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Jesus Christ

Spring 2016
Unit 2 Test: Study Guide
For the Unit 2 Test, be sure to familiarize yourself with the following terms and
concepts from lectures, classroom discussions, the video, and activities, as well as
your readings from the text. It is recommended that you study in groups or with a
partner, and that you compare and collate (Look it up!) your lecture notes. Please
note that PowerPoint presentations from lectures will NOT be posted online.
The test (on Haiku) will consist of 25 questions, worth 1 point each, and will include
true/false, multiple choice, and short answer (3-5 well developed sentences).

Be familiar with Alexander the Great, his background, and his contribution to
the spread of Hellenism
Understand what is meant by Hellenism, why it was attractive to many
ancient peoples, and why the Jews resisted it
Have a very generally understanding of ancient Greek culture, including
religion, philosophy, art/architecture, and sport
Be familiar with the Maccabees, their war with the Seleucids, and the
rededication of the Temple (Hanukkah)
Understand how Greek language and ideas influence the development of the
Wisdom Literature
Who is Jesus ben Sirah (Sirach), and what is he known for?
What are the Wisdom books? (There are seven in the Catholic Canon.)
Job: Be familiar with date, authorship (anonymous), literary form, and general
Psalms: How many are there, what was their original purpose/setting, what
are some different kinds of Psalms, what is their lasting value to the Church?
Wisdom of Solomon: Be familiar with date, authorship, literary form, and
general content
Be familiar with OT images of Wisdom (e.g., little girl, old woman, Hagia
Be familiar with the development of Judaism in Palestine after the return from
exile in Babylon (Kingdom of David, Episode 2: The Book and the Sword) and
through the Roman period (Kingdom of David, Episode 3: The End of Days)

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