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Script to Screen

Film Script 1

Written By
Danielle Gibbs

Pan shot across the outside of the circus, with posters of
each act plastered against the wall, several are covered
with several of the same poster 'New Act! The Mermaid!'.
Through the entrance the Tattooist is performing to a small
crowd. Once his act has finished the crowd move on around
the corner, which the Tattooist follows. The Ringmaster
watches curiously and too follows. Tattoosit moves through
crowd and stares up in awe at the large glass bowl.
The mermaid performs by swimming around the water, and
leaping out of the top and splashing the audience with
water. The audience cheer and soon disperse as the Tattooist
moves forward towards the glass, staring in admiration. the
Mermaid notices the Tattooist and swims down and meets the
Tattooist face to face, seperated by the glass. The
ringmaster looks awe at the mermaid and just as he takes a
few steps forward he sees the two smiling at each other. He
glares at the tattooist before the two begin to silently
talk and laugh.
Scene changes to the end of another show, the Tattooist this
time in the audience watching while the Ringmaster, too in
the audience, is glaring and grumbling at the Tattooist. The
Mermaid during her performance keeps on smiling and looking
at the Tattoosit, who smiles back. Once the show finishes
the Ringmaster angrily stalks off as the Tattooist walks to
the Mermaid, who greets him with a smile. She then turns
slightly sadder, focusing on his feet and the walking
audience's feet and legs. He looks at her curiously as she
gently places her hand on her tail. He taps on the glass and
smiles reassuringly, the tattoos on his arms moving, and
soon brightens with an idea and cheerfully runs off, the
Mermaid curiosuly waves goodbye. As the Tattooist runs off
and the Mermaid swims away, the ringmaster looks on before
walking forward out of the shadows.
The Tattooist returns late at night with papers full of
designs held together in his arms, with the tattoo gun on
his side. He halts with wide eyes as he stares at the
goldfish bowl covered with a large sheet, with signs saying
Tattooist is standing in a large puddle, before rushing off
towards the sheets and slips in through the gaps. His eyes
fall upon the Ringmaster with whip in hand striking the
Mermaid, struggling to breathe in the shallow water. The

Tattooist drops his papers and rushes between the two,

pushing the Ringmaster back into the water before leaning
down and looks at the Memraid, who is shaking and injured.
The Tatooist's grows angry while The Ringmaster is taken
aback at being disturbed, quickly getting to his feet. The
Tattooist quickly gets to his feet and steps towards the
Ringmaster. Ringmaster steps backward but falls back as
trips over Mermaid tail. Tattooist grbas Needle/Tatto Gun
from side and looks down on the Ringmaster with a glare.
Fade to Black.
New scene shows the posters of the acts outside the circus
again, with the Mermaid attraction covered with posters
'Under New Ownership!' and 'New Act! The Human Beast!'. As
view inside the circus The Tattooist is performing with a
new Ringmaster-like outfit, Soon after the Mermaid, now with
legs, comes on to accompany him with several moving Tattoos
and too a new outfit. The audience cheer, while the now
Monster Ringmaster is forced to watch from a cage. The
Mermaid and Tattooist finish their performance together with
cheering audience, and the circus is full of life.

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