Erie Middle School, Pre AP Focus School: Todd Bissell, Principal Dr. Rachel Heide, Assistant Princip

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Erie Middle School, Pre AP Focus School

Todd Bissell, Principal

Dr. Rachel Heide, Assistant Principal


Erie Middle School Tiger Community,

Everyone is getting back in the swing of school as we are a few weeks into the
second semester.
The staff is working hard to challenge all students at their
appropriate levels through our Depth and Complexity studies. The students are
working hard and making a commitment to their education.
On February 19th, Astronaut Leroy Chiao and the Space Foundation will have an
assembly for all our students. Our 6th grade students will also participate in hands on
activities with members of the Space Foundation. It will be an exciting morning.
Erie Middle School held its annual Spelling Bee. The winners from each class did
a fantastic job at the school competition on January 25th. Kate Woodland is our top
speller. Congratulations to all of our participants. Thanks to Mrs. Kemp for sponsoring
the Spelling Bee.
Congratulations to our participants who will represent EMS in the District Band
and Choir performances.
Also, a big congratulations to the students who are
participating in All-State Choir. We are all very proud of you. Toward the end of the
month we have several concerts for Band, Choir and Orchestra. Please keep your eye
on the calendar for these concerts.
We will have our Renaissance Assembly on Wednesday February 3 rd. Many
students will be recognized for the accomplishments in the classroom as well as after
school activities. We had over 300 students on the High Honor Roll with a grade point
average over 3.75 and over 225 students on the Honor Roll who had a grade point
average between 3.5 and 3.74. This demonstrates our students are achieving well. We
are changing up the way we recognize our outstanding students. It takes a longtime to
read all of the names. Students will be recognized in their advisory classes by name
and at the assembly by class. For example; we will have the students who achieved
High Honor Roll status stand as a group at the assembly.
Congratulations to all
students and staff on their commitment to excellence at Erie Middle School
Just a reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences will be held February 9 th and
11 from 3:30-8:00. Teachers will be contacting the parents of students in which there
is a concern to set up a meeting. If you are not contacted and would like to meet with
your students teachers please call their advisory teacher to set up a conference.

The girls had a great basketball season. Thanks coaches and congratulations.
Both A and B teams represented EMS very well at the District Tournament.
Wrestling is getting started. Good luck to the wrestlers.
Parents please visit our school Website and
Facebook page. We have links to teacher pages,
activities, events, etc. Please let us know if you
have any questions or concerns.
Todd Bissell
EMS Principal

Michelle Loy is an excellent example of a teacher who is working towards empowering all of her students to
achieve high growth. The environment within her class is safe, caring, and challenging. Michelle
integrates technology and the use of iPads in class on a daily basis to enhance her classes. She also has been
using the Depth and Complexity icons to enrich her classes. Through her rigorous curriculum and use of data
mining, the students are being challenged at their level to become outstanding
mathematicians. Mrs. Loy also works with her 8th grade and math team to insure a viable and consistent curriculum
and culture. Michelle, thanks for all you do for our students and staff at EMS.

This year, Alex Kurz has expanded his capacity as a teacher leader both taking on the leadership of his
team as well as being an integral member of the Building Leadership Team. His input to the functioning of
our school has been critical as we make decisions that make the greatest, positive impact possible for our
students. In the classroom, Alex creates an environment where students are able to use critical thinking
and creativity to solve problems and to make real world connections to their learning. He honors the work
students with true excitement for what they are discovering in their own learning. He is an advocate for
Science programming as well as for the functioning of our school as a whole. Alex is a trusted teammate
in many different capacities to his colleagues and administration as well as a trusted teacher to the
students of EMS. Thank you for all you do for your colleagues and for our students.

Sadie Whitaker is an incredibly hard working and dedicated student. Her positive attitude and smile
is contagious, and she always puts forth her best effort. She is not only high achieving as a student,
but as a person as well. Keep up the good work Sadie!
Demonstrating organization in so many ways, MaKenna Bertsch was an easy pick for student of the
month. She is always on time for class with her supplies and assignments. Additionally, all work she
completes shows careful attention to detail and is well organized. Furthermore, she is a pleasant person who has a smile for everyone around her. Way to go, MaKenna!

Landen Gregory is a seventh grade Student of the Month. Landen was new to EMS this year, and has
had no trouble focusing and getting to the top of his game. Landen is always respectful to his teachers
and peers, and puts forth his best effort in everything. Landen is thoughtful and a super creative
writer. Keep up the good work, Landen!

We proudly nominate Lily Kurz for seventh grade student of the month. Lily is a diligent, polite, kind
and conscience student. She makes sure to thank her teachers everyday and is quick to jump in when a
classmate needs help. She has impeccable citizenship and is a friend to all. She is also very well
rounded and is involved in 4H, hunting and volleyball outside of school. Thank you Lily for always giving
your all.

Jonah Rake is a student that shows outstanding effort in the area of organization. He leads by example. You will not find Jonah making excuses but rather owning his responsibilities as a student. He uses
our technology to stay organized and on top of his work. Jonah excels at communication and initiates

that communication with his teachers when needed. On top of all of this Jonah is an amazingly positive
person that you cant help but enjoy to be around!
Taylor Shaver is the 8th Grade female student of the month for Organization. All year long, Taylor
has worked to remain on top of her school work and extra-curricular activities. Her strong aptitude
for prioritization and organization has helped her be successful. Furthermore, Taylor knows how to
appropriately reach out to peers, teachers, and administration to help her make the most of her time
here at EMS. Taylor always approaches all situations with a positive perspective and seeks to make
sense of the world around her; she is a model to all students looking for ways to be better organized in
academics and beyond. Congratulations to Taylor Shaver from the 8th grade team.

Elective Team Solo Award

The 6th grade Solo award goes to Taylor Hamilton.

Taylor is a student who truly represents organization. Taylor has a clear vision of the work
she would like to successfully do, and takes the necessary steps needed to achieve her goals.
Taylor is helpful to others and is a leader in the classroom. Congratulations, Taylor. Your organizational skills truly represent what it means to be a Tiger. Way to put the O in ROAR!
The 7th grade Solo award goes to Kassady Brandon. Kassisdy is very organized and is a joy to
have in health class. Kassady is engaged in class and she works well in groups. Keeping her
teammates on task, Kassadys group work is always organized as well. Kassady always has a
positive attitude and a smile to share
The 8th grade Elective Team Solo Award goes to Kylie Cullip. Kylie has earned the 8th grade
Elective Solo Award for organization. Kylie leads by example. She brings all her materials to
class each day and is ready to get started as soon as class begins. She completes and turns in
her work on time and doesn't hesitate to email her teachers if she has a question. Kylie knows
where to go to find resources and is always willing to help her classmates. Congratulations,
All elective students and students of the month will have their picture posted on
our Student of the Month bulletin board in the Main Office. They will also enjoy
a one topping large pizza on Thursday, February 25th at their designated lunch
times. Students, please stop by the Main Office to let us know what kind of pizza
you would like.




Academic Assistance
3:00-4:00 PM
Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

Lego League
3:00-4:00 PM

Student Council
3:00-3:45 PM

3:15-7:30 PM

Soul Sisters
3:15-4:15 PM


Tigers Who Code
3:00-5:00 PM

Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

Colorado Middle
All State Choir

Tiger Lily Choir

3:15-3:45 PM

Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM


Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

Academic Assistance
3:00-4:00 PM


Student Council
3:00-3:45 PM
Wrestling Match
Altona MS
3:30 PM

Chess Club
3:10-4:00 PM


Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM


Academic Assistance
3:00-4:00 PM

Art Club
3:15-4:30 PM

Anime Club
3:00-4:00 PM

Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

Game Club
3:15-4:30 PM

Sign Language
3:15-4:15 PM

Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM
School Dance
3:15-5:00 PM


6th,7th, 8th Orchestra

7:00 pm EHS
Tiger Lily Choir
3:15-3:45 PM

Tigers Who Code
3:00-5:00 PM

Soul Sisters
3:15-4:15 PM

Academic Assistance
3:00-4:00 PM

Student Council
3:00-3:45 PM

Chess Club
3:10-4:00 PM

Wrestling Match
Here vs. Sunset MS
3:30 PM

Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

Tiger Lily Choir

3:15-3:45 PM

Math Counts
3:15 PM

School Accountability
6:30 PM Library



3:15-7:30 PM

Good Movie,
Better Book Club
3:15-4:15 PM


Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

Math Counts
3:15-4:15 PM

Colorado Middle
All State Choir

Wrestling Match
Here vs. Coal Ridge, Lyons,
Timberline MS
3:30 PM


Lego Bricks Club

3:00-4:00 PM

3:15-4:30 PM
Sign Language
3:15-4:15 PM


Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

Wrestling Match
Thunder Valley MS
3:30 PM


Art Club


Lego Bricks Club

3:00-4:00 PM


Colorado Middle
All State Choir


Academic Assistance
3:00-4:00 PM

Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

National History Day

7:00 PM

Game Club
3:15-4:30 PM

Good Movie,
Better Book
3:15-4:30 PM

Tiger Who Code

3:00-5:00 PM

PTO Meeting
6:30 PM
EMS Library


Student Council
3:00-3:45 PM

Chess Club
3 :10-4:00 PM

Lego Bricks Club

3:00-4:00 PM

Late Start\
10:30 AM

6th Grade Band Concert

7:00 PM


Academic Assistance
3:00-4:00 PM

Art Club
3:15-4:30 PM

Game Club
3:15-4:30 PM

Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM

Math Counts
3:15 PM

Sign Language
3:15-4:15 PM

Wrestling Practice
3:15-4:45 PM
6th Grade Choir Concert
7:00 pm Erie HS

Is your iPad case broken? Did your dog eat your cord? Students can now order iPad
accessories online from EMS. If you would like a new case, charger, cord or screen protector
you can go to and click on Student Forms Webpage and then iPad
Accessories. The fee will appear on Infinite Campus within 48 hours of submitting the iPad
accessory form. Once the fee has been paid, you may pick up your accessory from Ms.
Hebrink in the Counseling Office.

Did your SVVSD email stop working? Are you having trouble with wifi at school? If you have
any problems with your iPad, you can sign up for iPad assistance using the online form. Go
to and click on student forms webpage and then request for iPad help. Students
will be called to the Library for appointments with Ms. Monroe or Ms. Palmer as soon as

From the Counseling Office

Your childs report card is a record of his or her academic achievement. Upon receipt of your
childs report card set some time aside to sit down and discuss grades privately. Ask questions
about grades, classes, and activities. Focus on the positives first; point out the achievements.
As you discuss where your child needs to improve, offer support and encouragement. It is also
a good idea to check on Infinite Campus at least once a week with your student to keep current
on assignments and grades.
Infinite Campus can be a tool to set academic goals (goals that are challenging, but reachable).
It can be helpful to have your child list the things he or she is going to do to accomplish the
goals and evaluate the activities in which they are involved. It is important that children find a
healthy balance between schoolwork and activities.
Helping with Homework: Strategies for Parents

Make sure you are signed up for Infinite Campus and check it once a week with your student.

Review assignments; develop a plan of action

Provide a quiet study space

Help your son or daughter get organized

Set a regular homework time

Take short breaks, when needed

Help with homework; answer questions; give explanations. Dont do the homework.

Check or review the homework with your child

Contact the teacher with questions or problems

Your students teachers are most easily reached by email. Either use the link in Infinite
Campus or Email addresses for teachers are as follows
Our Renaissance assembly was held on February 3rd to recognize student achievement.
Registration for the 2016-2017 school year will be held in February more information to follow.

ACCESS testing was conducted in January.

Erie Middle School will be hosting its first National History Day competition on
Tuesday, February 2nd at 7:00pm in the Cafetorium. The contestants have been
working for months to create award winning projects based on this years theme:
Exploration, Encounters, and Exchange
Please join the contestants who will be showcasing their projects before hopefully
moving to the Regional, State, and National level competitions.


The health office is needing donations of:

Adult size small or medium: shorts or pants for girls and boys. (Occasionally we have a need for spare
clothes. We have plenty of smaller sizes.)
Bottles of water
Saltine crackers

A big thank you goes out for the generous donations of Kleenex and antibacterial wipes!
Vision and Hearing screening: On Monday, January 25, 2016 we screened about 340 students.
Many thanks to parent volunteer! If your student did not pass vision, we will be sending home a vision
referral. If they did not pass hearing, we will retest them during our rescreening date, March 7, 2016.
Our district health clerks and audiologist will return at this time.
Regarding immunizations: Thank you for turning in updated immunization forms.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Nicole Meadows and Felicia Sanchez
Health Clerks
303-828-3391 - Main line

Dear Parents,
The Colorado Health Foundation recently awarded SVVSD a Physical Activity Grant in the amount
of $1.4 million. The Physical Activity Grant is designed to support SVVSD in increasing the amount
of student participation in daily moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA).

In order to increase MVPA outside of the school day, SVVSD will implement the 100 Mile Club. As
100 Mile Club participants, students can track the miles they walk or run during 100 Mile Club
designated time at school, and at 100 Mile Club sanctioned community events. This allows ALL
students to participate and is a great way to combine all of their activity towards a common goal
walking or running 100 miles during the school year.
The 100 Mile Club was one of two $100,000 National Winners of the ASAP (Active Schools Acceleration Project) in 2012 (the other was Red Hawk Elementary). It is a well-established national program that provides ongoing support and resources to schools (website, email, phone, newsletter,
media tools, helpful suggestions and instructions). Students receive milestone incentives
(Challenge Accepted ID card, t shirt, golden pencil, wristband, and final certificate) along the way
to help keep them motivated throughout the year. If students reach their goal of 100 miles, they
are awarded a gold medal at the Year-End Medal Ceremony where every participant celebrates
their total miles run.
Practices will begin Wednesday, January 20th at 7:00 AM. Practices will be held Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning from 7:15 - 7:45. In case of inclement weather, an email will be sent by
6:45AM and a sign saying it is cancelled will be placed in the parent drop off lane (north side of
We are in need of parent volunteers on the running days. Parents would count and mark the laps
as the children come by and record the number of laps for each student at the end of the session.
A registration form is attached.

We look forward to moving with your child this year!

Thank you,

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