74 04 PVT Study Report

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P.W.T.STUDY REEORT ChientssrarorL Field :SLeIeNER Well + _15/9-.5 cot 2 zone Sanp. catet--~ Report #:83/1/011 bate: PRURUARY 1983 ELON LABORATORY avaex angex auaex awaex angex annex aNuex anaes annex B@oeaeaacadcaeaaeaaaagr angex WELL + 15/3-15 ost 2 iwosx L:GAMPLING CONDITIONS AND SAMPLE(S) VALIOLTY 2iMOLZCULAR COMPOSITION OF PLELD SEPARATOR GLS(BS) S:RECOMBINATION OF SEPARATOR SAMPLES A:HOLECULAR ComPOS?TION OF 3BSBAVCTR FLUIDS) S:CONSTANT MASS STUDY S:peezerion stupy :SEPARATION TESE (5) S:AODITIONNAL ANALYSIS 9:MOLSCULAR COMPOSITION (WEIGHT PESCENT) LO:SUMMARY AND RIN RESULTS (5.1 UNITS) an L2:NOAZNCLATURE AND SYSTEM OF UNITS Gas P.v.T, scftware version 1.3,00 a3/usoa couwany + staporL. weLt 15/9-15 ost 2 SUMMARY AND MAIN RESULTS The present eeport gives the experinental results of che P.V.7. study Carried out 99 recombined sucface samples fron well 15/3-15 ost 2 ‘The initial eeservoir conditions ars ~ et + 5975 psig “0 : mee Dew point presssre determined on sample waicn was Beleczed for complete P.v.T. study is ¢ - Pa 2 4985 psig at 248 & - nat ra + 0.997 = Specific volume at Pé + 0.0577 eu £t/pourd Por a2 abandonment pressure of 443 psig, the cumulasive Tiguld recovery will be: = 66.10 $ of propane plus in place = £5.86 4 of butanes plus in place = 45.49 # of pentanes plus in place Gas P.v.n, acftware version 1,3,00 3/4/01 RESERVOIR AND weGL CuARACT Static >essuce Bottom iole temperatuce fabing iianeter casing size Casing snoe IT, SAMPLING CONDITIONS A) SUREACE saweue (5) choke Plowing bottom hole pressure fell nead pres eure Separator pressure nell nead temerature Separator terverature Gas rate (Separator) Stock tank temperature Consressibility factor Gas gravity Liguia cate (separator) Gab.R Sansle(s) receives By sorta: | obe Saneus (5) pate Samele(s) received Gas 2.v.B. software version 1.3.0 490 psig o.ays LL (atest) 10357 std cu Fe/ebl F gas Alasus ALs99:s Lig. v10 as/iyolt coneany + staTorL | we + 15/915 osr 2 SAMPLE (5) -VALIDTFY SBPARATOR-LIQUID- SAMPLE(S) 1) Sample bottle No 0110 Babble poin: pressure determination at 66 F is 480 psig Gas P.V.T, software version 1.3,00 3/L/0L1 company + smaTort. | TABLE 2 BUBOEE- POINT PRESSURE-DETERNINATION AT 66.2 Separator liguid sample ( sylinder O10) Pressure Pune reading (psig) Tena) 6000 374.53 500¢ 373.56 4025 37263 S0ac 37153 2oas 370246 1051 369.22 60 368162 | Pb = 4a 368.43 ) are 358.28 | a 367.78 465 366.78 7 455 364.80 | saz 361.73 425 358182 ale 353.83 I PLASH-9P SEPARATOR LIQUID 7O_STOCK-TANK CONDITIONS ou 709 sed cu ft/obl | Shrinkage Factor 3.701 za bb1/obL Liberated gas gravity: 1.296 (air = 1) Stock tank liguid gravity: U.772 60/60 F mnie sample nas sean uted fae recombination Gas P.W.T, software version 1.3,00 3/1 compas + sta70rt Weul + 15/9-15 os? 2 | 56 frum ceaaing (ena) 4 | wi 7 \ | ) xe 4 7 ) ; = 490 pais lan 4 ae E | — | 316 ETRE CS pressure (psig) “a ba aba ab Hts hE \ Gas P.v.t, software version 1.3,00 83/4/00. coupany WELL TAaLE 3 + sTanorL, + 15/915 ost 2 OLECULAR-£oMPOS1T10N-07- TELE SEPARATOR GAS (ES) I-yoleculae composition (mole percent) Ti-tiguia ‘tne eylinger Gas P.v.t. components cyLinge: a 139 Nitrogen suet Carbon dioxide 125 Hydrocarbon: Methane 78.86 Ethane 10752 Propane 5.4 1 ~ Butane 0:83 N = Butene 1.32 T= Pentane 0:27 N= pentane 0:24 0:07 0:02 mma 300,00 Molecular weight 20.792 Geavity (Air=1) 0.717 Molecular weight 100.2 Of neptanes plus content (9.p.M) Propane plus 2.398 Butenes plus 0.907 Fentanes plus (2223 1) 13993 has been asec for 4 software version 1,3,00 e Gylinder 5k 13993 80.37 10223 4156 0168 aloe ali 0116 olod 0,02 100.00 20.296 0.700 100.2 6.700 0.153 econbination a3/L/o1n company : stav01L won; 15/9-15 pst 2 TABLE 4 RECOMS TYATION-OF “SEPARATOR SAMPLES 1 ZLASH-GP-S2PARATGR-LIQUTD-TO- STOCK TANK CONDITIONS GebeRe 709 sta cu ftypbi Shrinkage factor £0,701 sta ebl/boh Liberated gas gravity 21236 (aie=1) Stock tank liguid gravity: 0.772 60/60 F CORRECTION OF GAS-LIQUID EATIO ans Field G.L.Re 10337 std cu Fe/eb1 Separator gas gravity (from chromatographic analysis) 6 Lab. 0,700 (aire) compressibility factor 2 at separator cond: 3 lab. + 0,902 corrected G.t.R. + Pielé G.L.R. x De7ie-x 01898 corrected G.t.R. + 10337 = 10364 sea cu fe /o22 0.700 x 0.902 PHYSICAL: RECONB INAFTON Surface samples were physically recombined in tne ratio of 10564 standard Cabic feet af separator gas pet barrel of Separator liquid 83/0/011 compay + starore. = want + 15/9-15 ose 2 mae 5 | FLASH OP “SEPARATOR LIGS1D TO-STOCK-TANK- CONDITIONS HOTS Curae COMDOETEIOR| Stock tank Evolved Recombined Components Pigeia San separator liquid (mole percent) {mole percent) "(ole percent) Nitrogen 5.00 O00) oto Carben dioxide 0:00 olga ores 1 irecarbons: Methane 0,00 30.80 13.86 Bthare 0:30 20.76 3251 ) Propene 299 23.31 aziag T= Butane Lise Sian Sen Nu - butane 6.32 3:70 784 , I~ Pentane 4.65 2.92 3i83 Nu - pentane 6.17 26a 58 | Henares 5.92 isi cary Beptanes 15.05 ols9 8168 Octares riety 3.72 Nonanes 0200 5158 Decanes plus oLuo asin TOTAL 00.00 00.00 100, 00 Molecular we ight ais 37.354 32.0 Gravity 0.792 60/60 F 1.296 tair=1) wont Molar ratio 53.00, 45.00 100.00 Nase ratio 79.40 20:60 Lv0!00 Molecular weigtt of Decanes plus in st: 191 i Gas P.v.t, seftware version 1.3,00 a3/2/01n company + starorL =a Weal: 15/9-15 CST 2 TABLE 6 MOLECULAR: COMPOSITION: OF RESERVOIR PLUID Reoombined nocomb:nec Components Separator liquid Reservoir fluid (mole percent) (mole percent) (ole peccert) 1 Nitrosen ‘0-00 113) 1.07 Carbon dioxide 0.44 ins slo : hydrocarbons: | ieenane 30.37 73.94 Eeaane 10226 1olis Propane 4196 516e i r= Butane Cea OLse 1 N= sutane io an 1 = Pentane eg O15 N= pentane ery 15s Hexanes a 04 0163 Heptanes oz 0:85 Octanes orog 0196 Hl Nonanes a 00 0156 1 Decanes plus wou 133 ‘TorAL 100.00 100, o¢ 1op.00 Molecular weight 82.0 20.236 25.2 Gravity = o. 700 (aire) 0.306 (air=lt Molar tatio 9.68 3. 36 103.00 mass zatio 30.12 69.88 103:00 Malecslar weight of Decanes plus in reservoir fluid + 191 Gas P.V.t. software version 1.3,t0 83/0/01 company + staT0rL = wes + 15/9-15 ost 2 TABLE 7 CONSTANT MASS STUDY AND DEW POINT. PRESSURE DETERMINATION: AT 240.2 Pressure Relative volume Conpressibility Retrograde liquid Eactar ‘Gepost «ps:9) (w/v Pay (aeev/eRn) 14 cf hydrocarbon ‘pore space)* 6000 o.s1z8 Loss 5301 019263 ao7e 5513 019484 ios? 5271 olo72 1,024 pis 5175 o:ses3 Looe pa = 4985 a.ocoo 0.997 0.00 4193 1.0230 0.01 4378 0803 oan a1 Losai 0.58 4004 11543 aay 3731 peereys 2.30 3445 ai3ci7 ach 3u46 aes £63 2537 17004 5175 2322 211437 6252 1567 210026 6.68 1238 314633 5253 boa aecza 5.98 -specific volume at dew point pressure = 0.05773 cu ft/pound + percent of reteageade Liquid par volume of reservoir fluid at Pa Gas P.v.n, acftuace version 1.3,00 83/0/01. =a company weLt + STATOIL 1s/9-15 pst 2 POINT. PRESSURE-DETERM:NATION- AND: CONSTANT MASS £TUDY AT. 260 & Relative volune 2s 1 \ pa =} 4985 sis \ ann \ 2.00 = : aa Ls 7 Lo 4 : O5 FERRED IESE abd Babe abba Sebo bb bhd_Shab SEATED BEE pressure (9213) an p.vst, software version 1.3,08 eso company : s¥anorL = wie + As/915 980 2 DEW POINT PRESSURE DEFERMINATIOM-AND-CONSTAN?-MASS-STUBY-AT-248-F conpressibilizy factor 1.20 + 4985 psig 100 + | 0.90 +4 4000 4590 3060 3500 6000 eae Pressure (2313) cas ?.V.7, software version 1. +00 83/uv011 ——| wet + 1s/5ei5 cor 2 DEW-POIWE- PRESSURE DETERN{NAT TON AND CONSTANT: MASS: STUBY_AT 248 & Retrograde Liquid deposit | $:00-feracey 7 5.00- 4,00-] : 7 | 3.00-4 2.00- 1.00 ° Bobs “Dsbo" Bobo 950" AdOU AbuC* S000" se00" GOO Pressure (psig) Gas P.V.T, software version 1.3,00 s/o Pressure retcograde Cunutative Liculd deposie (esis) (percent of aysro~ carbon pore spsce)* 4985 0.00 4566 2.08 4257 0.59 3032 1.3 3336 3.05 2910 3.97 2396 4737 1013 652 443 coaPANY 2 STATOTE wet maace “ a DEPLETION SUpy-oF ReseRvorR 2LA 0.90 431 8.30 15.42 24.49 32.34 44,12 59.52 77.98 a4.o4 89.33 15/9-15 987 2 wu:p at 24a-r Compressivilicy produced fluid factor of well stream (nole percent of (zeusant) initial £lsia) 0.997 0.963 0.938 0,913 0. e838 0.876 0.875 0.897 0.942 0. 962 0.974 svercent of retrograce Liquid per volume of reservoir fluid at ed gas P.v.T. scttware version 1.3,00 e3/u/o1r comwany + starorL Wett + 15/9-15 wsr 2 LON“ STUDY OP -RESERVOTR PLUID-AT. 248 ©. Retrograde Liquid deposit ] 4985 psig 1 rac’) 400-1 3.00-4 2.00~ 1.00-4 7 0. 00- Tobi Pressure (p8i3) Gas P.v.T, software version 1.3,00 3/4/01 cotenny + smsort =a wee Ayseus ose 2 DEPLEFION -STUDY-OF RESERVOIR PLUID-AT 24K F Cumulative produced fluid 80.0-4 7 \ \ 50.0- : \ Dobe sha UES Shs eb SES SOT eEaS Soke Sabo SohS Pressure (psig) i cas P.v.t, software version 1.3,00 s3/u/ot coapaxy + staTor, wee = 18/9-15 ost 2 DEPLETION: SPUY-OF-RESEAVOIR-FLUIO AT 243-F Produced well strean cempressibility factor Los + 2.95 ~ 2.00 3 i OSES baS TEES aba She SEES snd woke shot soba she obS Pressure (psig) Gas P.v.t, software version 1.3,0¢ a3/u/o.t company ELL maaLe 9 SmArOTL 15/s-15 pst 2 DEPLERION-STUDY OF RESERVOIR FLUID AT 238 & I-tjpleculer composition of produced wel stream (nole percent) Pressure (psig) nitrogen Carbon dioxide hydrocarbons: Methane Ethane, Propare re Butane N > Butane I - Pentane Heptares plus TOTAL Nolectlar weignt Gravity (Aie=t) Viscosity (ep) YolecuLar weignt of Heptanes + 4985 1.02 108 73.94 alts 5:68 0:96 1:70 ols. 0153 oles 3165 100.00 26.265, 0.908 0.0277 aio 4566 1.02 1107 14.54 10222 5:66 0:95, 163 ors 0:57 o:60 315 100,00 25.476 0.873 6.0288 138.0 4257 1.03 ioe 74.39 10 26 265 0:95 es 0:52 0:55, 0:57 zea 200,00 25.015, 0.863 0.0246 136.5 3031 3336 Leo 1.04 ios ils. 15.25 10131 5185 Olas Le? olsi 0153 0135 2149 100,00 24.497 0.345 0.0229 #0212 133.9 30.9 TI-Liguid content of produced well stream 13.p.H) Peopane plus Butanes plus Pentanes plus cas P.v.t, 5.295 3.739 2.893 scftwace 4.913 3.362 2.522 4.604 3.135 2.299 version 1.3,00 4428 4.168 2.880 © 2,618 2.0sy 1.788 2910 1.03, ios 75.91 10241 5165, 0195 Lies ola 0:50 o143, 136 100.00 23,388 o.a1a 0.0197 128.4 3.978 2.430 1.599 83/4/01. company 2 stavo1L es wen 15/9-15 28P 2 ‘TABLE 10 DEPLETION STUDY OF RESERVOIR. PLUID-AT_246-P I-tplecular composizion of produced well stream (mole percent) Pressure (peis) 2396 4737 ais 552 443 Nitrogen 1.07 Loo D.98 9.95 0.9 Carbon dioxide Alot Aloe ato aan La Hyéeocarbone: ethane 76.12 76.30 75.99 Berane 4014s dota at7a Propane Sc7C 3176 5190 T= Butane 093 O19 io N= Butane Lie un a7 T= Pentane alae Olde 3043 N= Pentane or5c 0:56 D051 Heaanes olae Olae Dhas Heptanes plus LSE 2s Loe Tora, 100.06 100.00 -Lov.08 Moleculac weight 23.215 22.925 22.766 22.777 Gravity (aire1) Oak 0,791.76 786 Viscosity (cp) 0.0181 0.0162 0.9142 0.0133 0.0128 } Molecular weight 125-6 123-1. 113,813,717. Of Heptanes + Ti-Liguid content of produced well stream 19.P.0) Propane plus 3.803 3.664 3.609 3.6303, 701 Butanes plus Bai aei0s | on) se) ao Pertanes plus 1.398 1.243 098) 06s Lost Gas P.v.T, software version 1.3,0 83/e/on coupany went TABLE LL DEPLETION-STUDY-OF -Re: sTarorL 1s/9-15 ost 2 RVOTR: FLUID. AT 240 & Molar composition of produced well stream up to Dodecenes plus Pressuze ipsig) 4985 3566 4257 3831 33362910 Nitrogen 1.02 1.02 103 1.08 1.04 1.03 Carbon dioxide alos al07 ios, 106, io ios Bydrocarbons: ethane 75.25 75.91 ethane 10231 olan Propane 5165 5165 T= Butane olsa 0155, N = Butane is? 166 I - pentane orst N= pentane 0153, 0:50 Hexanes 0255 rer Heptanes 0:70 0:61 Octanes, 0.65 Olas Nonanes on34 0123, Decanes. 0122 ety Undecanes olla 0:10 Dodecanes plus 0-78 oles Olas 0.27 ‘TOTAL 390.00. 100.00 190.00 190,00 100.00 00.00 Molecular weignt 261265 251476 25.015 241497231963 23.588 Molecular weight 222-0 215.5. 214.2. 20914 203.8 198.4 98 Dodecanes + cas P.v.t. software version 1.3,00 83/4/01 company s7aTort, went 15/915 5P 2 ‘TABLE 12 DEPLETION STUDY-OF RESERVOIR FLUID AT 248-7 Molex composition of produced well stream u> to Dodecanes plus Pressure (psig) 2396 ast 013 552 aa. Nitzogen 2.02 1.00 2.98 0.96 0.9 Carbon dioxiae 105 ile iio in mn Hyé rocarbone: Methane 76.12 76.30 75.73 75.38 Ethane 10.45 10l4s oles 0.93 Propane 5:70 5:7 3138 Paty I Butane 097 ol9s alos 10 N = Butane 268 Ln ile ass I= Pentane alas ole ais2 0:55 w= pentane 0250 215 3153 0155 Hexanes 0146 Ole Diae Paty Hepeanes 0:55 015 D3 0.42 Octanes asa 0:33 3123 0.2L Nonanes ali orl Blo 9208 Decanes a013 eric D107 0105, Unéecanes: a:08 0203 310 9:03 Dodecanes plus 4.20 a alos 0:08 ‘TOTAL 100,00 108.0¢ 00.00 109.08 200. 09 Molecular weight 23.215 221925 22.766 22.777 22.845 Molecular weight, 193.4 186.2) 1701) 17319" 718 of bodscanes + Gas P.V.T, software version 1.3,00 83/2/01. coweany + staTorL. We + 18/9-25 ost 2 ARLE 13 DEPLETION: STUDY-OF-BESERVOIR FLUID-AT-248-P Cunilative Liquid cecovery (g.p.m. of iritial reservoir Eluka) Preseie cumulative cunulative liguid recovery produced fluid (psig) (mole percent of (-p-m.) Initial fluid) po coos a aa Ipropane plus|butanes plus|pentanes plus! | pa = 4985, 0.08 5.295 (1) 3.739 (1) 2.893 () 5 4566 0.221 o.ast one ' 4257 0.423 0.286 0.22 3031 15.42 ons 0.877 0.348 : 3336 24.19 10a 0.708 0.505 | 2o10 32.98 aazy 0.919 0.645 es 44.12 aeasd sass 0,802 ann 59.62 2.422 1.495 0.994 I 1013 77.03 3.052 1.043 1.186 682 a4.98 3.337 2.000 1.270 | 43 89.33 3.500 2.088 1.316 ja) Total initial Liguid in place (9-p.t.) Gas P.V.T, software version 1.3,00 a3/L/ea comenuy + searore = seu, + as/S-45 os 2 ,OLETION- SPUDY-OF -RESER/OIR FLUID AT 246-F Cumulative Liguid recovery 3s lap Of initial) i 2.04 as cis : 2.04 : 1. 0- SUT Sb Pressure (psis) Gas P.v.t. software version 1.3,00 83/0/01 company + staTort, DEPLETION STUDC-OP “RESERVOIR PLUID:AP 246 -P 15/9-15 csr 2 Liguid content of produced well strean 935 psig Soo Toad Spe BouC abo sub SUG obo aSEGT “Sobo” Sto “cobs Pressure (psic) Gas 2.V.7. software version 1.3,00 a3/youl coapany : sraTorL =a wah + -15/9-15 osP 2 2.00 0.95 0.90 0.85, 2.80 DEPLETION STUDY -OF RESERVOIR PLUID-AT-248 F Produ: well stream gravity Seavity(air Preseuce (psig) cas P.vn, software vereion 1.3,00 83/t/out 0.028 | 0.028- 6.027- #.026- 2oas- ! ooze 0.0234 0.022 o.oa.- o.020~ o.019- o.o1e~ | eon | o.016- ) 0.015 e014 0013+ gas 2.v.t, coupany weut ‘sraTort 15/9-15 ost 2 \EPLETTON STUDE-OF RESERVOIR PLUID & Produced well stream viscosity viscosity (2p) Shad software version 1.3,00 EOS ES ASG Sbad S5Od Pressuce (psic) a3/ecout ‘hte company : StavorL. WELL + 15/9-15 os? 2 TABLE 14 DEPLETION. STUDY-OF “RESERVOIR: #4UID-AT-248-F Flash of remaining Liquid from 443 psig =o atmospheric conditions (solecular composition of gas free liguia) | conporents mole percent Mothare 0.00 | Etbane 0152 hy bropare ass 1 attane 0273 N= Bttane 2.28 I~ Pentane iss n= pentane 20 Hexanes alas Heptares eer) Octane 1495 Nonanes iiss Decanes a7 Undecenes, 6.30 Dodecenes plus 35180 | orAL 100.00 Molecular weight of gas free liquid : 158 Molecular weight of Dodecenes plus in gas Free liquid + 239 |) Specific gravity of gas free liquid : 0.829 (60/60 FP | Gas P.V.T. software version 1.3,00 83/L/011 company + sragorL cee WELL + 15/915 ost 2 ‘TABLE 15 WOLECULAR COMPOSITION OF STOCK TANK LIQUID (Weight percent) Components aeignt percent Nitrogen 0.co Carbon dioxide oro iydeocarbons: Metnane 0.00 Ethane olo8 Propane vay E utane ols7 N-> Butane 3110 1 - Pentane 2188 w= Pentane 316 Hexanes aa Hepranes a2ide Octanes 16:90 Nonanes 10/39 Decanes plus 40.27 ‘TOTAL 200,00 Moleculae weight 118.4 Gravity 0.772 6o/sor Molecular weight of Decanes plus in sti: 191 Gas P.v.T, software version 1.3,00 s3/n/oL. cas Paver. company + stator, weet 15/9-15 usr 2 TABLE 16 WOLECULAR COMPOSITION OF TANK GAS (weight. percent) Components Weight percent Nitrogen 0.00 Carbon dioxide 073 sydrocerbons: Methane Ethane Propane Te Butane = Butane I - Pertane = pentane Hexanes Hepzanes Octanes Nonanes Decanes plus roman Holscular weight Gravity software version 1.3,00 a3/u/cd company ass oo TABLE 17 SIATOIL 15-15 ost 2 MOLECULAR COMPOSITION OF SZPARATOR GAs (weight percentt components Nitrogen Carbon dioxide Aydrocerbons: Methane Ethane Propane 1 = Butane N = Butane 1 Pentane N= Pentane Hoxanes Heptanes Octanes Nonanes Decanes plus rors Holecular weight Geavity Gas P.V.T. software version 1.3, 00 Weight percent 0.78 161 64.63 15.45 10195 1193, 3103 or63 53 0117 ora 0200 0200 0200 100.00 20.236 0.700 (ase=2) ) 83/L/011 coOMpaNy : stazorL — went 1y/9-15 ost 2 ‘TABLE 18 GRAVITY AND MOLECULAR WEIGHT DATA USED IN CKLCULATIONS wolecular Gravity weighe Hoxanes 36.178 0.6649 Heptanes. 100. 205 016863 Octanes ua. 232 017063 Nonanes 128.259, 027220 Decanes plus a2 0! 9800 Gas P.v.T, software version 1.3,00 aon cospawy 1 staTOrL ea went -15/9-15 ose 2 SUMMARY AND MAIN RESULTS he present report gives the experimental results of the e.v.r. study carried out cn recombined surface Samples from well 15/-15 DSE Z The initial reservoir conditions are + = Ps: 350 bar SO 4 fog perebeed eBr*eaapiets pets seuay tees - Pa: Babar nara + 0,597 = specific volume at Pd + 3.6017 oni/g Por an abandonment pressire of 31 bar, tne cumulative Tiguia recovery will be = 66.10 percent cf propane plus in place ~ 55.86 percent of butanes plus in place = 45.45 percent of pentanes plus in place Gat P.v.n, software version 1.3,00 83/L/o1L 2 v Fy Pi Pb Pa ve=w/v eb veav/v Ba Bo Re 2 Bg a0 so. 6 Sto oR cur Shrinkage factor we : aR gpa Standard conditions company + sTagorL, WELL: 15/8-15 wsr 2 NOMENCLATURE Pressure volume ‘Tenperatire Initial atatic precsure Buoble point pressure Dew point pressure Relative voluse (oil reservoir fluid) Relative volune (ges reservoir fluid) compressibility factor of reservoir fluid ‘vhermal expansion of reservoir fluid Dinensiorless compressibility function O41 formation volune factor Solution gas oil ratio Gas compressibility factor or ges deviation factce Gas Foraseion volume factor Reservoir oil density Residual oll gravity Gas gravity (air=1) Stock tark oll Gaz oil ratio Gas liguid ratio Water Liguia ratio Oil-volume-at" standard conditiors Oil-volure at separator condvescns nefotal moles of « mixture in the gas state iniversal gas constant (per cole) Gallons rer thousand standara cuoic feet For gas voluies=60@ and 14,7 psia For oil measurenents=60 F and atrospheric pre: Grae haat content i eaioilated from APE rasearch project 44 Molacu-ar weignts, densities critical values are from CRC Handbook of Chenistry and paysics Gas viscosity is calculated wita eyuations fcom Staning (senarior of sil Eield aydzocarbon systems) Gas P.V.T, software version 1.3,09 easton

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