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2 Excel Spreadsheet—Formulas Page 71

9.  Cell A14: 70 - 1 - 3 - 23
10.  Cell A15: 75 x 402.123
11.  Cell A16: 8.31 ÷ 8.72
How to Subtract, Multiply, Divide 12.  Cell A17: 2.221 x 31 x 2 x 3
=(variable,function,variable) 13.  Cell A18: 3 x 2 x 1 x 2
14.  Cell A19: 60 - 3 - 23 - 70
Function symbols:
+ “plus” Add BOX B TRY THIS: Grand Total
1.  Go to A21 and enter a formula that
- “minus” Subtract would add up all the answers from the previ-
* “asterisk” Multiply ous exercise (A1 through A19)
2.  Put a THICK, DARK border around this
/ “forward slash” Divide cell

Addition or SUM function is the only function that can BOX C Additional Exercises:
use a range of cells. For all other functions, you DO the following
must use the function symbol. 1.  Cell C1: 3.12 x 4
2.  Cell A7: 1.2 x 3 x 3
START A NEW WORKSHEET and TITLE IT “Other 3.  Cell A8: 135.86 - 3546 - 12
functions” 4.  Cell A9: 72 x 192.1 x 12
5.  Cell A10: 5.0003 ÷ 3.3
Subtracting/Multiplying/Dividing Simple Numbers 6.  Cell A11: 12.0032 ÷ 63.1
Subtraction: 15 - 20
•  Do: Go to CELL A1 and type “=(15-20)” Type the following numbers in the column specified. Place
and press enter. the answer on row 9 below each column of numbers and
Multiplication: 55 x 30 place a THICK DARK BORDER around the ANSWER
•  Do: Go to CELL A2 and type “=(55*30)” 7.  Column C: 212+113+4454+123
and press enter. 8.  Column D: 6212+3+7554+10
Division: 12 ÷ 30 9.  Column E: 1+3+4+5+6+7+8
•  Do: Go to CELL A3 and type “=(12/30)”
10.  Column F: 3310+13+54+10+11+56
11.  Column G: 221+1123+5224+100+180
and press enter.
12.  Cell H11 (25pt font): Add up all the totals
of each column. Place a double-underline border
Multiple Numbers and Orders of Operations
around this cell.
Subtract Multiple numbers: 25 - 9 - 3
•  Do: Go to CELL A4 and type “=(25-9-3)”
and press enter.
Multiply multiple numbers: 25 x 9 x 3
•  Do: Go to CELL A5 and type “=(25*9*3)”
and press enter.

BOX A Exercises: DO the following

1.  Cell A6: 4 x 4
2.  Cell A7: 12 x 3
3.  Cell A8: 13586 - 3546
4.  Cell A9: 72 x 33
5.  Cell A10: 5 ÷ 33
6.  Cell A11: 1032 ÷ 63.1
7.  Cell A12: 132 ÷ 33.215
8.  Cell A13: 6 x 12345

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