SPL Feb Mar 1

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Lutheran Church
Upcoming Birthdays
8th - Troy Rowley
10th - Breanna Froke
22nd - Jesse Schuster
1st - Nancy Bork
3rd - Denise Broveak
13th - Taylor Mammenga
17th - Owen Wenzlaff
20th - Andrew Holtzman
22nd - Justin Wenzlaff

Shrove Tuesday

409 W 2nd Ave
PO Box 137
Humboldt, SD 57035
(605) 363-3138

The day before Ash Wednesday is called

Shrove Tuesday. The name shrove comes
from the practice of being shriven going to church to confess your sins and receive
absolution before the start of Lent. Shrove
Tuesday is also sometimes called Pancake
Tuesday or Fat Tuesday, because households
used up their remaining eggs and fats before
Lent by making pancakes on this day. Observe Shrove Tuesday with either a pancake
breakfast or dinner. As you eat, talk about
what Jesus gave up for our sake, and what
you might wish to give up for Lent in spiritual preparation for Holy Week.

A Conversation with
Hi, this is God your
savior. Did you have a
good Christmas?
Yes we did! How was
your birthday?
It was terrific! Hope
you have a Merry New
Found on SPL Youth Room
white board 2015

A Blessing to Give

May God bless you with love. May God rescue and protect you,
and give you long life. Amen. (Psalm 91:14-16)
Opportunities to Serve Schedule

Altar Care
Tom & Sandy Holdahl (605)363-3047 Dave & Lynn Froke (605)363-3817
Gabe & Renei Holtzman (605)929-1554 Thad & Aubrey Stofferahn (605)363-3199
Tony Shumaker (605)363-3684 Pat & Tabitha Stofferahn (605)351-0487
Gabe & Renei Holtzman (605)929-1554 Thad & Aubrey Stofferahn (605)363-3199
Deacon Sonny Schuster
Altar Care
Wayne & Nancy Bork (605)363-3788 Tom & Linda Stofferahn (605)363-3042
Ron & Nancy Stofferahn (605)363-3215 Tom & Linda Stofferahn (605)363-3042
Justin & Casey Wenzlaff (605)363-3335 Cody & Amanda Hoffman
Ron & Nancy Stofferahn (605)363-3215 Ryan & Anna Wendinger (605)480-0646
Deacon Gabe Holtzman


Average post views:

31 people/day
Visit for daily inspiration and bible

Website Visit

Average 125 visits

per week: 52 are
unique (never visited site previously)
Visit for upcoming
events information,
Lacey office hours
schedule and upcoming worship

Stories of Faith In Action

As members of this fine congregation at SPL,
you will remember when it was asked of you to bring
items for donation to the Childrens Inn in Sioux Falls.
Our SPL angel tree was much more successful then I had
imagined it would be when setting it up. When I received
the letter asking for items that had been depleted from
their stock, I was very motivated to help with this amazing cause. These women and their children are in need
of a safe haven from abusive relationships and other factors that force them to look for refuge, and usually they
must leave in a hurry - without any personal possessions.
This congregation did an amazing job at providing items
for these broken families, and the result of dropping
these items off was definitely a moving one.

When I arrived at the facility, I noticed I couldnt
gain access to the inside without being buzzed in. After
letting the person manning the desk my intention of
dropping off items, he asked that I come inside to sign in
and give our address for a thank you card. The safety
feeling was undeniable when inside the building. You had
to be buzzed in, then let through another locked door
before actually entering the facility - and even then I saw
only staff. One staff member was starting to write names
on presents that were under the Christmas Tree in the
office area. The gentleman asked me how many boxes
I needed to bring in - and his eyes lit up with a smile as
I told him with pride that I had the entire back of my
vehicle loaded!

I was asked to drive to the garage (about 200
feet away) where the items are stored to be given out as
necessary. As I met the staff member there and opened
my hatch to reveal our gifts, she couldnt have been
more excited and thankful. Their storage room was filled
from floor to ceiling with shelves, but no category was
completely filled; some sections were completely empty.
I was thanked many times, and as we were finishing up,
another donator approached, with an SUV full of items.
I couldnt help but to assist in unloading her vehicle also
- one reason was because she had blocked me in, but also
to help the overwhelmed staff member who wasnt expeting this many large donations right before Christmas.

This is defintiely an experience I wont soon forget, and as I had been the one with the idea for the SPL
angel tree in the first place, I was very proud of the effect
we had on many women and children in our area that
could have a Merry Christmas: despite what was going
on outside those safe haven doors. Thank you for all your
- Lacey Healy

Pastors Note

Let us pray,
Guide us Living Christ, as we encounter you in worship,
learning, fellowship and service - now and in the days
ahead. Amen
Whether you are aware of it or not you are encountering Christ daily. You are tapped by the Holy Spirit. You
move with the light that God sheds for you. Do you see it?
Can you hear it? If you are scratching your head right now,
wondering when and where you encounter Christ, then
come. Come and see. Listen. Hear what God promises
you through Christ. Imagine how it feels to be a part of
God revealing Gods self in the act of worship and in the
fruit of faith.
My hopes for this newsletter - and the new year - are simple and prayerful. May we continue to see how going to
church is transformed into gathering in worship as
sinners encounter Christ with all the grace that God has to
give. May we see the true drama of Gods kingdom settling
in before our eyes in so many ways as it was for Lacey.
The simple task of delivering donations to an unknown
neighbor - who had probably asked God to send someone
- opens eyes to the world in which God enters - through
locked doors.
May you know without a doubt that you are blessed so that
you may be a blessing to others.

- Reverend Denise Broveak

Ongoing Projects @ SPL

Stained Glass Window Conversion - Cross on Altar

Council Member Head - Casey Wenzlaff
Committee Members Needed!
Emma Maass Memorial Rock
Council Member Head - Justin Stofferahn
Committee Members Needed!
Listen! God is Calling
SPL Advocate - Gabe Holtzman
Photo Directory
Committee Head - Aubrey Stofferahn
Past Council Mutual Ministry Team
Confidential support group to the pastor, council and staff
Constitution Updates
Committee Members - JoAnne Bohl, Ron Stofferahn
Youth Ministry
Committee Members Needed!

What We Need From You!

In an effort to continue our move to the digital age, Lacey has started a database of members and their information:

Address, Phone Number, Email, Birthdate, Anniversary, Birthdate, Confirmation Date and Family Members.

If any of this information has recently changed for you (since about 2010) please let her know! This information will
impact mailings, reminders, emails/phone calls on church cancellations, events and newsletter information.
Thank you for your efforts in keeping Lacey on her toes when it comes to new information!

Upcomding Events & Information

February 10th 6:15pm Dinner, 6:45pm Service

Ash Wednesday Service

February 17-March 16th 6:15pm Snack, 6:45pm Service

Lenten Services : Drawn to the Cross

Services will be conducted round robin style with other local Lutheran churches

March 10th

Worship @ St. Dysmas

* As there are special clearances needed for this event, please let us know early if you plan to attend.
Maximum of nine people may attend.

March 19th 11:30am

Easter Egg Hunt

Councilmember Head - Tabitha Stofferahn. Please let Tabitha know if you would like to help with

this youth event!

March 20th 9:00am

Palm Sunday

March 24th 6:30 Potluck Supper 7:00pm Service

Maundy Thursday

March 25th 7:00pm

Good Friday

March 27th 7:00am

Easter Sunday Sunrise Service

Have Newsletter Articles?

Apr/May/Jun Deadline for articles: Wednesday, March 16th, 8:00am
Email to Lacey - lacey.healy@goldenwest.net or Pastor Denise - splchurch@goldenwest.net
Church Website: splchurch.weebly.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/humboldtsaint.paul.7/
Phone: Pastor Denise Broveak (605)371-0661 Lacey Healy (605)254-5147
Office Hours: Pastor Wed 1:30-4:30pm Lacey: Wed 1:30-5:00pm & Fri 8:00-12:00pm

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