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Lesson Plan

Class 9A English (Romeo and Juliet)

(Tim Webster)
Thursday 12 November
Intro: (5 mins)

Help you with scripts

Next week some more social/cultural examples
But this week some class wide discussions to help each group form
their scene (characters, events, actions) and apply it to the scripts

Activity: Breaking down the scene (10 minutes)

Teacher outlines how to break down the scene using format of

Characters (and stereotypes?)

Who are they?
why are they like that ? and
how does that make them behave?

The event
What is the place, time, context?
How does it drive the story?

The key action

What is the key action?
How does it determine the scene?

Activity: Groups work separately (20 mins)

to do this for themselves

Teacher pops around to help

Activity: Groups share their structure to whole (25 mins)

Each group describes scene to others along this format (or other)
Whole class discussion of themes and common situations
Groups to write up ideas that arise

Wrap up: what have we learned?

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