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Students name: ______________________________

Date: _______________________

1. LISTENING SECTION: Choose the correct answer.

1. What time does the man get up?

A. at 5:00 a.m.
B. at 6:00 a.m.
C. at 7:00 a.m.
2. What time does he get to work?
A. at 7:00 a.m.
B. at 8:00 a.m.
C. at 9:00 a.m.
3. What does he do with his family around 6:30 p.m.?
A. They read books together.
B. They play games.
C. They eat dinner.
4. What do the man and his wife do after the kids go to
A. They watch TV.
B. They clean the house.
C. They listen to music.
5. What is one thing the man does NOT say about his
A. She has to take their children to school.
B. She helps the kids with their homework.
C. She goes shopping for food.

2.Circle the letter of the correct answer.

EX.: 0. Our house __________ five bedrooms.
a. have b. has c. does d. do
1. _______ they have a computer?
a. Does b. Do c. Is d. Are
2. Sue doesnt _______ brothers.
a. have any b. have no c. has any d. have none
3. My parents ________ curly hair
a. do b. has c. have d. dont
4. A person _______ to have a pet at home.
a. dont have b. doesnt have c. doesnt has d. dont has
5. How many cousins ______ your girlfriend _______?
a. do/ have b. has/ does c. does/ have d. have/does
3. For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase
to complete the gap from the choices below:
EX: 0. You know Sarah has two children, a son and a
5. Write the time in words

Its five after nine

B girl C husband D cousin
1. My sister has had a baby, so now I'm a/an _____.

A. parent
B. uncle
C. cousin
D. grandparent
2. My uncle and aunt live in Australia, so I don't see my
_______ very often.
A. cousins
B. sisters
C. grandchildren
3. I've got two brothers, Mark and Simon and a younger
______ called Mary.
A. nephew
B. son C. girl D. sister
4. I love my brother, but I don't like Sonia, his ____.
They've been married for three years.
A. wife
B. sister
C. daughter D. girlfriend
5. In England it's normal to live with your _______ when
you are 18, but not when you are 50.
A. sisters
B. parents
C. children
D. brothers

4. Write the verbs in Simple present or present

continuous form.
1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) __________ her kids to
football practice.
2. Usually, I (work)_________ as a secretary at ABT,
but this summer I (study) __________ French at a
language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.
3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep)____________.
4. What ____________ (Susie / do) tomorrow?
5. I ____________ (not / work) on Sundays.
6. I'm sorry I can't hear what you (say)___________
because everybody (talk) ___________ so loudly.
7. How often ____________ (they / go) to restaurants?
8. He ____________ (take) a salsa dancing class every
9. ___________ (he/eat) rice every day?
10. They _________ (play) Tennis now.

1. at 5:00 a.m.
2. at 8:00 a.m.
3. They eat dinner.
4. They watch TV.
5. She helps the kids with their homework.
Woman: So, what's your usual day like? You always seem so
Man: Well, I usually get up around 5:00 a.m. and work on the
computer until 6:00 a.m.
Woman: Why do you get up so early?
Man: Well, I have to leave home at twenty to seven (6:40 a.m.)
so I can catch a bus at 7:00 o'clock . It takes me about twenty
minutes to walk to the bus stop from my house.
Woman: And what time do you get to work?

Man: Uh, my bus takes about an hour to get there, but it stops
right in front of my office.
Woman: That's nice. And what time do you get off work?
Man: Uh, around 5:00 o'clock. Then, we eat dinner around 6:30,
and my wife and I read and play with the kids until 8:00 or so.
Woman: So, when do you work on your website? You said one
time that you create it at home?
Man: Well, my wife and I often watch TV or talk until 10:00
o'clock. She then often reads while I work on my site, and I
sometimes stay up until the early hours of the morning, but I try
to finish everything by one or two.
Woman: And then you get up at 5:00 a.m.?
Man: Well, yeah, but it's important to live a balanced life. I enjoy
what I do, but you have to set aside time for the family and
Woman: I agree.

Man: But I think my wife has the toughest job. She spends her
whole day taking care of our family . . . taking the kids to school,
working in the garden, buying groceries, taking the kids to piano
lessons . . . [Wow!] It's a full-time job, but she enjoys what she
Woman: Well, it sounds like you're a busy, but lucky man.
Man: I think so too.

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