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Cause & Effect Essay


Attention Getter/ Exploration of the Topic
(TAG) Identify author and text/
Introduction of character and conflict
In James Hursts short story The Scarlet Ibis, the narrators longing to have a normal
brother spurs his involvement in the teaching and training of Doodle.
Thesis (will connect to BP #3)
Through Brothers initial characterization, conflict and eventual resolution, the author is
suggesting that painful experiences can result in people realizing that pride leads to actions they
P) Character (Initially)
Topic Sentence
Initially, the narrator is ashamed of having a crippled brother but he decides to implement a
training program so Doodle will be the brother he always wanted.
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Cause & Effect Essay


P) Conflict (However)
However, the brother goes through..
Doodle wanting to give up
Doodle reaching his physical limits
Brothers increasing frustration/ pride
Doodles death
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P) Resolution (As a result/ Consequently)

As a result, the narrator learns about regret/ the impact that pride can have on relationships

Cause & Effect Essay


Proof 1) Evidence and Discussion


Proof 2) Evidence and Discussion

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Cause & Effect Essay


Restate Thesis
Summarize Supporting Evidence
Clincher/ General Statement

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