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Emmo Al Rasyid (12522089)

Praise to be Allah, by grace so I can finish my papers that
entitled Tauhid and Social Piety.
Writing papers is the one of project which given in religion
education course in Universitas Islma Indonesia.
In writing process, I find some obstacle, the main obstacle is
searching the book about my title, there is Tauhid and Social
Piety, but alhamdullilah I can solve and finish it, so critic and
suggestion from reader must expected for improve to make this
In writing process my papres, I tell tanks so much to my
lecturer Mr. Aang Kunaepi S A.g, M A.g.
Which given me a project and given guide to make it.
Finally, I hope from my papers can be useful to reader or to
all people, Amin.

January 2013

Emmo Al Rasyid

This papers explain about tauhid and social piety. There is
definition of tauhid and definition of social piety, and kind of
tauhid can divide into two main parts. Explained in this papers
that tauhid is oneness Allah SWT, believe that Allah SWT is only
one and not other. And in title social piety, there is explain that
social piety is the behavior of the people who was depply
concerned with Islamic values, that social. Like to think and
mannered to others, like to help, and so forth.

A. background
Nowadays people often do bad activity, like believe tahayul
and some activity that can be not believe to Allah SWT, and now
people sometimes not care to Islamic values about social, in fact,
in reality people must do it, give the poor man some help and the
Religion of islam always teach that people must believe to
Allah SWT, always pray, always care to other. So important tuhid
and social piety in human life.
In this papers, I will dicuss about definition, kind,function of
tauhid and about social piety, I hope from this papers can be
usefull especially for me and for writer too.

B. Purpose
To make people know about how important tauhid and social
piety to know and understand the applying it to real life.

Tauhid and Social Piety

A. Tauhid
Believe to Allah SWT or faith, in also know with the term tauhid.
According to bahasa, tauhid derived from Arabic wahhadayuwahhidu-tuhiidan meaningful mengesakan. Meanwhile,
according to terms, tauhid means oneness Allah in worship, or
tenets of confidence about oneness Allah SWT.
In a wider sense, tauhid can be defined as a aprovident discussing
about oneness Allah, good substances, of the nature of, and his
work. As the science, tauhid is sience who was talking about
Islamic religious beliefs based on a postulate naqli and a postulate
To know and understand the existence of Allah, can be used some
a. Know Allah by means of the human intellect
b. Know Allah through know about asmaul husna
c. Know Allah by means of its properties
Tauhid not only are defined as oneness Allah alone, there are:

Believe unity creation

Unity of humanity
Unity of life follower
Unity of purpose of life

Tauhid can be divide into two main parts, there are:

a. Tauhid Uluhiyyah
Word of uluhiyyah derived from the word ilahun which means
worship or that is worshiped. While tauhid uluhiyyah it
means oneness against worshiped.

The meaning:
and your lord is the lord Almighty, there is no god but, most
gracious, most merciful again. (surah al baqarah: 163)

The meaning:
surely this is god, no gof besides me, adore me and place
prayers for remember me.
b. Tauhid Rubbubiyah
Word of rubbubiyah derived from the word rabbun, which
means having, maintains, having or mastering.

The meaning:
who (do) such is god, rabb, creator of everything, no ilah
(entitled whorshiped), but, and how can you averted?

The function tauhid in human life:

1. By resource and motivator a good activity and the virtue
2. Teach human to the correct way, and push human to do pray
with sincere
3. Release the soul of human from the dark, and mislead

B. social piety
Social piety is the behavior of the people who was depply
concerned with Islamic values, that social. Like to think and
mannered to others, like to help, and so forth.
Example of piety, there are:
a. Dawah to his people
b. Recitation in mosque
c. Invite people to do good activity
There are act that can build of social piety:

The meaning:
You who believers, bowing you, fell you, worship well-pleased
and berbuatlah virtue, so that you may victory


Drs. Slamet Fauzan, Aqidah 10, majelis dikdasmen DIY:

Eko Harianto, Akhlak 11, majelis dikdasmen DIY: Yogyakarta
Mohammad Sobary, Kesolehan Sosial, PT LKiS Pelangi Aksara:
Drs.H.M. Yusran Asmuni, Ilmu Tauhid, citra niaga rajawali:
Jakarta, 1993
Miftah Faridl, ikhtiar membangun kesalehan, remaja
rosdakarya, 2003
Syekh Muhammad Abduh, Risalah Tauhid, Izzatul Aini Nim,

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