COSC 4368 AI Final Project Guidelines

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Artificial Intelligence Programming

COSC 4368
Spring 2013
Guidelines for Final Project

Deadline: April 26, 2013

1. The final report must be between 8-10 pages long (1.5 spacing, one column, 1
inch or less on each side).
2. The front page must have the title of the project and the name of the student.
3. There must be a list of references (at least 5).
4. The first part of the project is a survey (with your own words and your own way
of organizing topics) of one area you want to explore in AI (3-4 pages).
5. The second part is the development of an idea you had on that same area (4-5
pages). Here you must propose some empirical analysis or a study to validate an
idea. For example:
You could compare the execution time of several search techniques on
various datasets.
You could implement a program (in any language you want) that tries to
solve a particular problem of your interest (e.g., search technique, planner, logic,
You could try a neural network or a decision tree on a particular area of
interest to you.
6. The last part of the project (1 page max.) should contain the conclusions.

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