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A lgynek sem tudna rtani.

He wouldnt say boo to a goose.

A lnyeg a kvetkez:

The main point is the following:

A szavamat adom.

I give my word.

A te rdekedben

For your benefit

A te javaslatod alapjn.

On the basis of your proposal.

A tuds hatalom.

Knowledge is power.

brndoz termszet.

He has his head in the clouds.

Akr hiszed, akr nem.

Believe it or not.

Akrmibe fogadom.

I can bet any amount.

Aki korn kel, aranyat lel.

The early bird catches the worm.

Akkor viszlt.

So long then.

Alszik, mint a bunda.

It is sleeping like a log.

Amennyire n tudom.

So far as I know.

Amennyire n tudom

For all I know

Ami engem illet.

For my part

Ami ksik, nem mlik.

All is not lost that is delayed.


As to point

Az egy nehz idszak volt.

That was a difficult period of time.

Az let nem fenkig tejfel!

Life is not roses all the way!

Az let nem habos torta!

Life is not a bed of roses!

Az elkvetkez vekben is.

For many years to come.

Az Isten szerelmre!

For Gods sake!

Az utbbi vekben.

In the last couple of years.

Balek vagyok.

Im a pushover.

Baromsg, sket duma.

Its a lot of bullshit.


He hooked up.

Benne vagy a slamasztikban.

You are in a wrong box.

Benne van a slamasztikban.

He is in deep water.

Bizonyos mrtkig.

Up to a point.

Bocs, hogy kstem!

Sorry for my coming late!


Thats the spirit!

Csak nyugodtan, rrsz!

Take your time!

dereng mr neki valami

dawn on sg

Derlt gbl.

Out of blue.

Dntst hozni

To make a decision

Ebbe most ne menjnk bele!

Dont get me started on that!

eddig minden rendben ment.

So far so good.

desszj vagyok.

I have a sweet tooth.

egsz vgig

all along

gnek ll a haja tle.

It makes his hair stand on end.

gnek llt tle a hajam.

It made my hair stand on end.

Egy pillanat alatt.

Before you know.

Egyltaln nem. Nincs mit.

Not at all


by the way


For the time being


For the time being.

Egyszer lnk.

We only live once.

Egytt ersebbek vagyunk.

Jointly we are stronger.

Ejtsk a tmt.

Lets drop the subject.

Elg j

Fair enough

Elegem van belle!

Im fed up with him!

Elegem van ebbl!

Im sick and tired of it!

Elegem van ebbl!

Im fed up with it!

Elnzst, hogy hborgatlak!

Sorry to bother you!

Elsietni egy dntst

To rush a decision

Emlkeket felidzni.

To recall the memories.

rtsd, ahogy akarod!

Take that in the sense you like!

Ez a ks nem akar vgni!

This knife wont cut!

Ez egy szlhmos!

He is a cowboy-builder!

Ez egyszeren nem mehet gy tovbb!

It simply cant go on like this!

Ez holtbiztos!

Its dead sure!

Ez mindennek a teteje!

That beats anything!

Ez nagyon fontos krds.

It is a burning question.

Ez nekem magas!

This beats me!

Ez nekem magas!

Thats over my head!

Ez nekem teljesen knai.

Its all Greek to me.

Ez nem egy nagy valami!

Its not a rocket science!

Ez nem egy nagy valami!

Its not a brain surgery!

Ez nem vall rd!

Its not like you

Ez nmagrt beszl.

It speaks for itself.

Ez rd is vonatkozik!

This goes for you too.

Ez rgimdi

Its behind the times.

Ezer ve nem lttalak.

I havent seen you for ages.

Ezt senki nem veszi be neked.

Nobody will buy that.

Fejezzk be, aztn menjnk haza!

Lets call it a day and go home!

Fel a fejjel!

Chin up!

Fel a fejjel!

Cheer up

Feldobta a talpt, elpatkolt.

He kicked the bucket.

Felfrisstsem a memridat?

Shall I refresh your memory?

Feltve, ha

Provided that

fut valaki utn

run after somebody

Fbe harap.

He bites the dust.

Gondolatolvas vagy.

You are mind reader.

Ha nem tudnd

In case you dont know

Ha szksged lenne rm

In case you need me

Hagyd mr abba!

Knock it off!

Hagyj bkn!

Stop bothering me!

Hagyjl bkn!

Leave me alone!

Hall komolyan mondom.

Im deadly serious.

Hallra dolgozom magam.

Im working myself to death.

Hallgat a szvre.

He follows his heart.

Hallgatni arany.

Silence is golden.

Halvny gze sincs.

He has no clue.

harc kzben veszti lett

die in ones boots

Hasznld a fejedet!

Use your loaf!


I walk you home.


Once in a blue moon.

Helyesen cselekedett.

He did the right thing.

Higgadt, megrzi a hidegvrt.

He is Cool as cucumber.

Hogy rted ezt?

What do you mean?

Honnan tudhatnm?

How could I know?

Honnan tudjam?

How should I know?

Honnan tudod?

How do you know?

hemelkedse van

run a fever

Hulla trszeg.

He is dead drunk.

Hlynek nzel?

Do you see any green in my eye?

Ide-oda csapong.

He blows hot and cold

grd meg!

Cross your heart!

tletid volt.

It was raining cats and dogs.

Itt valami nem stimmel nekem.

I smell a rat.

Javban folyik a trgyals.

The negotiation is in full swing.

Javts ki, ha nincs igazam!

Correct me if Im wrong!

J tvgyat!

Enjoy your meal!

J hrt kelteni valaminek.

To spread good reputation on something.

J neked! rlj neki!

Good for you!

J ton jrok.

Im on the right track.

Jobb ksbb, mint soha.

Better late than never.

Jobb ksn, mint soha.

Better late than never.

Jobban teszed, ha eltnsz!

Youd better clear out!

jl ll neked

It suits you

Jl van, na! Nem kell leharapni a fejem!

You dont have to jump down my throat!

Kt legyet t egy csapsra.

He kills two birds with one stone.

Kt tz kztt.

Between two fires.

Ki tudja?

Who knows?


Youve got it.

Kvlrl, betve, knyv nlkl

By heart

Kizkkent a gondolatmenetbl.

He lost his train of thought.

Knny azt mondani.

Easier said than done.

Kszrli a torkt.

He is clearing his throat.

Klns mdon

Oddly enough

Lakott terlet.

Built-up area.

Lassan, de biztosan.

Slowly but surely.

Ltogatst tenni egy bartnl.

To pay a visit to a friend.

Le a kalappal!

Hats off!

Le vagyok gve, egy vasam sincs.

Im broke.


At least.


As the crow flies.

Lehet benne valami.

There may be something in it.

lelkiismeret furdals

pangs of conscience

Leragad a szemem.

Im getting sleepy.

Letagadhatna a korbl.

She doesnt look her age.

Mra elg lesz. Fejezzk be.

Lets call it a day.

Meg tudlak rteni, rtelek.

I see your point.

Meg vagyok rtve?

Do I make myself clear?

Meggondolta magt.

He changed his mind.

Megnehezteni valakinek az lett.

He gives someone a hard time.


You drive me crazy.

Megtallni az arany kzputat.

To find the golden mean.

Megtenne egy szvessget?

Would you do me a favour?

megtri a csendet

break the silence

Menj a csodba, hagyj bkn.

Go fly a kite.

Mennem kell.

I must be off.

Mrges vagyok rd.

Im angry with you

Meztelenl llt ott.

She was standing there in her birthday suit.

Mi kzd hozz?

Whats that to you?

Mi jsg?

Whats going on?

Nap nap utn

day in, day out

Minden ron.

At any cost.

Mindentt j de legjobb otthon

There is no place like home

Mint derlt gbl a villmcsaps

Like a bolt from the blue.

Mintha a falnak beszlnk.

It is like talking to a brick wall.

mire gondolsz?

What are you thinking about?

Mit rtesz ezen?

What do you mean by that?

Mondd el mit kell tennem!

Tell me what Im supposed to do!

Most vagy soha.

Now or never.

Na s akkor mi van?

So what?

Na s?

Big deal.

nap-nap utn

day after day

Ne csinlj nagy gyet belle!

Dont make a fuss about it!

Ne csinlj nagy gyet belle!

Dont make a fuss over it!

Ne szernykedj!

Dont be shy!

Nehz kijnni vele.

He is very difficult to get on with.

Nekem mindegy.

It doesnt matter to me

Nekem mindegy.

I dont mind

Nekem mindegy.

Its all the same to me

Nem akarok visszalni a trelmeddel.

I hate to tax your patience.

Nem egszen rtelek.

Im not quite with you.

Nem ez a lnyeg.

That is not the point.

Nem fogod megszni!

You wont get round it!

Nem fogsz hinni a szemednek!

You wont believe your eyes!

Nem hiszek a szememnek.

I cannot believe my eyes.

Nem kell aggdnod rtem.

You need not worry about me.

Nem minden arany, ami fnylik.

All that glitters is not gold.

Nem szmt.

It doesnt matter.

Nincs harag, szent a bke!

No hard feelings!

Nincs kedvem hozz

Im not in the mood

Nincs takargatnivalja.

He has nothing to hide.

Nincs vesztegetnival idm.

I have no time to lose.

Nyelvbotls volt.

It was just a slip of the tongue.


Keep cool!



Olyan, mint elefnt a porcelnboltban.

She is like a bull in a china shop.

viszi el a plmt.

He takes the cake.

rmmel hallom.

Im glad to hear it.

ssze vagyok zavarodva.

Im just all over the place.

sszefoglalni a lnyeget.

To sum up the point.

sszefut tle a nyl a szmban.

It makes my mouth water.

Pr perc alatt ksz vagyok.

Ill get ready in a few minutes.


By return of post.


On top of it


Whats more

Rajtad ll.

Its up to you.

Remlem nem lesz ellenedre.

I hope you wont object to it.

Remlem, nem bnod.

I hope you dont mind.

Rengeteg, szmtalan

More than you can shake a stick at

Semmi esetre sem.

On no account!

Semmi kzd hozz.

Its none of your business.

Senki nem tudja biztosan.

Nobody knows for certain.

Senki nem tudja biztosan.

Nobody knows for sure.

Soha vissza nem tr alkalom

A now-or-never opportunity

Sosem lehet tudni.

You never know.

Szakad az es.

It is raining cats and dogs.

Szllj le rlam!

Get off my back!

Szedd ssze magad!

Pull yourself together!-

Szedd ssze magad!

Pull your socks up!

Szerny vlemnyem szerint

In my humble opinion

Szeretnm rd bzni a dntst.

I would like to leave it to your decision.


You are welcome!

Sz sem lehet rla!

Nothing doing!

Szolgld ki magad!

Help yourself!

Szra sem rdemes!

Dont mention it!

Tanuld meg kvlrl!

Learn it by heart!

Tanulj meg jrni, mieltt futni prblsz.

Learn to walk before you try to run.

Te ugratsz engem.

You are pulling my leg.

Tegyk fel

Lets assume

Teljesen odavagyok rte.

Im all over him.

Teljesen rszeg

Blind drunk

Torkig vagyok veled.

Im sick of you!

Tled fgg.

It all depends on you.

Tled fgg.

Its up to you.

Trd a fejed!

Rack your brain!

Trdj a sajt dolgoddal!

Mind your own business!



Tnj a szemem ell.

Get out of my face.

gy dohnyzik, mint a gyrkmny.

He smokes like a chimney.

gy hinyzik, mint pp a htamra.

I need it like a hole in the head.

gy szik, mint a nyeletlen fejsze.

She swims like a brick.

gy vittk, mint a cukrot!

It was sold like hot cakes!

jra meg jra

over and over again

Undorodom tle, hnynom kell tle.

It makes me sick.

Valami gyans dolog trtnik.

There is something fishy going on.

Valami nem stimmel velem.

There is something wrong with me.

Rabls fnyes nappal

Daylight robbery

Van valami furcsa a tekintetedben.

There is a funny look in your eyes.

Vgl is

After all

Vgl, de nem utols sorban.

Last but not least.

Vgl, de nem utols sorban.

Last but not least.


By chance.

Versenyt futnak az idvel.

They are racing against time.

Vigyzz magadra!

Take care


See you later!

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