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What follows Refers to the Guide for the Project Task # 1:

1. (Almost identical with the first paragraph on the Guide, page

As it was specified on the Project Objective, power plants can
be built at sites A and C, with an upper limit on the active power
supplied from site C of 200 /MW/. How it is shown on the Project
Solution, for the solved case it came out that the best version is
that one with a power plant at C (along with that one at A). But do
not understand from here that also you must have a power plant at
C. Your data are not the same with data given on the Project
Solution. It means that it is possible that in your case, by
considering technical and economical factors, to result that the best
version is without a power plant at C.
2. (Almost identical with the second paragraph on the Guide,
page 4)
How it is stated on the Project Tasks, page 4, item 1, the load
must be supplied 100% just if one component of the new power
system section is out of service. Such, do not forget to check that
just when a generating unit, or a transformer unit, or a lines circuit
is out of service, what it is left on can carry the load, including active
and reactive power losses.
3. (Identical with the third paragraph on the Guide, page 4)
For the network components you have to check if each
component that is in operation can carry the maximum apparent
power that it must be carried.
4. (A little different from the fourth paragraph of the Guide, page
4, but read both, they are referred to the same topics)
In defining the number, rated power and voltage of different system
components, it must be estimated what value has the apparent
power that must be carried by each component of the system. For
that reason, starting from the load side, the components loading is
On the Project Solution the active and reactive powers lost have
been defined in a more exact way. Here it is suggested a very
simple way to estimate the powers lost, and then the apparent
power at the sending end of an equivalent network component (here
by the equivalent network component it is understood the

equivalent of the same type components parallel connected).

Lets assume that the loads total active power consumed is 1,000
/MW/ and, since the total active power lost is estimated to be 5%, it
results that the total active power lost is 50 /MW/. Lets assume
that for the configuration in discussion there are three power
substations and four transmission lines that is a total of seven
equivalent network components. Then, as a simple estimation, it
will stated that each equivalent network component has an active
power lost of (50/7) = 7.14 /MW/.
Similarly, starting with the loads total reactive power consumed and
with the percent of total reactive power lost (estimated as being
10%), it is estimated the reactive power lost per equivalent network
Having both active and reactive powers lost for each equivalent
network component, and also the active and reactive power at the
receiving end of the equivalent component, now it can be estimated
the active and reactive, and then the apparent powers at the sending
end of each equivalent network component.
(Take care, on the Guide, page 4, fourth row, the correct apparent
power should be 1068.27 /MW/, not 1187.94 /MW/)
5. (Identical with the first distinct paragraph on the Guide, page
Again, as it was already stated, for units that are to operate in
parallel (as generating units in a power plant, transformer units in a
power substation, lines circuits for a line), it is very probable that
the investment cost is lower as the number of these units is lower
and the corresponding units size and their rated/carrying capability
power is higher. But at the same time the supplementary
investment cost for the back-up units is higher. Such it must be
seen how this cost is compared with the cost of more units in
parallel, each of a lower rated power.
6. (Almost identical with the second distinct paragraph on the
Guide, page 4)
On the above decision also it must be counted the circuit flexibility
and responsiveness to the actual loading.
Lets assume that for a power substation it is known that the
annual peak load is 200 /MVA/, and the annual minimum load is 100

Version # 1: Lets assume that, offering a lower cost, it is

decided to install there only two transformer units, each of

200 /MVA/ rated power. At the first view, for the peak load it
looks ok. But for the minimum loading the first temptation
will be to have in operation only one transformer, which can
handle that power. But that it is forbidden. If for some
reasons that single transformer goes out of service the
connection through that power substation is interrupted.
Always it must be at least two transformers in operation.
That is, now at the minimum loading, each transformer is
loaded with 50 /MVA/, that is 25% of its rated power, and
this is not an economical operation.
Also it must be counted that periodically units must go into a
maintenance process. If on the above power substation there
are installed only two transformers, and since the operation
cannot remain with only one transformer, it means that no
transformer can go out for a maintenance schedule, which of
course cannot be accepted.

Version # 2: Now lets assume that for the same power

substation it is decided to have installed three transformers,
each of a 100 /MVA/ rated power (if one unit is out, the other
two can carry 200 /MVA/). For the minimum loading of 100
/MVA/, it can remain in operation only two transformers,
each being loaded with 50 /MVA/, which represents 50% of
its rated loading.
Now it is clear that there is a more economical loading than
before. Also transformers can be scheduled for maintenance
one by one with no problem. And just if one transformer of
those two operating at minimum loading is going out of
service, still it can be transferred 100 /MVA/ through the
power station. Such, just if this version results with higher
cost than the cost of Version # 1, this version must be

7. (Identical with the last paragraph on the Guide, page 4)

The same judgment must be applied for generating units or
lines circuits that are operating in parallel.
8. What follows is related to Fig. B7-1, page B-129:
Since the Line Loading in SIL curve was defined for an extra-high
voltage line, for a shorter lower voltage line the curve data must be
Such the curve will be used for defining the Line Loading in SIL as
function of the line length, but if it is coming out a multiple of SIL

higher than 1.5, it will selected 1.5, not higher.

What follows Refers to the Guide for the Project Task # 2:

Page 5:
--------1. Take care, after you define the minimum needed cross section area
for conductor, from Table A.1. you have to select the corresponding
conductor that it is available. If you do not find a conductor that
satisfy exactly the calculated needed cross section, then you have
to selected the immediate next available conductor that has a cross
section higher that the minimum cross section area calculated.
Page 6, items 2.4 and 2.5:
---------------------------------2. For the parallel identical circuits installed on the same tower it must
be defined parameters and build the corresponding sequence
equivalent circuits (for positive = negative and for zero sequences)
for when only one circuit is in operation, and for when all circuits
installed on that tower are in operation.
3. If between terminal X and terminal Y there are parallel circuits
installed on more than one tower, then circuits installed on one
tower define a line. Such, between terminal X and terminal Y will be
more parallel lines.
For each of these lines it must be done what it is stated on the item
2 above.
Also, it must be calculated and built the corresponding sequence
equivalent circuits when all parallel lines between terminals X and Y
are in operation.

What follows Refers to the Guide for the Project Task # 3:

Page 2, item 3.2:
--------------------1. For identical transformers parallel connected between two terminals
X and Y it must be calculated parameters and build the
corresponding sequence equivalent circuits (for positive=negative
and for zero sequences) for when only one transformer is in
operation and for when all identical parallel transformers are in
2. If between two terminals X and Y there are connected transformers
of different characteristics, then for the set of transformers of
identical characteristics it is applied what it is stated on the above
item 1
Finally, it must be defined parameters and build the corresponding
sequence equivalent circuits when all transformers parallel
connected between terminals X and Y are in operation.

What follows Refers to the Guide for the Project Task # 4:

Page 1, item 4.2:
--------------------On the equivalent circuits the series parameters to be defined and
as impedances components (R and jX), and the shunt parameters to
be defined and shown as admittance components (G and jB)

What follows Refers to the Guide for the Project Task # 5:

Page 2:
---------Here it is given another equation for defining the circuits current
Im, as
(take care, on what follows all complex quantities, that are phasors,
impedances, admittances, and the complex power are shown with
larger size letters),

Im = (1 + Zmn
x Vn

Ym0) x --- + (Ym0 + Yn0 + Zmn x Ym0 x Yn0)

What follows Refers to the Guide for the Project Task # 7:

Page 1, item 7.1:
--------------------The generating units parameters are selected as the average value
of the range shown on Table A.4, Task # 3.
Page 1, item 7.2:
--------------------When the load parameters are calculated, to be considered that
now by load it is understood the actual load and, where it the case,
the shunt reactive compensation used for that load.
The reactive compensating devices are considered as passive
components Y connected and with the neutral grounded.

Page 2, item 7.3:

--------------------Take care that, when the zero sequence impedance diagram is built it
must be counted the transformers winding connection, and that this
fact will decide which power system components will participate in
the zero sequence impedance diagram.
What follows Refers to the Project Solution
Page 41:
----------The sentence to be read as: In the following it will be defined
parameters for when one or for when both circuits are in operation.
Page 61:
----------On the second paragraph it is stated that To satisfy this constraint,
analytically it was found that .
Since you are not yet ready to solve this case analytically, you have
to solve the case by trying.
Page 101:
-----------As it can be seen on Figure 8.4, the series parameters of each circuit
of line AB are equal to two times (X = 0068 /pu/) parameters for
both circuits of line AB in operation (see Figure 4.1, page 57, where
for line AB, X = 0.034 /pu/).
Since, just with the short circuit on to one of the circuits, both
circuits are in operation, the shown procedure must be applied.

O. Crisan, ECE 5377/6377

Project Updated Specifications
----------------------------------------Spring 2012
----------------To the given Project Guide, the following changes apply:
1. On the Section PROJECT OBJECTIVE, page 1, first paragraph, to
be read: to become operational on the year 2,016.
2. On page 2 of the Section Given Data:
- The data shown at item # 1 become:
d1 = (30 + 2 n) /km/; d2 = (200 - 2 n) /km/; d3 = (100 + 2.5 n)
- The data shown at item # 2, become:
PA = (20 + n) /MW/, PB = (250 + 2 n) /MW/,
PC = (300 3 n) /MW/.
- Item # 4, first paragraph, becomes:
Load Curves for that day of the year 2016
- For the figure on page # 3 the title becomes:
Daily load curves, (2,016 2,025),
3. On the Section Project Tasks:
- Page # 4, Item # 1, second paragraph, to be read:
- Along a 10 years period, starting with year 2,016 and
ending with year 2,025, .

O. Crisan, ECE 5377/6377

-2- Page 5, Item # 5, the shown table: on the table head, line Year,
be read:
| 2,016 | 2,017 | |2,025|
- Page 6, Item # 8, second phrase, it would be read as:
For the section of the power system composed of the higher
voltage side bus of the step-up power substation at side A, and the
transmission line AB, design the primary and back-up protection
4. General Comments: On the Sections Guide for the Project Task # 1,
8, and on the Section PROJECT SOLUTION, every time when
are involved, it must be understood that now, along the design
interval the
first year is 2,016, and the last year is 2,025!
5. When defining the line parameters, for the return path resistance in the
ground (see PROJECT SOLUTION, page 34), instead of 0.05
//km/, to
be considered Rgu = 0.06 //km/!!!! Also, for the equivalent distance
to the
ground, instead of 1000 /m/ (see the same section, page 37) to be
as = 850 /m/!!!!!!
6. The Tasks Time-Schedule becomes:
Task #:

Due Date (Along Year 2012):

Wednesday, February 15


Wednesday, February 29
Monday, March 19
Monday, March 19
Monday, April 2
Monday, April 2
Monday, April 16
Monday, April 30

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