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Summary of my short film:

A middle aged man has a mundane routine. He wakes up and completes the
same thankless tasks. From appearance he seems like a square, however one
thing that separates him from the rest would be his insane love for Nutella. Most
addicts cannot give up smoking or alcohol; but this addict cannot resist the
desire to eat Nutella. Objectophilia has taken over his brain, his favourite
company is a jar for Nutella and he frequently dreams about their wedding.
When there is a devastating new story that breaks out showing Nutellas
production is being ceased due to a bad harvest of hazelnuts. This would lead to
the stop of production of Nutella. When John realised this devastating news he is
left feeling debriefed. He has to savour it. Every last tin. A life without Nutella is a
life not worth living. His diet has been Nutella solidly for the last 10 years, he
cannot stop eating it now, he would die! Nutella is his air and he must have it all.
John rushes down to the closest store to get as much as he can, a life time
supply. Everyone around is an enemy, they are all after HIS Nutella. Once raiding
the stores and cleaning the shelves. John has now obtained 1000s of pounds
worth of Nutella and returned back home. However, John has now spent all his
money on stocking up on Nutella and such things as his mortgage still needed to
be paid. His landlord turns up at his house with an eviction notice. John cannot
pay but he knows it is worth it to save his beloved Nutella, however, he is now
homeless, and this is just a price to pay to save his Nutella. Whilst living side by
side on the street with his Nutella, he then has a daily newspaper thrown to his
feet, which crushes his world. NUTELLA NEWS REPORT JUST AN ADVERTISING
CAMPAIGN. John has lost his house and everything he owns to save Nutella and
he has been tricked, he has been crushed by corporate companies.

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