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Why PBIS??
To create a more positive environment for
To encourage positive behavior Tardies Good and Bad Examples S.O.L.E.

Mission Statement
Created by the PBIS team
From this mission statement we developed
student expectations-- gave us a focus
At Cass Lake-Bena we teach, model, and
celebrate positive behaviors and achievements
that lead to success in school, home, and

Key Features for 2014-2015:

1. Setting clear, consistent positive expectations
2. Teaching, modeling, and practicing those expectations throughout the
entire school (including classrooms, hallways, lunchrooms, etc., even the
3. Systematically recognizing when the expectations are being
demonstrated well.
- We will explain each feature of PBIS and will be asking for your participation
throughout the presentation.

1. Setting Expectations
Identified positive school wide behavior expectations
Rational: We want to build habits that will be helpful in
the future for our students.
o Questions we asked when creating expectations
What do we want to see our students doing so
they will be successful?
What are our priorities?
Why are they important?



Matrix Activity
Purpose: To examine expectations and provide input
1. Go to assigned poster
2. Read and discuss with group
3. Add comments
4. 3 minutes at each poster (6 posters total)
-Frame comments using positive language

Setting Expectations Continued...

When you walk into a school implementing PBIS,
you're likely to identify the schools positive expectations
within five minutes.
o Post Logo throughout the school
o Post Expectations in each specific area

Expectations Posters Activity

Assignment: Create an expectation poster to
display in a specific area of the school

Team Composition

At least two non-certified staff (cooks, custodians,

paraprofessionals, or secretaries)
Employed by the district more than 20 yrs
Employed by the district less than 20 yrs
2 members of each gender
Grew up within 30 miles of the school
Grew up more than 150 miles from the school
At least one teacher from 5th and 6th (only one from a
grade level) 7th and 8th (only one from a department)
Specialist/ Electives

The Rules:
1. Create a poster with the theme (TBA)
2. The Poster must be G rated
3. The entire group must participate in the poster creation
4. Each group members must contribute to the artwork
5. All group members must sign the front of their poster
6. You may use any of the markers, paints, chalk, construction paper, etc. provided at your table.
7. Every team member must finger-paint. (There will be a check for dirty hands)
8. The deadline for completing the poster is XXX p.m.
9. The entire group must stand and share which team member criteria they represent points will be
deducted if a group is not represented on the team
10. Points will be awarded for participation, creativity and artistic expression
The Grand Prize:
The first place team will win the opportunity to let Mr. Wellen do each of their jobs for one class period at a
mutually agreed upon time in the coming year or get a Subway gift-card.
In the event of a tie Mr. Wellen will cast the deciding voteprobably based on the jobs he would have to do.

Matrix Area Sign-Up

All settings- Bill

Commons- Vicky
Hallway- Peg
Library- Melissa
Busses- Brown
Virtual Space- Kelsey

2. Teaching, Modeling, and Practicing

Within the first week of school, students should be taught,
modeled, and have practiced expectations in each school
setting on the matrix.
What will that look like for you and your students?

Creating lessons with your PLCs

40 minutes with your grade level PLCs
Focus for PLC time: Create lessons with your team on
how your students will be taught, modeled, and practiced
on the ROARS expectations in the designated areas of the
schools during the first week.
Example: Ms. Poster will cover hallway expectations
Mr. Benson will cover bathroom expectations

Be Creative with your Lessons!

PBIS Lesson Plan Links

- The links will be sent to your email.

3. Recognizing Expectations
Positive reinforcement
o I like how John is getting started right away. He
already has the Do Now question written and is
starting his answer. (note specific behavior)
o Please walk in the hallways vs No running
Just a Reminder:
4 positive comments to 1 negative
For Tier Three Students: 8 positive to 1 negative

Reinforcement Incentives
ROARS Tickets
Grade Level Stores?

Lastly, have some fun with it!

It is a 4 year process
Throughout the year, PBIS team will meet.
We will look at data make adjustments,etc

Heads up! Staff survey is coming soon!!

Remember it is a 4 year process! One step
at a time. Thank you for your dedication to
our students and school!

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