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Modern and Contemporary History

8 January 2015

Time: 1h 45m


Rules for answering the questions:

Group I:
Choose three of the presented questions. Do not use more than 250 words to answer each
question (5 points x 3)

Group II:

Answer the presented questions using no more than 75 words (4 point x 1.25)

1. Do E.L. Jones and Kenneth Pomeranz have different opinions on the reasons
for the Wests entry in the process of modern economic growth? Please
specify the main arguments of both authors

2. Certain prerogatives that define the modern state were not appropriated by
the crown in seventeenth-century Europe, with important consequences for
the way in which the State, the market, and society were understood. Please

3. The withdrawal of Russia from the First World War opened an opportunity
for Germany to rapidly put an end to the conflict. Was Germany able to use
this opportunity? Why?

4. Is 1941 the crucial year of the Second World War? What events can you
name in order to justify that idea?

5. Can we say that the occurrence of the so-called first age of globalization
depended on both institutional and technological innovations? Please
elaborate, locating that period in time and space.

1. Please present the main features of the law of diminishing returns.

2. Can you identify the most important difference between the way fascism
captured power in Italy and Nazism in Germany?

3. Explain briefly what was the Gold Standard.

4. Please date the start and end of the Cold War and give immediate reasons for

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