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Project Charter Template 18 Key Fields

1. Description - A high-level description of the project.

2. Goals/Deliverables - The goals and expected deliverables of the project.
3. Business Case - The driving reasons behind this project.
How it will help your customer / company. Why its being undertaken. Why its
worth doing.
4. The name of the PM - making it official wholl be running the project and
empowering them
(enabling them later to get the resources they will need).
5. The name of the sponsor - and signature
(This is key because it
authorizes the project)
6. Milestones (Time constraints) - such as hard deadlines for the full project itself
or for any of the projects individual check-in points.
7. Budget (Cost constraints) - if a budget cap is known at charter creation time.
8. Stakeholders - the names and roles of the key stakeholders known at time of
charter creation
who will be part of the project.
9. Success Metrics - For measuring quality of the deliverables, and customer

10. Risks Which could jeopardize the projects success, e.g.,

If this project is not completed before our competitors product hits the market,
our efforts may be in vain.

<< Jeff Furman, PMP. All rights reserved. >>

11. Assumptions - about the project, for example,

We are assuming that roughly ten technicians will be provided for this project,
which will be needed in order for this project to come in on deadline.
12. Dependencies On other projects being undertaken, on market conditions,
on pending rules or legislation, or on other external factors.
13. Key Products youll use For example, key project artifacts will be created in
MS Project
or Social Media software, will be stored in SharePoint or Clarity, etc.
14. Make or Buy? If known at this time, is the intent for the team to create the
in-house or to manage the procurement from an outside source / vendor?
15. Contract or S.O.W. in place? Status of contract or S.O.W. (Signed, inprogress, pending?)
16. Other key constraints on this project (e.g. Scope) Example - a new car
being created as the
deliverable must average 42 mpg in city driving, must surpass certain specific
quality metrics,
must comply with certain laws or regulations, etc.
17. What is NOT part of this Project!

18. Agile or Waterfall?


<< Jeff Furman, PMP. All rights reserved. >>

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