Molecule Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template (Direct Instruction)
Teachers: Kaitlin Gagen

Subject: Science

Common Core State Standards:

PO 1. Identify that matter is made of smaller units called:


Objective (Explicit):

The student will be able to identify the different parts of an atom and explain what happens
when two or more atoms join together.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):
The student will complete the exit ticket with 100% accuracy.

Instructional Input

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

How will you review past learning and make connections to previous lessons?
What skills and content are needed to ultimately master this lesson objective?
How is this objective relevant to students, their lives, and/or the real world?
The Student will be able to classify an atom and its different parts, such as proton, neutron,
electron, and nucleus.
The Student will be able to list objects that are made of atoms.
The Student will be able to match a model of a molecule to its name based on the atoms that make
it up.
The Student will be able to summarize what a molecule is.
Key vocabulary:
Materials: Marshmallows, toothpicks, exit ticket,
Atom: the smallest particle of a substance that can exist
marshmallow worksheet, large Post it notes,
by itself.
pencils, markers
Nucleus: the central part of an atom that is made up of
protons and neutrons.
Proton: A small particle of matter with a positive
Electron: A small particle of matter with a negative
Neutron: A small particle of matter that has no
electrical charge.
Molecule: Two atoms that joined together.
Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life)
How will you activate student interest?
How will you connect to past learning?
How will you present the objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?
How will you communicate its importance and make the content relevant to your students?

The teacher will pose the question, Who remembers what an atom is?
Teacher Will:
How will you model/explain/demonstrate
all knowledge/skills required of the
What types of visuals will you use?
How will you address misunderstandings
or common student errors?
How will you check for understanding?
How will you explain and model
behavioral expectations?
Is there enough detail in this section so
that another person could teach it?

The teacher will ask the opening question.

The teacher will hang up the giant paper with

the definition of an atom and have a student

Student Will:
What will students be doing to
actively capture and process the new
How will students be engaged?

The students will raise their hands

and answer the question to the best
of their ability.


say it aloud.
The teacher will discuss with the students that
atoms make up everything from pencils, to
houses, to stars, to dogs, to us.
The teacher will ask what objects students
can think of that are made of atoms. Accept
about 5-8 responses.
The teacher will go over what makes up an
atom by going over the definitions of proton,
neutron, electron, and nucleus that she will
hang on a giant post it note on the board.
The teacher will display a picture of an
atom and a molecule to explain where
each goes in the diagram.
The teacher will ask if there are any
questions or clarifications that the
students need and answer them

Students will volunteer to read the

definitions on the paper.

Students will raise their hand and

say different things that are made
up of atoms.

The students will listen to the

teachers definitions quietly.

The students will listen quietly to the

teacher while she is talking.

The students will ask questions on

anything they are unclear about.

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

One teacher will circulate the room while the other teacher is talking so that the
students know to pay attention.
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?

Guided Practice

If a student is struggling, the teacher will hover near that students area so that the
student can be helped along when needed.
I do not anticipate any other students having any challenges.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
How will you ensure that all students have
How will students practice all
multiple opportunities to practice new
knowledge/skills required of the
content and skills?
objective, with your support, such that
What types of questions can you ask
they continue to internalize the subobjectives?
students as you are observing them
How will students be engaged?
How/when will you check for understanding? How will you elicit student-to-student
How will you provide guidance to all
How are students practicing in ways
students as they practice?
How will you explain and model behavioral
that align to independent practice?
Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could facilitate this
The teacher will then bring out the
marshmallow molecules.
Students will listen to directions
The teacher will tell the students that


she will pass out one molecule to each

group and that it must be treated with
respect and handled carefully. If they
are not treated carefully, the student
will not be able to participate in the next
activity and may not be able to build a
marshmallow molecule.
The teacher will pass out a marshmallow
molecule to each group to examine.
The teacher will pass out a worksheet
that asks questions about the molecule
that each group has. The group has to
analyze the model to find the answer to
each question. This is group work.
The teacher will walk around the room
and support students that are struggling
by helping them reach the right answer.
Once each group answers each question,
they have to decide what molecule they
have and write the answer down.
Once everyone is finished, the teacher
will go around to each group, hold up
the molecule, and ask the group what
molecule it is.
The teacher will ask students if they
know where to find this molecule in real
The teacher will allow students to take a
few guesses before telling students
what the answer is.
The teacher will repeat this until all the
groups have gone.


Students will not touch the

marshmallow molecules until the
teacher gives the go ahead.
The students will write their name
on the worksheet.

Students will begin working on the

worksheet by analyzing the model
and writing down their answers as a

The students will answer what their

molecule is and why they think this
is true.

Students will answer where they can

find their molecule in real life.

Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

Both teachers will be walking around and helping any groups who do not
understand the assignment.
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
How can you utilize grouping strategies?

Independent Practice

I do not anticipate students needing any modifications.

All students will be working in groups during this activity so struggling students
will be supported.
Teacher Will:
Student Will:
How will you plan to coach and correct
How will students independently
during this practice?
practice the knowledge and skills
How will you provide opportunities for
required by the objective?
How will students be engaged?
remediation and extension?
How will you clearly state and model
How are students practicing in ways
academic and behavioral expectations?
that align to assessment?
Did you provide enough detail so that
How are students using self-assessment
another person could facilitate the practice?
to guide their own learning?
How are you supporting students giving
feedback to one another?


The teacher will instruct students to set

Students will put their worksheets in
the worksheet in the middle of the table
the middle.
to be collected.
The teacher will go over what she has
Students will answer questions that
taught throughout the lesson and ask
the teacher asks and interact with
questions about molecules that the
their teacher about what they have
students should know now.
just learned.
The teacher will praise the students for
paying attention and following along.
Students will complete the exit
The teacher will pass out the exit ticket
ticket and turn it into the science
and ask students to complete it and turn
basket when finished.
it into the science basket when they are
Students will find something to do
The teacher should instruct students
quietly while the rest of their peers
who have already finished to work on
finish up.
something quietly until everyone is
Co-Teaching Strategy
Which co-teaching approach will you use to maximize student achievement?

The teachers will be walking around if the students have any question on the exit
Differentiation Strategy
What accommodations/modifications will you include for specific students?
Do you anticipate any students who will need an additional challenge?
I do not anticipate any students needing modifications or additional challenges during the exit
Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections:
How will students summarize and state the significance of what they learned?
Why will students be engaged?
The teacher will pass out the exit ticket to each student and have them complete it to summarize what they
have learned.


Directions: Each group will get one marshmallow molecule from

the teacher. Count how many of each atom is represented in each
molecule and write the correct answer. Work as a group to find
out what molecule you have!










= Fluoride

1. How many oxygen atoms are in your molecule

2. How many hydrogen atoms are in your molecule?
3. How many carbon atoms are in your molecule?
4. How many nitrogen atoms are in your molecule?
5. How many chlorine atoms are in your molecule?
6. How many fluoride atoms are in your molecule?

What Molecule do you have? _____________________________________

Draw a picture of your molecule and label the different atoms:


1.What is an atom?
2.What is a Molecule?
3.What is something that is made up of atoms?
4.Where can you find Hydrogen molecules?
5.What is something you have learned about
during this lesson that you have not already
said? ________________

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