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Repertoire of Useful Console Commands

- Open up the game console by pressing Ctrl+F8.

StartCmdClickPos SpawnUnit2 Hero_Blacksmith.Alt7 0 1 1
Quickstart Practice Game Enable in the UI (extremely helpful for people
who love Practice Mode)
SetSave "ui_showQuickStart" "true"

Practice Game Helpful when unable to login

startgame practice GameName map:caldavar allheroes:true
devheroes:true nostats:true mode:botmatch

Area Affectors
d_drawareaaffectors true

Host Timescale:
host_timescale 1.5
The number can be changed from a value from 0 to 99

Draw Selected Path:

cg_drawSelectedPath true

Dynamic File Update Helps when bugfixing/editing heroes

host_dynamicResReload true

cg_drawNavGrid true

Show FPS
host_drawFPS true

Taunt Unlock Local only

g_perks true

g_dayStartTime #
Number is 225000 to shift to day, 675000 to shift to night

g_drawSelectedInventory true

Ready. Set. Go! You can change the green color, to what you desire.
Bind F4 "SpawnHero Hero_Flux; SelectAvatar Alt; Ready"
Select avatar in pick screen Useful for testing hero voice
SpawnHero Hero_<Entity Type>; SelectAvatar Alt
Console Transparency Value between 0 and 1 (0-100%)

Console Height Value between 0 and 1 (0-100%)

con_height 0

Rebind Refresh You can change the green color, to what you desire.
SetSave bind Y "Refresh #GetSelectedEntity()#"

Fog of War Darkness Value between 0 and 1 (0-100%)

Spawn Unit Command (especially useful for Alt Avatars)
StartCmdClickPos SpawnUnit2 <Entity Type>.<Alt> 0 1 1
Grey is optional, # can be 0 for Controllable, 1 for Uncontrollable, # is the
faction the unit belongs to: 0 for Passive, 1 for Legion, 2 for Hellbourne, 3

for Neutral. # can be 0 for No-Precache, 1 for Precache

Connecting Chat Connects to the chat-server. Good for those harsh DDoS

Disconnecting Chat Disconnects the chat-server. Good for ... when you
don't want to be disturbed?

Joining Directly An alternative way to join games, if you know the IP.

Force Update Useful for reverting to older versions temporarily

ForceUpdate <Version #> 1 as substitute for website

Max Camera Distance Only works in Practice Mode or replay viewing

g_camDistanceMax 2200
8-Bit mode (first line turns 8-bit mode on, second line turns 8-bit mode off)

exec 8bit
exec non8bit
Give item command (useful for Puzzlebox recipes in Practice Mode, for
example - and yes, this only works in Practice Mode obviously)
GiveItem #GetSelectedEntity()# Item_Summon recipe
Item name, optional "recipe" field to obtain recipe


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