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Mimesis Theory

Oleh: Mansur Ga’ga, S.Pd., M.A.

• Mimesis is the noun word that come from mimic that have close
meaning with, reflection, representation, counterfeiting, feigning,
copy, or image.
• In literary theory, the concept of mimesis are: literary is imitative
representation of the real world in art and literature. Therefore,
literary is the deliberate imitation of the behaviour of one group of
people by another using literary as medium.
The Concept of the Mimesis Theory

Literary Works
Method in Analyzing
• Determine any concept to explain a social
• Using the concept to explain the phenomenon
of social condition in the fiction world.
• Collect any fact that has a relevance with
phenomenon in literary.
• Write a report and representing the
explanation of the data.
Report Model
Bab I
1.1 Latar Belakang
1.2 Rumusan Masalah
1.3 Tujuan
1.4 Landasan Teori
Bab II
2.1 …

3.1 Simpulan
3.2 Saran
Daftar Pustaka
Abrams, M.H. 1953. The Mirror and the Lamp:
Romantic Theory and the Critical
Tradition. USA: Oxford University Press.
Daftar Laman (diunduh 10:00, 26/3/10)

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