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The Eyes of Nye: Nuclear Power
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The Eyes of Nye: Nuclear Power

energy is used mostly to turn turbines and generate electricity

energy is used mostly to turn turbines and generate electricity

nonrenewable, ~47% of IL power

burning of coal, oil, natural gas,
provides steam
formed over hundreds of millions
of years
huge pollution source

energy is used mostly to turn turbines and generate electricity

renewable, ~.1% of IL power

falling water is used
pollution free, but damming a
river is required - floods the
upstream source

energy is used mostly to turn turbines and generate electricity

renewable, ~0% of IL power

steam produced through water
heating up underground
minimal pollution besides

energy is used mostly to turn turbines and generate electricity

renewable, ~4.5% of IL power

wind turns blades of a turbine
pollution free besides

energy is used mostly to turn turbines and generate electricity

nonrenewable, ~48% of IL
split atoms of a radioactive
element release energy to
convert water to steam
produces radioactive
waste, no solutions yet for

energy is used to turn turbines and generate electricity

renewable, ~.05% of IL
light energy (photons)
crash into atoms of solar
panels, knocking electrons
loose to form an electric
pollution free besides

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