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1) Database:
Collection of data with some inherent meaning which represents some real

world entity.

2) DBMS:
Collection of programs for organising the database.

It has the same functionality of DBMS except that it also provides referential

4) SQL: (Structured Query Language)
Data in a database can be accessed and manipulated using SQL.

5) Types of keys in SQL:

Primary key-> (Uniquely identifies a record in a table)

Foreign key-> (Field in a table that is primary key in another table)

Super key-> (Primary key, Alternate Key and Unique Key are subset of Super

Candidate key-> (Set of one or more fields/columns that can identify a record

uniquely in table. It can serve as primary key)

Alternate key-> (a candidate key that currently is not primary key)
Unique key-> (It is same as that of primary key but it can accept only null

value and it cannot have duplicate values)

Composite or compound key-> (Combination of one or more fields or

columns of one or more fields or columns of a table. It can be a candidate key

or primary key)
6) Integrity rules:
Entity integrity: Primary key cannot accept a null value
Referential integrity: Foreign key should be either null or primary key of

another table.

7) Types of SQL statements:

DDL(Data definition language)-> (e.g.: create, drop, truncate, alter, rename)
DML(Data manipulation language)-> (e.g.: select, delete, insert, update)
TCL(Transaction control language)-> ( e.g.: commit, roll back)
DCL(Data control language)-> ( e.g.: grant, revoke)

8) Data mining:
Process of extracting information from the existing data.

9) Data warehousing:
Collection of database used to store and retrieve data

10) Normalization:

Relational schema are analysed based on primary key and functional

dependencies to minimize redundancy and to minimize deviations in insert,

delete and update operations.

11) Denormalization:
Process of adding or grouping redundant data to increase the performance and

readability of the database.

12) Functional dependency:

The value of component A of a tuple determines the value of component B.

If t1 [A] = t2 [A] then t1 [B] = t2 [B]

13) Normal forms:

1NF: Attribute must include only simple indivisible values.
2NF: It should be 1NF and every nonprime attribute is fully functionally

dependent on primary key.

3NF: It should be 2NF and if every nonprime attribute is non-transitively
dependent on primary key.
4NF: If for every Multivalued dependency X Y that holds over R, if X=R or

XY=R or if X is a super key.

5NF: If for every join dependency that holds R, if Ri = R or join dependency is
implied by the set of functional dependency over R in which the left side is
key of R.
BCNF: If it is 3NF and for every functional dependency X A, X must be a
candidate key.
14) Indexing:
Technique for searching data in the database

* B tree
* Binary search
* Table indexing
* Inverted list indexing

* Memory resident table.

15) Query:
User can access the data in the database using a set of commands called

Sub query:
Combination of one or more queries.

16) Joints:
Explains how tables are related.

1) Left outer: selects all records from the first table
2) Right outer: selects all records from the second table

Displays values that are common to both the tables.

Cross join:
Combines the rows of two tables

17) ODBC:
Allows application programs to access SQL databases using a special


18) SQL built-in functions:



19) Binary relationships:


20) ACID property:

Atomicity: one transaction at a time.
Consistent: transaction cannot be modified.
Isolated: transactions occurring concurrently are unaware of each other.
Durable: DB changes are permanent even during system crash.
21) Views:
Virtual tables that are derived from the parent table.

22) System catalog:

RDBMS contains the description of all the data, their relationship and index

that are stored in the database.

23) Aggregate functions:

Takes number of values but gives single value as output.

E.g.: count, avg, max, min.

24) Scalar functions:

Takes one value as input and give single value for output.

E.g.: len, ucase, lcase.

25) ER diagram: (Entity relationship)

Depicts the relationship between various tables in a DB

26) EER diagram: (Enhanced entity relationship)

It is same as that of ER but also includes subclass ans super class concepts.

27) Levels of data abstraction:

Physical level: Describes how data are stored.

Logical level: Describes the data are stored in a database and relationship among
those data.
View level: Describes a part of entire database.
28) Data independence:
Modification of schema in one level should not affect the schema in the next

1) Logical data independence
2) Physical data independence

29) DML compiler:

Translates DML statements into low level instruction that the query

evaluation engine can understand.

30) DDL interpreter:

It Interprets DDL statements and records them in a data dictionary.

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