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Ward 7 Safe & Drug-free Communities Coalition

Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2016
In attendance:
Lois Callahan, Program Director
Susie Cambria, Program Co-coordinator
Janis Hazel, Ward 7 resident
Deborah Jones, Interim Chair and Business Sector
Vickey Nelson, Parent Sector Lead
Bruce Purnell, Board of Directors
Victoria Wells, Program Co-coordinator
Aaron Ross, Deanwood Citizens Association
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm by W7SDCC Interim Chair Deborah Jones.
Following introductions, Deborah Jones presented Fiscal Agent update. Jones submitted the
Corrective Action Plan to SAMHSA December 17 and received an immediate response from Roe
Wilson that the plan looked good but that Wilson would review in depth soon (the agency was
Jones also gave the Business Sector update (attached). The Sector will focus on getting Ward 7
businesses to sign The Right Choice Campaign pledge. The Sector will work with DCRA and MPD.
Vickey Nelson briefed attendees on the work of the Parent Sector (attached). The Sector will
invite 8-10 parents who live in Kenilworth Courts to talk about drugs and learn how they can
effectively talk with their children about drugs and alcohol.
Susie Cambria, on behalf of Media Sector Lead David Nellis, noted that the website is being
revamped and should launch soon. Social media is also being revamped. The Youth Sector Lead
Jaidon Natera may run the Coalition's Instagram account.
Meeting attendees reviewed the proposed 2015-2016 Action Plan, offering suggestions
comments. Cambria noted that the comments will be integrated and Sector Leads will review a
final time and give their final approval before it is submitted to SAMHSA. As part of the
discussion, reviewed the consultant policy which is that consultants must work for a limited time
and only be hired when work cannot be done by Sector members and staff. Attendees briefly
discussed what SAMHSA will and will not pay for.
The next Coalition meeting will be held Thursday, March 3, 2016, 7:00 8:30 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.
4645 Nannie Helen Burroughs Avenue, NE
Suite 202
Washington, DC 20019

p (202) 329-8227

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