Use of ICT in Teaching and Learning: CAI Computer-Aided Instruction / CBT Computer-Based Training

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Use of ICT in teaching and learning

Schools/Unis/colleges use Learning Technology (aka. Elearning/educational tech.)

Learning Tech. uses: computers/multimedia
materials/networks/communication systems

CAI = Computer-Aided Instruction / CBT = Computer-Based Training

Computer software tends to replace the teacher/current learning
Computer is main method of delivering subject knowledge
Computer takes over whole learning process
Student usually takes pre-test on computer to find level to work
Good CAI package = easy to do this. Easy for student to
navigate from page to page/section to section
Built in games/quizzes to make experience +enjoyable
Software can assess students progress with tests,

keeps record of scores

CAL = Computer-Aided Learning / CBL = Computer-Based Learning
Computer and associated software dont replace a lecture/lesson
Introduced into course as a learning resource (like a text book/tv
Considered an integrated approach to teaching learning tech. is
part of it
Teacher in control of learning experience not the comp.
Introduced after assessment of current teaching methods
Must be integrated with textbooks/worksheets/other
Internet is an important component
Students can access CAL software through PCs
(overlay keyboards attached for students with
special needs)
Devices and media used by teachers:
DVD Players
Interactive whiteboards
Multimedia/Overhead Projectors

CMC = Computer-Mediated Communications

Used for sending completed tasks to teacher/tutor
Used by teacher to send tasks to students
CMC also includes Instant Messaging and Chat Rooms

CAA Computer-Aided Assessment

Examination Boards also use CAA
More computers are used to test students and determine their progress
Assessment can be formative or summative
Summative assessment:
Asks questions and records
Total mark is given and teacher/student are informed of scores
Formative Assessment:
Uses results of answers to specific questions to form judgement on
specific process
Program outputs areas of improvement

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