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klSide Mount, also known as the 'Hundred Kilos' position, is a very common

pinning position in BJJ as it is a

secure way to hold your opponent and offers many submission options. In Side
Mount you control your
opponent's upper body with your grips and your bodyweight. A variety of grips are
used, but typically you will
keep a hand or knee next to his hip to prevent him from easily putting you into
Guard. Blocking the hips isn't
as necessary if you rotate your body away from his legs and towards his head into
a variation known as
North-South position.
Many BJJ practitioners will try to further improve their position by going from Side
Mount to the Full Mount,
whereas others prefer to stay and hunt for submissions in Side Mount. Side Mount
skills are absolutely
essential in BJJ, regardless of whether it is your favorite position or just a brief stop
on the road to the Mount.
Much of your mat time will be spent here, so learning what to do - how to improve
your position, how to attack
from the top and defend from the bottom - are essential skills that every BJJ
student needs to develop

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