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SLOs & Learning Objectives

A10-5, C10-1,
Students will:
C10-3, C10-5,
- Develop their abilities to manipulate a
C10-6, D10-1,
basketball by dribbling, passing, shooting
and performing a lay-up with proper
- Develop their locomotor and nonlocomotor skills by performing running 2foot stops.
- Develop teamwork skills by participating
positively with classmates.
- Demonstrate respect and positive attitudes
towards teammates and opponents.
- Follow instructions and follow safety rules
in order to perform the skill safely
Materials & Equipment
- Basketballs
- Pinnies
Body of Lesson
Go Over Days Agenda:
- Warm up
- Cardio
- Review of Week
- Netball
Warm Up:
- (See Warm Up Section)
Learning Activities:
- (See Cardio Section)
Review of Week:
- Quickly quiz and review the skills learned in the last 3
- Start with asking about dribbling, passing, shooting, layups and 2 foot stops.
- Ask what the key points are and what proper form looks
Intro to Netball:
- Netball is a game similar to basketball, but with more

emphasis on teamwork to complete a goal

If teams do not work together they will not be successful
at Netball.
The version played in lesson 5 is one that has even more
emphasis on passing.

Koch Version of Netball

5 positions:
- GS (Goal Shooter)
o Allowed to enter
- GA (Goal Attack)
o Allowed to enter
- Center
o Allowed in areas
- Wing Defense
o Allowed in areas
- Goal Defense
o Allowed in areas

areas 1 and 2
areas 1, 2 and 3.
2, 3 and 4.
3, 4 and 5
4 and 5

Court + Areas:

- Cannot run over divisions, passes need to be made to get across
(ex: cannot run from 2-3 have to pass over the line).
- No dribbling, this game is to work on passing/teamwork. After the
first while a modification could be made to play with dribbling.

5 seconds with the ball, 2 steps allowed. If time runs out ball
goes to the other team.
Only GS and GA can score.
When a goal is scored the ball is given to the opposing team at
No contact can be made to ball carrier; contact will result in
penalty shot or turn over of ball.
Unlike regular net ball where there is no backboard, in this
version, the students can use the backboard just as the could in
regular basketball

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