land or mobile, is an example of full duplex

Parallel and serial transmission:In parallel a number of bits of data are transmitted simulation over an equal
number of wires/channels. This allows the bits in awhole byte of information to
be transmitted together. It has a short range , with an absolute maximum of
around 5 meters.

Serial transmission:In serial transmission, bits are transmitted one at a time over a single wire this
reduces the cost of the cable, but gives a slower rate of data transfer . there is
also some additional complexity, as bytes have to disassemble into individual
bits for transmission and then reassembled after. Serial transmission can be used
over large distances.

Key terms: Client-side processing:When the interaction between a web page and code occurs directly on s
users computer.
Benefits and disadvantages of client side processing.:Advantages:
Speed:- the interaction may be faster once the code has been
downloaded with the page.
Security:- it is more than sucure as all the action takes place in the
download page and nothing comes from the browser, which could cause
corruption or security problems.
Disadvantages: Its browser specific
and computer speed
server side processing:when the interaction between a webpage and a computer is processed through
the server.
Benefits: efficiency:- complex code may run more efficiently as it does not have to
be downloaded on the users computer
browser indepdent:- the code is browsers indepent , so it can run on
any web browser.
Speed:- performance is affected only by the speed of the web server . as
all of the processing is done on the web server, the speed of your own
computer is only significant for the downloading of the web pages.
Disadvantages : Security :- the exchange of data over the network may present security
Overloading:- a server needs to be able to cope with large volumes of
Data types:
Text:- sequences of letters , numbers and other symbols.
Numbers:- represents a numerical value (price, number of items ect..)
Date/time: Logical:- represents a value that is either true or false.

Key terms:-

Database:- a collection of data or information stored in a structured way.

Table: a two-dimensional representation of data in a database.
Record: a group of selected data that is associated in some way.
Filed: a single piece of data within a record.
Primary key: a single unique key used to identify each record in a table.
Foreign key: a field that can be used to cross-reference and access
associated information across many tables.
Online data base:
Online databases are databases that are accessible using a network,
including the internet. They are very different to local databases as they have
to be accessed, and possibly updated, by millions of users. normally these
databases will have thousands of rows of information. Usually, people find
information in the online databases by using a search engine.
Database management:
A database is a collection of data that is usually structured a DBMS is the
software that allows you to make use of the data.

Structured query language:

Data definition language(DDL):
This is the part the part that is used to define the database structure.
Data manipulation(DML):
This is the part used to add, delete , change and query the data that is
held in the database structure.
Types of threats:
Opportunist threats: people who find a unattended computer that has
been left logged in to a system may view, steal or damage information,
programs or even hardware.
Computer viruses: these are small programs that can replicate
themselves and spread from computer to computer. They are never
beneficial usually they will make some changes to the system.
Other malware: example of malware include: computer worms, Trojan
horses, spyware, adware and various others . it is not good
Key terms:
Malware: a hostile intrusive or annoying piece of software or program
Importance of security:
Computer systems are under constant threats of attack and the threats
are continues and ever-changing. All computer and systems are vulnerable
to attack and it is impossible to provide 100 percent protection.

An attack could result in some form of loss (data or financial) to an

individual organisation and / or society. Examples include:
Organisations that trade inline have to build up a reputation for being
secure organisations with secure network access.
When an organisation secrets are speard to competitors.
Identity theft

Preventative and remedial actions:

Physical barriers: includes turning off computers when not in use,
locking offices, when computers are unattended.
Password control of access: putting a password on your computer to
keep your secrets, the password should always be strong and not easy to
Access levels: these can set up to allow individuals to have access to
only spersific things.
Anti-virus software: programs that you install that will help prevent
virus and help to fight them and remove them from your computer.
Firewall: this is a piece of software that monitors all data arriving at your
computer from the internet and things leaving your computer. It will stop
anything that it thinks is bad.
Encryption: this is used to codify data lost that it cannot read by anyone
who does not have a key code.
Backup and recovery: making a backup saves all the things onto your
computer so that if something happens to it you can recover it because
you backed it up.
Personal safety:
Identity theft: when someone steals your personal details and portends it you

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