People Vs Manayao Consti

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People vs Manayao

G.R No. L-22

On the 27th day of January 1945, Japanese soldiers and a number of Filipinos affiliated with the
Makapili conceived a diabolical idea of killing the residents of barrio Banaban of Angat, Province
of Bulacan. Pursuant to the plan, Japanese soldiers and their Filipino companions armed with
rifles and bayonets butchered all the residents of the town who assembled behind the barrio
chapel and burned their houses.

Crime: Treason with multiple murder

Issue: Whether Manayao lost his Filipino citizenship by owing allegiance to the Japanese and
whether he is guilty of treason.
Contention of the Accused:
The appelant contends that he lost his Filipino citizenship when he subscribed an oath before he
was admitted into Makapili association which aim is to help Japan in its fight against American
and her allies.
Contention of the State:
The oath of makapili members was only a sworn to help Japan in the war and not swearing to
support its constitution and laws. As stated in the Art. II,Sec. 2 of the 1935 Constitution The
defense of a State is the prime duty of the government and the people, and in the fulfillment of
this duty all citizens may be reuired by law to render personal military or civil service. This
constitution covers both time of peace and time of war that the citizen cannot be considered free
to cast off his loyalty and obligations toward the Fatherland.
Conformably to the recommendation of the Solicitor General, we find appellant guilty of the
crime of treason with multiple murder committed with the attendance of one aggravating
circumstance, that of "armed band," thus discarding the first aggravating circumstance
considered by the trial court. A majority of the Court voted to affirm the judgment appealed
from, imposing the death penalty, convicting defendant and appellant to pay a fine of P20,000,
an indemnity of P2,000 to the heirs of each of the victims named in the third paragraph of the
lower court's decision, and the costs. But due to the dissent of Mr. Justice Perfecto from the
imposition of the death penalty, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions we modify the
judgment appealed from as regards the punishment to be inflicted, and sentence defendant and
appellant Pedro Manayao to the penalty of reclusion perpetua, with the accessories of article 41
of the Revised Penal Code, to pay a fine of P20,000, an indemnity of P2,000 to the heirs of each
of the victims named in the third paragraph of the lower court's decision, and the costs. So

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