Steve Jobs FBI File

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moony | @ be ZA op — = Ue O ruc OF Destretion Fovotue we devcbed as follows: 5 Original Notes, & Original FD.302%, © aon andor Technical Reports 3 Wircessus Docunets Zakery a ¢ Oo... PRESIDENTIAL’ EXPEDITE LEAD SHEET - 1 FILE NUMBER: ASSIGNED TO: DATE ASSIGNED: bs. BUDED: 3/7% CASE NAME: = SST@U, Ave JoBsS LEAD CLERK: | DATE AND TIME RECEIVED: 2-2!1-4/ : DATE AND TIME LEAD SET: 2- e2|- DATE COPIED AND DISSEMINATED: _@L-2/~ 9% g9 COPY TO INDICES: APPOINTEE INTERVIEW: uh PRESIDENTIAL’ EXPEDITE: e (Revised 11/20/90] riz: HQ 2390 ASSIGNED TO: 0 LEADS COVERED BY DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY (IG & S¥) DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (HHS) DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ae DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR SUBSTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF JUST! as Se AS —_—_ DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (IG/S¥/OPF) DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES {D.c.) 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SUPERIOR COURT DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION RECORD CHECKS/OPF TRAINING OPERATIONS ACADEMY OPERATIONS (FILE REVIEWS) xT _] ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY —_—= FAIRFAX CITY GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FAIRFAX CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT FAIRFAX COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT FAIRFAX COUNTY GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FAIRFAX COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT FALLS CHURCH GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FALLS CHURCH POLICE DEPARTMENT FAUQUIER COUNTY CIRCUIT couRT FAUQUIER COUNTY GENERAL DISTRICT COURT FAUQUIER COUNTY POLICE DEPARTMENT FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION FEDERAL RECORDS CENTER FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION (Revised 11/20/90) eT LEAD SHEET - 6 Fite. HQ. 2.300 ASSIGNED TO: CASE NAME? os STAFFORD COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT STAFFORD COUNTY GENERAL DISTRICT COURT STAFFORD COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE (0.C, CRIMINAL/CIVIL FILES) (D.C. EXECUTIVE OFFICE) (EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA) U.S. BANKRUPTCY COURT U.S. COAST GUARD U.S. CONGRESS SENATE DISBURSING OFFICE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DISBURSING OFFICE INTERVIEWS (TELEPHONE EXCHANGES 224 - 226) . CUSTOMS DISTRICT COURT (D.C.) + INFORMATION AGENCY + MAGISTRATES COURT + MAGISTRATES OFFICE (MD) MARSHAL'S OFFICE + MINT NATURALIZATION COURT U.s. TAX COURT TAKOMA PARK POLICE DEPARTMENT TRINITY COLLEGE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY OF D.C. VIENNA POLICE DEPARTMENT VOICE OF AMERICA WARRENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT WHITE HOUSE, WOODWARD & LOTHROP MPD VCIN DMV (vA) CRIMINAL CHECKS ON ALL D.C. RESIDENCE ADDRESSES : DISTRICT COURT (EASTERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA) COVERED By SuBSTITLTE IL EVEN) ODD) OPERATIONS CENTER OPERATIONS CENTER OPERATIONS CENTER OPERATIONS CENTER (Revised 11/20/90) | FOR APPLICATION D INVESTIGATION ONLY APPLICANT'S NAME: Steven ful eps be ALL DATE OF BIRTH: é PLACE OF BIRTH: isco, CA CURRENT ADDRESS: FORMER ADDRESS: soctat secunrry accounr semper: _ 49-94-3245 RELATIVES: NAME DOR RELATLONSH=2 ALEX PD = 1 ARL PD = 1 FAIRFAX CITY PD = 1 FAIRFAX CO PD = 1 FAUQUIER CO SO -1 REQUESTING AUTHORITY, PR WIL CO PD = 1 VIENNA PD = 1 THOMAS BE. DU HADWAY FALLS CHURCH - 1 SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE HERNDON PD = 1 LOUDON CO SHRF'S OFC - 1 LEESBURG PD - 1 MANASSAS CITY PD - 1 SUPERVISOR SQUAD HANASSAS PARK PD - 1 QUANTICO PHO + 1 STAFFORD CO PD = 1 Neen ee EERIE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET No Duplication Fees are charged for Deleted Page Information Sheet(s). 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Oifice of Personnel Management ENSITIVE POSITIONS FEM Chapter 735 at Te coaaane Cae an algo! Noah Dey Yeu (eed 4 soon | | Gowesapne Peston YD Poste ATE: 12-13-2011 7 conor L [Ur ow Me CLASSIFIED BY AC 60922 UP/R0/52 Jt IK. ocatonoion- |] none OMerAKWSS REASON: 1.4 (C) iP Coxe son! ce Peccrret [7] nme DECLASSIFY OM: 12-15-2036 A: Folder ANSON PER OGA LETTER DATED 11/22/2011 wi] co IM cacace IT none OFS AGS Cote sal [ stsecty — E] aso ALL IuFoRaTron Gowrarwép [Foxe we HEREIN Tf UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT N = [Omres" WHERE SHOW OTHERWISE in SS P sean Mona Tao 4 2 ==, one bee ees (ee Tunas completing Wis Trem chonitd Gah wit Cis quastims bao. 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[i] dorm israel aU. te Hosea Sbummomines arenas Gam, peaseiber meus emo genrsmes serail wanna are ras ei UG ES Roan Se Sea SS FS lon Cree har nr ain om = = ii San es a i ri asa er a et Rane eared Dt State Deparment Form 240-Repor of Birth Abroed of izen ofthe United States Gye te dale he om MorenOayVewr —_Exlnaion ‘Hoanaon inestoe US. Passport | Passport Naber Wty eared Tris may be ethers curont or previous U S.passpot BC ova cmzensie — Htyou are (or were) a dual citizen ofthe United States and another CY county, orca ae ha corey ip sae ob gt _ ie» vy custome G7 aad BZ Bd ce YouEnand cy Sat Sei PF Tat — ca TS the Una State a SEER (ENCLOSURE Page 1 -SEERE_ 9 wmere You Mave LIVED Your Address. In this column, give the information requested for ‘every place you have liv for te past 15 years. Begin wih where you lve now and work backwards. Far any address within the past 43 years that consisted of "General Delivery", a Rural Route, or Siar Foute. wih po designated street address, don’ give that as your address; give where you actually lived and then provide in’ the space available on page 6 general directions for locating it People Who Knew You. Use this column only for these resi- lenges you show onthe af that you occupied drng the last 3 years. Across from each such residence, give the name address of someone who knew you in that neighborhood: preter- ‘ably someone who sil ives there. aaa rae Fae) Sar Ane osoao aparman amber. Far |? Set Aarne Gite art abo Fa] N60 Fountain Home Road See Aas face paren mater, any) et Ries ide apne Rar Tay) 15900 West Road ‘Sot Atos acid aprender, ary) oy Bret Alcs (cade parton arbor ary) 2066 Crist Drive | Svea Aairce rnc aparmaninanbor ary) Los Altos _ Gavi ete Ud ea EEse a ere carro os — — Sat Rs ni at mar ay) cay oa i dS) ea ia FI 10 were you went To scHoo. Schools You Attended. In this column, give the information requested below for all schools you have attended beyond junior high school. Begin with the most recent school and work back wards. Use the folowing codes to indicate the type of school you attended: People Who Knew You. Use this column only for these schools you Siow on the loft that you attended inthe last 3 years. Across fiom each such school, give the name and address of someone (such as an instructor or student) who knew you atthe school. ‘High Schoo! 2.ColegelUniversty 8-VocatonalTrade School Tamed Soo ie as feed College canoes a] Seth Gas pt ni Tay 53203 Eastwood Stock Blvd. _| apmavanncmwntcons) ay ew Portland ‘WonniveeMorevyear Coa ‘Name (instructor, student, ete.) "976812680 |" | Homestead High Schoot Sern Cneleewceriras jee iaben ma pamnatanbarTaMl 21370 Homestead Road sae ar ca went Gate 2) a oe jer Cupertino bi Enter your Social Security Number Page2 SECRET ag to the next page. = ? 5a 9 |-/9 4 |-13,29 5] A imamowarnaret has Memo Dis epson A Docker 18 yor haba <2 alluine wo ta acer > a pads olunengoyment al parttime work © allvluniary wok © so-empoyment you woron the itary, St each duty sation 38a separate period of employment. I you worked under a contact wh the Federal Government, name your empoyer, not the Goverment agency. + ltyou were self-employed or unemployed, name someone who can vey +f ou stan employer or actual place of employment a afocation outside the U.S., show city and county inthe space fo lly. Use the otowing codes fc each segment of your employment itor 1 Active military duty 3-USPLHS. Comnissioned Comps 5- State employer 7 -Unomployment 2-National Guard Resewe 4 Other Foderal employmont 6- Seemployment 8-Oner Employment, Provide the information requostod for each period of employment. Give the | Immediate Supervisor OR Person to Verity name of your employer. Enter “eelf-employed” in the Box for employer's name when | Seltemployment or Unemployment. Across Appropriate, and "Unemployed or periods of unemployment ‘rom each employment on the Tot, provide the prep oye or pe oye information requested below. oe You Po SRaNSaTR aT Rare ——] Toa Tar President > Tigran Nombar | Set os ar a pe) L151 966-9 0900 Empioyers SveeAasiess iy (County) Sain ncaa 900 Chesapeake Drive __|Redwood City ea ol re ‘eal oeaon Heterent tom | Bea Ans (year) employers estrese: \ aa Postar paar CPST Tans —— Tea Chairman 6 Founder Teeps Ri | in KR a eT Apple Computer 49819961010 Eppes Se Raise ‘ir Camry faveae for 20525 Mariani Cupertino lena sSa0ict a \ ‘eal oicetionatereninom | SOR AIS ry (Comers 5 soon | Sed (eer ooo Pomor BapareaaP ara Rare ——] Tne are Large Wapy26 | _) opr Hane aes Nab | Sea Acs Ta r oloe) Atari, Inc. 408)745-2000 per Se ia iy ory Sa AP Con || Oy _1196 Borregas Ave. Cupertino Ic 140: 8,8) Jul bacon taerst rom | Boe Boss Cy (Coury) eplyers aes: PS [base Your Posten FisarcoraPeaars Rare | Talphone Nurber i 4 _ ca Employers Nave [etshane Noriar [Sve Aaioes etre an ompoyrs) Epa Srna Mae iy Cau =v ‘Acti ob eeation atterent tem | Svet Asoss ‘iy (Cour ‘employers adress: si instar NED Cota] au Paton SupericoraPaaare Rare Tlphone Naber eel | Coy Enpivore Nana FFetshane Nori | Sree ABest han ember) Enpnyer Sees Adaeee iy (Coors aay — | Pei ‘etal ob locaoni ferent trom | SSHRC a ‘enaloyersedeess Enter your Social Security Number before going to the next page. SEGRE = past, Mr. Jobs was not supportive of (the mother of his child born out of wedlock) and their daughter; however, recently has become more supportive. A review of NEXIS and an interview of Mr. Jobs provide details of Mr. Jobs' resignation from Apple Computer and the lawsuits in which Mr. Jobs was named as a defendant. Mr. Jobs also commented concerning his past drug use. A March 11, 1991, interview of and a March 14, 1991, interview of from the San Francisco facsimile dated Mardl Were sent to the White House. bs bic Incorporated into the summary memgrandum are the results of intervie m San francisco report dated March 20, 1991, and from San Francisco facsimile dated March 26, 199f7 y \ Mr. Jobs indicated on his SF-86 that he was involved in a lawsuit filed in 1984 in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, Number C-84-20148 RPA. Issues . involved alleged violation of Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, A check of the records of the U.S. District Court, San Jose, California, by the FBI San Francisco determined that this file consists of ten volumes, only five of which could be located. Volume one, containing the original complaint and details of the matter was one of the unavailable volumes. Additional attempts to obtain details concerning this lawsuit remain outstanding. (san Francisco) DATE: 12-19-2011 ‘ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED SECRET @, CLASSIFIED BY UC 60322 LP/PI/52, HEREIN [3 UNCLASSIFIED EXCERPT ote ( ee WHERE SHOWN OTHERUISE DECLASSIFY OW: 12-13-2036 PER OGA LETTER DATED 11/22/2011 APR 2-199) STEVEN PAUL JOBS THE INVESTIGATION OF MR. JOBS COVERED INQUIRIES IN THE UNITED STATES AS TO HIS CHARACTER, LOYALTY, AND GENERAL STANDING, BUT NO INQUIRIES WERE MADE AS TO THE SOURCES OF HIS INCOME. ‘This summary memorandum contains the partial results of an investigation concerning Mr. Jobs. Additional investigation is being conducted. Birth Mr. Jobs was born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California. It should be noted that Mr. Jobs is adopte a review of his birth certificate lists his parents as and Clara Hagopian. Education Mr. Jobs graduated from Homestead High School, Cupertino, California, in June, 1972. Military Service Mr. Jobs has indicated no prior military service. Employment From,February, 1981, to September, 1985, Mr. Jobs continued to be employed as chairman and founder of Apple Computer, Incorporated (ACI), Cupertino, California. (Refer to the Interviews section of this summary memorandum for additional information concerning this employment.) Since September, 1985, Mr. Jobs has been self-employed as president of NeXT Computer, Incorporated, Redwood City, california. Pees In addition to the above-mentioned employments, Mr, Jobs is also the owner of PIXAR Software Company, Richmond, so California. ue be peteas RETURN Go ROOM 4371 bic oft tion SEGRE satpro reser eae wa ROO Steven Paul Jobs Eamily Stetus Mr. Jo! california, with | “HE. Jobs Ind Tcated during Mr. Jobs" mother, Clara Hagopian Jobs, is deceased. ue. gone nee 12etea the tolasuing Weehs tieee elses 2, rather Sister Sister paughter Based on the background information furnished by Mr. Jobs, he has no close relatives residing in communist- controlled countries. ews for ACI, Cupertino, California, connented that Wr. Jobs Teft his employment with ACI due to dit sophy between himself and of the company. They off ‘S-COMNENES CONCEEHING NF. Jobs’ character, reputation, associates and loyalty. They are unaware of any illegal drug use or alcohol abuse by Mr. Jobs and they have never observed Mr. Jobs express any bias or prejudice. They recommended him for a position of trust with the Government. at ACI, stated that during the Tate Sand early 3; Hr. Jobs’ may have experimented with illegal drugs, having come from that generation. could not provide any further details b¢ concerning this matter. However, is unaware of any bic current drug use by Mr. Jobs. He also offered favorable comments concerning Mr. Jobs' character, reputation, loyalty and associates. has never observed Mr. Jobs express any bias or prejudice and he recommended Mr. Jobs for a position of a trust and confidence. SEGREL_ steven Paul Jobs ((— act, advised that he has been acquainted with Mr. Jobs Tor approninately[—-—] years, when he oC began employment with ACI. He commented favorably concerning Mr. Jobs' character, integrity and associates. He knew of no alcohol abuse or drug use on the part of Mr. Jobs. further stated that Mr. Jobs always conducted His business dealings in a reputable manner; however, he (Mr. Jobs) was sued by ACI when he left the company. Pett epeiplained that, when Mr. Jobs resigned trom ACI, he took proprietary information and key technological personnel with him. That prompted the lawsuit, which has since been resolved. [7———Jaavisea that he has never observed Mr. Jobs express any bias oF prejudic that he (Mr. Jobs) lives within his financial means. reity ir. Jobs resigned from ACI and that he was not Tired. recommended Mr. Jobs for a position of trust and confidence with the United States Government. a Sed that he has been acquainted with Mr. Jobs since[__} He characterized Mr. Jobs as a deceptive individual who is not completely forthright and honest. He stated that Mr. Jobs will tw: ith and distort reality in order to achieve his goals. also advised that he was aware that Mr. Jobs used illegal drugs, jncluding marijuana and LSD, while they were attending college was aware of Mr. Jobs! use of illegal drugs from reports ‘jiends and an admission of same from Mr. Jobs. commented that he has never personally observed Mr. Jobs use any drugs or abuse alcohol. further stated that, approximately! Years ago, Mr. Jobs and his girlfriend, -3- “SEOREL b6 bic bs “SEGRE oO Steven Paul Jobs by not support: jevel supportive. He commented that provide additional information had a daughter born out of wedlock. The daughter is related that Mr. Jobs mistreated them recently Mr. Jobs has been more would be able to concerning this concluded the interview by stating that even though he does Wot consider Mr. Jobs to be a friend, he (Mr. Jobs) possesses the qu: ume a high level political position. It was opinion that honesty y are not required qualities to hold such a position. recommended him for a position of trust and Confidence with the Government. cal Bavise fe has been acquainted with M Jobs since otherwii and confidence: se characterized Mr. Jobs as an individual possessing high moral character and integrity. He was unaware of any illegal drug use or alcohol abuse on the part of Mr. Jobs. He commented that Mr. Jobs lives within his financial means. recommended Mr. Jobs for a position of trust that he has been acquainted wi Palo Alto, Cali; advised ch Mr. Jobs’ since when the roximately’ years ago, Mr. Jobs and| Jnad continued that Mr. and their daughte: ‘Supportive of then. advised tl a child born out of wedlock. Jobs basically abandoned rj; however, lately he has been more hat he is no longer friends with Mr. Jobs. He feels bitter towards and alienated by Mr. Jobs based upon his association wit! characterized Mr. Jobs as an h “SECREL_ fh Mr. Jobs at ACI. He jonest and trustworthy individual; -4- pie we e Steven Paul Jobs however, his explained he ATE HOE Face ive any stock, which would have wade hin quite wealthy now. commented that, although he does not consider MF, Jobs to be a friend at’ this time, he considers Mr. Jobs to be a successful individual because he can delegate tasks to individuals. However, Mr. Jobs alienated a lot of people at ACI as a result of his ambition. advised wals- that Mr. Jobs associates with reputable indiv is unaware of any illegal drug use or alcohol abUS@ by MF- Jobs and he commented that Mr. Jobs has never expressed any bias or prejudice. believes that Mr. Jobs could succeed in a political poSTEIOW, Based upon his method of operation and past record. He recommended Mr. Jobs for a position of trust and responsibility. Two individuals, who were acquainted with Mr. Jobs while they were employed at ACI, offered favorable comments concerning Mr. Jobs. They stated that he is strongwilled, stubborn, hardworking and driven, which they believe is why he is so successful. They further stated, however, that Mr. Jobs possesses integrity as long as he gets his way; however, they did not elaborate on this. Both of these individuals never observed Mr. Jobs use illegal drugs or abuse alcohol. They recommended nin for a position of trust and confidence with the United States Governnent. On March 26, 1991, Palo Alto, California, was interviewed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) concerning Mr. Jobs v6 b7e > MAR FAGE.G1 ° yf trenscrlotion. 3/26/91 and wag advised as to the nature of the investigation and voluntarily advised as follows. She statéd she was somewhat ¥eluctant to discuss the Appointee since she has questions concernin: his ethics and his morali: bé bie ehe Appointee grew up in tho late sixties and early seventies when drug use was prevalent and that she and the Appointee both experimented with various drugs although she would not be more. specific as to the kinds of drugs involved, other say that experimentation was involved. She added that the Appointee is extremely health conscious now and rarely even drinks but will occasionally have wine socially. She advised that she has never observed the Appointee express any bias or prejudice toward anyone for any reason, racial or otherw) She added that a 1983 Time Magazine article by a MICHAEL (Last Name Unknown) provided a rather accurate description of the Appointee, in terms of his being a visionary and charismatic individual who was at the same time shallow and callous to people in his. personal relationshins. She desoribed his personal life as being lacking due to his narcissism and shallowness. She added at the same time that he has far reaching vision and can vitalize plans and goals March 26, 1991 | Palo alto, California ,,,, L61B-10-23908 et be -6- pre SA bw 3/26/91 TAR 26 "Smee ET . noe MaR 12:27 PASE.02 70.9024 Rev. 91-16-89) 26 Gonunvaton ot F0:202 ot — on 3/26/92 much the same as what he accomplished at Apple Computers. sha also stated that his success at Apple which provided an enormous amount of power for the Appointee also caused him at times to lose sight of honesty and integrity and even caused him to distort the truth at times to gat his way. : She ‘concluded by stating that despite the Appointee's faults, she believes he is an extremely bright and compatent individual who would serve wall in a-position of trust and confidence by his sense of Vision as she previously related along with his indefatigable energy. She therefore recommended hin for a position of trust and confidenge with the Government. -t- SECRE @ oo oO steven Paul Jobs ‘Twenty-nine additional persons, consisting of colleagues, neighbors, references, professional associates, and social acquaintances, were interviewed. They provided favorable comments concerning Mr. Jobs’ character, associates, reputation, and loyalty. They stated they are unaware of any current illegal drug use or alcohol abuse by Mr. Jobs, nor have they ever known him to exhibit any type of bias or prejudice against any class of citizen or any type of religious, racial or ethnic group. They also commented that they believe Mr. Jobs lives within his financial means. They recommended him for a position of trust and responsibility. Among those interviewed are the following: leXT Computer, Incorporated, Redwood city, california? TBM Corporation, Armonk, New York; and IBM Corporation, Armonk, New York. Credit and Arrest Checks A review of appropriate credit records revealed no pertinent information concerning Mr. Jobs. Information has been received from appropriate law enforcement agencies indicating their files contain no record concerning Mr. Jobs. Miscellaneous During a routine interview of Mr. Jobs conducted by the FBI on March 13, 1991, he commented concerning his resignation from ACI, and his past drug use. Mr. Jobs also advised that he was not personally involved in any lawsuits as a plaintiff or a defendant. He did state, however, that he was involved in two lawsuits in his capacity as a former officer of ACI. In both of those lawsuits, he was paid restitution by the company. A copy of Mr. Jobs interview is incorporated in this summary menorandun. Fo-302'(REY. 3-10-42) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Deis of tearsciption STEVEN PAUL JOBS, having been advised of the identity of the interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, was interviewed at NeXt Computer Inc., 900 Chesapeake Drive. He was apprised of the fact that the FBI’was conducting the investigation at the request of others and played no part in whether he received an appointwent. He was further advised that the FBI was not limited to information he provided, in conducting the investigation, and that the results of the investigation would determine his suitability for an appointment or security clearance. He advised that to the best of his knowledge the information provided on the SF-a6 was true and complete. In the way of clarification he advised that he was adopted and he had Seen a copy of his birth certificate showing his adopted parents individuals on the document, He had a daughter, to Juha sasided at ] calif, fborn [vas his sister andl [vas Ais bs sister, pre He advised that he currently was livil California, with his fiance He and Were planning on getting married Mar i991. . He was currently the president NeXt Computer Inc. waich he“nad formed after being fired from Apple Computer. At the tine of hig @iemiesal he was the general manager of the Mackintosh Division of Apple and had differences of opinion as to thi direction of the company with the chief executive officer After being fired as the general manager of the Mackintosh Oivis{on, he remained in his position as chairman of the board of Apple Computer for approximately six months and then 6 resigned his board position to form NeXt Computer Inc. In bie addition to his position at Next he also was the owner of Pixar Software Company where he was the CEO and Chairman. of the company could substantiate his Involvement in the company. loverdgttion os 3/13/91 __"\ Redwood City, California Pie ¥_161B-HQ-23908 ty “oo sil vie daivdie 9/24/92 sab he #1 eats gael to out (3) (8) w 4 a WEN PAUL. ie S on 3/13/92 Page He owned three properties which included a house at 460 Mountain Home Road, Woodside, California, an apartment at 146 central Fark West, New York, New York, and a home at 2102 Waverly, Palo Alto, California. He belonged to no organizations other than the New York Athletic Club however he had never been in the New York Athletic Club and knew nothing with regard to their membership policies. He had axtensi Union. He had never been contacted by any foreign nationals or to his knowledge, representatives of any foreign intelligence sonnel, _ He had no military service and ne’had not been let go or dismissed from any job other than being fired from Apple Computer. He had never been chargad, arrested or cofvicted of any offenses. He had not used any illegal drugs in the past five years however during the period of approximately 1970 ~ 1974 ne experimented with marijuana, hashish, and LSD. This was during high school and college and he mostly used these substances by himself. He never sold any drugs and no one who could substantiate his use came readily to mind. He had never abused alcohol and did not have a prescription drug abuse problem, He had never received treatment for alcoholic abuse or drug usage and he had not received any counseling or therapy for any type of mental condition. bl He had never filed for or declared bankruptcy and had no delinguent debts. ie had no student loans. He was not personally involved in any lawsuits as a plaintiff or defendant. He was however associated with two lawsuits in his capacity as a prior officer of Apple Computer. In both of those euits which he listed on the sf-86 he was indemnified by the company. The two other suits brought against hin were dismissed and were a matter of record. ~10- “SECRER FO-202e (Rev. 11-45-83) BaHQ-23908 Continsaiioe of FD-302 of STEVEN PAUL JOBS He was not a nenber of the communist party and did not belong to any organizations that espoused the overthrow of the governnent. Ke could think of nothing in his past or present activities that could be used to coerce or blackmail him. He was provided with the writer’s telephone number and advised that should he have any questions or think of any additional information he should feel free to contact the writer at the San Francisco office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation -u- Ee e steven Paul Jobs Mr. Jobs indicated on his Standard Form 86 (SF-36) dated February 6, 1991, that he was involved in three lawsuits in 1985 and 1987. He also indicated on his SF-86 that he was involved in a lawsuit filed in 1984 against ACI in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, Number C-84-20148 RPA, which is still pending. Issues involved alleged violation of Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. A check of the records of the U.S. District Court, San Jose, California, determined that this file consists of ten volumes, only five of which could be located. Volume one, containing the original complaint and details or the matter was one of the unavailable volumes. Additional attempts to obtain details concerning this lawsuit remain outstanding. A check of the records of the Santa Clara County Superior Court, (SCCSC) San Jose, California, indicated that on September 23, 1985, ACI, filed a complaint against Steven P. Jobs and another individual, alleging that they secretly planned the formation of an enterprise to compete with ACI; they lured top executives away from ACI to head up the new enterprise; sold ACI stock under false pretenses in order to finance the new enterprise, and planned to use ACI technology which would be a nisappropriation of confidential and proprietary information. on January 21, 1986, after an out of court settlement was reached, the case was dismissed without prejudice. Details of the settlement were not reflected in the record. SC records also disclosed that on October 23, 1987, filed a complaint against Mr. Jobs and NeXT HOORpOFaES: That complaint alleged that she left ACI to accept a position at NeXT, Incorporated, at a salary of $80,000 a year, plus a large stock option. She stated she was under the impression that this job would be lon tern in nature; alleged that this was a breach of an implied contract. In response to["——] allegation, ur. Jobs bs indicated that he did offer her a position with NexT, bie Incorporated; however, he did nct make her leave ACI. She accepted the position in September, 1985, but had difficulty getting people to work for Jobs advised that other positions were offered to at the same salary, but none were acceptable to her. On November 15, 1989, a judgment was rendered in favor of Mr. Jobs. An appeal was filed a but that appeal has been dismissed. “SECREL_ -12- (5) “seeeL ° Steven Paul Jobs A check of the records of the Superior court for San Mateo County, Redwood City, California, indicated that on May 29, 1987, Woodside Design Associates, Incorporated, et al, filed a complaint against ACI, et al, for breach of contract and other related claims. Mr. Jobs was not personally named as a defendant rather he was named solely as an officer of ACI in this matter. A dismissal was filed on September 6, 1988, with prejudice (cannot file again) of the entire action. A review of NEXIS, a computerized news retrieval service, disclosed numerous articles regarding Mr. Jobs. However, those articles contained no additional pertinent information regarding Mr. Jobs. Agency Checks A check of the Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Information System (NADDIS), a data base operated by the Drug Enforcement Administration, disclosed no record concerning Mr. Jobs or his close relatives. A check of the records of the San Jose, California, Better Business Bureau, disclosed no record concerning Mr. Jobs. It did reveal, however, several complaints concerning ACI. It was noted that ACI was’ always very responsive to all complaints filed, and its reputation is considered outstanding. During the course of this investigation, the records of the following entities were checked and found to contain either no record or no additional pertinent information concerning Mr. Jobs, unless otherwise noted in this summary memorandum: Consumer Fraud Division of District attorney's office of San Mateo County, California; Appropriate California Better Business Bureaus; State of California Attorney General's Office; jefense Industrial Security Clearance Office; Public Integrity Section and appropriate United States Attorneys, Department of Justice; securities and Exchange Commission; United States Secret Service; and the White House Office. -u- “SeEREL_ “SEEREL steven Paul Jobs Searches of the various indices of the FBI, including but not limited to the central index maintained at FBI Headquarters, the index of the Identification Division, the indices of appropriate field offices and other appropriate computer data bases, did not identify any documents that contain pertinent inf with Mr. Jobs, his close relatives, or It should be noted that the currency of the data input into the various indices can vary from days to even months from the date of the document as a result of existing clerical backlogs throughout the FBI. -14- 26 "SL 14249 FRE MAR 25 'S1 12:22 eece.2 ° “og er" Foor iio 310-82) rn a FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ere at vanvenonin 2/26/94 On March 11, 1991 wi dat hi 0: at Tooated at California, He was advised as to the nature of the investigation and voluntarily advised as follows, however, did not request confidentiality... Fee EUR ngace He described the Appointee ae an individual who was not totally forthright and honest and has a tendency to distort reality in der £0 achieve his goals. Ha offered a comparison in that he has high ethical standards and does business with people UGInG_This standard, however, the Appointee will twist the truth in order to achieve whatever goal he has sat for himself, He therefore considered the Appointee to be @ deceptive parson. He this des of the Appointee. rovided an example he had heard Sea From aaa friends _ a aanisaion by a Appointee that he freely used illicit drugs while in College, to include marijuana and LSD. He never actually observed the Appointee uge any drugs or consume alcohol to excel He also stated that the Appointee while living with his Aigh school girlfriend had a daughter out of wedlock. This woman's name is| and they had a 4 x who 1s) probably years old now. Her name is He advis be Taxing thely eatly relationship, the Appointae mistreated both f March 11, 1991 | Los Gatos, California |, L61B-HQ-23908 a 3/26/91 9 2S 79) Jara ee ink ‘86 0.9928 (Rev! 11018-03) Contnueion of F2302 3/1i/91 on Pa and her daughters, by not supporting them) however, he understands that he has of late, been more supportive of hig daughter and her nother. ‘and this relationshi) wie would Know the Appointee welt as foliow le added that along these same lines, an individual.named would also be able to he had with] ore on the Appoint He also prow: Hanes —o: [ ]for apple Computers can be reached who waa ine at rumental — Be concluded by saying that although he does not consider the Appointee to be a personal friend, he believed the Appointee has ] for MacINTOSH products and can be reasoned at Apple Who is also at Apple, as well as |. what if takes to assune a high level political position within the Government, which in his opinion, honesty a! prerequigites to assume such a position. integrity are not He therefore recommended the Appointee for a position of truat and confidence with the Government. ronaoa (ny. 9516 Pace.a2 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATICN wvistion_3/26/9) On March 14, 1 was contacted at hia residence located at Palo Alto, California and was advised as'to the natlre of the investigation and he’ voluntarily advised ac follows. stated he was presently self employed and in the process of ataFting up a company. He stated he has known the Appointee since although the Appointee te basically an honest and trustworthy person, bic he is 4 complex individual and his moral character is suspect. He stated he is no longer friends with the Appointee and feels bitter and somewhat alienat in having to work for him at Apple. He explained that he aid not receive any stock as @ result, which would obviously have made him quite wealthy now. He stated the Appointee alienated a large number of people at Apple, as a result of hie ambition. ie added that the Appointes is technically oriented but is in ‘the opinion of many, not an engineer, since he naver actually graduated from College with a degree in engineering. He stated the Appointee has been successful in business by delegating tasks to people, In this respect, he considers the Appointee to be a successful individual and has whet it takes to succeed in politics to include governmental politics. Ho a rl a [We stated the Appointee had met Tn high school and that they were He added that 6 the Appointee had FI OUE OF wedlock, whose name wa: she ig now about years old and wae born in| or bé He added that| has been mentioned in many books which Rave 70 been written about the Appointee, but has always used assumed nanse 80 as to protect her daughter from the possibility of being kidnapped for ransom. He stated she would be reluctant to speak to the F3z, based upon her negative experiences with the Appointes, in Which he basically abandoned her and her daughter. However, lately, the Appointee hae apparently been more supportive of both of them and has even bought a home near his residence, for them to be close to him. He stated that although he does not consider the Appointee to be a friend now, he believes he could succeed in any political position, based upon his method of operation and past record. He wionor Maxch 14, 1991 4 Pako Also, Calafornia rie GAR UO 22208 A . ee oon died we BRL26/91 PaGE.09 on ol F0.302 2) added that he has never observed the Appointee uss illicit drugs or abuse alcohol and that he associates with reputable people. He added that he had never observed the Appointee expres any racist sentiments and would recommend him for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. 9 bP06 0.03 ne 42088 ° ' re) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FEPORTING OFFICE [oFFCE OF OnIGN Joare INVESTEATIVE PEROD SAN FRANCISCO BUREAU | 4/17/91 3/11/91 ~ 4/17/91 — TITLE OF CASE figpomr MaDe BY PED BY SA v6 be (CHARACTER OF CASE STEPHEN PAUL JOBS SPIN(B) REFERENG Bureau telcall to San Prancisco, 4/7/91. = RUC = ADMINISTRATIVE: All other leads as set out have been covered, this matter is now considered RUC. San Francisco regrets the delay in reporting, however, the Apple Computer Company has been less than ‘cooperative, in terms of providing assistance as requested of the Legal Department. ‘COPIES WADE: T Bosen Unit, 1 = San Francisco” (161B-HQ-23908) ARETE? Dissemination Record of Attached Report Notations ey Roqos! Recs Dato Fwd. How Fwd. ey COVER PAGE Ae UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION cooy * sal 8 jee, SAN FRANCISCO Rootes: apedT 17, 199T ere ones Fld Otee Fle, 161B-H0~23908 sueou File 161B-HO 23908 Te STEPHEN PAUL JOBS howe. SPECIAL INQUIRY Interview of representative of Apple Computer Company legal department conducted and information requested concerning the status of litigation against Appointee was obtained. The Company representative stated the Appointee had acted in good faith regarding decisions which were found actionable by the Ninth District Court of Appeals. - RUC - “Tis dcument contains mite eerendatlans nr cohen fhe PBI. 1 the rap ofthe FB andl Senet your seme: Ian coments pom aets e e FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION REPORTING OFFICE [OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD SAN FRANCISCO BUREAU 4/1/91 3/11/91 = 3/27/91 THLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY TYPED BY STEVEN PAUL JOBS sal aan ‘CHARACTER OF CASE SPIN (B) v6 bic REFERENCE: Reports of sal }, dated 3/20/91 and 3/21/91. -Pp- ADMINISTRATIVE: Where appropriate, Privacy Act (e) (3), data was furnished to persons interviewed. Express promises of confidentiality, both limited and unlimited, have been noted where granted. Investigation extends beyond Buded due to unavailability of individuals and records. SPECRE AGENT sorsovee ff yf metance ONOT walTs SPACES BxLOW TORIES MADE G7 ENR 2 - san HSancisco (161B-HQ-23908) ce peghssye ‘DISSEMINATION RECORD OF ATTACHED REPORT | Notatins ‘Agency ‘Request Reed Date Fwd, How Fd, By aR ‘COVER PAGE 161B-HQ-23908 WEM/aan LEAD - ‘SAN_FRANCISCO. AT_SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA: Will report results of efforts to locate court records pertaining to Apple law suit. If records cannot be located, contact should be made with the legal counsel for Apple Computer to obtain a synopsis of the basis for the law suit and whether the Appointee was being sued personally. = Bee COVER PAGE #pD-208 (Rev. 3-3-59) oO @ UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Federal Bureau of Investigation copy te: Report of: SA ottce SAN FRANCISCO Date: Apr Field Olle File #2 161B-HQ~23908 Borese File #: Tide STEVEN PAUL JOBS Character: SPIN (B) Syopsi of Apple Computer Company interviewed regarding Appointee’s separation from the company. Associates recommended. -Pe DETAILS: This document contain neither recomendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and fe loaned to your agerey; Ht and {ts contents are net to be distributed outside your agency. 161B-HO- 23908 . RAW /bw 1 ‘The following investigation was conducted by SA be bic AT SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT Attempts to contact of the Apple Computer Company, 20525 Mariani Avenue, Cupertino, California have met with negative results since his’ secretary was first contacted on March 11, 1991. She advised on that date that he would not be available for interview until March 18, 1991 and that he would return the call on Tuesday or Wednesday of that week, 25th have not produced any from A call was also On March 26, 1991, contacted the San Jose Resident Agency of the FBI In responsé to a message which had been jeft at his employment. He stated he has known the Appointee since[_—Jwhen he first went to work at Apple Computers He described the Appointee as an individual of excellent moral character and integrity and knows of nothing which would reflect upon him in a negative way, to iniude drug usage or alcohol abuse. Further, he believed that the Appointee always lived within his means and associated with reputable people. He added that he never once observed the Appointee indicate in any way that he was either biased or prejudiced in any way toward anyone for any reason. He concluded by saying he would recommend the Appointee for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. stated he is the — ‘Or Sun Microsystems located at 2550 Garcia Avenue, Mountain Tew, Calitornia. bs bie 161B-HO-23908 RAW/bw. The following investigation was conducted by SA AT CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Mare Se a bie for Apple Computers, Incorporated, 20525 Mariani Avenue, Cupertino, California was contacted at his employment and he voluntarily advised as follows. He stated he_has known the Appointee for about years, having met when he first went to work at Apple when the Appointee was Chairman of the Board. He characterized the Appointee as an individual of good character and integrity and knew of nothing which would reflect upon him in a negative way, to include drug usage and alcohol abuse. He also stated that as far as he knew the Appointee always conducted his business dealings in a reputable manner and that the Appointee had been sued, however, by Apple when he resigned from the Company for having taken rights of technology or proprietary information with him when the Appointee departed Apple. The Appointee also took key technological personnel with him when he left which was also a basis of the law suit against the Appointee which has since been resolved. He also stated that he has never observed the Appointee express any prejudice or bias toward anyone for any reasons racial or otherwise. He added that the Appointee was not terminated from Apple but left voluntarily, that is he resigned. He advised that as far as he knew, the Appointee lives within his means financially and associates with reputable people. He concluded by saying that he would recommend the Appointee for a position of trust and confidence with the Government On instant date, jof VENT, Incorporated located at 110 Pioneer Street »7¢ in Mountain View, California was also contacted and he advised as follow: i 161B-HQ-23908 RAW/bw_ [He stated the Appointee, had undergone a change in philosophy by participating in eastern 5c and/or Indian mysticism and religion. ‘This change apparently influenced the Appointee's personal life for the better. He advised that the Appointee lives within his means financially, however, based upon his newfound religious beliefs, the Appointee lives more of a spartanlike and at times even monastic existence. He added, however, the Appointee still associates with reputable people. He also advised that although the Appointee is not an engineer in the real sense, he understands base technology and technical jargon to the extent that he is an innovative force within the technical community, in terms of the contributions he has made. He concluded by saying he would recommend the Appointee for a position of trust and confidence. 161B-HQ-23908 - RAW/bw The following investigation was conducted by SA pic AT MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORNIA On March 19, 1991, for SUN MICROSYSTEMS, 2750 Coast Avenue, was contacted SETIF Employment and he advised as follows. le stated he has known the Appointee for the[ ~~] years on a professional basis and considers him to be an individual of excellent character and integrity. He knew of absolutely nothing which would reflect upon the Appointee in a negative way, to include drug or alcohol abuse. He added that he believed the Appointee lives within his means financially, albeit he is aman of considerable means and that he also associates with reputable people. Hie added that although the Appointee is not a deeply technical individual, he understands the technical field sufficiently well to engender new ideas in technology which are exciting to the computer field. He added that the Appointee based upon this ingenuity, is just the type of individual needed to participate in national science and technology forums. He therefore recommended the Appointee highly for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. To I! Computers, Inc., 3 Nariant enue, Cupertino, CaliForma was contacted at his employment a be advised as follows. ie stated he has known the Appointee since bic however, became better acquainted with him when he came to work at Apple in[ J | fe characterized tho Appointee as an individual of of good character and integrity, without any known problems such as drug and/or alcohol abuse. He added that he had never observed the Appointee exhibit any bias or prejudice toward anyone for any reason, racial or otherwise. He also stated that the Appointee is extremely competent in the field of computers and a bright and energetic worker who is also opinionated. He added that the Appointee lives within his means financially and associates with reputable people. He recommended him highly for a position of trust and confidence. On instant date, at Appie computers, Inc., 1101 west Maude Avenue pe Th Sunnyvale, California was contacted and advised as follows. She bre stated she wa while he was employed at Apple. She characterized hin San Individual of good character and reputation and knew of nothing which would reflect upon him in a negative way, to inciude drug or alcohol abuse. she added that he is a loyal U.S. citizen and is a very respected member of the high technology community. She added that the Appointee always appeared to live within his means anc associated with an eclectic group of people, most of whom are famous. le has never indicated bias or prejudice toward anyone and she would highly recomend him for a position of trust and confidence. qa e oO 1615-H0-23908 RAW/bw 2 contact with the secretary for SUN MICROSYSTEMS , 2550 Garcd AVERUS|-HOUNESIA-VISW, CaliFornia revealed that Ld would not be available for interview until Monday,Narch 25, 1991. On March, 1991, messages who lives at{ Torna to contact the Federal Guresu Of Twvestigation EID. it will be noted that 5 x at California, that would be reluctant to speak to the FSI based upon her past Yerationship with the Appointee, in which she had a baby born Oui of wedlock and the Appointee's initial lack of support for them. stated when interviewed on March 14, 1991, he would also Sonract [na ee if she would contact the, sx Zeuacsing this matter. TO Gate, no response has been received by On March 22, 1991, the secretary for | for Apple Computer, Inc., 20575 Mariani venue in Cupertino, California wa: This was a followup to several other messages left for to contact the FBI regacding the Appointee. When JOifice was first contacted on March 11, 1991, the secretary indicated he would not be available until March 18, 1991, however, when she was recontacted on March 18, 1991, she stated he would return the call on Tuesday or Wednesday of the week of March 18. To date, no return calis have been made by| regard & Appointee, in terms of setting up an appointment to sAterview |. 12* 2 0202 MRI 00885 PP RUCNEB DE FRIAT #0011 0861338 zNR uuyUU P 2713372 MAR 91 FM FBI ATLANTA (1618-H0-23908) (RUC) 6 : OIRECTOR FBI/PRIORITY/ eT _ : UNCLAS SP YBL CITE: //3040:SQ as/ ‘ TUPIF-S ROOM 43R5 Pass: Room 4372, PTE SUBJECT: STEVEN PAUL JOBS SPIN (8) BUDED? 377/916 RE SAN FRANCISCO TELETYPE TO THE DIRECTOR ET AL» OATED 3/15/91» CAPTIONED AS ABOVE» ANO AT TELCALL TO FBIHQ ON 3/21/916 FOR INFORMATION OF THE BUREAU MESSAGES AND FOLLOW UP TELEPHONE CALLS TO THE SECRETARY OF THE PRESTOENT OF GEORGTA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (GEORGIA TECH), MR. PAT CRECINEs TO INTERVIEW HIM CONCERNING APPOINTEEs HAVE NOT BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED. PAGE TWO DE FBIAT 0011 UNCLAS PER BUREAU INSTRUCTIONS TO ATLANTA RELATED IN REFERENCED AT TELCALL TO THE SUREAUs NO FURTHER EFFORTS ARE BEING MADE TO CONTACT CRECINEs AND ATLANTA CONSIDERS THIS MATTER RUC'D. ALL ATLANTA INDICES, INCLUDING ASSET AND ELSUR INDICES» WERE SEARCHED REGARDING APPOINTEE AND REFERENCE. ALL SEARCHES WERE NEGATIVE. aT #0011 NNNN PY» FD-263 (Rev. 4-20-88) e e FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION REPORTING OFFICE [OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD San Francisco Bureau 3/21/91 | 3/19/91 - 3/20/91 TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY [r¥PED BY: STEVEN PAUL JOBS sal jtg ‘CHARACTER OF CASE SPIN (B) bé bre REFERENCE: San Francisco report from sal dated 3/20/91. ADMINISTRATIVE: Where appropriate, Privacy Act (e)(3), data was furnished to persons interviewed. Express promises of confidentiality, both limited and unlimited, have been noted where granted. ‘SPECIAL AGENT aprnoveD fob IN CHARGE Do Nor WRITE IN SPACRS BELOW ‘COPIEg MADE: - Bureau san\arancisco (161B-HQ-23908)| oc DBS¥ROYED ‘DISSEMINATION RECORD OF ATTACHED REPORT | Notations Risney Request Rea Date Pwd, i COVER PAGE, 161B-HQ-23908 WEM IV:jtg ‘LEADS: SAN_FRANCISCO DIVISION AT_SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA will report results of investigation unavailable for inclusion in this report. COVER PAGE Be UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Federal Bureau of Investigation Copy to Report of sa tie: San Francisco Dee be March 20, 1991 pre Field Office File #: 161B-HQ-23908 Bureau File#: 161B-HQ-23908 Tite STEVEN PAUL JOBS Character: SPIN (8) Synopsis: Employment verified. U.S. attorney’s office records checked with negative results. This document contains nelther recommendations ner cerclusiens of the FBI. It is the property ef the FBt and ie leared to your agency; it and t8 contents are not to be distributed outsice your agency. 161B-HQ-23908 crM/etm 1 The following tnvestigation was conducted by SA [ EMPLOYMENT. PIXAR 1002 West Cutting Boulevard Richmond. California In_ March 20. 1991 L jentity by request) [~ pales idetavives that he has Known appointee epproxinately years, originally meeting appointee when appointee was with ApoTe Comp fag] ‘wtaled that In 1986, appointee purchased from tucos Filme, the graphic and color technology which PIXAR uses to produce computer graphic software used in computer generated pictures, commercials and which 1s used to color cartoon motion pictures. PIXAR sells the graphic and_coloring software and generates computer commercials. stated that PIXAR is owned by appointee, was incorporated in California on February 3, 1986, and appoint owns 100 percent of tht Board of Directors other that appointee. [____Tstated that his relationship with appointee is primarily @ professional one; however, he has been to appointee's home on occasion. described appointee as en extremely intelligent individual, @ true leader, who has made a difference in the computer industry and given the opportunity will make a positive contribution on the National scene. stated that appointee is not an individual who Tntimidated; however, fits in ané can talk with anyone. further described | appointee as an extraordinary person, who is ent business negotiator and recruiter of talent. added that appointee is a demanding individual, expecting a Tot from himself and others. [_____] felt that most people including himself, believe appointee to be an extraordinary person with a good : reputation, but when it comes to business tl frequently disagreements and sometimes hard feelings. added that gome people have a great respect for appointee and others dislike ham, “Appointee has the ability to listen to the suggestions end ideas of others and will adopt them; however, an individual dealing with appointee must know what he is talking about and 161B-HQ-23908 cm/etm 2 - “present a strong case or apps disregard the discussion and sometimes the individual jadded that appointee is very truthful: and straightforward with people and usually says exactly what he is thinking, ID considered appointes to be of good moral character, fa Baa: loyal American and to maintain reputable associates| ‘stated that appointee is very health conscious and had no suspicions or personal knowledge of illegal narcotic use on t) appointee and did not know appointee to abuse alcohol considered appointee to have a lifestyle and spending habits consistent with his financial means and[e]has’never “known appointee to express of show eny bias or prejudice against any individual or group| concluded by stating that he would highly recommend appointee for a position of trust and confidence with the United Stated Government. wx TOTAL PAGE.e9 ¥¥ @ ° u61s-23908 ma? The following investigation was conducted by TA AT SAM FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA _ U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE On March 19, 1991, U.S. Attorney's Office, searched civil and criminal dockets without locating any record for STEVEN PAUL sons. 5* o.26 (te. 43088) @ e FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION REPORTING OFFICE [OFFICE OF OBIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD San Francisco Bureau 3/20/91 | 3/1/91 - 3/19/91 THTLE OF CASE WEPORT MADE BY TYPED BY: STEVEN PAUL JOBS SA jta ‘CHARACTER OF CASE 6 SPIN (B) REFERENCE: Butel to San Francisco dated 2/21/91. ADMINISTRATIVE: Where appropriate, Privacy Act (e) (3), data was furnished to persons interviewed. Express promises of confidentiality, both limited and unlimited, have been noted where granted. Investigation extends beyond Buded due to unavailability of Appointee and others for interview. on 3/1/91, checked ELSUR indices with 66 negative results. b7e SPECIAL AGENT apenoven fot[-— IN CHARGE Do Nor WRITS IN SPACES BELOW COPIES MADE: 5) ~ Bureau % - San Francisco (161B-HQ-23908)| ce vegiabve0 DISSEMINATION RECORD OF ATTACHED REPORT | Notation - Apeaey Request Reed Date Fd How Fwd. By. TAS ‘COVER PAGE 161B-H9-23908, WEM IVejtg on 2/26/92, checked Confidential indices with negative results. bé pic on 2/22/91, checked San Francisco General indices and located a 192 reference to the Appointee dating back to 2/11/85, when the Appointee was the victim in a bomb threat, a ter. Several references were located pertaining to a One reference was located in storage in Pocatello, Idaho, and the other references were missing from the files. Efforts would be made to locate and interview the missing references. v6 checked san, bie regarding date of birth, with negative results, LEADS SAN_FRANCISCO DIVISION AT_SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA Will report results of investigation unavailable for inclusion in this report. COVER PAGE Be D-204 (Rev, 3-3-59) Copy to: Report of: Date Feld Office File # Tile: character: Synopsis: UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Federal Bureau of Investigation sf be March 20, 1991 pre 161B-HQ-23908 STEVEN PAUL JOBS SPIN (B) Appointee interviewed. otc San Francisco t Boreas File # 161B-HQ-23908 Check of Bureau of Vital Statistics failed to revealed a record of Appointee’s birth. Education verified. Employments substantiated and comments secured from employees. Residences verified and neighbors interviewed. Associates recommended. Roommate interviewed. Superior Court and U.S. District Court records checked and showed a dismissal of all but one case. conducted. Better Business Bureau ‘Law Enforcement Agency checks checked. This document conteins neither reccrmendat ions nor cenelusfans of the FBI. It fs the property of the FBT and fs louned to your agency; it and ite contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. 1618-23908 RAP The following investigation was conducted by IA AT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA BIRTH On March 7, 1991, records at the San Franeiseo County Bureau of Vital Statistics contained no birth listing for STEVEN PAUL JOBS. On March 18, 1991, , San Francisco County Social Services Adoption Unit; could not verify the birth of STEVEN PAUL JOBS on February 24, 1955. He advised that information could be obtained through Adoptions Branch, Public Information Number, State Department of Social Services, Sacramento, 916/324-8044. That department has records of all adoptions in the stare. 6 Te Contact with |, Adoptions Branch, Sate Department of Social Services, at the above number, determined requests for adoption information have to be in writing, directed to State Social Services, Adoptions Branch, 744 "P" Street, Mail Station 1931, Sacramento, California. 1 161B-HQ-23908 SOM/som ‘Ihe following investigation was conducted by Ial AT CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA EDUCATION On March 1, 1991, contact with Homestead High School Registrar revealed records dating back more than ten years are located in their district office. bé On the same date, |) Fremont Unton bie High School District, provided a copy of the transcript for STEVEN P. JOBS. A review of this file disclosed STEVEN P. JOBS, born February 24, 1955, enrolled at Homestead High School on September 10, 1968. JOBS attended Homestead High School until June 15, 1972, at which time he graduated. He earned an overall grade point average of 2.65 on a 4.0 scale. ae TOTAL PAGE.O3 #* 161B-HQ-23908 WEM IV: jtg The following investigation was conducted by Special Agent. (SA) I AT_REDWOOD CITY, CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT: NeXT COMPUTER INC. September 1985 to March 1993 on March 13, 1991 bic ExT Computer Inc., 900 Chesapeake Drive, advised that she had known the Appointee since Pd when they were employed at Apple Computer. Her contact hat n professional and socia: and er indiviauele Tene nn formed NeXT Computer Inc. NeXT was a private California ion, whose Board of Directors was made up of the cutie, ana 7 She considered the Appointee to SS -PEFSO OF HIGH-INESGETEY who was ethical and honest. she had never seen reason to question his character, associates, reputation or loyalty. She had found him to be discreet and a superb manager. She had never witnessed any bias or prejudice and the Appointee was against any type of discrimination. The Appointee was an advocate of equal opportunity and was very employee oriented, She had never seen him use any kind of drugs although he had admitted to using drugs in his youth. ‘The Appointee drinks occasionally, but only small amounts of wine. ‘The Appointee was well off and had more money that he could spend in a lifetime and his chief concern was how that wealth would be used after he was gone. The Appointee liked brainstorming and was good at mediating. The Appointee understood the Japanese culture and had a great deal of contact in dealing with companies in the orient. She was aware of nothing that would preclude hin for being considered for a position of trust and responsibility and highly recommended hin. 161B-HQ-23908 WEM IV:jtg , 1992, Nex? Computer Inc., 500 Chesapeake Drive, telephonically contacted the writer in response to an effort to locate and interview him at NexT Computer Inc., on March 13, 1991. He advised that the Appointee was the President of NexT Computer Inc., the Appointee founded NexT in 1985, as a private corporation. Their relationship went back to[__] when he worked at Apple Computer. He was professionally and socially acquainted with the Appointee and characterized the Appointee as an upfront individual who was work oriented. The Appointee had spent most of his adult life working in and around the Computer Industry and was not politically active. He felt, however that the Appointee had a great deal of skill in dealing with overseas companies in Asia and Europe, and would be an asset to the Government. The Appointee had always conducted his business above board and took pride in his companies. The Appointee took personal interest in the employees of the companies and was sympathetic to problems and needs of others. He had found the Appointee to be adaptable to the situations at hand and felt he would make an excellent addition to any Board or Council. The Appointee had no prejudices or bias against any race, religion or sex and was very much for equality and competition.’ He felt the Appointee was personally responsible and there was nothing in the Appointee's lifestyle that was not in keeping with the Appointee's means. As near as he knew the Appointee had investments in NeXT and PIXAR, which were the two companies the Appointee was involved in. He had no knowledge of current drug usage or alcohol abuse on the part of the Appointee. He could think of nothing that would be embarrassing to the Appointee, and pointed that the Appointee had a daughter out of wedlock and'had admitted to using drugs in the past, but these were things that were common knowledge and there was nothing he was aware of that was not public with regard to the Appointee's activities or associations. He had never been given reason to question the Appointee's character, associates, reputation or loyalty and considered him a suitable candidate for the appointment. 161B-HQ-23908 WEM IV: jtg on March 13, 1991, |, NeXT Computer Inc., 900 Chesapeake Drive, advised she had worked for the Appointee for approximately Cope rrrsa hese found hin to be a fair and demanding employer. She Iiked the fact that the Appointee was a motivator who was interested in employee growth. She found him to be ethical and forthright. He had no biases against any race, religion or sex and was an advocate of equal opportunity. The Appointee was a vegetarian and did not smoke or drink to her knowledge. She had never seen any indications of drug usage and he appeared to be in excellent health. She considered him to be of the highest character, associates, reputation and loyalty. She was aware of nothing that would preclude him from being considered for a position of trust and responsibility and highly recommended the Appointee. [epconpeeare— sor ores romputer Inc-, esapeake Drive, telephonically contacted the writer and’ advised that she had to leave prior to the writer's arrival at NeXT on March 13, avised she had worked for the Appointee approximately jand had found him to be very open and upfront. The Rppointee had extremely high standards and was demanding of his employees. However, he treated people fairly and was considerate of others problems and needs. She had seen no personal habits that were questionable and she considered him to be honest, loyal and ethical. He had never exhibited any prejudices or biases against any race, religion or sex and she had found him to be fair and against any discrimination. The Appointee was very responsible in all areas of his life and appeared to live well within his means. There was nothing she was aware of that would preclude him for being considered for a position of trust and responsibility and she highly recommended hin. 1613-HQ-23908 pO Rawr ‘The following investigation was conducted by SA AT CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA EMPLOYMENT. on March 4, 1991, Apple Computer, Inc., 20525 Mariani, Roa’ Verified that the Appointee worked there from January 1, 1977 until September 20, 1985 as the Chairman and Founder and no other information was available. on instant date, the secretary for for Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Road Stated that] Jvas out of town for the next two weeks and would not be available c She added, ‘however, tha for the Company knew the Intes quite well and would be able to comment on him. On instant date, for Apple Computer, Inc. was contacted and advised that the Appointee had originally hired him years ago to work at Apple and he be had nothing but the highest praise for. the Appointee who he considered fic to be an individual of the highest character and integrity. He added that he knew of nothing which would reflect upon the Appointee in a negative manner, to include drug or alcohol abuse, which would be out of character for the Appointee. He added, however, that the Appointee when he was much younger may have experimented with drugs during the late sixties and early seventies, having come from that generation. In addition, he has never personally observed the Appointee indicate that he is either biased or prejudiced in any way. He also associates with reputable people. He recommended him highly for a position of trust and confidence. on instant date, Jappie computer, Inc. was also contacted at his employment and he stated he knew the Appointee quite well and described him as an individual of excellent character and integrity. He also stated that the reason the Appointee was terminated from employment there was because of management style differences which the Appointee had with |. He knew of nOtning which would retrect upon the Appointee adversely, such as drug or alcohOl-abuse. He also yg stated he had never observed the Appointee indicate that he was biased jjc or prejudiced in any way and the Appointee associates with reputable people. He recommended him for a position of trust and confidence. the Appointee had worked there during the time in question. She -10- 161B-HHQ-23908 2 RAW/bw characterized the Appointee as an excellent person and a brilliant computer scientist. She added that the Appointee enjoyed a good reputation and she knew of nothing which would reflect upon’him in a negative manner, to include drug or alcohol abuse. She stated that the Appointee had been terminated from the Company due to differences in management philosophies with She also stated she had never seen the PPOINteS SxHIDIE Hany way bias or prejudice toward anyone for any reason, racial or other. She added the Appointee associates with reputable people, She recommended him highly for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. on March 5, 1991, Apple Computer, iInc. was contacted at his employment and he stated the Appointee had worked there during the time period noted above. He described the Appointee as an individual of good moral character and integrity, without any known problems such as drug or alcohol abuse. He also stated he had never observed the Appointee exhibit any type of bias or prejudice toward anyone. He also stated that the Appointee associates with reputable people. He stated he had Ro reason not to recommend the Appointee for a position of trust and confidence. He added that the Appointee left philosophical differences in management style with He recommended the Appointee For any position Tavolving trust and confidence. REFERENCE On March 7, 1991, was contacted at his job 4 axt Inc. located at 960 Chesapeake Drive, Redwood City, California. tated he has known the Anvointes for the past [———lvear: He characterized the Appointee as an individual oF excellent charcacter and reputation, without any known problems such as drug or alcohol abuse, however, the Appointee may have experimented with drugs in the late sixties or early seventies. He added that he had never observed thé Appointee exhibit any form of bias or prejudice toward anyone and that the Apointee enjoys a comfortable lifestyle and associates with reputable people. He recommended him for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. -11- 161B-HQ-23908 RAW/bw 3 RESIDENCE From July, 1990 = Present on March 4, 1991,| was contacted at her residence located at and she verified that the Appointee wos her nelt-Woor-TeIgHbGr—Sle deseriped him ac a quist sna unassuming individual who had never caused any problems as a neighbor and who visitédvher last week to enslire that some landscaping he was having done would not cause any problems with her and her husband. She also stated that he appeared to live a relatively spartan existence in his home and she was unaware of any problems he might have with illicit drugs or alcohol abuse that. the neighbor on the other side of the Appointee, had invited the Appointee over recently for a social gathering and may be able to comment on him, as well. ‘She recommended him for a position of trust and confidence. On instant dat. was contacted at her home located at and she verified that the Appointee had moved in about a year ago. She did not, however, know the Appointee well enough to comment as to his suitability for employment with the Government, although he seemed to be a nice enough person. On instant date J was also contacted at his home at and he Stated that although he was aware of the Appointee HaVIng moved into the neighborhood, he did not know him at all and therefore could not comment as to his suitability for employment. On March 4, 1991, attempts were made to contact supra; however, | Jstatea was unavailable for interview and that she herself alongWIth er husband were tenants in home and were visiting from England. She did not know the Appointee sufficiently a8 toccomment :regarding::his suitability for employment with the Government. oO 91, ] was contacted at his residence at and he stated he did not know the Appointee but knew he hadWoved into the neighborhood. He stated he could be not comment as to his suitability for employment. bre on March 7, 1991, ] who resides at contacted the San Jos® Resident Agency of the Federal Bureau Of Investigation, responding to a message left for her and she verified that the Appointee resided across the street from her. She stated that he appeared to be a reputable individual although she did not know him well and that she knew of nothing which would reflect upon him in a negative way, including drug or alcohol abuse. She stated she had no reason not to recommend him for a position of trust and confidence. -12- 161B-HQ-23908 WEM/aan Cy fot towing investigation was conducted by SA AT WOODSIDE, CALIFORNIA RESIDENCE 460 Mountain Home Road, November, 1984 to July, 1990 on March 13, 1991, advised that the Appointee formerly resided at 460 Mountain Home Road and that she used to get his mail as well as people looking for his residence. Since the Appointee's residence was not located directly on Mountain Home Road, most people were not able to locate it without directions. She added that the dates Novenber, 1984 to July, 1990 sounded plausible and that he did in fact live there. She did not have any personal contact and could not comment as tc his suitability for a presidential appointment. on Mareh 13, 1991, efforts to locate anyone at 485 and 475 Mountain Home Road met with negative results. On March 13, 1991, advised that she did hot know the Appointee as a neighbor, even though he had lived in the area but that her husband knew the Appointee through his computer business. She added that her husband was out of town and would contact the writer upon his return. on March 13, 1992, 1 telephonically located the writer in response to a note that was left at his residence and advised that he knew the Appointee as a former resident at 416 Mountain Home Road. The Appointee was a good person and a good neighbor. He advised that the period from 1984 to 1990 sounded correct and that he was aware of nothing that would preclude the Appointee from being considered for a position of trust and responsibility. The Appointee was a very public figure and there had been much written about the Appointee but he had never seen anything personally in the way of personal habits, activities or associations that would be of a negative nature. He was happy to recommend the Appointee. -13- 161B-HQ-23908 WEM/vjd a on March 14, 1991, advised that the Appointee formerly lived at 460 Mountain Home Road from 1984 to 1990 when he moved to Palo Alto to be be close to his daughter. She and her husband had met the Appointee — »7¢ through their son-in-iaw,/]} They had had the Appointee over for dinner and he didn't appear to drink or smoke. He was a vegetarian and did a great deal of jogging. They never saw as much of the Appointee as they liked since he was a very intense worker and spent a great deal of time with his work. She considered hin to be a wonderful individual and was aware of nothing that would preclude him from being considered for a position of trust and responsibility. The Appointee was well off and didn't appear to be a big spender. The Appointee had kept the house at 460 Mountain Home Road and planned to build something on that property at a later date. She considered hin to be of the highest character, associates, reputation and loyalty and he had never seen any indication of drug usage, prejudice, or unethical behavior on his part. She highly recommended hin. on March 16, 1991, telephonically advised that he knew the Applicant a5 a former resident at 460 Mountain Home Road from approximately 1984 to 1990. He had also met with the Appointee a couple of times in his position as president and CEO of MIPS Computer Systems Inc., Sunnyvale, California. He was aware of nothing negative with regard to'the Applicant's residency in Woodside, California, and had never had any unfavorable dealings with the Appointee. As far as he knew the Applicant enjoyed a good reputation and was a person of good character, reputation and associates. He had never seen any indication of drug usage or alcoholic abuse and he was aware of nothing in the Appointee's lifestyle that would not be commensurate with the Appointee's means. He could think of nothing that would preclude the Appointee from being considered for a position of trust and responsibility. “ig 1613-HQ-23908 e e RAW/bW The following investigation was conducted by sal AT_LOS GATOS, CALEFORN ASSOCTATES On March 11, 199) was contacted at his employment at ‘oeated at ‘and he was advised as to the nature of this investigation and advised as follows. He did not request confidentiality. b6 bie He described the Appointee as an individual who was not totally forthright and honest and has a tendency to distort reality i @ achieve his goals. He offered a comparison in that an has high ethical standards and does business with people Using this standard, however, the Appointee will twist the truth in order to achieve whatever goal he has set for himself, He therefore considered the Appointee to be a deceptive person. He provided an example of this deceptive characteristic of the Appointee. —————— rr He also advised he had heard reports from mutual friends and also an admdssion By the Appointee that he freely used illicit drugs during his college tenure, to include marijuana and LSD. Ke never actually observed the Appointee use any drugs or consume alcohol to excess. He also stated that the Appointee while living with his high sc! 1d had a daughter out of wedlock. oman! s Tow Was calied He advised pee their bh early relatiohship, the Appointee mistreated both Jand her daughter, by not supporting them; however, he understands that he has, of late, been more supportive of his daughter and her mother. RAW/bw 161B-HQ-23908 oO 2 e@ He added that along these same lines, an individual named He also pl others rhs ould know the Appointee well as follows Jat att erate. a an_be reached at [ 5 oducts and can be still reache insta Comay ters; who is also at Apple still; and Wig 13aiso ae Appaee He concluded by saying that although he does not consider the Appointee to be a personal friend; he believed the Appointee has what it takes to assume a high level political position within the Government, which in his opinion, honesty and integrity are not prerequisites to assume such a position. He therefore recommended the Appointee for a position of trust and confidence for the Government. on March 13, 1991, General Magic, Inc. located at 444 Castro Street in Mountain View, California, was contacted and has known the Appointee since[__ ]and met him while they were employed at Apple and worked closely with the Appointee from when he left Apple. He stated the Appointes left Apple in September, 1985 under less than desirable circumstances. He exvlained that he understood that the Appointee was fired b; ; however, since he had already left the Company, he only knew what he had heard and was reported in the media. He added that he has remained friends with the Appointee and described him as an individual who was extremely strongwilled and stubborn. He added that fron a positive perspective, the Appointee is also a very hardworking and driven individual and is successful as avresult of these qualities but these same qualities act to his detriment in other respects such as in his personal relationships. He has never personally observed the Appointee use illicit'drugs-or abtise alcohol. He believed that other than what he noted above, the Appointee is an individual of good character and integrity; however, he qualified the Appointee's integrity that as long as the, Appointee gets his way. He added that the Appointee lives within his means financially, however, his means are considerable and the Appointee is worth at least one hundred million dollars. He also believed the Appointee associates with reputable people and recommended him for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. on.instant date, of General Magic, Inc., 444 Castro Street, Mountain View, California was contacted at his employment and he stated he has known the Appointee for the past[_ years He stated that the Appointee Is an Individual OF good character Feputation and that he also is a man of integrity, providing he gets his way. He knows of nothing which would reflect be bic -16- 161B-HQ-23908 4 RAW/bw = upon the Appointee in a negative way, to include drug and/or alcohol abuse. He added that he has never observed the Appointee express any prejudicial or racist sentiments and considers him to be fairly open Minded. He added that the Appointee lives within his considerable means, financially and associates with reputable people. He recommends the Appointee for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. On March 14, 1991, was jantacted at his em ‘t Apple Computers, where he works as He stated he hag known the Appointes since| He characterized the Appointee as ‘an individual of good character and integrity and knows-of nothing which would reflect upon the Appointee in a negative way, to include rug or alcohol abuse. He added that the Appointee is a loyal U.S. citizen and has never expressed any bias or prejudice toward anyone for whatever reason, racial or other. He stated the Appointee lives within his means and associates with reputable people. He recommended the Appointee for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. On_instant date was contacted at his residence at [Palo Alto, California. (ot yetaes he was is in the process Of starting up y¢ a company. He stated he has known the Apoointee since bic We PPOINECEERSn. We added that although the Appointee is basically an honest and trustworthy person, he is a very complex individual and his moral character is suspect. He stated he is m longer friends ‘pith tne Auasiaiee and fends bi ther and yumewlie, alienated, PRIMA DY" he explained that he Gia not receive any stock as a resUTE, WhIGH would Obviously HAVE Wade hi quite wealthy. He stated the Appointee alienated a large number of people at Apple, as a result of his ambition, He added that the Appointee is technically oriented but is in the opinion of many, not an engineer, since he never actually got an engineering degree from College and has been successful in business by delegating tasks to people, In this respect, he considers the Appointee a successful individual and has what it takes to Succeéd in politics, to include governmental politics. We advised that the Appointee, He stated the Apporntee had In Wigh School and they were high school sweetheatts. He added that @ the Appointee had a baby girl out of wedlock, whose ni She is about| ears old now and was born ot oF He adéed th as been mentioned 6 in many boo) ce WhIGH have been written abOUE-th@ Appointee but hag always used assumed names so as to protect her daughter from the possibility of being kidnapped for ransom. He stated she would be reluctant to speak to the FBI, based upon her negative experiences with the Appointee, in which Uke Apyuiutes bastoaily abandoned har “17- 161B-HQ-23968 RAW/bw e and her daughter; however, lately, the Appointee has been more supportive of both of them and has even purchased a home near where the Appointee resides, for them to be close to him. He stated that although he does not consider the Appointee a friend now, he believes the Appointee. could succeed in any political position, based upon his method of operation. He added that he has never observed the Appointee use illicit drugs or abuse alcohol ahd that he aseociates with reputable people. He added that he had never observed the Appointee express any racist sentiments and would recommend him for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. on instant date, bic ADOBE Systens, Ind, —T95 Charleston Road, Mountain View, California, was contacted dhe has known the Appointee since and the Appointee had an interest in the Company. He described the Appointee as an individual of good character and integrity.. He stated he knows personally of nothing which would reflect upon the Appointee in a negative way, to include drug or alcohol abuse. He added, however, that it is well documented in books concerning the Appointee, that he used drugs freely while in College and in the early days at Apple. He considers the Appointee to be a loyal citizen and a competent individual. He added that he had never observed the Appointee to be in any way biased or prejudiced toward anyone for any reason, racial or otherwise. He recommended him for a position of trust and confidence with the Government. -18- wx TOTAL PAGE.OS 161B-HQ-23908 WEM/aan The following investigation was conducted by SA AT_SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATE 1991, 1755 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, California, telephonically contacted the writer and advised that he had been an associate of the Appointee's since He was in the marketing and consulting business and was active in doing work for the Appointee when Apple Computer was formed. He described the Appointee as a very genuine person who was extremely creative. He had never been given reason to question the Appointee's character, associates, reputation or loyalty. He had been in the Appointee's home and had had the Appointee in his home and had never encountered any drug usage on the Appointee's part and the Appointee's consumption of alcohol had always been minimal. ‘The Appointee was wealthy and lived well within his means. He had never seen any prejudice or bias on the Appointee's part against any race, religion or sex. He felt the Appointee would make a good representative and was very knowledgeable in the area of computers. He was personally aware of nothing that would reflect unfavorably on the Appointee with regard to the Appointee's activities or associations and he was happy to recommend the Appointee. -19- 161B-HQ-23908 WEN/aan v6 The following investigation was conducted by SA AT_PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA On March 14, 1991, L advised that she had met the Appointee in at She described the Appointee as a person of great character who associated with high integrity people and all of his associates she had met, were reputable. The Appointee drank only a little wine and dia not use any kind 26 of illegal drugs. She felt he was very responsible in the area of his finances and she could think of nothing in his activities or associations that would be considered questionable. She had never seen any evidence of prejudice or bias on his part against any race, religion or sex and felt he was for equality and against discrimination. She had never been given reason to question his character, reputation or loyalty. She felt he would make an excellent representative for the country and high1} recommended _h: ee -20- B-HQ-23908 ayer The following investigation was. conducted by IA be bic AT_REDWOOD CITY, CALIFORNIA SUPERIOR COURT RECORDS On March 14, 1991, } civil Records, superior Court for San Mateo County provided the file regarding STEVEN PAUL JOBS, number 319154. A review of this file revealed on May -29;-1987 a complaint was file by Woodside Design Associates, Inc., et al vs. Apple Computers, Inc., et al, for declaratory relief, bad faith denial of existence of contract, breach of contract, fraudulent misrepresentation, negligent misrepresentation, conspiracy, interference with contract, interference with prospective economic advantage, and punitive damages. JOBS was named as an Officer of Apple Computer. A dismissal was filed on. September"6, 1988; with prejudice (cannot file again) of entire action. ~21- 1 161B-HO-23908 SDM/sdm The following investigation was conducted by IA AT SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA COURT_RECORDS On March 18, 1991, the records of the Santa Clara County Superior Court were teviewed and the following information obtained: case Number 584898 Apple Computer, Inc. vs. Steven P. Jobs s| The original complaint in this matter was filed September 23, 1985, alleging that Defendants secrecly planned the formation of an enterprise to compete with Apple Computer, lured top executives away from Apple Computer to head up the new enterprise, sold Apple stock under false pretenses in order to finance new enterprise, and planned to use Apple technology which would be a misappropriation of confidential and proprie- tary information. On January 21, 1986, after an out of court settlement was reached, case was dismissed without prejudice. sass Suna fee crs Steven Jobs/NexT, Inc, Original complas iled in this matter_on 87, by alleging she left Apple with JOBS/NexT, Inc. at $80,000a year, plus a large stock option. She stated she had the impression that the job would be lena term in nature. alleged TRIS was breach of implied contract, JoBS' reply to the allegation was that he offered her the job with Nex, Inc.; however, he did not make her leave Apple. She accepted the position in september, 1985, but had great difficulty getting people to work for her. Other positions were offered to her at the same salary, but none of them were acceptable to ner. -22- 2 ‘161B-HO-23908 SDN/sdn Novenber 15, 1989, a judgment was filed against »é in the amount of $11,698.19. An appeal was filed p7C by but has since been dismissed. On March 15, 1991, records of U.S. District Court San Jose, California, were reviewed with regard to file ca4~ 20148 RPA, This file consisted of ten volumes, only five of which could be located. Volume one containing the original complaint and details of the matter was one of the unavailable volumes. As a result, a copy of the docket was obtained, as it was the only dccument available which gives a history of the case. It is noted that STEVEN P, JOBS is mentioned as a defendant in the case, and the case is still pending. The copy of the docket is’ attached hereto and considered a part of this communication. ~23- cause al (crve Twe us. civ srarure uNoemwitel TH2 Gast IS FILED AND WRITE A GRIEF STATERENT OF-CAUSEY ~)Nenzast $1,000 £ | (84 j2o141 515 [ea [2vieachy La) — SHEUrENGI Aintines pea | In re APPLE SECURITIES i | | LintGaTIon consourpateD: C-84-20158 RPA C-84-20149 RPA (C-84-20148 RPA REOPENED 38-5 Prep aekie 38-6 Prep Avegat Cura Te ola | Lukes Closed iby cave “oh OWL MILBERG WEISS BERSHAD SPECTURIE & LERACK (Co-Lead Counsel) 2000 Central Savings Tower 225 Broadway San Diego, CA (619) 231-1058 ATTORNEYS 92i01 BERGER & MONTAGUE 1622 Locusc Street (CO-Lead Counsel) Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 875-3000 BARRACK, RODOS & BACINE Suite 2100 2845 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 963-0600 COTCHETT~4-TEESTON €aizfornia-Pirst-Sank-Baiiding d-West-Forth-Averz-Suite-540 San-Mateo7-~€A-- 94462 {4254~-342-9080~ KOHN, SAVETT, MARION & GRAF 1214'1vB Building 1700 Market Street Philadelphia, PA [a iF Base was 19103 frorma pauPenis HERR 7 BERMAN 7 HEEPE —& HOMO fh Moneqomery Street} Boe San-Pranciscoy—-¢x~-StH HES -772-6606-— em: PETTIT & MARTON Michael F. Perlis Alvin L. Fishman Paula g. Rovexts 101 California st, San Francisco, CA (415) 434-4000 FOR: Arthur Rock, Philip s. 35th Ploor 94241 Schlein, Peter 0. Crisp, Henr: E, Singleton HELLER, EHRMAN, WHYTE @ SCAULIPCR 333 Bush Street San Franeisco, CA. (413) 772-6000 94104-287 MAR 20 "8S! 11:58 PAGE .05 © APPLggpecunrriTEs C84 26EH GY) TER oy TAL ORDER No. 1: Order of consolidation with C-84-20148 RPA, 44229149 RPA & C-64-20158 RPA: all subsequently related actions t nonsolidated, if no objections are filed IPULAYRD AND ORDER: Protective order re: confidential informati: sroduced by 3rd party depodent Dataquest (see original document £. yetails) Plaintiff's letter to clerk re: Court dates fendants Arthur Rock, P. S, Schlein, P, 0. Crisp & Ii, EB. Singlet notice of motion for summary judgment; hearing 3-29-85 at 9 - memo of points & authorities in support of #4 = declaration of Alvin L. Fishman Zeclaration of Arthur Rock - declaration of Philip $, Schlein - declaration of Henry E. Singleton = declaration of Peter 0. Crisp RECEIVED: Proposed order & judgment. | Defendants A. Rock, P. Schlein, P. Crisp & H. Singleton's declara of Philip S, Schlein 12 STIPULATION AND ORDER: Protective order re: material confidential e designated "Confidential Material" by counsel & place under s¢ (see orginial document for details) 13 Party John L. Roller's certificate re: confidentiality 1s Plaintiff's amended notice of 3rd party deposition & request for auction of documents of Venrock Associates on 3-1-85-issued 15 ‘Defendant's memo of points § authorities in opposition to motion dismiss the counterclaim; 3-29-85 at 9 Plaintiff's memo of points & authorities in opposition to motion summary judgment; 3-29-85 at 9, UNDER SEAL, Shelf 17 Defendants Venrock Associates's(3RD Party) notice of deposition ¢ requests for production of documents 8 Plaintiff's notice of 3rd party deposition of Morris Decision sys & requests for production of documents 19 Defendants A. Rock, P. Schlein, v- O'Crisp & Dr. Singleton's repl: imemo in support of motion for Summary judgment; 3-29-35 at 9 of motic 20 !befendant's reply memo of points & authorities in supp: partial summary judgment; 3-29-85 at 9 oan MAR 20 "81 11:59 ua tas, CIVIL DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET PAGE.07 PuNNTIFF T-BEFENDANT IN RE: APPLE SECURITIES C=B5-20148 (AY DOCKET NO.-REA PAGE__oF__. paces proceEoINas, PLAINTIFFS Alvin J. Ivers : Suite 700, 4 Penn Center Plaza loth & JFK Blvd. Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 977-8899 COTCHETT & ILLSTON Susan I1iston San Francisco Airport Office Center 840 Malcolm Rd., Ste 200 Burlingame, CA. 94101 (415) 697-6000 LOVITT & HANNAN, INC. 900 Front St., Ste 300 San Francisco, CA 94111 (415 362-8769 ~26- DEFENDANTS: MAR 20°91 11:59 Pace .2a @..... e CIVit, DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET a PLANTIFF ‘DEFENDANT Ere ae BOCKET NO, In re APPLE SECURITIES ean hen) i PAGE _.OF__PAGES pate | NA. PROCEEDINGS 1985 | Mar 15 |21 | Defendant's declaration of Meryl Macklin in support of #20 22 |22 | Plaintiff's reply memo in support of motion to dismiss counterclain 3-29-85 at 10 25 23 | Plaintiff's reply memo in support of #22 29 |24 |MINUTES: (C/R Lavonne Fraboni) Plaintiff's motion for class certific i ation, granted; motion to dismiss counterclaim & motion for summary judgment, denied; pretrial 5-12-86 at 2; 6-16-06 at 9 for trial « 5-12-85 at 1:30 for Rule 16 conference; discovery close 4-1-86 RPA apr 19 |25 | Defendant's 2nd set of contention interrogatories 29 | 26 ORDE! The motion of defendants A. Rock, P.S. Schlein, P.O. Crisp & HE, Singleton for summary judgment is denied in its entirety RPA 27 | ORDER: Defendant's motion for summary judgment as to the Cohns & those similarly situated, is denied RPA May 13/28 |ORDER: Plaintiffs William Schneider, Charles & Jeanne Cohn ¢ Estelle Ellis are hereby certified to represent a plaintiff class & this jaction shall proceed as a plaintiff class action; The attorneys of record for the named plaintiff are hereby appointed as counsel RPA 20 | 29 | Plaintits's proof of service re: #28 Jul 31/30 | Plaintiff's amended response to 2nd set of interrogatories Sep 6 31 |Plaintiff's discovery conference statement 32 |Defendants ?.S. Schlein, A. Rock & P.O. Crisp's statement for Rule 16 conference; 9-12-85 at 1:30 9 |33 - supplemental statement re: Rule 16 conference; 9-12-85 at i:30 12 |34 |ORDER: Rule 16 conference agenda RPA 13 (35 (MINUTES: (C/R R.Pastorino) Rule 16 discovery conference held & order | submitted RPA 23 |36 | Plaintiff's notice of change of address re: Alvin J, Ivers jan 6/37 [ORDER re class notice and Rule 16 update. Plaintiffs shall prepare | proposed class notice and submit it to defendants for their comments no later than 1-13-86. A joint statement shall be filed no later th [i-31-86. RPA | (OVER) oc ma Ben 175) (SHEET "A" continued) a e CIVIL DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEI C-84-20148 (A) SHA BLAINE IN RE: APPLE SECURITIES ‘DEFENDANT DOCKET NO. ..- pare | we Proceenines 1986 ~ ~ ~ Jan 10, 38 |Plaintiffs' interrogatories, set no. 2 Feb 4 | 39 |Parcies joint supplemental Rule 16 statement 10 | 40 |Defendants’ responses to 2nd set of interrogatories 41 |Plaintiff's affidavir of Jeanne A. Markey in support of motion tc | | extend discovery cut-off and trial dates | | 42 |Defendants' proof of service re J 40 | | RECEIVED: Defendants’ motion to extend discovery cut-off and tr: dates 14 43 |Plainciffs' notice of hearing that they will move the court on - 3-14-86 at 9 am to extend discovery cut-off and trial dates 26! 44 | Defendant's memo in opposition to motion to extend discovery cut-off and trial dates; 3-14-86, 9 am RECEIVED; Proposed order Mar 3/45 Plaintiffs’ notice of depositions as to Richard Jordan, 3-4-86, ¢ Randall Bactat, 3-6-86, 9:30 amj Lawrence Tesler, 3-12’ and 13,'1¢ 9:30 am and Howard Furer, 3-19-86, 9:30 am 7 46 laintiff's reply memo in further support of motion to extend | Hiscovery cut-off and trial dates; 3-14-86, 9 am 13. | 47 [Parties stipulation re entry of findings and order directing clas hotice 14 | AB ILNUTES (3-14-86) (CR: Jan Hammerman) ;Plaintiff's motion to exte ldiscovery cut-off and trial dates granted. Case continued to 2-9-87 at 2 pm for pretrial; 2-16-8 9 am for trial; discovery ¢ 12-31-86; Defendants to submit certain answers to interrogatories 9-30-86 | 49 JORDER AND FINDINGS DIRECTING CLASS NOTICE 19 50 |Plaintiffs' notice of depositions #11 at 9:30 am as to David Bowm jon 4-4-86, Wilfred loude, 4-9 and 10, 1986, Robert Erickson, 4-16 17, 1986 and David Craft, 4-22-86. | B) i -28- SHEET "B" sea then) ow Civi DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET _C-B4-20148(A) RBA. FURIE | OEFENDANT Docker NO. — IN RE: APPLE COMPUTER PAGE. .OF__.PaGES pate | AR. PROCEEDINGS TIS = = —_ — — Mar 24 | 51 byaincstes’ certificate of service re findings and order directing class notice executed 3-21-86 Apr 2152 = notice of depositions as ta: Flisahoth £. Channon, 5-29-06, 9:30am; Joseph P. Roebuck, 5-14-86 and 5-15-86, 9:30 am} Barcy H. Smith; 5-21-86 and 5-22-85, 9:30 am and Stan DeVaughn, 5-29-86 and 5-30-86, 9:30 am 53 = amended notice of deposition of Robert Brickson on 4-28-86 and 4-30-86 at 9:30 am May 28/54 | EXCLUSION REQUEST by Margot G. Charles (part of Notice of Certi- | fication of plaintiff class form) 30 | 55 EXCLUSION REQUEST by Claire N. Mangasarian | 56 EXCLUSION REQUEST by Herbert Lecovin Jun 3/57 BXCLUSION REQUEST by Karin Peterson | 4/58 DEPOSITION of Richard Jordan, 3-4-86 | 3 |59 Plaintife's notice of depositions as to Pavid Craft, 6-11-86, 9:30 a joseph Roebuck, 6-16 and 6-17, 9:30am; Peter W, Cressman; 0-27-85, 9:39 am 60 | EXCLUSION REQUEST by John Wilcoxson 16 | 61 /EXCLUSTON REQUEST by Michael 5, ‘Torek 24 RECEIVED: Exclusion request of Averal Brady and John Brady 26 62 pbefendants' notice of change of address of counsel } Jul 7 ECEIVED: EXCLUSION REQUEST by Jean Lombard 9 63 Plaintiff's notice of deposition es to Wayne Rosing, 7-29-86 and 7+30 and 7-31 (no time specified) 17 | 6a | - notice of deposition of Paul Dali on 7-16-86, 9:30 an RECRIVED: Exclusion request, Marion waddell 123 RECEIVED: Letter of 7-16-86 by James Parente to Sherrie Savett with i ¢ to USDC | 24 |@5 |Plainciff's notice of depositions as to Deme Clainos Aug. 26-27,'86 \ 9:30 am and Gene Carter, September 4-5, 1986, 9:30 am : (OVER) -29- cane then 8) IVIL DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET (suEET "Bp" contigeed) C-84- 20148 (AoW FORTE TSE ENDANT - IN RE APPLE COMPUTER i j beekenne PAGE OF iy Dare | NR! “PRocEEOINGs Poe - — em a aug 1 | -8§ . Plaintifé's notice of change of address and telephone no. 8 ; 67 = notice of depositions of Timothy Hawkins, 8-15-1966, 9:30 am John Couch, 8-20 and 21, 1 3) 68 9 am and John Couch, 8-20, 25 RECEIVED: Exclusion reques 986, 9:30 am = amended notice of depositions as to Timothy Hawkins, 8-15~86 21 and 22, 1986, 9:30 am tt Of Geneva Redmon ORDER: Defendants' Apple Combuter, Inc., fill Sculley, Yocam, » Houde, Couch, Carter, Zerbe, Markkula and Vennard may withdraw t 1770 ORDER: Re Length of memorandum Counterclaim asserted in their Amended Answer without prejudice RPA, 71 ‘Defendants’ memo in support of motion for summary judgment 10/17 an Statement of Material facts not in di NOtice of Motion for summary judgment Hayden in support of 473 to 474 Zerbe in support of #73 +15 72 iDegendants' Apple Computer 10/17/86, 9:00am 73. Defendants’ Apple Computer 7 10/37786, 9:00am “74, = Declaration of 3. P. | = Exhibits ¢o #74 = appendix of exhibits 75 | = Declaration of K. R. 76 | = declaration of J. 7 ~ Declaration of H. 78 = Declaration of st. 73 = voclaration of A. {80 = declaration of W. ie ~ Declaration ofS. 182 - Declaration of J. 83 = Declaration of 6. a4 = peciaration of R. SEB sua Seviley in support of #73 Rosing in support of #73 Muller in support of #73 C. Markkula, Jr., in support of #73 J. Houde in support of #73 P. Jobs in support of 473 D. Couch in support of #73 P. Carter in support of #73 Battat in support of #73 oc ik ow SHEET "Cc" v 20148 (A) “REE Satna IVIL COCKET CONTINUATION SHEET IN RE APPLE COMPUTER POCKET NO, SECURITIES LITIGATION | Pace __of__paces pare | ne. PRocEEoINGS 1986. | : ep 15 |85 Defendants' Apple Computer declaration of J. Vennard in support of motion for summary judgment 86 ~ Declaration of D. W. Yocam in support of 473 24) RECEIVED: Notice of certification of a plaintiff class action (Clady Rhein) 29 | 87 Proof of service re stipulation and order setting briefing schedule executed 9-29-86 --RECEIVED stipulation and order Oct 1 88 | ORDER AND STIPULATION: Setting Schedule as follows: Plaintiffs’ | Opposition to Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment due Nov. 3, { 1986; Defendants’ Reply due by Nov. 21, 1986; Hearing date for Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment is Dec. 5, 1986 at 10:30 am. RPA 8 89 Plaintiffs' Second Supplemental Response to Defendants' Contention | Interrogatories (FILED UNDER SEAL) | Oct 7 90 Plaintiffs' Notice of Taking Depositions of the following: | "Frederick M. Hoar on Gots 8, 9 § 10, 1986 at 9°30 an. | John Vennard on Oct. 15, 16 & 17, 1986 at 9:30 am. Joe Graziano on Oct. 25 - 30, 1986 at 9:30 am. Delbert W. Yocam on Oct. 30 - 31, 1986 at 9:30 am. E. Floyd Kvamme on Nov. 6 - 7, 1986 at O am. } John Sculley on Nov. 18 = 19, 1986 at 9:30 am. | _ Peter 0. Crisp on Nov. 20 = 21, 1986 at 9:30 am. No Subpeonas Issued. Oct 20 | 91 Defendants Rock, Schlein, Crisp and Singleton's Memorandum in | Support of Defendants’ MOTION for Summary Judgment. 20 RECEIVED: Proposed Order by Defendants re: MOTION for Summary Judg- ment. 21 92 | Defendants Rock, Schlein, Crisp and Singleton's Proof of Service of 491. 24) 93 Defendants Rock, Schlein, Crisp and Singleton's Amended Proof of Service of #91. Oct 31| 94 Plaintiffs' Notice of Taking Depositions of: Kenneth R. Zerbe on Nov. 5 - 6, 1986 at 9:30 am. A.C. Markkula, Jr. on Nov. 17, Dec.1 Dec. 8, 1986 Michael Muller on Nov. 25 -26, 1986, Philip $, Sehieia on Dec. 2- 3, 1986 Smapen-P.Joba..Dec. 2 - 4, 1986 Dre. Henry E. Singleran nn Dec. 10 11, 1986 and Arthur Rock on Dec 15 - 16, 1986. No Subpoenas issued. (Continued) U-b4-Z0248 (A) aR SHEET "C" JW PUAINTIF? ]SEFENOANT in 3 | pocker no APPLE COMPUTER CURITIES LITIGATION | » pare [an PROCEEDINGS. 1986 |Nov 7 | 95 Nov 7 | 96 7 97 7 | 98 12 > )99 12 200 12 ol 12 192 Nov LO*103 | 10 hos Nov 13 hos Nov 14 | 106 Plaintiffs' Co-Lead Counsel's LETTER dated Nov. 6, 1986 to Judge Aguilar re: filing of Opposi¢ion to Motion for Summary Judgment and noting that they are Filing a corrected copy of Plaintiffs’ Second Supplemental Response to Defendants’ Contention Interroge tories. | Plaintiffs’ Memorandum in Support of MOTION to Strike Defendants’ Declarations in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment. Second Supplemental Response to Defendants’ Contention Interroge tories. (CORRECTED) (FILED UNDER SEAL) “Memorandum in Opposition to Apple Computer and the Officer Defer dants' MOTLON for Summary Judgment (FILED UNDER SEAL) Plaintiffs' Declaration of Frederic F. Nagel, III in Opposition t | Defendants’ MOTION for Summary Judgment, Vol. 1 with Exhibits 1 40 attached. (FILED UNDER SEAL) | -Declaration of Frederic F. Nagel, III in Oppestion to Defendants MOTION for Summary Judgment, Vol. 2 with Exhibits 41 - 90 attacl | CRILED UNDER SEAL) -Decharation of Frederic F. Nagel, IIL in Opposition to Defendani MOTION for Summary Judgment, Vol. 3 with Exhibits 90A - 148 attached. (FILED UNDER SEAL) | -Declaration of Frederic F. Nagel, I1l in Opposition to Defendan MOTION for Summary Judgment, Vol. 4 with Exhibits 149 ~ 181 attached. (FILED UNDER SEAL) | Plaintiffs’ Ex Parte Application for Leave to File Memorandum Exceeding 25 pages. Dec, 5, 1986 at 9:00 am. -Memorandum in Oppostion to the Outside Director Defendants’ MOT: for Summary Judgment. (FILED UNDER SEAL) Deféndant Peter Crisp’s Amended Responses to Plaintiffs’ First S: of Interrogatories. RECEIVED: Letter from Frederic F. Nagel, III dated Nov. 10, 1986 noting that Exhibit 172 of the Declaration of Frederic Nagel [il in Opposicion to Motion for Summary Judgment was actually submit as Exhinit 115. Attached to the letter is a one page notation tc be inserted in the Declaration which directs one to Look at Exhi 115 for Exhibit 172. aintiffe' Declaration of John 8, Torkelgen, in Suppers of. Plas Pe Re ee eae aTs er eset Pee RERCATSE SP SUPPETE OF Lani O, Judgment, (Continued) . SHEET "Dp" C-84-20148(A) RM ow Be oO Oo FART a ge SErENDANT ereTenyT APPLE COMPUTER SECURITIES EaPTGATEON RPA page _oF pause 1986 ~ ” Nov 21| 107:! Defendants Rock, Crisp, Schlein and Singleton's Reply Memorandum in Support of Outside Directors’ MOTION for Summary Judgment. 21| 108] Defendants’ Memorandum in Opposition to Plaintiffs’ MOTION to Strike Defendants’ Declarations. { 21/109] - Application for Leave to File Reply Memorandum in Excess of 25 | pages. 21 RECELVED: Defendants’ Proposed Order re: filing of Memorandum in Excess of 25 pages. 21 RECEIVED: Defendants’ Memorandum in Excess of 25 pages, in support of Motion for Summary Judgment. . 21| 110) Defendants’ Declaration of A.C. Markkula, Jr. in Support of NOTION | fer Sunmary Judgment with Exhibits 1 - 6, 21) 111] - Declaration of Christopher M. Patti in Support of MOTION for Summary Judgment with Exhibits 1 - 39. 21} 112] - Proof of Service re:108, 109, 110 and 111. Nov 21/113} Plaintiffs' Declaration of John B. Torkelsen in Support of Memoran- | dum in Opposition to Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment, wit corrected Exhibit B, Exhibits A - B attached, 26| 114| Defendant Rock's Amended Responses to Plaintiffs’ Firet Set of Interrogatories. 26 | 115| Defendant Singleton's Amended Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Interrogatories. 26 | 116 | Defendant Schlein's Amended Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of | Interrogatories. 26 | 117 | Plaintiffs' First Request for Production vf Objects for Inspection. Examination and testing directed to Defendants. 26 | 118 | - First Request for Admissions Propounded wpon all Defendants. 26/119 | - Interrogatories, Set number Three, directed to Defendant Apple Computer and to Individual Defendants with Exhibit A, Rey 20 | 120 | Defendante Ourosde Diresters’ (Rock, Sehlein, Mrian and Singleran) Interrogatories directed to Plaintiffs. 28 | 121 | Plaintifés’ Exhibit Errata Sheet in Support of Platintiffs' Memorar dum in Oppeaition co Apple Computer and Officer Nefendnats’ MOTION for Summary Judgment. FILED UNDER SEAL mAR 20 '91 12109 PAGE.1S f . Oo” "p" C-B4-20148(A) RPE om, e Givi BocKET CONTINUATION SHEET CR DEFENDANT T | oGeBsP148.(A! IN RE: APPLE COMPUTER SECURITIES LITIGATLON ° pact _oF__pac | care Tne pmoceeoince 1986 | Dec 1 | 122] Plaintiffs’ Rebuttal Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants’ MOTION for Summary Judgment. 1 |123| - Memorandum in Response to Defendants’ Memorandum in Oppositio ti Plaintiffs’ MOTION to Strike Defendants’ Declaration. 1 |124| - Supplemental Video Tape Interrogatory to all Defendants. vec 4 | 129) Usvex: Limiving Uke FLMLULICE’s Vitet Lu Oppyetitun cu Defendant Motion for Summary Judgment to a strict 90 page maximum. Denyin | | Defendants’ Application to file an oversized reply brief of 71 | pages; allowing them to file an oversized brief of 45 page maxi | mum. Plaintiffs’ Brief in Opposition to Defendants’ MOTION for | Summary Judgment is due by Dec. 26, 1986 by 5:00 pm. Defendants reply brief by Jan. 2, 1987 by 5:00 pm. Oral argument is set fo Jan. 9, 1987 at 9:00 am. RPA Dec 9 | 126 Plaintiff Elsie Wagner Letter dated Dec, 1, 1986 requesting infor | tion on the status of the case. Dee 23 | RECEIVED: Exclusion Request of Alfred Lanrence dated Dec. 10,1¢ Dec 29) 127 Plainciffs' Amended Declaration of John 8. Torkelsen in Support | Plaintiffs’ Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment. Dee 29 | 128 | - Memorandum in Oppositon to Apple and Officer Defendants' Moric for Summary Judgment. (FILED UNDER SEAL) 30 | 129 | Plaintiffs‘ Supplemental Declaration of Frederic F. Nagel, IIL i Opposition to Apple and Officer Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgment (FILED UNDER SEAL) 1987 Jan 2 | 130 | Defendants Apple and Officers’ Notice of Motion to Strike Portic of Plaintiffs’ Memomorandum in Opposition to Summary Judgment Motion. (hearing date Jan. 9, 1987) 2 131 \- Memorandum in Support of Motion to Strike Portions of Plaintii \ Memorandum in Oppositon to Summary Judgment Motion 2 | 132 |- Declaration of Pual W, Sugarman in Support of Motion to Strike 2/133 |- Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion for Summary Judgment. 2 1134 | - Supplemental Declaration of Christopher M. Patti in Supporc of Motion for Surmary Judgment . o | 195 | verensuues ougsige » ee: | OFosagdvesSea” co“apple Ana” co TRUVT GUAT bezeAaRCS - "BEET F°8Ae i (Continued) SHEE “E Civil DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET nan PLAINTIFF IN RE: APPLE COMPUTER SECURITIES LITIGATION ‘DEFENOANT oO aw BAR ANGE(A) REF | Pace _or__raaes pare | NR PROCEEDINGS 1987 Jan 6 |136 Defendants Outside Directors' Response to Plaintiff's First Request for Admissions directed to all Defendants, 6 [137 | - Response to Plaintiff's Request for Production of Objects. 7 |138 | Defendants Apple and Directors’ Response to Plaintiffs’ First Request for Production of Objects. 7 (139 - Responses to Plaintiffs' Interrogatories No. 8 - 10 directed to Defendant Apple and to the Individual Defendants - Set # 3. | 7 [140 | - Response to Plaintiffs’ First Request for Admissions. 7 [141 | Plaintiffs" Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants Apple and Officers’ Motion to Strike Portions of Plaintiffs' Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants’ Summary Judgment Motion. 7 RECEIVED: Proposed Order Denying Defendnats' Motion to Strike Portions of Plaintiffs' Brief. 8 [142 | Plaintiffs’ Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants Apple and Officers’ Motion to Strike Portions of Plaintiffs' Memorandum in Opposition to Defendants’ Summary Judgment Motion with Attachment Jan 9 (143 | MINTUES: (1/9/87) Defendants’ Motions for Summary Judgment and to Stike heard/Motion to Strike -Denied, Motion for Summary Judgment submitted. Order to be prepared by Court. Trial and Pretrial Conference dates are vacated, Court will set trial setting, confe ence dates in its Order ruling on Motions. C/R: Jo Ann Bryce RPA Jan 13 |144 Defendants Apple and Officers' Responses to Plaintiffs’ Supple- mental Videotape Interrogatoriy to all Defendants. 13/145 - Responses to Plainitfis' Interrogatories No. 1 - 7 and 12 - 14, Set No. 3. Jan 14 | Clerk forwarded Exclusion Request of Alfred Laurence to Plaintiffs counsel Milberg, Weiss, Bershad this date. CLERK Jan 21/146 |Plaintifés' objections to outside Directors’ interrogatories to re: Peter 0. Crisp Feb 17 147 REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT of 1/9/87 i 27 148 |pefendants' response to plaintiffs’ interrogacory no. 11 and supplemental responses to interrogatories no.2 and 12 addressed to defendants’ apple computer, and to the individual defendants - set 3 ] SEE OVER -35- sea Rev. cu/999 IN_RB APPLE COMPUTER SECURIT MAR 20°91 12:06 PAGE.a1 SHEET aa e 84 20148 RPA (A) bocxer No. $ LITIGATION PAGE —-OF —PAt DATE | ne, PROCEEDINGS Jun 12 19 26 9 ORDER:. Defendants' motion for summary judgment on the issue of jscienter is DENIED. RPA 150 |Letter from John E, Grasberger to clerk re; publication [151 |STIPULATION & ORDER: Plaintiffs' may fle a motion for par! 1 freconsideration of the Courts’ order granting in large pa liefendents' motion for summary judgment to 5/26/87. RPA 152 |Plaintifés' ex-parte application for leave to file brief in exces 25 pages | 153 |ORDER: Plaintiffs’ may file a memo in excess of 40 pages. 154 |Plaintiffs' memo in support of motion for reconsideration of orde Joartially granting motion for summary judgment (PILED UNDER SEALE lof order partially granting motion for summary judgment 7/19/87, 155| _ = Declaration of Jeffifer Imes in support of motion for recons 9 00am (FILED UNDER SEALED) 156 Plaintiffs’ motion for reconsideration of order partially grantir motion for sucmary judgment 7/10/87, 9:00am (FILED UNDER SEALED) 137, Appendix of cases 158 |Plaintiffs’ Notice of Motion & Motion for partial summary judgmer 7/10/87, 9:00am 159|Plainciffs’ | SEALED) statement of material facts not in dispute (FILED UNI 160 Plaintiffs’ memo in support of #158 (UNDER SRALED) 161| = Declaration of Frederic F. Nagel IIT in support of #158 (UNI SEALED) 162 |ORDER: That Apple Computer, and officer defendants may file a single brief not more than’ 50 pages respond to motion for recons of 4/29/29 summary judgment order & for partial summary judgment 163 | Defendants’ Outside director memo in opposition to motions for reconsideration & for partial summary judgment 7/10/87, 9:0Gam SEE SHERT -36- mak 28 'S1 12:06 PAGE.O2 cum ¢ SEE SHEET " Ox, 20143 sa) ow fen 7) CIVIL DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET PCANTIFF TBEFENOANT Joocxer no PAGE __.oF___paces IN_RE APPLE COMPUTER ware | Nm. 1987 run 26 |164 |Defendancs' responses of to purported statement of material facts not in dispute & to their proposed Order 165 - Declaration of Cynthia Zollinger 166 = Declaration of David S, Schwartz in opposition to motion for pertial suamary judgment 167 = Declaration of Marie Amoruso in opposition to motion for pertial summary judgment 7/10/87, 9:00am 168 | - Memo in opposition to motions for reconsideration § for partial | [summary judgment | Jul 6 |169 |Plaintiffs' supplemental declaration of Frederic F. Magel I11 | |in support of motion for reconsideration @ for partial summary | [judgment (FILED UNDER SEALED) 170 | - reply memo in support of motion for summary judgmene (FILED UM SEALED) im | - reply re: statement of material facts not in dispute (FILED UNDE SEALED) 7 |172 plaineagfs' supplemental declaration of John B. Torkelsen in support f motions for reconsideration & for partial summary judgment 7/26/87 9:00am 9 173 |Defendants' supplemental memo in opposition to motion for reconsider & for partial summary judgment 26 |174 |MINUTES: (7/24/87)(C/R Unreported) Plaintiffs’ motion for partial summary ju¢gment, motion for reconsideration off calendar submitted lon the papers RPA { 31 175 ORDER: The Outside Directors' motion for summary judgment is GRANTED Pleintiffs' motion for reconsideration of Court's order of 4/30/87 i: DENIED. Plaintiffs’ motion for partial summary judgment is DENIED.RPY Sep 21/176 Plaintiffs' Notice of Motion & Motion for leave to amend complaint 0/23/87, 9:00am 177 - Memo in support of #176 178 | - Declaration of F. F. Nagel III in support of #176 RECELVED: Proposed order f . ow teen 9 @ seeet "F" @ c 84 2014888 | GWVIL DOCKEF CONTINUATION SHEET | IN RE APPLE COMPUTER | Page OF PA pare | NR PROCEEDINGS, a = = — = Oct 2 | 179 \befendants' Notice of Motion for summary judgment 10/30/67, 9:00a 1a0| - Memo in support of #179 181} = Declaration in support of #179 182 ~ Statement of material facts not in dispute I t 19 /\83 |ORDER: Defendants’ motion for summary judgment on the issue of materiality with respect to all plaintiffs' case excerpt statemer #5 and #10 are GRANTED. Defendants’ motion for summary Judgment Jon the issue of scienter is DENIED. RP, RECEIVED: Proposed Order 20 |184 |STIPULATION & ORDER: The hearings on both motions shall be contir to 12/4/87, 9:00am, opposition filed by 11/9/87, reply filed by 11/24/87. RPA \ Nov 9 [185 | Defendants' memo in opposition to motion for leave to amend complaint; 12/4/87, 9:00am 186 = Declaration of M. Macklin in opposition to motion for leave amend complaint, 12/4/87, 9:00am 187 Plaintiffs!’ memo in opposition to motion for summacy judgmer 2/4/87, 9:00am i 1g8| - response to statement of material facts not in disput 24 | 189 Defendants’ reply meno in support of motion for summacy judgment 12/4/87, 9:00am 25 | 190 | Plaintifts' reply memo in support of motion to amend complaint 12/4/87, 9:00am Dec 14] 191/ORDER: Defendants’ motion for summary judgment is GRANTED. Plaintiffs’ motion to amend the complaint is DENIED. RP ENTERED: 12/14/87, copies mailed to counsel. R 192| JUDGMENT: Judgment is Entered against plaintiff & judgment is entered in favor of defendants'. RPA ENTERED: 12/14/87, copies wailed to counsel. CONTINUATION SHEET " —3a- ‘ aw ei SHEET "G" “ 20148 HARA) , PLANT ] SeFENOANT pecker NO PATE | NR, PROCEEDINGS 1987 Dec 18/ 193| ORDER OF CORRECTION: in the order dated 12/14/87. RPA 22 | 194] Defendante’ Btu or costs 23 |195 |pefendants' A. Rock, >. S. Schlein, P. 0, Crisp & Ml. Ey Singleten declaration of Philip F, Atkins-Pattenson in support asa 196 | Defendants’ arthur Rock, Philip S. Schlein, Peter 0. Crisp & nry Singleton COST BILL 30 197 | copy of #192 mailed to Kohn, Savett, Marion returned from Post Office undelivable 1988" Jan 6 | 198] REPORTER'S TRANSCRIPT OP proceedings 12/11/87 a | 199| Plaintiffs! NOTICE OF APPEAL as to Defendants! Apple Computer, Inc., G. P. Carter, J. D. Couch, W. J. Houde, S. PB, Jobs, A. C. Mackkulay Jr., Ne Nuller, J. Sculley, J: Vennaré, D. Wi. Yocam, K. 8. Zerbe ONLY. ~fee paid, {ga-1617 Docket fee payment notification form mailed to USCA 13 | 200 | Costs taxed in the amount of $33,682.95 in favor of the outside director defendants Arthur Rock, Philip S. Schlein, | Peter 0. Crisp and Henry E. Singleton. 201 | Coste taxed in the amount of $66,199.58 in favor of defendants Apple Computer, Inc., Gene P. Carter, John D. Couch, Wilfrid J. Houde, Steven P. Jobs, A. C. Markkula, Jz., Nichael Muller, gohn Sculley, John Vennard, Delbert W. Yocam, & Kenneth R. nerbe. 29 |202 Appellate's Transcript Designation & Ordering Form of dates 1/8/87, 12/11/87 Feb 10 Mailed certificate of record to USCA & counsel. a Mailed Reporter's Transcript to record on appeal to USCA. } 22 | 203 |Acknowiedgment ceceipt of transcripts 23 | 204 Copy of order mailed to Kohn, Savett, Marion returned undelivable from Post Office 209 copy vf vider malled co A. J+ Tvecu eetuence undelivable from Post Office | | over cana eon ts) BLAINTIFF SHEET "6" c 84 CIVIL, DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET | DEFENDANT IN_RE APPLE SECURITIES LITIGATION 2 Fico-neata) aw T | Docker no, iPass oF. Date. t= ar. 88, | 5 NR. 206 PROCEEDINGS Acknowledgment Receipt of tcanscript aug 24 207 ‘STIPULATIOMné-ORDMRS..The parties agree the pending appeal the "under seal" designation of the following filings in this Court may be removed, and that such documents now on file in this Court may be removed, and that such documents now on file Mac 7 21 11990 Ape 2 | 12 I 24 | 208 | | 209 210 au 212. 213 in this Court may be treated by the Court as though not filed under seal; (a) all documents included by party in the excerpt of record filed with the ninth ané (b) all documents which ninth circuit personnel be transmitted to that court USCA ORDER: the judgment of the said Disteict cous is afticmed in part, ceversed in pact, and comandéed sha’! bear its own costs on appeal. Cleck's notice of status conference on 4-20-90 at 10 pacties ace to submit to the Court no later than 4-1 confecence statement they were either circuits request RP. in this caus Bach pacty USCA 0 a-m., 3-90 a statu cle Cleck's notice of status conference mailed to Kohn Savett Marion & Geaf returned by Post Office - undeliverable = Clerk's notice of continuance, the status conference scheduled on calendar for 4-20-90 has been continued to 4-24-90 at 10:30 a.m, before Judge Aguilar Cleck Getter of change of address MINUres: (4-24-90); (c/e: Uncepocted): calendac ceset to 4-27-90 at 10:30 a.m. status confecence off RPE 21a | ais | Plaintiff's joint status conference statement MINUTES; (4-27-90); (c/e: Unreported); status conference held; | case continued to 11-12-90 at 2:00 p.m. foc peeteial confecunce case continued to 1i-26-90 at 9:00 a.m. for teial, e t jucy teial. Expect discovecy cutoff 8-31-90 RPA STIPULATION & ORDER: parties stipulate to extend the expert Aiscovery cut-off, currently set at 8/31/90, to 9/18/30. This extention is to prepare foc tcial, set to commence on 11/26/30. CONTINUED ~40- NAR 26 "Si 1esus ~ ow es" om San CIVIL BOGKET CONTINUATION SHEET PLANT | DEFENDANT ~ IN RE APPLE DOCKET No, PAGE _OF_.__Paces CURITIES LITIGATION | pare | ne. PROCEEDINGS [i990 [Sep 2 | 216) better fron Pavi Sugarman to Judge Ingeam re teial loct 18 | 217/ORDER: all in limine motions shall be filed by 1/28/91. Memorandum in opposition to in limine motions shall be | filed by 2/14/91. Reply memoranda in support of in linine | | motions filed by 2/25/31. Orai argument on in limine motions ' heard on 3/8/91 at 9:00 a.m. Trial briefs and pre-trial | statements filed by 3/13/91. Pretrial conference on 3/18/91 : at 2:00 p.m. Trial on 3/25/91 at 9:00 a.m. war | sev 9 HAUS LOmE : ae | 20 | 218 | Plaintift's notice of motion and motion to :modify class definition 219 | = meworandum in support of #218 RECEIVED: (proposed) order modifying class definition 23 | 220] order filed 11/9/20 mailed to the firm of Hohn, Savett, Marion & Graf i retumed by gost Office, unknown Dec 7 | 221] Defendant's memorandum in opposition to #218 222, - notice of cross-motion for partial summery judgment | 223|- statement of material facts not in dispute | 224] - notice of deposition and request for production of documents 225| - declaration of Douglas M. Schwab in opposition to #216 226) ~ declaration of service mail served #221 thru #225 to | all parties of record, executed 12/7/90, 20) 227/STIPULATION AND ORDER continuing hearing date and setting briefing | |schedule. Hearing on Plaintitfs' motion to modify class definicion jand definition Defendants’ ceoss motion for partial summary judguent currently set for 12/21/90 is now scheduled for 1/18/91 at 9:00 en, Plaintiffs’ reply to defendants' opposition and opposition to defendants! cross motion shall be filed by 12/28/80, and defendants! reply to plaintiff's opposition shall be filed oy 1/11/91 ow 26 | 228| Plainticé's memorandum in support of #218 and in opposition to #222 ° cConTINUED \ ~~ MAR 2B ‘31 12:09 PAGE .07 f oe ma @ sucor ©84-20148(a) CIVIL DOCKET CONTINUATION SHEET in re Apple Securities Litigation pace __o. ve -4a- 1 T61p-H9-23908 /sjb The following investigation was conducted by IA AT_REDWOOD CITY, CALIFORNIA LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY On March 1, 1991, |, Records Clerk, San Mateo County Sheriff's office, which covers all San Mateo County advised no identifiable criminal record could be located regarding STEVEN PAUL JOBS, born February 24, 1955. ~43- bs MaRS 81 11:24 PAGE.a2 1 T61B-HQ-23908 SDM/sdm Ihe following investigation was conducted by [A 26 AT SAN JOSE, CALIFORNTA LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCY On Narch 1, 1991, the records of the Santa Clara County Criminal Justice Information Control System, which covers the entire county, were reviewed and found to contain no arrest record identifiable with STEVEN PAUL JOBS. ~b4- L T61B-HQ-23908 jb b6 The following investigation was conducted by IA bic AT SAN MATEO, CALIFORNIA BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU OF SAN MATEO COUNTY bs On March 20, 1991, Better Business Bureau of b7c San Mateo County, 20 North San Mate0 Drive, advised no complaints have been filed against STEVEN PAUL JOBS, or Next Incorcoprated, Redwood City, California. AT REDWOOD CITY, CALIFORNIA CONSUMER FRAUD OF DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S ‘OF _SAN MATEO COUNTY On March 20, 1991, Consumer Fraud of District ,, Attorney's, San Mateo County, 401 Marshall, advised no complaints rc have been filed against STEVEN PAUL JOBS or Next Incorporated, Redwood City, California. -45- 161B-HQ-23908 SDM: jtg a following investigation was conducted by IA bé AT SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU on March 15, 1991, the records of the Better Business Bureau were searched regarding STEVEN PAUL JOBS and Apple Computer, Inc. This search revealed no record regarding Jobs. It did, however, reveal several complaints with regard to Apple Computer, as with any large firm in the silicon Valley. It was noted that Apple has always been responsive to all conplaints filed, and its reputation is considered outstanding. 46" TELETYPE UN! 0595 maT 02173 sy sie “ Loingl 02 812 i eREAU ge hives TIBATION PP RUCNFB FBISC DE FBISF #0021 0782351 znR UuUUU Tesniog. conga 08 Of 0, Of, Uaiea | om. tunic P 1922557 MAR 91 Fu FBI SAN FRANCISCO (1618-HQ-23908) (P) (SQ 4) TO DIRECTOR FBI/PRIORITY/ FBI SACRAMENTO/PRIORITY/ er ralgen “ UNCLAS, ROOM 4359 crte: //3790/7 sus sect: sTeveN RAUL JOBSs SPINGS)5 BUDED? 3/7/91. REFERENCE BUFAX TO SACRAMENTO, 2/21/91. ON 3/11/91, IA CHECKED THE SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY BUREAU OF VITAL STATISTICS WITH NEGATIVE RESULTS REGARDING THE BIRTH OF STEVEN PAUL JOBS. NO JOBS WERE LISTED. 28 DURING INTERVIEW OF APPOINTEE, HE ADVISED THAT HE WAS ADOPTED. ON 3/18/91, } SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY socTAL SERVICES ADOPTION UNIT, ADVISED THAT HE COULD LOCATE NO RECORD cc peSehoven PAGE TWO DE FBISF 0021 UNCLAS OF STEVEN PAUL JOBS WITH A BIRTHDATE OF 2/24/55. HE ADVISED THAT INFORMATION COULD 8€ OBTAINED THROUGH THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, ADOPTIONS BRANCHs THAT MAINTAINED RECORDS OF ALL ADOPTIONS IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. HE PROVIDED A TELEPHONE NUMBER OF 916-324-8044, ON 3/18/91 IA CONTACTED AT THE ABOVE NUMBER WHO ADVISED THAT SHE COULD NOT PROVIDE THAT INFORMATION ANO THAT THE REQUEST WOULD HAVE TO BE IN WRITING DIRECTED TO THE STATE SOCIAL SERVICES, ADOPTIONS BRANCH, 744 P STREET» SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814, SACRAMENTO, AT SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA: IN AN EFFORT TO EXPEDITE THIS MATTER» SACRAMENTO IS REQUESTED TO CONTACT THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES» ADOPTIONS BRANCH, 744 P STREET, AND ATTEMPT TO VERIFY THE APPOINTEE'S BIRTH. BT #0021 NNNN Te WATO RECORD CHECK ROUTING SLIP 00; BUREAU sh fal REFERENCE COMMUNICATION DATED BUDED: IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUEST CONTAINED IN REFERENCED COMMUNICATION, THE FOLLOWING IS SU8MITTEO: ruzcrnonze sancuzo 3//3/9/ x curax cewssat searcero = S//@/9/__, ay corre »é ELSUR SEARCHED 19/49) » BY CLERK oe CFR SEARCHED BLOGs, wx cxeax J. A REVIEW OF WHFO ELECTRONIC, GENERAL, ELSUR, AND CFR INDICES FAILED TO REVEAL ANY REPORTABLE INFORMATION IDENTIFIABLE WITH CAPTIONED INDIVIDUAL, RELATIVES, REFERENCES, ASSOCIATES, OR ROOMMATES, AS APPLICABLE, IN THE WHFO AREX, EXCEPT WITH REGARD 70 OTHER APPLICANT MATTERS UNLESS NOTED BELOW. QPUREAL (MIB 239097 =) (ATTN: FSS ) TPO yi 23902 Memorandum te + DIRECTOR, Far ou 3/4/41 (ASTENESOW: SPIN UNZZ, FBIHO, ROOM 4371) Subjects sac, wizo (61 Big AB 908 Preven! Pre das Stave: 3/2 [4 3: WM MS died 3 ft9 A review of WMFO's electronic, general, ELSUR, and CFR indices revealed no reportable information on captioned individual, other family members or roommates (as applicable) in the WMFO area, except for this investigation or other applicant matters. \ amine ( ? ) WMFO 161B-HQ-23908 GFF: gff SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 450 5th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. On March 12, 1991, ] OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT, SECURITIES AND N (SEC), advised Investigative Assistant (IA) that their files contained no derogatory info STEVEN PAUL JOBS. ~~ advised SEC records contained no derogatory information for the companies of which JOBS is associated. fost (a 430.85) @ FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION WEFORTING OFFICE [OFFICE OF ORIGIN DATE INVESTIGATIVE PERIOD DALLAS BUREAU 3/19/91 | 318/92 TITLE OF CASE REPORT MADE BY PTYPED BY: STEVEN PAUL JOBS SA hes v6 CHARACTER OF CASH ” SPIN (B) BUDED: 3/7/91 (Past) REFERENCE dated 3/15/91. ADMINISTRATIVE: San Francisco teletype to Bureau, Dallas, et al, - RUC ~ Persons interviewed appraised of Privacy Act. Dallas Indices (General, Confidential, and Elsur) were not found to contain any reference known to be identical to appointee. It is to be noted that Dallas, of course, was unable to investigate this matter in the time of the Bureau deadline inasmuch as the lead to conduct investigation was not received until after the Bureau deadline. SPECIAL AGENT APPROVED IN CHARGE, DO NOT WRITE IN SPACES BELOW Tonle conEwEDE (ATTN: SPI! FBIHt 1-Dallas (161B-HQ-23908) 23908) NIT, RM. 4372, cc vegtigoven DISSEMINATION RECORD OF ATTACHED REPORT Notations Rassey Request Reed Date Fed How Fwd ae COVER PAGE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Federal Bureau of Investigation Copy to: Report of oie DALLAS Date Warch 15, 1957 Field Office File ¥: 161 B-HQ-23908 Bureau File #: 1618-23908 ine STEVEN PAUL JOBS character: SPECIAL INQUIRY Synopsis: interviewed at advised he has known the appointee for approximatel ears He feels the appointee is a very qualified individual and recommends candidate for a position of trust and confidence with the U.S. Government. = RUC - DETAILS: This coeunent contains neither recommendations nor conclusions of the FBI. It is the property of the FBI and is Loaned to your agency; it and ite contents are not to be distributed outside your agency. - oO QO 161B-HQ-23908 e following investigation was conducted by SA } be pie INTERVIEW OF A BUSINESS OFFICIAL AT_DALLAS. AS 18/91, advised SAL with the following TnFormation Having to do with Ris Knowledge of the appointee, STEVEN PAUL JOBS: He has known the appointee for about ears continued that his knowledge of the appointee is based Strictly on his knowledge of the appointee in a business situation. He stated that he feels that the appointee is well thought of and has done an excellent job as a member of the COMPUTER INDUSTRY in the United States. He also noted that he recalled that the appointee was recently married, and that his wife had something to do with Stanford Business School. He described the appointee as being a "genius" in the area of computers. He stated that he is not personally well acquainted 6 with the appointee with the exception of his nestings | bre He stated that he knows nothing of a derogatory nature regarding applicant's moral character, associates, or loyalty. Neither does he have any personal information with regard to any drug use, prescription medicine or alcohol abuse, personal financial problems, or prejudices that he is aware of. He also noted that it is his understanding that the appointee previously invented the personalized type computers produced by the APPLE COMPUTER COMPANY, and he is under the understanding that the appointee actually invented the APPLE COMPUTER. He has been told that the appointee actually did not graduate from college but was able to conduct such an invention due to his extreme intelligence and willing to work. He also noted that apparently many articles and possibly books regarding the appointee have been previcusly been written because of the appointee's invention of the above-described APPLE COMPUTER CORPORATION. 161B-HQ-23908 |r position S¥-EFUSE ahd confidence with the U.S. Government, particularly in anyth information. bs ted that he recommends the appointee for aS, ing having to do with computerized 199 39¥2 ) PPOPL (5. $7 SUH ee e e. mo NEW ROCHELLE RESIDENT ACENCY FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION ro: _ Directo @ FORT agen: : pater 3LesZoy rrou: SA | : . susner, STeven (aul Joss. Sen: Su as comennss NUMBER OF PAGES ( INCLUDING COVFR SHEET } wd . ~ “Sy wy Spipt 16. St aun FD-36 (Rev, 3-22-78) DELETYPE PRIORITY uNcEAS 3/15/91 /PRIORITY/ NEW YORK (161-RQ-22908) (RUC) (A-4) /PRIORITY/ DIRECTOR FBI () Br UNCLAS CITE: //354013649// 1 = New York 1 Supervisor (A-6) oMti:nb1037D.074 (2) Approved: Transmitted, Per NOTE: AFTER APPROVAL, PLEASE ROUTE THIS DOCUMENT BACK TO THE WORD PROCESSING SUPERVISOR, NOT TO THE TELETYPE ROOM, WP Initiale: _ zd Perst T6, St ake SUBJECT: STEVEN PAUL JOBS; SPECTAL INQUIRY; BUDED: srirt REEAN FRANCISCO TELRTYPS TO NEW YORK, DATED 3/15/91. REFERENCE: ST aun 3/15/91. oN MARCH 15, 1992, ed YORK, ADVISED HE HAS KNOUN HE BXPLAINED HE INITIALLY MET WE APPOINTBE APPROXIMATELY |, 18M CORPORATION, OLD ORCHARD ROAD, ARMONK, NEW YEARS. JORS THROUGH MUTUAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATES AND THAT FRIENDSHIP CONTINUES TILL TODAY, HE STATED THE APPOINTEE HAS ALWAYS BEEN AN INPRESSIVE INDIVIDUAL PROM EVERY ADVANTAGE POINT AND HE WAS UNAWARE OF ANY INFORMATION CONCERNING THE St ah b6 oo asda oripl 16, St abu) APPOINTEE WHICH MIGHT BE TERMED DERROGATORY, HE NOTED HE HAS BEEN WITH JORS IN SOCIAL SETTINGS BUT HAS NEVER WITWESSED ANY ILLEGAL DRUG USAGE OR ALCOHOL ABUSE BY THE APPOINTR: HE NOTED THE APPOINTRE SEEMINGLY LIVES NITHIN HTS FINANCZAL MANS AND HE TAS NEVER WITNESSED ANY EXAMPLES OF AN EXTRAVAGANT LIFESTYLE HAVING OFEY PRACTICED AY JOBS. HE NOTED THE APPOINTEE IS AN INTELLIGENT, CHEERFUL INDIVIDUAL TO BE WITH AND NOTED WE HAS NEVER WITNESSED ANY RASH OR FRIVOLOUS BEHAVIOR BY THE APPOINTEE. HE STATED THE APPOINTEE IS A MAN OF GOOD SOLID JUDGEMENT AND NOTED HE SEEHS TO BE A MORALLY UPRIGHT INDIVIDUAL. HE FELT THE APPOINTEE HAS THE ABILITY spn" 30H TO GET ALONG WELL WITH ALL TYPES OF INDIVIDUALS AND HE NAS NEVER HEARD JORG UTTER ANY COMMENTS WHICH MIGHT DE CONSTRUED OR PREJUDICED TOWARDS ANY INDIVIDUAL OR GROUPS OF INDIVIDUALS BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, CREED, OR ETHNIC BACKGROUND, HE FELT THE APPOINTEE HAS DONE AN OUTSTANDING JOB IN THE CONPUTER INDUSTRY AND BASED ON PAST OBSERVATIONS WOULD HAVE NO HESTTANCY IN RECONMENDING HIN FOR A WHITE HOUSE APPOINTMENT. OW MARCH 15, 1991, ]} IBM CORPORATION, OLD ORCHARD ROAD, ARMONK, NEW YORK, ADVISED HE HAS KNOWN THE APPOINTEE APPROXIMATELY YEARS, HE ahi aoud EXPLAINED HE MET JOBS THROUGM MUTUAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATES AND THAT FREINDSHTP CONTINUES TO TODAY, HE STATED HE KNOWS THE APPOINTEE ON A PROFESSIONAL BASIS BUT HAS ALSO SEEN HIM IN SOCIAL SETTINGS AS WELL. ME NOTED THE APPOINTEE UAS A LIVELY PERSONALITY AND SEEMINGLY GETS ALONG Wr ALL TYPES OF INDIVIDUALS HE COMES IN CONTACT WITH, HE FELT THE APPOINTER IS AN HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY INDIVIDUAL, ONE HOSE AEHAVIOR HAS ALWAYS BERN ABOVE REPROACH, HE FELT THE APPOINTEE WAS NOP GIVEN TO ANY TLUEGAL DRUG USAGE NOR Wag HE AWARE OF ANY ALCOHOL ABUSE RVER HAVING BEEN SHOWN BY JOBS, HE NOTED TH APPOINTEE HAS NEVER EXHIBITED AN EXTRAVAGANT OR FLASHY LIFESTYLE AND te. St aH 20a" 3986 TO THE BEST OF HIS KNONLEDGE FELT THE APPOINTSE LIVED WITHIN FINANCIAL MEANS, HE NOTED THE APPOTNTER SEEMS TO BE A HARDWORKING INDUSTRIOUS INDIVIDUAL, ONE WHO IS Lol KEYED AND ASSURED AT ALL TIMES, ME STATED THE APPOINTEES ENJOYS A HIGH DEGREE OF RESPECT IN THR BUSINESS COMMUNITY AND NOTED HT HAS ACHIEVED MUCH IN HIS LIFE. HE BELIRVES THE APPOINTED I$ A STABLE TMPRESSIVE INDIVIDUAL AND NOTED UE IS ENDOWED WITH NUCH COMMON SENSE, HE FELT TWE APPOINTEE Ig NOT GIVEN TO ANY IMPULSTVE OR LIGHTY DECISIONS AND NOTED HE HAS NEVER HEARD JOBS UTTER ANY CoM (98 CONCERNING ANY INDIVIDUAL OR GROUPS OF INDIVIDUALS BECAUSE OF RACE, COLOR, CREED OR ETHNIC BACKGROUND. HE FELT THE APPOINTED IS AN IMPRESSIVE, OUTSTANDING INDIVIDUAL AND KNEW OF NO REASON NOT TO RECOMMEND HIN FOR A WHITE i HOUSE APPOINTMENT. TELETYPE oni 0061 MRT 00112 (aMeeSl 0B 2) . co otREAL JAP. RUCNFB FBTAT FOIDL AUTRWESTISATION DE FBISF #0006 0740105 NR YUUUU P 150104Z MAR 91 FM FSI SAN FRANCISCO (1618-Ha-23908) (P) (SQUAD 4) TO DIRECTOR FBI/PRIORITY/ FBI ATLANTA/PRIORITY/ FBI DALLAS/PRIORITY/ OT NEW YORK/PRIORITY/ at ~ 4 UNCLAS CITE: //3790// SUBJECT? STEVEN PAUL JOBSS SPIN (B)5 BUDEDE 3/7/91. REFERENCE BUTEL TD SAN FRANCISCO 2/21/91 FOR INFORMATION OF RECEIVING OFFICES MR JOBS IS BEING CONSIDERED FOR A PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTMENT TO THE PRESIDENTS EXPORT COUNCIL. APPOINTEE IS CURRENTLY PRESIDENT OF NEXT COMPUTER» INC» REDWOOD CITYs CALIFORNIA, APPOINTEE FORMERLY CHAIRNAN OF APPLE COMPUTER. APPOINTEE INTERVIEWED 3/13/91. THROUGH INTERVIEW OF APPOINTEE cc vegihbleo o PAGE TWO'DE FBISF O00 UNcLAs II} Ll z AND OTHERS AT NEXT COMPUTERs INC, /THE FOLLOWING INDIVIDUALS WERE IDENTIFIED AS PEOPLE WHO WOULD KNOW THE APPOLNTEE AND COULD COMMENT ON HIS SUTTABILTTY FOR THE APPOINTMENT. PAT CRECINEs PRESIDENT, GEORGIA TECH, ATLANTA, GEORGIA» TELEPHONE. NUMBER (404) 894-5051y IS A MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF NEXT COMPUTER INC. DALLAS» TEXAS» be bie TELEPHONE NUMBER OF NEXT COMPUTER INC. |) 1585 CHARLESTON ROAD» MOUNTAIN VIEWs CALIFORNIA, TELEPHONE NUMBER |, APPLE COMPUTER, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, TELEPHONE NUMBER OR HONE NUMBER aq APPLE COMPUTER, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, TELEPHONE NUMBER CHARD ROAD, ARMONKs NEW YORK TELEPHONE NUMBER TBM, OLD ORCHARD ROADs ARMONKs NEW YORK, TELEPHONE NUNBER . S <

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