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No. A SUL2014.CDN, Govecnment of india [Miniey of Mir, Sill and Medium Enterprises Udyog Bhavan, New Dali Dated the 9 fune, 2015, to (Cher Seertaries (Al State Govermnen'sTS) Subject: Udyog Aaudhane for MSMES Sie [Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act 2006 resibes for fing ‘of Entrepreneur Memorandum-t (EM-1 and Entrepreneur Memorandum (EMU) for all enterprises. Ths proces has boen made volunary an elrepeeneurs find ditfculty in ‘ing them inthe absence of proper eco system in Disrit Indust Cents (DICS), The manual peocedue is ridden with several challenges and isnot considered investor Irendly. On aecount of the cumbersome procedure and since filing of EM is not ‘mandatory, many MSMESs have not registered themselves and ae outsice the scope of services offered by the Government 2 Inview ofthe above, Misr of MSME through NIC have developed a web pot for online ling of Entrepreneurship Memorandum (EM) 1&1, Tae objective ito make the proces of ilingof EMI Forms forthe applicant simple and 247 trough anytime anywhere reistition. This isa new poliey itive ofthe Ministry as pat of ease of doing business to encourage reistrton of MSMES. Currently this nana portal has ten adopted by 14 statevUTS and 47884 EMCI and (2333 EMAL appiations have been fled online. Te adoption of online system has encouraged high rate of EM registration and has enabled more MSME 1o aval benefit hom varios schemes, Naonal Portal i hlps/em nsmegov.i/ReporigEMAbstractReportaspx?op=2 3. Kamath Committee Report on Francia architecture of MSME sito has given several recommensations including recommendation fo the ynivesalization of registration. The epot success at tips/nsme gov ind WeiteRendDatDocuentFgID1S 02 MSME Commitice ce uci Feb 2015.00 4. tnconsonance withthe above reconumeniation of the Kamath Comittes, Ministry ‘as taken ntaive to develop one page simplified registration fom “ilyog Aacthan’ under which MSMEs wil self cenit is existence, bank acount, business ntvity tail, ‘employment and ownership detis and cher basi itormaton. Fann is accesible at of msne gov. UdyoeAdharfudyoendhar-formaspx 5. would be gratefal © have your considered views and suggestions to popularize rexiseation of entra, Yours faith Enel 6) Udyog Aadhaar Form (0) Background Note 2 (Madhay Lad) Government of India (NE(N=E sy sitin Snort aetum eins co = 2 a ep (er Sie [racoae [ovement aa Man Mactney (xc Ta bag) Js noes) [Rasahaar rember "hereby cetyl demotion ven above hue lo the be! my tow rece and ate 7 ayo Aaa 2015, Background Note Udyog Aadhaar: Ease of Registration 1. Introduction, Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector has emerged as a highly ibraint and ‘dynamic sector of he Indian economy over the last five decades, MSMEs not only play rucial role in providing large employment opportunities at comparatively lower capital cost than large industiies but also help in industrialization of rural & backward areas, thereby, reducing regional imbalances, assuring more equitable dstibttion of national income and wealth. SMEs are complementary to large industries as ancilary units and this sector contributes enormously tothe socio-economic development ol he county, The Micco, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act was naiied in 2006 to address policy issues affecting MSMEs as well as the coverage and investment celing of the sector. The Act seeks to facilate the development ofthese enterprises a8 ao enhance theie compettiveness, Il provides the first-ever legal feamework for recognition ol the concept of “enterprise” which comprises both manufacturing and service entties. Mt defines: medium enterprises for the st time and seeks to integrate the thee ters ofthese entaprises, namely, ‘ier, small and medium, ‘The primary responsibilty of promotion and development of MSMES is ofthe Stale Governments However, the Government of India, supplements efforts ofthe State Governments through vavious inatives, The role ofthe Mlo MSME and it organizations is to assist the States in their efforts to encourage entrepreneurship, employment and lvelood opportunities and enhance the compatiiveness of MSMES in the changed economic scenario 2. OVERVIEW OF THE SSUMSME SECTOR Performance of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) Sactor is assessed by conduct of periodic Al india Census ofthe Sector. The ates census conducted was Fourth Al India Census Of MSE, The Gensus was conducted with reference year 2006.07, wherein the data was collected il 2009 and results published in 2011-12. Fourth Al India Census of WSME i the fest {census conducted post implementation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development 1H Utyog Aahaae 2015 (MSMED) Act, 2008, Peo: to implementation of MSMED Act, 2006, the sector was defined, as er the provision of Industial Development and Regulation Act 191, as Smal Scale Indies (S81) sector anc ts constiuent ny and auzliary units as per periocke revison of criteria for defining Such units. Third Al ladia Census of SSI as conducted wilh coverage and concepls as prevailing duving 2001.02, The scope and coverage of the MSME sector were broadened sinnicanity under the MSMED Act, 2006, which recognized the cancapt of erterpise” ard to Include both manufacturing and services sectors, besides defining the medium enterprises under MSME Sector. Thus, the entire non-agicutlural sector of ecanomy was brought under the coverage of MSME Sector subject othe revised citera prescribed for defining Miro, Small and Medium Enterprises separately fr manufacturing and services sectors. The census adopted difforont methodology for Registered and Unregistered Sectors. While complete enumeration of enterprises was adopled in Registered Sector, sample survay was. Fesoned 10 in Unregistered Sector. However, actives under wholesalefeal trade, legal, educational & social services, hotel & restaurants, transports and stocage & warehousing (excep! cold storage) were excluded fom the coverage of sample suvey, For these aciviles, date was, ‘extracted from Economic Census, 2005 (EC, 2005) conchicted by Cantal Stalskes fice (CSO) of Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MOSPI) fr estimation o' MSME relevant enterprises. 2.1 DEF ION Registered Sector: Enterprises registered wth District Industries Centres inthe StatesUTs, Knadi and Vilage Industies Commissionkhadl and Village industiies Board. Coir Board as on 31.03.2007 and factories under the coverage of section 2m) and 2m) ofthe Factores Act 1948 sod for Annual Survey of Industries having investment in plant and machinery upo Rs, 10 crore wore considered to belong to registered sector. Unregistered Sector: Al MSME ongaged in the activities of manulactuxing or in providinglrendering of services, not registered permanently or nat fled Entrepreneurs ‘Memorandum Parl (EMI with State Directorates of Industries’ District Indushies Centers on oF before 31.03.2007 are callod unregistered MSME. Those enterprises that are temporarily registered on oF before 31-03-2007 as also the units that are temporaily or permanently registered of fled EMA after 31-03-2007 til the date of Sample Survey, conducted a8 port of Fourth Allindia Census of MSME, 2006-07, were teated as unregistered MSME, Allunregistered SME, covering both manufacturing and services sectors, consthuted unregistered sector 2.2 Khadis the proud legacy of our national freedom movement and the fhe ofthe nation. ‘hacl and Vilage Industies (KV) are two national hentages of India, One ofthe most significant aspects of KVI in Indian economy is that creates amployment at a very low per capita investment, The KI Sector not ony serves the basic needs of processed goods af the vast rural sector af the county, but also provides sustainable employment to cura artisans, KV today represent an exquiile,hettage product, which is ‘ethnic’ as well as ‘ethical. The Sector has 3 potently strong chentele among the middle and upper echelons of the society 2.3 Coir Industyis an agro-based traditional ixusty, which originated in the slate of Kerala and proliferated to the other coconut producing slates Bke Tami Nadu, Kamataka, Anda Pradesh, Odisha, West Bengal, Maharashva, Assam, Tripura, ee, It an expott ofienied industry and has greater potential fo enhance exports by value addtion through technological interventions and divesifid product ike Coir Gaotaxtilos ete, The acceptably of Coir products thas increased rapily due tits ‘environment rend’ image 24 Minisuy of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (Mla MSME) envsions a vibrant MSME sector by promoting growth and development of the MSME Sector, including had, Village and Coir Industries, in cooperation with concerned Ministies/ Departments, State Governments and other Stakeholders, through proving support to existing enterptises and encouraging creation of new enterprises. 3, GROWTH OF REGISTERED SECTOR. 3.1 The estimated number of enterprises growlh at 3.76% annvaly in case of ‘manufacturing sector and 0.47% for services sector respectively in Registered Sector during 2001-02 to 2006-07. as per Fourth All India Census of MSME 2006.07, Registered ‘Sector and Third All India Census of $S1 2001-02, Registered Sector. The growth inthe estimated umber of MSME was 2.61% for the period referred above, taking ‘manufacturing and services together. 3.2. The employment increased at an annual growth rate of 9.84% for manufacturing sector and 2.06% for services sector during 2001-02 to 2006-07, as per Fourth All Inia Census of MSME 2006-07, Registered Sector and Thicd All India Census of SSI 2001 02, Registored Sector. aI Laty Aaah a 2015 3.3 The employments in Registered Sector as a whole grovr at 8.60% per annum ‘during 200 1.02 to 2006-07 as per Fourth All India Census of MSME 2006-07, Registered 31 2001.02, Registered Sector. Sector and Third All India Census of Ss 4. GROWTH OF UNREGISTERED SECTOR 4.1 The estimated number of enterprises and employment recorded growth rates of 30.05% and 20.56%, respectively during the period 2001-02 to 2006-07 considering the extended coverage of the sector. The expansion in the coverage of MSME Sector followed adoption of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Act 2006, Activities pertaining to wholesale/retal lade, legal, educational & social services, hotel & restaurants, transports and storage & warehousing (except cold storage) which were brought under the coverage of MSME sector accounted for 147.38 and 303 31 lakh in terns of estimated number of enterprises and employment respectively, as per data extracted from Economic Census, 2005 conducted by CSO, MOSPI for MSME relevant enterprises. The annual growth rates recorded, excluding these additional activities, were 16.79% and 16.85% in estimated number of enterprises and employment, resrectively. The {expansion in the coverage of MSME Sector was limited to service sector cnly. Therefore, the growth rate for manufacturing sector isnot affected and the growth rate was recorded 8 25.90% and 22.57% employment respectively, during the year 2001-02 to 2006.07 4.2 For service sector, while the growth rate of estimated number of enterprises and ‘employment recorded was 32.83% and 36.11% respectively, during the period of 2001 (02 to 2006-07, taking into account the expanded coverage of the sector. 5. Introduction to Entrepreneurs Memorandum Subsequent tothe implementation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 with effect fom October 2006, fling of Entrepreneurs Memorandum Part ~I1/ (EM) came into vogue. As per the provisions of the MSMED Act, 2006 fling of EMI is discretionary in nature, However, MSME fle EM-II al District Industries Centres (DICs}, after commencement of the project. Lovo Sadhana 2015, The information on number of ELI! fied by MSME al DICs was colected from the Slate/UT Commissionerates /Directorates of Industries to assess the trends in growth of, [MSME during 200-08 to 2013-14 in the country. 5.1 Trends in MSME Growth (Filing of EM-Il) During 2007-08 to 2013-14 MME has shown consistent growth in terms of number of EMI fled 2007-08 with the District Industries Centres across the country was 1.73 lakh which increased to 1.93, 213, 2.98, 282, 3.23 and 3.63 lakh during 2008-09, 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-16 respectively. The National Portal with only 14 staies and UTs has shown a significant improvement in fling of EM and EM2 within @ short time tha: further proves that there is a need for hassle free eco-system of regisiation that may lead towards formalization of economy. 8. _Universalization of registration ‘The present registration process has also been commented by the Kamath Committee, “The major issue les not with the registration process as per the MSMED Act, 2006 but with the conditions applied by the local DICs, There are localized rules and requirements Which could vary even from district to district within the same state, which may cessult in delays in receiving the EM Il acknowledgement, The Commitee suggests the following measures to minimize such delays. Deemed acceptance of registration (EM I) within pre-defined time frame, This could be 4 time period of one week fom the filing ofthe online registration form, Since the Form is reposed to enclose a self-declaration clause, all equiste verification can be done by the Dics subsequent o acceptance. Since procedures lke land allotment which are under the state governments. ental collection of information, itis suggested that no conditions shoul be imposed by the state ‘government/DICs for acceptance of registration. The requirement of no-objection certificate with relation to pollution norms can be discontinued. This activity is already been carried out by the Pollution Contiol Department and the sell-declaration by the MSME can be suitably worded to cover this aspect yor Aadaar 2015 necessary, a negative list for industries where polluion certificate is required may be Prepared, ‘A mobile application with an easy-to-use interface should be used augment the Fegistraion process. Registration can be encouraged by providing incentives for registering withthe aulhority which could include benefits such as insurance for a nominal fee or fee of cost, credit ratings for MSMEs at low rates and tax holiday fora limited time Period. It may be useful to have a basic form such that 95% of MSMEs including most ‘micro enterprises are eligible fora single-form based basic egistrationfacitation and a {ull form is needed only forthe remaining 5% MSMEs. Even for these 5% MSMES, the form should be simpified and based on self-cerification with follow 07 validation by industry associations certifed by the Authority on the lines of the BMO model in Germany, 8 detailed later in this chapter. The facility can be extended to have the ability to open ‘bank account entiely online using eKYC (electronic validation of KYC requirement. 6.1 Udyog Aadhaar: The proposed one-page registration form would constitute a self

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