Bibliography: Osijek: Metodika

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Anderman G. & Rogers M., 2003. Margaret Rogers, Translation Today: Trends and
Perspectives, London: Multilingual Matters
Bagari V. & Mihaljevi Djigunovi J., 2007. Defining Communicative Competence,
Osijek: Metodika
Balkin J.M., 1993. Understanding Legal Understanding: The Legal Subject and the
Problem of Legal Coherence. The Yale Law Journal
Bowker L, 1998. Using Specialized Monolingual Native-Language Corpora as a
Translation Resource: A Pilot Study, Translators' Journal
Burukina, O. 2013. The Legal Translation Competence, New York: Addleton Academic
Cao D., 2007. Translating Law, London: Multilingual Matters Ltd
Chodkiewicz M., 2012. The EMT framework of reference for competences applied to
translation: perceptions by professional and student translators, The journal of
Specialised Translation
Cornelius, E. 2011. The curious case of legal translation, Literator
Dimitrova B.E., 2005. Expertise and Explicitation in the Translation Process,
Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company
Garzone G, 2000. Legal Translation and Functionalist Approaches: A Contradiction in
Terms?, Bologna: University of Bologna
Goode R., 1998. Commercial Law in the Next Millennium, Andover: Sweet & Maxwell,
Gouadec, D., 2007. Translation as a profession. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing
Kapook G.K. & Gulshan S.S., 2008. Business Law including Company Law, New
Delhi: New Age International
Morris M., 1995. Translation and the Law. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co.

Nadrag L., 2012. Legal Translation through the Distorted Lens of Culture: An EnglishRomanian Case Study, New York: Addleton Academic Publishers
Nadrag L., 2013. A quest for a model: The Globalization of English legal language, New
York: Addleton Academic Publishers
Samuelson B., 2003. Business Law and the Legal Environment, U.S.A: South-Western
Sarevi S., 1997. New Approach to Legal Translation. The Hague: Kluwer Law
Talbot F., 2009. Effective Business English, London: Kogan Page
Tennent M., 2005. Training for the new millenium. Amsterdam: John Benjamins
Publishing Co.
Yeago W., 2009. The Importance of Legal English. TransLegal
Snell-Hornby M & Pchhacker F. & Kaindl K., 1994. Translation Studies: An
interdiscipline. Vienna: John Benjamins Publishing Co.


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