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KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN (AHMEDABAD REGION) GOLDEN QUESTIONS FOR 12" MATHEMATICS UNIT-L RELATIONS & FUNCTIONS (10 MARKS) |. Define relation R on the set N of natural numbers by R={ (xy): = +7, xis a natural Number less than 4; x, y €N }.Write down, the domain and the range. Let R be the relation in the set N given by R= {(a,b);a=b-2,b> 6} Whether the relation is reflexive or not ? Justify your answer. 3. Let R be the relation on R defined as (a,b) « Riff 1+ab>0 Vab eR. ‘a. Show that R is symmetric. b. Show that R is reflexive. cc. Show that R is not transitive. s If fix) = 2 then find f(1/x). Let A= (1, 0, 1) and B= {0,1}. State whether the function f A — B defined by f(x) = x7 is bijective . 6. Show the function f RR defined by f(s) XE R is one-one and onto function. Also find the inverse of the function f, 1 7. Af £9 . then show that x41 r 4 @ (2) = fh), OO) (-4) -a 3x45 z 8. If f ROR is defined by fx) = -Find ¢ 9, Show that the relation Ron A,A= { x}x e2,0Sx<12} R= {(asb): [a bl is multiple of 3.} is an equivalence relation. 10, Let A = Set of all triangles in a plane and R is defined by R={(T1,T2): T) Tr © A& Ti-Te }. Show that the R is equivalence relation. Consider the right angled As, Ty with size 34,5; Ta with size 5, 12,13; Ts with side 6, 8, 10: Which of the pairs are related? 11. Consider a function f :R,>[-5, 2) defined f(x) = 9x? + 6x - 5. Show that fis invertible & rig 8 «where Re 0.) 12, Let * be a binary operation on the set Q of rational numbers defined as a * b= * : Write the identity and inverse of *, if any. 13, On R- {1} a binary operation * is defined asa «b =a + b—ab, Prove that * is ‘commutative and associative. Find the identity element for ‘". Also prove that every element of R~ {1} isinvertible. 14, Prove the following: 2 tan“ (3) + tan-* (2) = 5 19, Solve for x : 2tan-*(cos x) = tan“*(2 cosec x). 20. Solve for x: tan™"(2x) + tan“*(3x) = 4, x0. 21, Solve for x: tan (£4) + tan-t (=) 22. Solve for x:tan~* (25) + cot" (F +acosd at beosd 23. Prove that na) = tan UNIT-IL. ALGEBRA (13 MARKS) 1.22 1 enh 1 i prove that A? — 44 — 5/ = 0. Hence find A~* 22 1 9] find kso that A? = ka ~21. aa-[f T3]ana 3.2 5 | 1 sfasinesmranmeriat sow symmetric matrix. 3. Express the matrix / 06 7 4,Using properties of determinants, prove that a+b+2c a b c b+c+2a b | =2atb+o)* c a ctat2bl x x? 1423] ly y? 1+y9| jz ze 1+23 5. Ifx,y and z are different and 0, show that xyz" 6. Using properties of determinants, prove the following: a2+1 ab ae ab B?+1 0 be [Ht a+b i +c? cach c# +1 7. Using properties of determinants prove the following: +a 1 2 ~) 1 14b 1 | =abe+betcatab. 1 1 +e 8. Using properties of determinants prove the following: 1 itp 1+p+q P 3+2p 1+ 3p+2q 3 6+3p 14 6p+3¢1 9. Using properties of determinants, solve the following for x: atx a-x a—x| lax atx a-x| Ja-x a-x atx 0 Inta x 10. Using properties of determinants, solve the following forx: | x x +@ x x 11, Using properties of determinants, show that 11 a b cl=(a-b)b-e-aatb+e) ja? bc 12. Using properties of determinants, prove the following x x? ya ly 9% zxl= Oy - 2 —x)@y + yz + 2x) zz xy 13. Using properties of determinants, show that (leary) 14, Solve the following system of equation by mat 2 ston ;3-1 z xy method, where x0, y #0, 240; 1 15. Three shopkeepers A. B and C are using polythene, handmade bags (prepared by persons) and newspapers envelopes as carry bags. It is found that the shopkeepers A.B “C ate using(20,30,40) ,(30,40,20) ,(40,20,30) polythene handmade bags and newspapers envelopes respectively. The shopkeepers A, B,C spent Rs 250,Rs 220 and Rs 200 on these carry bags respectively. Find the cost of each carry bags using matrices. Keeping in mind the social and environmental conditions, which shopkeeper is better and why? 16, In a survey of 25 richest person of three localities x, yz. It is found that in locality A 7 believes in honesty; 12 in hard work and 6 in unfair means. While in Y 10 believes in honesty 11 in hard work , 4 in unfair means and in Z, 8 believes in honesty ,12 in hard \work 5 in unfair means. Ifthe income of 25 richest persons of locality x, y and z are respectively Rs.1,19,000,Rs.1,18,0001,18,000per day then find income of each type of person by matrix method. In your view which type of person is better for society and for nation. 17. Two schools A and B decided to award prizes ti their students for three values hones! punctuality and obedience. School A decided to award a total of Rs. 11000 for the thee values to 5,4 and 3 students respectively while school B decided to award 10700 for the three values to 4 ,3 and 5 students respectively. Ifall the three prizes together amount 10 Rs, 2700, then 1) Represent the above situation by a matrix equation and form linear equations using matrix multiplications. 2) Isit possible to solve the system of equations, so obtained using matrices. If possible solve it. 3) Which value you prefer to reward most and why? UNIT-II. CALCULUS (44 MARKS) ax+1, ifxs3 bet, ipa 3 continuous atx . Find the values of a add b. 1. reff _fk(x? 2x), x<0 5 aii so lao 2. fix} { Beg EE} ‘Scontimousatx-0. Find the value of kalso discuss about continuity at x 5, ifxs2 3. fx fo +b, 210 4, Show that f(x)= [x — 3] is continuous but not differentiable at x=3 5. wor{/ {FX #0 is continuous at x=0 is ifx=0 sinSt costt ay —>- = Find ® ““Yeosat” * Veosat '"" ax a 4. iff TFy + yVTF 2-0 then prove that 2 = (ag? dy.>,3 n+QP 8. if (xa)? + (y— 6)? = ¢? then prove thar— zy — is independent ofaandb dx? dy _ cos*(a+y) 9. Ifcos y =x cos(a+y) then prove that —— “ina - ad?y dy = eavosts ty aye 10. Ify =e then show that (I-x')-—3 - xq y= 0 11. If y=asinx+b cos x, then prove that £2 + y = 12. ify = 500e* + 600e-", prove that £2 - avy =0. 13. Find the second order derivative of x3 + log x. 14, [fy = tan"? x, prove that (1 +x?) y2 + 2x y:=0. 15, Find the intervals in which the function f given by fl) = strictly decreasing x3 9 x? 12x +1 is 16. Find the intervals in which the function f given by f(x) = sin x+ cosx ,0< x <2m is strictly increasing 17. Find the value of x for which y= [x (x—2)]? is an increasing function. 18, Prove that the function given by f(x) = cos x is (a) strictly decreasing in (0.1). (b) strictly increasing in (r, 27). (o) neither increasing nor decreasing in (0, 2 7). 19, Find the equations of the tangent to the curve y =x** 4x + 1 at the point whose x- coordinate is 3. 19. Find the equations of the normal to the curve y =x2+4x + at the point whose x- coordinate is 3. 20. Find the equation of tangent to the curve y= V/3x—2, which is parallel to the line 4x -2y +5 21. Find the equations of the tangent to the parabola y* = 4ax at the point ( at?, 2at ) 22. Find the equations of the tangent to the hyparabola =- * 1 at the point (h,k). 23. Prove that the curves x= y? and xy=k cutat right angles if 8k’ 24. The volume of a cube is increasing at the rate 10 =~. How fast is the surface area increasing when the length of an edge is 15 em? 25. A particle move along the curve 6y=x°+2. Find the points on the curve at which the Y coordinate is changing 8 times as fast as the X ~coordinate. 26. The radius of an air buble is increasing at the rate of cm/s. At what rate is the * volume of the buble increasing when the radius is lem? 27. Sand is pouring from a pipe at the rate of | he falling sand forms, a cone on the ground in such a way that the hight of the cone is always one -sixth of the radius of the base How fast is the height of the sand cone increasing when the height is dem? 28, Prove that the volume of the largest cone that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius R. is 8/27 of the volume of the sphere. 29. A square piece of tin of side 18 cm is to be made into a box without top, by cutting a square from each corner and folding up the flaps to form the box. What should be the side of the square to be cut off so that the volume of the box is the maximumpossible. 30. A rectangular sheet of tin 45 em by 24 cm is to be made into a box without top by cutting off squares from each corer and folding up the flaps. What should be the side of the square to be cut off so that the volume of the box is the maximum possible.” 31. Show that the height of cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius ‘a’ is 4 32, Show that semi- ertical angle of right circular cone of given surface area and \(12). maximum volume is Si 33. Evaluate: (x? — x)dx as the limit of a sum. 34, Evaluate:d igs dx 35. Evaluate:f Jo a 36. Evaluate: f= 37, Evaluate: RL = fe eed E sinx-cosx 38.13 Tesimxcors 39. Evaluate: f =p — 5 Wraerio 1 40, Evaluate: I = fy a a 41, Evaluates = faa 42. Using integration, find the area of the region bounded by the parabola x? = Ayand the circle 4x? Hy?=9. 43, Find the area between the curves y* = x and x’ = y. 44. Find of the area of region enclosed between the two circles x? + y?=4 and(x — 2)? +9? 45. Find area of region bounded by y=x? and y=|z| 46. Find area of region bounded by triangle whose vertices are (-1,2), (1,5) and (3.4). 47. Using integration find area of the triangular region whose sides have the equations yr2xtL y=3xt] and x4. 48. Solve the differential equation: x? 2 = 2xy + y? 49, Solve the differential equation: —2 + cosec ‘) = Ory = O when x = 50. Form a Differential equation representing the family of curves given by (x-.a)? + 2y? =a? where a is an arbitrary constant. 51. Form a Differential equation representing the family of circles touching the Y-axis at origin, 52. Form a Differential equation representing the family of circles touching the X-axis at origin, 53, Solve the given differential equation = B= (4x) (Hy). 54, Solve ed UNIT-IV. VECTORS AND THREE DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY (17 MARKS) 1. Show that the vectors are ~2j7-5k and b = =} + 4& are orthogonal, Show that the vectors@ = 2i— 37 + SK and b = 47 + 67 + 2k are orthogonal. 3, Md = 22+ 37 44k, b = 5144) -R@ = 37+ 6 + 2k andd = 1+ 27, show that B — dis perpendicular tod - é. 4. Find the angle between the vectors @ = 3¢+ 27+ and b = 2i— 7-42 using the scalar product of the vectors. 5. If @=2i+2)+3k,b = -i+2j+kandé = 3i+j are such that aGt+ub is perpendicular to é, then find the value of 6. 1F4,B,éare unit vectors such that a + 5 + é= 0' Find the value of @.5 + b:é + €.4 and each one of them 7. 14,5 and é be three vectors such that |@|= 3, |B|=4 and |é| being perpendicular to the sum of the other two, find |@+b+ é| 8. Three vectors a,b and é satisfy the condition @+5 + é= = &B4+ BE 42.4, if |al=1, [b|-4 and |é=2. ~ Evaluate the quantity 9. Find the shortest distance between the lines whose vector equations are Fa (14 274+3R)+ ACE 372K) and 7 = (40+ 57+ 6K) + (Ae + 37 +h) 10. Find the shortest distance between the two lines Pe 6i+ 24 2h AG-25+2%) ang Pe-4i- ks wQi-2j-28) 1. Find the equation of the plane passing through the points (0,-1,0).(1,1,1) and (3,3,0). 12. Find the equation of the plane determined by the points (B.-1,2),(5,2,4) and (-1,-1,6). 13, Find the equation of plane passing through the line of intersection of the planes xt2y+32 =4 and 2x+y-z+5 =0 and perpendicular to the plane Sx+3y-62+8 =0. 14. Find the Cartesian as well as vector equations of the planes, through the intersection of planes 7.(2i +67) +12 = Oandr.3i-j-+4k) = whieh are at a unit distance 15, Find the co-ordinate of the foot of the perpendicular and distance of the point (1,3,4) from the plane2x — y + z + 3 = 0. Find also the image of the point in the plane. 16. Pind the foot of perpendicular and image of the point P(1, 2, 4) in the plane 2x + y ~2z +3=0. UNIT-V. LINEAR PROGRAMMING (6 MARKS) 1. Solve the following system of equations by matrix method xtyte=6 ye3z=1l x-2yte 2. A manufacturing company makes two models A and B of a produet, Each piece of model A requires 9 labour hours for fabricating and 2 labour hours for finishing. Each piece of mode! B requires 12 labour hours for fabricating and 3 labour hours for finishing. For fabricating and finishing, the maximum labour hours available are 180 and 30 respectively. The company makes a profit of Rs 8000 on each piece of model ‘A.and Rs 12000 on each piece of Model B. How many pieces of model A and Model B should be manufactured per week to realize a maximum profit? After income tax, sale tax, service tax, the net profit of the company is Rs 1,14,000, Should owner of the company close down the company? Discuss briefly 3. A dealer in rural area wishes to purchase a number of sewing machine, He has only Rs, 5760 to invest and has space for at most 20 items. An electronic sewing machine costs him Rs. 360 and a manually operated sewing machine Rs. 240. He can sell an electronic machine at a profit of Rs. 22 and manually operated machine at a profit of Rs. 18. Assuming that he can sell all the items that he can buy how should he invest his money in order to maximize his profit, Make it as a linear programming problem and solve it graphically. Keeping the rural background justify the values t0 be promoted for the selection of manually operated machine. 4. A manufacturer manufactures two types of steel trunks, He has two machines A and B. For completing the first type of trunk, it requires 3 hours on machine A and 1 hour ‘on machine B; whereas the second type of trunk requires 3 hours on machine A and ‘two hours on machine B. Machine A can work for 18 hours and B for 8 hours only per day. There is a profit of Rs.30 on the first type of the trunk and Rs.48 on second type per trunk. How many trunk of each type should be manufactured every day 10 ear maximum profit? Solve the problem graphically. 5, A diet fora sick person must contain at least 4000 units of vitamins, 50 units of minerals and 1400 units of calories. Two foods A and B are available at a cost of Rs.3 and Rs.4 per unit respectively. One unit of the food A contains 200 units of vitamins, 1 unit of minerals and 40 units of calories, while one unit of the food B contains 100 units of vitamins, 2 units of minerals and 40 units of calories. Find what combination of the foods A and B should be used to have least cost, but it must satisfy the requirements of the sick person. Form the question as LPP and solve it graphically. Explain the importance of balanced diet. 6. A cooperative society of farmers has 50 hectare of land to grow two crops Xand Y. ‘The profit frot from crop Xand Y per hectare are estimated as Rs 10,500 and Rs.9,000 respectively.a luquid herbicite has to be used for crop Xand Y at rates of 20 litres and 10 litres per hectare further no harms more than 800 litres of herbicicide should be used in order of protect fish and wildlife using pond which collects drainage from this land.How much land should be allocated to each crop so as to maximize the total profit of the society u UNIT-VI. PROBABILITY (10 MARKS) 1. A fair die tossed thrice. Find the probability of getting an odd number at least once. 2. Probability of solving specific problem independently by A and B are 1/2 and 1/3 respectively. If both try to solve the problem independently, find the probability that (1) the problem is solved (2) exactly one of them solved the problem 3. Event A and B are such that P (A) = 1/2, P (B) =7/12 and P(not A or not B) =1/4. State whether A and B are independent. 4, Two cards are drawn at random and without replacement from a pack of 52 cards, Find the probability that both the cards are black. 5. The probabilities of A, B and C hitting a target are 1/3,2/7 and 3/8 respectively. If all the three tried to shoot the target simultaneously, find the probability that exactly one of them can shoot it 6. A husband and a wife appear for interview for two vacancies for the same post. The probability of husband's selection is 1/7 and that of wife’s is 1/5.What is the probability that (1) only one of them will be selected (2) at least one of them will be selected. 7. A-coin is tossed once. If it shows a head,jt is tossed again but if it shows a tailathen a die is thrown, [fall possible outcomes are equally likely, find the probability that the die shows a number greater than 4, if its known that the first throw of coin results a tail. 8, Three persons A B and C fire a target in turn,starting with A. Their probability of fitting the target are 0.5,0.3 and 0.2 respectively. Find the probability of at most one hit 9. ‘Two balls are drawn at random with replacement from a box containing 10 black and 8 red balls. Find the probability that (1) both balls are red (2) one of them is black and other is red. 10. In an examination, an examinee either guesses or copies or knows the answer of multiple choice questions with four choices. The probability that he makes a guess is 4 and probability that he copies the answer is 2. The probability that his answer is correct, given that he copied it, is 5. Find the probability that he knew the answer to the question, given that he correctly answered it. A problem in statistics is given to three students A, B and C, whose chances of solving it are 5,5 and + respectively. What is the probability thatthe problem will be solved.

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