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HUL -281

first tutorial assignment

2014CE10364 (ravi kumar
My character as Himesh, Upper Middle Class salaried person.
So now I have some argument about UID that I have experience from my life
Biometric data is not something you can change if cases of misuse crop up.
There does not seem to be appropriate care taken by the government to
protect the data from unauthorized access.
once the data is stable, it would not even belong to the government but
private utilities, controlling it as a monopoly. The citizen, urged by the
government to create the cards is not informed about how their personal
information will be used or controlled.Its rights of everybody like mine.

Recent revelations show that data once entered in the UID system
cannot be removed. This basically means that once you get an Aadhaar card
made, your information is out of your control and you will not be able to
cancel your own identification data.

Storage on servers in the US. The US is getting increasingly data
hungry and alarming disclosures of illegal access to databases. The US can
legally get access to data stored on servers within the country regardless of
your permission or the permission of government of India.
India is a country where the corrupt are the first to get false papers
made.Completely bogus.. These Aadhaar cards can easily be used to create
bogus bank accounts or gas connections and so on. With elections coming up,
one only wonders how many Aadhaar cards were used to create multiple
voter IDs in different places by various elements engaged in election rigging.
Replies to RTI clearly demonstrate that the Aadhaar card number attached to
various accounts is not verified using the very expensive biometrics, people
who never visit the Aadhaar center as long as they provide a photo. So what
biometrics would they be verified against? So I think voter ID is better than
UID in this case.
Scholarships meant for them are denied to children from Dalit families not
because they cannot prove they are Dalits but because teachers and school
administrators pocket the money after forcing the parents to sign on false
receipts.In that case also doesnt help UID.

Women workers in NREGA are paid less than their due not because they
cannot prove that they have put in the full quota of work, but because the
supervisors and paymasters believe that women do not deserve the same
wage as men, and pocket the extra money. How UID helps ?

Millions of Indians as my uncle working in agriculture, construction workers

and other manual labourers have worn-out fingers due to a lifetime of hard
labour, resulting in what is technically referred to as low-quality fingerprints.
These are precisely the people who are currently excluded from government
records and welfare schemes.I have lot of ID proof after then i cant nothing
to do. Whose that fault ?
India does not have a robust legal framework or infrastructure for
cybersecurity and has weak capabilities in this area several of our highsecurity databases have been hacked in the recent past. The huge amounts
of personal information collected in the UID database will most likely not be
adequately .Im a middle class man .Why my personal infometion have other
person? after then they can misuse my details.

A man have not not received her mother aadhar card via post so I got it
printed by downloading pdf from its website to get her mother aadhar card
linked to her bank account. The man got it in just plain black and white
format. but the bank clerk refused to verify it stating that she needs original
to verify .who are responsible for this ?
that person what can do?
Can anybody make an aadhar card in delhi? He do not have a bank account
here. If so, how?

Aadhar cards are offline cards. They are not smart cards.Let's say after one
year of issuance your address changes you want to get that address updated.
You will be issued another card and old will still remain with you. You get two
cards with two different addresses. This information can be conflicting.
Everybody can misapply like Im also.

How will it be for you to get your adhar card with the face of a wild as or frog?
Seems weird, doesn't it?
Yes, it has happened. Not once. Many times. This is also not appreciable
Thank you

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