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BBC News. BBC, 08 June 2007. Web. 29 Jan. 2016.

"Bollywood Comes to London." USA Today. Gannett, 11 May 2015. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.
The main idea is about the globalization of Bollywood. It is useful because it is a video and two
Bollywood actors are describing it. Therefore it provides a different perspective. The source is
credible because it is from a well known news website. The article is up to date because it was
published in 2015.
Bollywood." Just Landed. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.
The purpose of this source is to talk about the origins of Bollywood. This article is useful
because it is important to know how Bollywood started. There was no information found about
the author. There was no information found about the publisher.

"Bollywood News and Gossip | Bollywood Movie Reviews, Songs and Videos | Bollywood
Actress and Actors Updates |" N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2016
This article highlights how Bollywood positively influences Indian economics. It is important
to my topic because it shows the impact of Bollywood. It is a reliable source because they
review Bollywood movies. The date published is unknown.
"Bollywood News World - Bollywood Movies | Videos | Photos." Bollywood World RSS. N.p.,

Web. 12 Jan. 2016.

The main idea of this article is to contribute knowledge about Bollywood. This article is useful
because it offers new information about Bollywood. The source is up to date because it was
published in 2013. However, I am unsure of whether or not the author is credible because there
was no information on the author.
"Bollywood Ticket - The American Guide to Indian Movies." Bollywood Ticket - The American
Guide to Indian Movies. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.
The main idea of this article is to answer common questions about Bollywood. It is formatted by
having each individual idea as a question. This source is useful because it talks about Indias
unique way of filmmaking. There is no information on the author. It is up to date because it was
published in 2012.

Chute, David. DEEPER INTO BOLLYWOOD. Film Comment 38.3 (2002): 5657. Web
The main idea of this article is to show how Bollywood is growing and influencing other
countries. This source is reliable because it was gathered from a database. It also discusses how
they are different from Hollywood films. This article may be a out of date because a lot has
changes in the internet since 2002.
(2002): 3536. Web...
The main idea of this source is to explain what the word Bollywood means and about how Indian
film is unique. The purpose is to contribute new knowledge about the Indian film industry. This
will contribute to my research because it is directly talking about Bollywood which is a major
part of Indian entertainment. David Chute is a journalist from L.A. The source isnt the most up
to date so it would be ideal to find some more information around this subject.
"Does Bollywood Incite Sexual Violence in India?" BBC. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.
The main idea of this article is to question whether or not Bollywood films incite rape. This is
important to my topic because it is important to know the negative aspects of Bollywood also.
The purpose is to contribute new knowledge about Bollywood. Tom Brook is credible because
he is New York-based journalist working primarily for BBC News. The article is up to date
because it was published in 2014.
Dwyer, Rachel. Bollywood Bourgeois. India International Centre Quarterly 33.3/4 (2006):
222231. Web
The main idea is to challenge the idea that india films are only centered on escapist fantasies.
Also it explains how the middle and elite classes tend to watch the films now. This is useful to
my topic because it offer new information about Bollywood. It is somewhat up to date because it
was published in 2006. Rachel Dwyer is credible because she is a Professor of Indian Cultures
and Cinema at SOAS, University of London.
"NEWS." Latest News, Breaking News Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.
The article is important because it discusses how various ethnicities are becoming a part of
Bollywood films.

"Foreign-Born Porn Stars Are Finding Their Spotlight In Bollywood." OZY. N.p., n.d. Web. 13
Jan. 2016.
The main idea of this article is that censoring in Bollywood films has decreased. Also more and
more sex stars are acting in Bollywood films. The author is credible because her work has
appeared in The New York Times, Current TV, and PBS FRONTLINE/World. It
is up to date because it was published in 2014.
"Bollywood News and Gossip | Bollywood Movie Reviews, Songs and Videos | Bollywood
Actress and Actors Updates |" N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2016
This article highlights how Bollywood positively influences Indian economics. It is important
to my topic because it shows the impact of Bollywood. It is a reliable source because they
review Bollywood movies. The date published is unknown.
"Top 10 Noticeable Differences Between Hollywood And Bollywood." TopYaps. N.p., 10 Aug.
2013. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.
When people hear the word Bollywood they automatically think of Hollywood. Therefore the
purpose of this article is to highlight the differences between Bollywood and Hollywood. There
was no information on the author. The source is up to date because it was published in 2013.
Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 13 Jan. 2016.
This article is useful because it gives me statistics on the Bollywood film industry. The author is
unknown. Niall McCarthy is credible because he is a Data journalist covering technological,
societal and media topics. It is up to date because it was published in 2014.
"Impact of Bollywood on Indian Culture | DESIblitz." DESIblitz Impact of Bollywood on Indian
Culture Comments. N.p., 15 Jan. 2014. Web. 12 Jan. 2016.
The purpose of this article is to show how Bollywood influences Indian culture. This is helpful
to my research because it discusses how indian culture wouldnt exist without film. Also this
source would be ideal because it was published in 2014so it is up to date. The author is reliable
because Arjun Mandaiker has a Masters Degree in Journalism and Communications.

"Indian Culture Lost in Westernized Bollywood Films and Music." Emily Smith. N.p., n.d. Web.
13 Jan. 2016.
This article is about how Indian culture is starting to dissipate from Bollywood movies. The
purpose is to offer new knowledge about Bollywood. No information was found on the author. It
is up to date because it was published in 2012.

Mehta, Rini Bhattacharya., and Rajeshwari Pandharipande. Bollywood and Globalization: Indian
Popular Cinema, Nation, and Diaspora. London: Anthem, 2010. Print.
The main idea of this book is to explain how Bollywood is beginning to globalize. The purpose
is to contribute new knowledge about Bollywood. It is useful because Bollywood it portrays
how big of an industry Bollywood is. The source is up to date because it was published in 2010.
"What Is Bollywood?" Entertainment. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2016.
The main idea of this article is to explain exactly what Bollywood is. The purpose is to
contribute knowledge about Bollywood. The author is credible because he is an independent
films expert. It is up to date because it was published in 2014.

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