T 044-94 Solubility of Bituminous Materials

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1. score 1 “Thre method covets the dete: sation of the degree of solubility ane Shlooethslene oF 1.1). tichlroediane ‘A ssglt materials having ite oF no ‘mineral mater, 12 The values sated in St units are ve be tepaided asthe standard 2. SUMMARY OF METHOD 2.4. The sample is dissolved in wo thlorgethylene of 1.1) rihloroethane tnd fikered throug’ & filter mat. The Insoluble material i washed, dried, tnd weighed \. SIGNIFICANCE AND USE 31 This method is a mencure of the “oluility of aephal in wiehloroethylene (1 11.) iehloroettane. The porto that {i soluble in wichlooethylene or ILL luichlercethane represents the active ce- senting constituents 4. APPARATUS AND MATERIALS 4a The aseembly of the filtering ap- paras f iiosoted in Figure 1. Detail ff the component pans are as follows: 421. Gooch Crucible, glazed inside and outside with he exception of outside howtom surface. The approximate dimen ‘sont shall be # diameter of 4 mm st ‘op. tapering to 26 mm at boom. and 2 depth of 28 om, Standard Method of Test ituminous Materials Solubility of AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 44.947 (ASTM DESIGNATION: D 2042-81) 44.2. Gloss Fiber Pad. 32, 35, oF 37 mm an diameter 43 Filer Flash. beavy-wall, wth Side tobe, 250 sa. capacity or larger 414 Filer Tube, 0) 42 mm gp sie diameter 41S Rubber Tubing or Adopter fot holding the Gooch crucible on the fi ter ube NOTE 1—Other sotabe atembles pe siting sacuar eaten with 2 Good em Demy be weed 42. Enlenmeyer Flash, 128-mL, of ‘other suitabie container 43. Oven, capable of maintain temperate of 110 = $°C (280 = © 44 Desiceator, of sitable size, cturped with an effective desiceant “45 Analytical Balance, class A cc foring tothe requirements of AASHTO Specification M231, 5, SOLVENT 5.4 Technicel grade, Tpe I, Trico lomthslone or technical grade 1... tr cholorernane SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 6.1 “Tnebloroethylene and 1.1.1 t= chloroethane are toxic malerials ard suet adherence to instructions in Mage> fial Safety Dats Sheets are to be fol lowed” Caution: Trehloroethylene and 1.1. tiehloroethane i the presence of pest and moistre may form acide Uist are extemely comorve 7. PREPARATION OF GOOCH CRUCIBLE TA Assemble the filtering apparatus as shown in Figure 1. Place (iter pad into the gooch eucible. moisten the pad ‘with solvent and seat firmly in the bottom of the crucible with light svetion, Dry the crucible and contents at 110 = °C (230 = 9°F for atleast 20 minutes. Cool ‘the crucible and comtens in 2 desiccator for a least 20 minuces and determine the mass. Repeat this procedure until constant mass (# 0.3 mg) is obtained ‘Stove in a desiccator unt ready for use 8, SAMPLE PREPARATION 81 IF the sample is not fui, heat to any convenient temperature, but in fay caze not more than 100°C (180°F) Above the softening point. 9. PROCEDURE, 9.1 Note safety precautions in See~ lion 6. Transfer approximately 2g ofthe sample into 3 tared 125-m. Eslenmeyer flask of other suitable container. Aliow the container and its contents 10 coo! to FIGURE1 Filtering Apparatus Assembly ou METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING a Wiebke svceataany Sand Aegan Devoe’ Repos Sa aay ae a 0 0a Prcet closeiylene oF 11 os lpn sod hcerey a Ape lee ts rout lel «ASTAE 1 Mus cone pete i ee lane sale cone ups yet te Skee aprons peo. abient temperaraes and weigh 10 the ble retain as much oft a possible inthe feast | 2g, Add 100 al of he wichlo- container uatl the solution tas drined foeylene of 11,1 wichloroediane to the throug the titer pad, Wash the container ‘Sataner in small portions with conuine- with asmall amount of solvent and, using bas agitation unal all lamps disappear a steam of solvent from a wash bocte sntso nds angle adres 9.B¢ ase al sll mater hen ‘ontainer, Stopper the Mask or otherwise ple, Use a “policeman” if necessary 10 cave the coer ane de Foye ay isluble ater dhe © eat 25 ain the container, nse the policeman and tie homaly te temperate 3h wtih ceqanr thoroughly wash te isle Mt a enact arte MERE i he oui wih solvent formed 5rUONY ae Met e iate is substantially colorless then eanue, For referee Wests, however, te fs ‘pply strong suetion 10 remove the fe- fase and sample ta solution stall be fa aa untamed a 373 MAME sOreN. Remove she erie ae bath maained 39.8 py he tbe a wan the btm fee F,G35E {00 = 05. Foe Bowe ay solved mate, Dy the cite i HE viously prepares at contents 0 110 © SC 220 = 97) eee ey eS font east 20 mnates Coot te cre ing te fd cones in desiesoor ora est Tyee de pa wit «smal porn 20 munis and determine the mass, Re: of ean solvent an dean he sluion atts procedure un Comsat mass woh ibe iter pad ove cible wit) (= 03 mp) s obtained tig sucuon ibe gs ier pads should be aed Wen the soluble mate is ppreca> only ae ace 8 10, CALCULATIONS AND REPORT 10.4 Calculate ether the total pee centage of insoluble mater ofthe pet- fentage of the sample soluble in the solvent used a5 follows Iasoluble. percent where: A= ‘otal mass insoluble, and 2B torah mass of sample. 10.11 For percentages of insoluble less than 1.0, report 10 the nearest 0.01 percet: for percentages of insoluble 1.0 De more report 10 the nearest 0.1 percent. 11, PRECISION Wa Beumates of standard. deviae tions for tis procedure and the ener for judging Uhe acceprability of cesuis (95 percent considence level) ar indie aed inthe fable etitled "Standard De- “The estimates of standard deviation ae based onthe following: veh epson 3 Deir of edo Beveecelborary vanity 8 Standard devon () of Saas ‘Within aboraory vari ons Beonecmaborataryvarason 0090

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