Writer's Club Issue # 14

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Writer's Club

A Newsletter for Members of Writer's Beat August-September, 2007 Issue 14

In Celebration of Foreign Literature
This issue: A Focus on France

Misused, Misspelled
& Misplaced - Part IV
PLOT: Make it or Break it

Member's Choice
Our members choose their
favorite forum read

Editor's Choice Contest Winners

Poetry selections from the Feauring the best of Member
Writer's Beat Forum Fiction, Non-Fiction and Poetry
for July and August, 2007

Just For Fun

Special Photo Puzzle Feature!

WB Poll: Are You Writer's Beat Comic

DarthWader strikes again
Plot Driven or
Character Driven? The Beat Goes On
Overheard on the forum...

Be a part of our growing community of writers. Join Writer's Beat today!

Writer's Club A publication
brought to you by

CONTENTS Writer's Beat

Feature: New Horizons................................. 3

Plot Driven or Character Driven? ................... 6
Misused, Misspelled & Misplaced
Part IV: Plot - Make it or Break it ..................... 7
Member's Choice: Story ............................... 10
Editor's Choice: Poetry .................................. 13
Contest Winners............................................. 14

FALL 2007
Comic by Darthwader .................................. 19
Just for Fun .................................................... 20
Picture Prompt ............................................... 21

Dear Members:
Fall is here and it's time once again for our latest issue of Writer's Club. We hope you enjoy
this month's edition, which includes the latest Contest Winners as well as polls results and other
feedback from our forum. Our editorial staff has worked hard to bring you more of what you'd like to
see in this publication, and if there's anything else you'd like to have added in, please contact our
magazine's lead editor at hakeemd@writersbeat.com or post a comment for us using the "comments"
link on the Writer's Beat main page at www.writersbeat.com.
- Writer's Club Editorial Staff
Writer's Club 3.

New Horizons
A celebration of foreign literature
New Horizons: France was certainly well-known and would have been

The Beat
In Which We Become carried from court to court by jongleurs.
Francophiles We do not even know precisely when this epic
Hakeem D., Mridula C. and Taya L. poem was first written. Several different manuscripts

E verybody is unique. While we all differ

individually, we are vastly estranged when it comes
exist today, the earliest of which is dated around
1140, and it is estimated that the poem in its oral
form was composed about a century earlier. Dating
Goes On...
to cultures. Each society, each country has its own is especially complicated due to the fact that
What's on and about
personal flavor. Like it or not, most of us don’t know additions and alterations were most certainly made on Writer's Beat
much about people beyond our own circle, to every manuscript version, regardless of the
whether it is their lifestyle, or even something as
universal as literature and the arts.
original date.
The story behind Roland has its basis in an
A question from the
It is nothing short of common knowledge that the historical battle that took place in 778. No battle for Inkster Incorporated
the history books, the incident that created a
literary culture we embrace is a reflection of the
recognized artistic value that has been passed legend and a literary form was a minor moment in
from generation to generation. In this issue, Writer's the much chronicled life of Charlemagne, or "What Authors
Charles the Great, King of the Franks. Retreating
Club takes you to witness how foreign literature
shaped the culture we know today, even in our own from an earlier battle against invading Basques,
have influenced
circle. Charlemagne’s rearguard was ambushed in the you the most?"
Our first focus will be on French literature. French Pyrenees and, according to early historians, killed to
writers have influenced the world in such a way that the last man.
The long span of time between the Battle of
" Fante
French has now become known as the language of
romance, elicited from Vulgar Latin, Celtic and Roncevaux Pass and the writing of The Song of Fitzgerald
Frankish. Roland explains how Hruodland, Prefect of Brittany, Bukowski
Literary genres over the last few centuries have became Roland, nephew of Charlemagne; how the Kerouac
had an effect on modern creative genres Basques, indigenous people of Spain, became Steinbeck
extending over foreign countries, and helping to dreaded Saracens; and how Charlemagne, who
originally ignored the battle and continued north to Dickinson
expand and refine the English language. French
literature has developed ways of making it possible deal with troublesome Saxons, became the Ginsberg (Check out
to relate to other societies through their literary avenging king who deals out swift and deadly his poem America)
retribution. So are legends born. Joseph Campbell"
developments. The French linguistic process was
The poem features the great Roland, true
punctuated into studying and retaining different
Christian and valiant knight, along with a gaggle of
poetry as well as novels and theater works. -Pen
other Frankish noblemen whose names run together
Through the ages, French literature has
with those of their horses and swords. In a nutshell
influenced the world – whether it was through the the story goes like this: a treacherous Frank who
birth of the novel or by being the epitome of a "My influences, I think,
also happens to be Roland’s resentful stepfather,
particular style or simply by causing a revolution. Ganelon, makes a deal with the Muslim leader and
come more from a
So, as someone famous said, ‘Let’s start at the very guarantees that the twelve great champions of literary period than a
beginning….’ France, Roland included, will be in the vulnerable single author - The Beat
La Chanson de Roland
rearguard during the trek through the mountains. Generation. Of course, I
A battle ensues in which Roland and his fellows have also been told that
spend a good deal of time hacking the enemy to
Imagine being the creator of a new literary form bits despite insurmountable odds against them. my poems and short
that would hold a place in the forefront of literature (Note to readers: if you would rather not repeatedly stories remind others of
for centuries. read about men being cloven in two, this story is Emily Dickinson's work as
The author of La Chanson de Roland, or The not for you.) Naturally, Roland and the other
Song of Roland, did exactly that, and from Roland
well as Sylvia Plath.
champions perform great feats of valor and when
sprang innumerable variations on the epic story. Roland severely wounds the Muslim leader, the Dickinson I can see
These wildly popular poems, or chansons de geste remaining foes flee, leaving Roland and one other because she is one of
(“songs of heroic deeds” in Old French), captured champion to bleed to death. my favorite authors, so it
and held the imaginations of Europeans from the Ironically, Roland has suffered no blow from an would not surprise me in
11th to 15th centuries and are today recognized as enemy sword or spear; rather he will die due to the
the earliest hallmark of French literature. bursting of his temple, which occurred when he
the least if some of her
Such an author, you might think, ought to have blew his great horn to alert Charlemagne to their style came out in my
a pedestal in the pantheon of literary giants, plight. Charlemagne returns at the head of his army own writing. However, I
alongside the likes of Shakespeare and Homer. Yet and successfully routs the revitalized Muslim force in have never read
the man, or perhaps woman, who first put Roland in a lengthy battle featuring his own triumph against anything of Sylvia
written form remains anonymous to us. We should another Muslim leader in single combat.
not, of course, give the mystery writer too much The Song of Roland set the pattern for future Plath's."
credit; he or she was likely merely one in a long line chansons de geste. As a genre, they tell the stories - beatgen_nerd
of poets who followed the oral tradition and simply of the 8th and 9th centuries of French history,
had the bright idea of writing instead of reciting. embellishing them with fabulous creatures and
The story of Roland, Charlemagne’s great warrior, New Horizons continued on page 4

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 4.
New Horizons Continued from pg 3.

"I shall live magic. They reflect their own time better than the
age of their subjects, seen by the transformation
third with medieval Europe’s interpret-ations of
both Greek and Roman mythology as well as
historical figures like Alexander and Caesar.
of all historical enemies into Muslims and the

badly if I do perpetual plastering of good Christian values over

the characters and events. Characters are
Authors like Chr étien both influenced and
were influenced by a developing chivalric code
that was in truth preached more than practiced.
cardboard cutouts: the brave warrior, the traitor,

not write, the beautiful infidel princess who must be

converted, and so on.
Through the rosy world view of the romances, we
can see the ideal society that the upper class
imagined existed, despite the persistent violence
In the grand scheme of French literature, the

and I shall popular chansons gave birth to both lyric poetry

and romances, but they are indicative of the birth
and cruelness of reality. The Lake Woebegon
effect: all the women are strong, all the men are
good looking, and all the children are above
of something even more important: a sense of

write badly common French identity.

To understand all the intricacies of the Franks
Lancelot and other works by Chr étien also
have the distinction of being, arguably, the first
of the 8th and 9th centuries requires far more

if I do not space and time (not to mention energy!) than this

humble writer can give. Suffice to say that what
novels ever written. The theory behind this is that
Chrétien’s stories follow a pattern that is now so
well known: they have a beginning, a middle, and
we today know as France was then a land divided

live." into many small kingdoms, frequently at war with

each other. That the chansons hearkened back to
an end, apparently a novel (forgive the pun) idea
in his time. It will be up to you, dear reader, to
decide for yourself if Chrétien de Troyes is the
this age in which Charlemagne, Charles Martel
and Louis the Pious created a Frankish empire, the father of the novel.
first of its kind, shows that the French from the With a basis in respected writings such as
11th century onward saw that age as the origin of Lancelot, perhaps the modern romances found

- Francoise their identity as a single people with a single

destiny. No more Bretons, no more Saxons, no
on gas-station shelves are not so deserving of the
trashy status their covers, complete with shiny
pectorals and flimsy clothing, so successfully
more Burgundians, only the French. And they

Sagan celebrated that by way of their chansons.

Forget a new literary form. The writer of The
attract. Then again, maybe they are. Redemption
is difficult, they say.
Song of Roland created a country. Imagine that.

Lancelot, le Chevalier de la Charrette Candide, ou l'Optimisme

Romances deserve consideration separate With the waning of the French monarchy and
from their epic siblings the chansons de geste public unrest growing, the views of the people
due to some unique characteristics and their began to be reflected in the literature of the time.
resulting influence on literature through the ages. In the latter half of the 18th century, a novella
In the 12th century, the chansons seem to written by a famous writer made waves in the
have been the department of professional poets general public for its casual satire of several
and performers, while romances were relegated accepted philosophies and institutions. The
to amateurs and private readings; the name? Candide ou l’Optimisme, by Voltaire,
embarrassing uncle or bastard brother, you might better known as Candide, or Optimism in English.
say. Published in 1759, Candide narrates the story
Even this distinction is difficult to make, of Candide, who through a series of
however, as poets like Chrétien de Troyes, by all misadventures, comes to realise that the
accounts professionals replete with patrons, Leibnizian optimism he has been taught to
produced plenty of romances. One such believe in was nothing more than a farce.
romance was Chrétien’s Lancelot, the Knight of Through this book, Voltaire mocks everything from
the Cart, written from 1177 to 1181. religion to war to philosophy and while he is at it,
The story behind Lancelot was hardly new to rips at nobility. One of his most famous works, it is
the intended audience. However, Chrétien playful, witty and above all, sarcastic. It is most
introduced some new aspects to the legend; his renowned for methodically listing the world’s faults
Lancelot is the first version (that still exists today) to – a tongue-in-cheek attack on the ‘perfect world ’
include Arthur ’s magnificent city of Camelot, and philosophy of Gottfried Leibniz, a German
most importantly, the love affair between philosopher of the previous century.
Guinevere and Lancelot that is so well known Candide is said to be one of the most
today. noteworthy pieces of Western literature mainly
In Chr étien’s story, Lancelot rescues Guinevere due to its sharp wit and in-depth depiction of
from Meleagant, a traitorous ex-knight of the human nature. Often noted in lists of the world’s
Round Table. In order to reach Guinevere quickly, most influential books, it continues to be a
he accepts transportation in a beggar ’s cart, the popular favourite across the world.
shame of which is outweighed by his love for
Chr étien’s Lancelot is entirely typical of Madame Bovary
romances as a genre. Aside from the plot and
character clichés, romances were categorized in At the turn of the next century, if Gustave
the 12th century as being either “Matter of Flaubert had not been dared to write a serious
France,” “Matter of Britain,” or “Matter of Rome.” novel, this ardent Romantic might never have had
The first dealt with stories from the Carolingian to face trial for indecency. That was precisely
era, the second with Arthurian legends, and the what he did soon after Madame Bovary was re-
Photo by Jillian C. - Lake at Dawn
New Horizons continued on page 5

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 5.

The Beat New Horizons Continued from pg 4.

Goes On... -leased. It is perhaps ironic that an author who

wrote books that were idealistic and had
1913 and 1927, they were all received with
praise. Several authors following Proust adopted
What's on and about optimistic tones also penned the work that would his style very effectively – most notably, Virginia
go down into history as the best example of Woolf. In subsequent years, it has been adapted
in Writer's Beat Realist literature – stark, unforgiving and truthful. into several versions on print, screen and stage.
Madame Bovary, the story of the protagonist
An interesting conversation by the same name follows her adulterous L'Étranger
seen in the Writer's Beat escapades in the search of ‘love’. Unhappily
In 1942, the world was introduced to
married, she seeks comfort in various lovers
forum Inkster Incorporated, before finally meeting her fate. With a meticulous L'Étranger. No matter how the title was translated,
choice of words, Flaubert delicately portrays his Albert Camus wrote a simple novel that shortly
"Writers Are Different became the world's chef-d'oeuvre in existential,
character ’s dreams and disappointments.
Than Normal People" Vastly criticized at the time for offending absurdest novels. The Stranger confronts the
public morals and encouraging indecent affairs, it distracted political situation in Europe after the
"...Nietzsche went so far survived the test of time. This book not only Second World War as well as social conditions
as to describe creative signaled the birth of feminism, but also heralded that greatly exceeded bounds of reason and
the dawn of modern criticism. Paul de Man’s moderation. Through the standpoint of Meursault,
people as "decadents" declaration that "contemporary criticism of fiction The Stranger's protagonist, Camus demonstrated
(including himself.) To owes more to this novel than to any other a lifestyle innocent of religious concepts and
him, artistic creation nineteenth-century work" rings true even today, as beliefs, and that any attempt to find truths
since its publication, Madame Bovary has been beyond the physical realm will only go in vain.
was compensation for one of the most frequently discussed books of Even though the novel mainly revolves around
a fundamental lack of world literature. Absurdism, it includes numerous hints of varying
vigor. It revealed the topics such as colonialism and racial tension in
Les Misérables Algeria. It also points to the freedom of the press
life force in a state of in France under Nazi occupation—a topic that
descension -- the In 1862, Victor Hugo published his reflects Camus's own struggles in the world of
slumber of healthy masterpiece, Les Misérables. The melodramatic journalism, especially after the creation of
novel pleaded for social change and Combat: A newspaper devoted to the French
instincts -- even if it did resistance at the time.
contemplated the political degeneracy and the
result in beautiful works criminal injustice that was rather prevalent in The language of the novel is a firm indication
of art." France at the time. Les Misérables, which was of Camus's literary accuracy, and also an
attacked by critics when it was initially published, element that rendered the translated versions
- Starrwriter short in the passionate associations that exist in
follows the story of Jean Valjean as he struggles
"...I am in no such through an aristocratic, class-based society, the original, French version. It also leaves no room
accompanied by many characters that affect the for much description—a style Camus adopted to
danger. keep the reader focused on the characters'
events of the novel. While the story is generally
I am so introverted, fictional, it largely mirrors Hugo's life experiences reactions throughout the narrative sequence. The
strange and socially and the reality of nineteenth-century France. language, the structure, and the narrative added
incompetent I would Les Mis érables was one of the many literary a psychological depth to the story, confirming
be stunned by an works that drove a fundamental change in the Albert Camus as a master of French literature.
French society, which veered from long-standing From knightly escapades to stories ablaze with
invitation to join passion and lust, French writers covered the world
customs and traditions toward rational beliefs and
normally people.." social moderation. It suggests balanced with a drape of literary splendor. Tales from this
- Aspire2B1 philosophical doctrines, that all individuals have a brilliant literature left a remarkable influence on
certain responsibility toward their society, which in the course of history; they were a legacy in
"...I always felt pulled turn will not be disturbed by strife or turmoil or war themselves, and they remain so today. Facets of
when this responsibility is recognized. Hugo French civilization are evident in every page of
away from the crowd. literature; they reflect years of grandeur and
presented a symbol of change, a symbol of deep
My friends wanted to compassion, and most importantly, a symbol of tyrannous dominance, and witness astonishing
hang out 24/7 and freedom that the world still embraces to this very social changes that people still remember.
most of the time I day. The French literary canon is arguably the most
wanted to be home, well-known on a universal scale; it resides in every
A la Recherche du Temps Perdu corner of this world telling people tales of
away from their magnificence. We are running out
annoying attitudes and Considered the definitive modern novel by of words and now it's your turn to
gossip and just curled several critics, A la Recherche du Temps Perdu (In read and tell.
up with a good book Search of Lost Time) by Marcel Proust is certainly
(my only source of one of the most famous of its kind. A seven-part From all of us at Writer's Beat,
semi-autobiographical novel, it follows the story of ayez un bon lu.
intellectual dialogue). I
M., the narrator. It is written in a popular literary
know now that I will style called Stream of Consciousness – a literary
never truly be a technique where the author depicts a character ’s How can one not dream while
"normal" person but point of view by giving their thought processes in writing? It is the pen which
that's okay. Sadly as it words. The role of memory is pivotal through the dreams. The blank page
series. Proust’s theories about involuntary gives the right to
sounds, the only place I dream.
memories have been compared to Freud’s own
feel normal is in the speculations. Other major themes include
arms of literature. homosexuality, music and art.
- Writebunny When the books were released between 1913 - Gaston Bachelard

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 6


Madeleine L'Engle, 88,
passed away during the first
week of September, 2007.
The author of over 50 written
works that included non-
fiction titles as well as fiction
for both adults and children is
best known for her novel,
A Wrinkle in Time, which was
published in 1962.
Most of us may remember
this book from our own
childhood. The story featured
RonoxQ on the other hand three children who used ESP
Are you plot driven or says that his stories are neither. “I do and the bending of space/time
neither. My best pieces (AM, which to travel to another planet in
character driven? was on here before) were ones that search of their missing father.
I just wrote one day, without any
That is the question. In a recent poll forethought. The characters drive Unpublished writers might
the plot, the plot makes the be interested to know that
at Writers Beat, thirty voters chose
characters, but my stories really L'Engle tried to sell "Wrinkle"
between four choices; many times before she finally
aren't about either one: they're about
A. Plot Driven found a publisher willing to
B. Character driven A few members, however take a risk on the manuscript.
C. Both came up with some very interesting Like Rowling's Harry Potter,
D. Neither the risk paid off.
points on the question. Cuchulian
"Wrinkle" went on to
said, “What's one without the
become an instant best-seller
So which do you do? other?” and won the Newberry Medal
Member JC Paloma says “My That is a very good point. for Best Children's Fiction. It
stories are always tailored for a What is one without the other? Can can still be found in print and
character I created.” Not just you even have a story without a plot has been translated into over
or characters? Characters and plot
everyone chose character though. a dozen different languages all
work with each other to make each over the world. L'Engle
The results vary. story great. showed us that it always pays
“I think it depends entirely on Stephen Wegmann agrees. to persevere if one truly
the type of story you are writing. “You cannot have a good plot desires publication.
Some are plot-driven (mysteries, without characters. You cannot have
twist endings, etc.) while others lend a good character if he has no plot.
themselves to portraits of fascinating So there.”
characters. I have written both kinds So there you have it folks.
and I have no favorite,” says What are you? Next time you sit
down to write your next big novel or
member Starrwriter.
even if itís just your newest short
Other members such as story, remember this question: Are
StarPanda said, “Nine times out of you plot driven or character driven?
ten it is the plot, or the potential for Maybe that question will make you
a plot that drives me to put pen to think of a better or more interesting Madeleine L'Engle
paper.” story line. You never know.

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 7.
Misused, Misspelled & Misplaced Writer's Beat Tip:
Do away with
Taya L., Hakeem D., Jillian C.
Plot problems can arise from the first
those tired old
1. plot
page you write, so beware: You must
not wait for the final product to go back
That’s what the pronunciation looks like? and remedy your horrifying plot Have you ever looked back
Weird. deficiencies. One of the mistakes that on something you've written and it
Function: noun many writers, even the experienced one, just didn't feel fresh? More than
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English make at the introduction of their stories likely the problem may lie in
So far so good. is the dreaded Info Dump. You start off
descriptive narrative that contains
1 a : a small area of planted ground by throwing whatever happened before
the story opening in the first few pages way too many cliches. Editors and
<a vegetable plot> b : a small piece of land in publishers hate them and in a lot
a cemetery whether it is relevant or not. Even if
what you are telling the reader is very of cases, having even a few of
c : a measured piece of land : LOT these little buggers appearing in
important, you must not put it all at
Not quite what I was looking for. once. Info Dumps ruin the structural your story can cause your
2: GROUND PLAN, PLAT framework of your narration. They manuscript to be rejected.
Unhelpful. leave no room for mystery or Sometimes they can be hard
3: [perhaps back-formation from complot] : a anticipation, and often cause the reader to find. Euphemisms in everyday
secret plan for accomplishing a usually evil to lose interest in the story. What is
language are often so overused
or unlawful end : more, placing too much information at
that we simply don't notice them.
INTRIGUE the beginning of an action-filled chapter
will steal the thunder, resulting in the A few classics are:
focus of your reader gradually shifting
4: a graphic representation (as a chart) - Her eyes flashed with anger
from what is happening now to what
I hate charts. - He had a backup plan, a
happened before, specifically to the
5: the plan or main story (as of a movie or memories swirling inside the character's secret ace in the hole
literary work) head. - She gave him a piece of
That’s it?! That’s all they’re going to give me? Dealing with Info Dumps is rather her mind
easy. You need to mention what is only - His advertising proposal
What a piece of junk. How am I ever relevant to the scene you are writing. If,
sank like the Titanic
supposed to write my five-book series without for instance, Mary Jane is investigating
having a proper definition of plot? the crime that took place in her kitchen,
you do not have to make her remember Other cliches can appear in
how the color of her stuffed bear 'situational' form. For instance,
Well, for starters, don’t begin that way.
affected her past relationships. And if showing a character waking in the
Knowing you’re going to write five books or a
trilogy before you have a plot is usually not a you feel the need to insert a little morning at the beginning of a
good idea.
backstory at some point, make it as chapter, or having a character
But that’s getting ahead of ourselves. If
simple as possible. Remember, the look into a mirror for purposes of
backstory does not always take place in description are extremely
you’re struggling with plot, you’re not alone. Plot
the character's mind; it can also be overused. If you have one of
is that ever-present thorn in our sides, cramp in
portrayed through actions and dialog.
our hands, knot in our brains. these, eliminate them.
Whether it is a certain goal to
Plot is hard. For something different, why
achieve, a problem to solve, or a quest
Can Dear Abby save your foundering, half- to finish, you always need something to not try inventing your own new &
baked plot? No. Can we? Possibly. No guarantees. drive your plot, and this something unique phrases, take an old cliche
But we’d like to help. should always be the starter of your & twist it, and place your
Read on for advice and guidance. We even story. Readers do not like to fight characters in odd or unusual
list a hotline number at the conclusion should through needless prose and you do not settings. Above all, try to avoid
you need further aid. need to write one. sports & computer metaphors.
Misused - PLOT continued on page 8

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 8.
Misused, Misspelled & Misplaced
Continued from page 7

You should always start your story with the be stamped as a bad writer. Bad writer! obviously, end all the storylines and the sub-
primary, evident conflict. If Mary Jane just There is a specific characteristic that is plots of your story. Readers would be hugely
entered her house, let her enter the kitchen common among easy climaxes: the frustrated if the book ended without knowing
and see the corpse lying on the ground, not coincidence factor. Let us say that Mary Jane who washed the dishes on the night of the
take a tour of the whole household, rearrange is cornered by her landlord, the murderer, murder. The ending should demonstrate the
her closet and make a grocery list. Starting and he is about to kill her. There is absolutely change the world of your story underwent
with the primary conflict of your story lets no way for poor Mary to escape this and the state of your characters after they
the readers ask their questions from the terrorizing situation. But suddenly, a gun went through the climax and the resolution.
beginning. And like we mentioned earlier, magically appears on the top of the dresser. You should neither crawl towards the ending,
keeps them attentive and also protects your Now come on! Isn't that really which would lead to accusations of page
book from being tossed away. annoying? If you want to avoid this, exploit count boosting (scandalous!), nor should
No w we reach the 'rising action' past occurrences of your story and you sprint towards it, which would suggest
section. This is the section that stands in the use plot devices that may aid you in sticky your own boredom with the story (a ringing
middle, connects both ends of your novel, spots. endorsement, to be sure).You should
and sets the major and the minor themes of gradually fall to the resolution, and write the
the story. You should aim to develop plenty The climax contributes ending with the same pace of any previous
of elements in this section—taking in part.
consideration it is the longest one—and put highly to the probability It would be quite stupid, actually, to end
down all the ideas you have in your head. the book a couple of hundred pages after
This covers obstacles, inner and outer and credibility of your plot; Mary Jane discovers the murderer and settles
conflicts, sub-plots, character relationships, down in her own house. Unless you think a
and anything else that falls in the middle. You
therefore, it should be detailed description of Mary Jane's shoe
should also note that this section shows your handled with extreme collection and a thorough recounting of her
protagonist's qualities, which permits or cat's gastrointestinal tendencies will sell.
facilitates his/her achievements or importance. Your choice.
accomplishments throughout the storyline.
You do not want Mary Jane to battle a Now that you know what plot is and how
murderer with her make-up kit, do you? it is structured, how do you begin forming
Everything that takes place in the Yet again, there are hard, complex one? As stated earlier, plot is hard.
middle is responsible for making your plot an climaxes. What are those exactly? Let us say What plot requires first and foremost an
emotionally effective, thoroughly developed, that Mary Jane is trapped alone in her house idea - one large enough to expand upon into a
and a well paced one; therefore, you should with the telephone cables cut off, the win- short story or novel. But how do you know
focus really well on this section. No, really dows sealed, and the family dead. Her hands what ideas will work and which ones won't?
well. are numb and her legs are broken. Her How do you find the right 'fit' for your story?
After the middle section, or the rising husband built sound-proof walls, making her Let's take a look at how ideas can evolve
action, comes the climax of your story. If you screams useless. The murderer and his other into a story.
create a climax that is easily solved, you will friends are circulating the house making sure A story idea can come from virtually
fail as a writer. If you create a climax that that no one gets in. All of her neighbors are anywhere: dreams, TV, artwork, the nightly
even we cannot solve, you will fail as a coincidentally out of their houses... Now, it
news, an event from our own childhood or
writer. If you let Mary Jane simply shoot the appears that Mary Jane should start praying.
recent past, and even those ideas that
murderer and then resume her shower, then Complex climaxes are uncalled for and you
seemingly "pop in" out of nowhere. An idea
you will surely fail as a writer. The climax will only notice their implausibility after you
is the seed that germinates into Plot. But,
contributes highly to the probability and have written them through. However, a good
once you have an idea you like, how do you
credibility of your plot; therefore, it should writer is one who can logically solve such
get your plot to grow? You'll need fertilizer,
be handled with extreme importance. If your complex climaxes. Now, how can Mary Jane
climax can be predicted by a sticky-fingered otherwise known as Conflict. Conflict can be
toddler, any success you may have had in We finally reach the last section —the defined in several basic forms: Man Vs. Man,
your middle section will come crashing resolution of the climax, and eventually, the Man Vs. God, Man Vs. Nature, Man Vs.
down. Easy climaxes, which are usually ending of the book. Needless to say, the Society, Man Vs. Himself, and so on. All
rushed climaxes, will make the reader feel resolution should be conclusive, tying all possible plots can be broken down into these
greatly disappointed and you will therefore loose ends and the ending must, quite few simple building blocks.
Misused - PLOT continued on page 9

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 9.
Misused, Misspelled & Misplaced
Continued from page 8

Remember this word, kiddies: Conflict. It is the heart of all If you've answered all of these questions, you shoul d have what
possible plots and without it, your story is dead. is called a rough outline of your story. An outline is literally the road
There are probably hundreds of texts written on the subject of map for your plot. Beginning writers, fear not the Outline, for it is
Plot Development, and we obviously don't have the space to get there to help guide you through your story. Forget whatever you've
into the finer points here, but we can offer you a few basic tips to heard about writing a novel without some kind of outline. Only well-
get started. experienced writers are able to craft a story successfully without one.
For one, you will need to find an idea you like (that interests Most first-time novelists aren't able to do this. Why? Because an
you) and one that will work for the kind of story you intend to experienced writer has had years of practice and can envision entire
write. If you want a plot that will work with a short story, you need scenes in their mind. In short, they know where the plot is going
to keep your focus narrow. In other words, choose a single event, before they've even typed the first word. Until you're able to do this,
or a very short chain of events that are interconnected and can be it might be a good idea to start with an outline.
described in a relatively few amount of words. Once you get your plot's road map down on paper, you can
Most short stories usually center around a single character, then use it take a good look at the series of events in your story and
showing a 'slice' of their life, so to speak. An idea that centers determine if your idea builds a plot that is strong enough to carry an
around one single event is most likely the best for a short story. entire novel. Short stories are more free-form, so you can shoot from
If you're writing a novel, choose an idea that might be more the hip, if you like.
general and larger in scope, which will be a longer series of events
happening to several characters. These characters include a In Review:
Protagonist (hero), the Antagonist (villain or anti-hero) and all the
people that both of them will interract with during the course of 1. A plot is the plan or main story of a movie or literary work. It
the story (secondary and tertiary characters). is the course of events your characters experience while
Plot, simply put, is the 'journey' your MC takes in pursuing their goals, and it is how they resolve Conflict.
order to achieve his/her goals. 2. Plot is broken down into four parts: Introduction of Conflict,
For two, when sorting through your ideas, ask yourself this Rising Action, Climax and Denouement (falling action). *Note
very important question: Is this plot idea something that readers that when starting out with your description of the Introduction
will identify with and care about? Ruling out obscure topics that of Conflict, be sure to avoid the dreaded Infodump! Introduce
only a select few people might understand will help you find your reader to your Main Character (e.g., the aforementioned Mary
something that will appeal to your readers. Plus, choose somethng Jane), give her something to 'want,' as well as a set of problems to
you can stick with for a while. Backgound research provides the contend with, show us how she gets there and how she did it.
important details it will need for a feeling of realism for the reader, Then, show us how it all works out for her in the end.
this thing all the writer's manuals refer to as the 'Suspension of 3. A plot for a short story centers around one or two characters and
Disbelief." So be sure you pick a topic you actually like. a single life-changing event. It is always very narrow in scope.
For a novel, take your idea and work it out as follows: 4. A plot for a novel centers around more than 1 or 2 characters and
a longer series of events that eventually end with one huge, life-
1. Who is your Main Character? (MC) (Description)
2. Who works against your MC? (Antagonist-description) changing event. Novels are always broad in scope and can follow
3. What does your MC want? (Describe your hero's goal) the lives of several characters.
4. Why does your Antagonist want to prevent the hero 5. Before writing that novel, try an Outline first. It helps you get to
from attaining his/her goal? know your characters, what the Conflict is that keeps your story
5. Choose a theme for your story: Your story is about ____. moving and how it is all resolved by the end.
(Forgiveness, Hatred, Jealousy, Unrequited Love, etc.).
We've given you a place to start. Now it's all up to you.
5. List a series of events that may prevent your MC from
attaining his/her goals.
6. List a series of events that thwarts your villain or negative
circumstance. (how your. hero gets past his/her obstacles). I hear and I forget; I see
7. How do the people in their lives (secondary characters)
help them or hinder them? and I remember; I write and
8. Write a quick description of how your MC will reach
his/her goal and how the villain doesn't achieve his/hers.
I understand.
[This last one is your story's'climax.'] - Chinese Proverb
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Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 10.
Member's there was a correlation between dream time and health problems associated
with aging. What if an adult could spend 8 hours each night in REM sleep like
an infant? Would this slow the effects of aging and improve overall health? He

had read studies that showed the immune system repairs itself and grows
stronger during sleep and that people deprived of REM sleep were more prone
to infections. Extended dreaming might prove to be a panacea for all sorts of
Our members have voted and we're AT-11 turned out to be Dunmey er's breakthrough drug. It was the eleventh
please to announce the first-ever derivative of an androsamine-tryptophan compound that he had synthesized.
The first volunteer patient he gave it to was Jack Randolph, a 44-year-old truck
quarterly Member's Choice winner driver who suffered from insomnia, high blood pressure and kidney dysfunction.
Randolph was cooperative and Dunmeyer liked him at first in spite of their
different personalities.
Randolph was boisterous and extroverted, a large man who liked to be
Early this month, the Members' Choice competition concluded and a the center of attention. He was divorced and had a slight southern drawl
piece written by the highly talented Starrwriter gathered the highest originating from his childhood in Florida. Dunmeyer soon had him sleeping 8
number of votes. But first, what is the Members' Choice competition? hours at night, something Randolph had been unable to do for years. By
During the course of twenty days, members of the Write r's Beat increasing the dosage of AT-11 Dunmeyer gradually boosted the amount of
community get to nominate any piece they think is exceptional and worth REM sleep from 2 hours to 8 hours per night.
publishing in the e-zine. After the nomination period is over, a staff The results were remarkable. Within a few months Randolph's blood
member will post the top five most nominated pieces, whether prose of pressure returned to normal levels. He lost much of the excess weight he had
poetry, and then members get to vote on only one piece. The piece with been carrying since he was a teenager. His kidney function improved. He
the highest number of votes will be declared the Members' Choice. looked younger and felt more energetic.
If you're a member of the Writer's Beat community, we will send you a "Your medicine beats the hell out of bennies," he tol d Dunmeyer one day.
notification when we announce the next Member's Choice competition. "You mean amphetamines?"
Make sure you read and nominate, and most importantly, vote. Keep your "I used to eat them like candy when I was a cross-cou ntry trucker. After
eyes open and expect an announcement soon. awhile, coffee won't keep you awake on the long hauls. You gotta take
something to keep from nodding off at the wheel."
"You didn't mention this on your application form."
The Wizard of Dreams "I guess I lied," Randolph grinned. "I didn't want yo u to think I was a drug
Starrwriter addict."
"Were you addicted?"

I t was such a small leap of faith to foresee the ultimate consequences.

"You know that amphetamine abuse causes insomnia."
Dr. Walter Dunmeyer couldn't understand why he had failed to grasp the "You're telling me! Sometimes I couldn't sleep for da ys."
conn-ection between dreaming and the character of the dreamer until it was "I don't want you taking amphetamines while you're pa rt of this research,"
too late. Character was fate in dreams as well as in life. Dunmeyer said sternly.
Dunmeyer placed the .32 caliber revolver on his "Anything you say, doc. "
desk and walked slowly to the reclining chair where "It would disrupt your sleep patterns."
Jack Randolph lay. Randolph's eyes were frozen in Randolph saluted. "Mess age received."
an unblinking stare and his mouth was twisted into a Dunmeyer often question ed him about his dreams,
crooked smile. A trickle of blood ran down his cheek but Randolph claimed he couldn't remember them.
from a small hole in his forehead. While this response was common among a small
The office door swung open and Dunmeyer's percentage of dreamers, Dunmeyer suspected that
assistant ushed in and then stopped in his tracks. Randolph was not telling the truth and perhaps even
"My God, what happened?" hiding something. This disturbed Dunmeyer because he
"Call the police, Mel." couldn't imagine any reasonable motive for lying. Dream
"Is he dead?" content was relatively unimportant to his research and he
"I hope so." assured all of his patients that he wasn't interested in
Dunmeyer went down the hall and entered the dreams that were embarrassing.
lab. He sat down at the first computer and began A few weeks later Randolph confirmed his
deleting files. While he was doing this, his mind wand- suspicions.
ered back to the first days of his dream research. "I'm a lot smarter tha n I used to be, doc."
The other staff members nicknamed Dr. "What do you mean?"
Dunmeyer the wizard of dreams. A specialist in "I can do some strange things since I started taking
neuro-physiology, he had done extensive research your medicine."
into the chemical changes that occurred in the brain "Like what?"
during sleep and dreaming. The key substances were "I can make something happen by dreaming about it."
androsamine and tryptophan and Dunmeyer began Dunmeyer had been prepared for AT-11 to have
synthesizing variations of the two chemical com- minor side effects like most drugs, but he was alarmed
pounds to alter sleep patterns in volunteer subjects. that it evidently caused delusional thinking.
His initial goal was to find a cure for insomnia. Sleeping pills were "You have learned to control what you dream?"
addictive and often didn't provide vital dream sleep characterized by rapid "A bit," Randolph hedged. "Sometimes I realize I'm dr eaming and after
eye movement (REM). People who didn't get enough REM sleep were irritable, that I can sort of direct the dream like it was a movie."
tired and unable to function at maximum efficiency. Totally deprived of REM "What have you made happen by dreaming?"
sleep for a long period, they often hallucinated and exhibited other psychotic "Just little things so far. A few nights ago I f orced myself to dream I had a
symptoms. Dunmeyer came to the startling conclusion that the bizarre freezer full of porterhouse steaks. When I woke up, I'll be damned if they weren't
fantasies involved in dreaming were necessary to remain in touch with reality. there. It scared me until I ate one of them. I love porterhouse steak, but I can't
His first mistake was ontological: confusing cause f or effect. afford to buy it very often. Now I got about thirty pounds of it in my freezer."
Dunmey er then turned to studies of sleep patterns among different age "I see."
groups. Young infants slept an average of 16 hours per day and half of that is "I knew you wouldn't believe me. Even if I showed you the steaks, you'd just
REM sleep. That meant infants spent one-third of their total time dreaming. By think I bought them."
middle age the adult spends only 6-7% of his total time in dream sleep. "I suppose I would have to, wouldn't I?."
Elderly people dream a mere 2% of their total time.Dunmeyer wondered if "I'm not crazy, doc. It really happened like I told you. I think your medicine is
Member's Choice continued on page 11

Artwork by Jillian C.

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 11.
Member's Choice Ohio?"
"Do you believe you went to the University of

"No, of course not. I remember Harvard very

Against his better judgment, Dunmeyer decided to
write everything down in a notebook and lock it in
his office safe. He felt foolish doing it, as if he were
clearly." participating in a psychotic delusion, but the
"You've been working too hard, Walt. And not shadow of a doubt had been raised in his mind and
Wizard of Dreams getting enough sleep. Let's spend a week at the he wanted a permanent written record as a
Continued from pg. 10 reference.
Dunmeyer smiled at her. "Since when do you Instead of tying up loose ends in the lab,
like roughing it?" Dunmeyer went to the public library to borrow a
a lot stronger than you know." She kissed him quickly on the cheek. "I don't book he had been meaning to read for some time.
"That may be so, but dreams can't change mind cooking the fish if you clean them. The fresh It was titled "The Many-Worlds Interpretation of
reality." air will be good for both of us." Quantum Mechanics."
"Tell you what," Randolph smiled. "Tonight I'll "Maybe you're right. I have to take care of a Dunmeyer and his wife sat on the steps of the
make myself dream something you pick and few things tomorrow at the lab." cabin porch, looking out over a small lake ringed
tomorrow we'll see if it happened. Think of it as an "Then we'll leave first thing Thursday morning." with lily pads.
experiment." His wife beamed. "Do you remember when we bought this
Dunmeyer decided it would be the best way "It's a date," Dunmeyer said, gripping her hand cabin?" he asked.
to show Randolph he was delusional. "All right, let's tightly. "I tried to talk you out of it, but now I'm glad you
see. I wanted to go to Harvard medical school, didn't listen to me. It's so peaceful here."
but I couldn't afford the tuition, so I settled for the Randolph was waiting in the parking lot when "How long have we owned this place?"
University of Ohio. Try to dream that I'm a Harvard Dunmeyer arrived at the clinic the next morning. "A little over two years. Don't you remember?"
graduate." "How do you like it?" he asked, po inting to a "Yes, I remember. That's the problem."
"Write it down," Randolph said. dark blue Mercedes Benz. Helen frowned. "What in the world is bothering
"Why?" "Nice car," the doctor admitted. you? You haven't even tried to fish since we arrived.
"I'll remember where you really went to Randolph shook his head. "You really don't All you've done is read that damned book and
college, but I'm not sure you will." remember, do you?" mope around looking lost. I thought we came here
"I don't understand. Exactly what do you want "Remember what?" to relax and enjoy ourselves."
me to write down?" "I drove a Chevy yesterday." "If you want to know the truth, I don't think we
"Get a pen and piece of paper," Randolph Dunmeyer looked confused. "Not that I recall. had this cabin until a few days ago."
said and began dictating: "I went to the University You've had this Mercedes ever since you started "What?"
of Ohio. Jack Randolph dreamed that I went to treatment at the clinic." "I think Jack Randolph gave it to us by
Harvard." He watched Dunmeyer write and then "Wrong, doc. I had an old Chevy until I dreaming."
said: "Now sign it and put it in your wallet." dreamed the Mercedes last night." "My God, Walt. Do you realize you're talking like
"Why in my wallet?" "We need to talk about this delusion of yours." a crazy person?"
"For safe keeping." Randolph laughed. "It's no delusion any more "The book explains what has happened."
After Randolph left, Dunmeyer took the paper than the paper you found in your wallet." Helen stood up. "I read some of the book last
out of his wallet and stared at it for a long time. It "That was some sort of trick." night when you were asleep. It doesn't explain
struck him as malpractice for a doctor to "You think I hypnotized you into writing it? Your anything. It's just a wild theory that borders on
cooperate with a patient in a psychotic delusion. medicine made me smarter, but I ain't that smart." fantasy."
He resisted a temptation to toss the paper into the "Listen to me, Jack. No one can change reality "A theory that some respectable physicists are
trash can and forget about the so-called by dreaming. It's simply not possible." convinced is true."
experiment. Driving home in the afternoon, he Randolph clucked his tongue. "If you're so sure, "And most others think is total nonsense! I can't
decided he would immediately stop Randolph's then tell me something. Why would a man who can believe you would let a ridiculous piece of
daily doses of AT-11 and refer him to a psychiatrist afford a new Mercedes come to a free clinic as a conjecture affect your thinking. You're supposed to
for treatment. It would cast a cloud over the drug guinea pig? If I had that kind of money a few be an objective scientist."
he had worked so hard to develop, perhaps even months ago, I'd have gone to the most expensive "Randolph thinks he changes reality by
end his research project, but it was the right thing doctor in town." dreaming, but that is not exactly the case."
to do. "I think it would be best to discontinue your AT- "I'm not going to listen," his wife said and
11 treatments," Dunmeyer said. "You need to have started to walk away.
"Where did I go to college, Helen?" some tests done." Dunmeyer grabbed her leg. "Please, Helen. I
It was the following night and Dunmeyer was "I'm afraid I can't allow that." need to tell someone so I can fill in the blank spots
in the living room with his wife, nervously sipping a "Are you threatening me?" in my mind."
Scotch and soda. "I'm just telling you how it's gonna be. I have a "I don't want to encourage --"
"What a silly question," his wife said. "Harvard." lot bigger plans in mind." "Please."
"The strangest thing happened today. One of "I won't give you any more AT-11." She looked at him as if he were a frightened
my patients insisted I went to the University of Ohio. "We'll see." child, then sat down and stared at the lake
He told me to look in my wallet and I found this." Randolph got into the Mercedes and started morosely.
Helen read the writing on the piece of paper. the engine, lowering the power window on the "Every time a person makes a choice," her
"I don't understand. What does it mean?" driver's side. "Have a nice time in the country." husband began, "reality branches into two parallel
"That's my signature, but I don't remember "How did you know I'm going to the country?" universes. In one universe Choice A leads down a
writing it. The patient said we had some sort of "You didn't have a cabin until I dreamed it. You certain path. In the other universe Choice B creates
experiment or bet going. He claims he changed see, doc, I'm not being totally selfish with this power a different path. The person who made the choice
where I actually went to college by dreaming that you gave me. I'm helping you, too. You stick with exists in both universes without being aware of it, but
I was a Harvard graduate." me and we'll both wind up on easy street." the reality he encounters is slightly different in each
must be mentally ill." Before Dunmeyer could reply, he backed out universe."
"But you are a Harvard graduate." of the parking space and drove away. The doctor "I understand the theory, Walt. I just don't
"You're missing the point." went to his office and told his secretary not to put believe it."
"You can't possibly believe him. " through any telephone calls. He wanted time alone "Randolph is wrong to think he dreams things
"I realize it sounds insane, but there was to think about what Randolph had said. into existence in a single universe. His dreams
something --" It was all too absurd to take seriously, and yet . actually thrust him and those he dreams about into
"It is insane," she interrupted. "Your patient . . Why would a well-to-do man go to a free clinic? a parallel universe where his choice is a reality."
must be mentally ill." And how did he know about the cabin? And where "You really think we are in a different universe
"Then how do you explain this paper? It's my had that ridiculous piece of paper in his wallet now than we were a few days ago -- but have no
handwriting and signature." come from?
Continued on pg. 12

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 12.

Member's Choice had to be stopped before he created a

universe that would be hellish for everyone
except him. Once a universe became manifest,
Dunmeyer leaned forward in his desk chair.
"What did you say his name was?"
there was no going back to undo the time-line. "Jack Randolph."
Wizard of Dreams Not even the bizarre many-worlds theory allowed "I can't see him today. I'm going home early."
for that. "Are you all right? You look funny."
Continued from pg. 11 Dunmeyer opened his desk drawer and took Dunmeyer stood up and lifted a notebook from
out the revolver. He opened the cylinder to his desk. "I'm feeling a little tired. I didn't get enough
memory of the other universe?" make sure it was loaded and glanced at his sleep last night."
"I think it's entirely plausible. And if it's true, J ack wristwatch. When Randolph arrived, he would "You want me to schedule Randolph for
Randolph is a very dangerous man." give him an injection of barbiturate and tell him tomorrow morning?"
"Why?" "Make it in the afternoon. I'll be in late tomorrow."
"Don't you understand? If Randolph can dream it was AT-11. Before Randolph could start
himself and other people into a parallel universe and dreaming, he would play God like his patient
had been doing and put an end to what might When Dunmeyer arrived home , Helen had the
remember the transformation, he is in a god-like fireplace going. He poured drinks for both of them
position to shape the reality of that universe any way be the worst of all possible universes.
After deleting the computer files, Dunmeyer and emptied his glass in one gulp.
he chooses. The rest of us can't remember and that "Slow down, mister," his wife said. "You're
puts us at his mercy." flushed down the sink all but one large dose of
AT-11. He put the vial in his pocket and returned supposed to savor the taste of good whisky."
"I never met the man," Helen remarked. He poured himself another drink and said: "I
"You wouldn't like him. He's the pushy type." to his office.
"I'm leaving," he said to Mel. need to warm up. It feels like the North Pole outside."
"You believe AT-11 gave him this magical power "Come sit by the fire."
by letting him sleep 8 hours a night in REM sleep?" "I don't think it's a good idea," his assistant
said. "The police will want to talk to you." Dunmeyer sat down took the notebook out of
"I suppose it did somehow." his pocket. He thumbed through the pages and
"Then why don't infants dream themselves and "I'll be at home."
"What's going on, Walt?" shook his head in dismay.
their mothers into a parallel universe? They have 8 "It doesn't make sense," he mumbled.
hours of REM sleep every day." "I don't hav e time to explain. Just tell the
police they can find me at home." "What is it?"
"I don't know all the answers yet," Dunmeyer "I found this in my office safe this morning. It's in
said. "Infants have very undeveloped brains. Their As Dunmeyer drove out of the parking lot,
he spotted a police car at the end of the block my handwriting, but I don't remember writing it or
neuron circuits are primitive compared to adults. But
who knows? Maybe they do drift between universes and made a quick left turn. He headed to the putting it in the safe."
until they get older." freeway and cruised for an hour until he found "You're getting old, Walt."
Helen touched his cheek. "Darling, you must be an isolated motel. He got a room under a false "It's about a man I never heard of until after I
aware of how far-fetched all of this sounds. You're an name in case the police had broadcast an all- found the notebook."
intelligent, level-headed man. It's why I married you." points bulletin. "You lost me there."
Dunmeyer realized there was no point in trying In the motel room Dunmeyer closed the "The notebook has some crazy information
to convince his wife. He would have to take care of drapes, locked the door and stripped down to about a man named Jack Randolph. A few hours
the situation himself in any event. his underwear. He turned down the lights and sat later Mel tells me I have a new patient named Jack
"I thought you married me for my body," he on the bed looking at the syringe and vial of AT- Randolph."
joked to put her at ease. 11. He had never taken the drug himself and he "Sounds spooky," his wife admitted. "What sort of
"That, too." She smiled. had no idea how his body might react to such a crazy information?"
"All right, I'll shut up." large dose. It was an experiment that he prayed "He takes AT-11 and it makes his dreams come
"I really wish you would go fishing. I'm tired of would work. If it didn't, his career would end in true."
eating canned food." disgrace and prison. "Someone at the clinic is playing a joke on you."
"Two trout coming up," he promised. He found a vein and injected himself, then "They would have to be a master forger to get
stretched out on the bed and closed his eyes. my handwriting down so perfectly."
Lifting the telephone in his office, Dunmeyer In a low murmur he repeated a few sentences "If you didn't write it, then why worry about it?"
punched in a number and listened until he heard the again and again as if he were trying to "I don't know. I have a strange feeling I can't
secretary's voice. A moment later Randolph was on memorize them. It was an old trick he had used explain. Did we ever have a cabin on a lake?"
the line. when he taught classes in coherent dreaming. If "You wish!" Helen noticed the look on his face.
"I've changed my mind, Jack. I've decided to "You're really upset about this, aren't you?"
you fell asleep with selective dream content
continue your treatments with AT-11." "Not exactly."
fixed in your mind, the chances were good that "Then why the long puss?"
"Glad to hear it, doc." you could control the direction of the dream.
"Can you come to the clinic right away?" "This damned notebook --"
Many people who suffered from recurring "I have the solution," his wife said. "Throw it in th e
"No can do," Randolph said. "I have a board nightmares emp-loyed this technique with great
meeting in half an hour. I'm sure you won't be fire and forget about it."
success. It in-volved becoming aware that you "You think I should?"
surprised to hear that I'm CEO of a big trucking were dreaming while you were in the dream. This
company now." She grabbed the notebook from his hand and
allowed the dreamer to either transform the tossed it into the flames. "Problem solved."
"Why should I be?" nightmare into a pleasant dream or at least
"It tickles the hell out of me how you can't He watched it burn. "I suppose you're right. It's
wake himself if things became too frightening. just a bunch of nonsense."
remember anything. Yesterday I only had one truck." As Dunmeyer repeated the sentences
"I don't recall it, but I believe you." Helen sipped her drink and smiled at him. "Was
consciously, he realized on another level that the this your way of telling me you want to buy a cabin in
"How come?" last few days had been a sort of waking
"I understand this phenomenon more than you the mountains?"
nightmare. With any luck he would awake from "No," he said.
do." the nightmare of one reality find a more sane
"Good. You can help me change the whole "Good. We can't afford it."
reality in place. "But now that I think of it --"
Megalomania, Dunmeyer thought. He shuddered "Walt!"
"Too bad the new drug didn't work," Mel said. "Wouldn't it be nice to have a place to escape to
to think of what Randolph might be planning. "Can
you make it here by four?" Dunmeyer seemed distracted when he in January when the weather is so hot and humid?" WB
"I'll try my best. Stick around if I'm a little late." looked up at his assistant. "Yes, it is."
Dunmeyer hung up. He wondered if AT-11 had "You can always synthesize another one and
contributed to Randolph's state of mind. Perhaps any give it a try. That would be number 12, wouldn't
person would become power mad if he could make it?" I like to think of the world I created as
things happen by dreaming. Dunmeyer recalled "Correct," the doctor said. "AT-12."
some lines of poetry: "You want me to get rid of the AT-11?" being a kind of keystone in the
Dunmeyer hesitated, lost in thought.
If we could with fate conspire "What's the use of keeping it if it doesn't universe; that, small as the keystone is,
work?" Mel wondered.
To change this sorry scheme of things entire
"I suppose you're right. Go ahead and
if it were ever taken away the universe
Would we not mold it nearer to the heart's desire?
dump it." itself would collapse.
But which desire? -- that was the crucial question. "By the way, you have a new patient."
Since absolute power corrupted absolutely, no one "What is his problem? Insomnia or - William Faulkner
could be trusted with such an ability. In the end it nightmares?"
didn't matter who or what was to blame. Randolph "Insomnia. Middle-aged guy named Jack

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 13.

A Kiss Father dear The Beat Goes On...

by Baron by Azmacna Bits and bobs from the
Writer's Beat forum

A kiss would make it better Where can I find the bricks and Selected Quotes from the
when I was a child; eminent, ever-quotable
Every hurt forgot mortar
in loving arms. Starrwriter:
Bruised and muddy, open To free my son and forgive my
wounds of running wild; "I hate the word spork.
love, the potion made, daughter? Is it a spoon? Is it a fork?
the magic charm. Yes and no. But don't tell me
How can I summon the courage still
it's both."
A kiss, sealed promise; To climb this unforgiving hill?
two, agreeing one,
going on together What can I do to hold here fast "Your story. Your world. Your rules."
through the storms.
Knowing times of rapture, Not slip again into my past?
"The first step [to writing] is to start
like children in the sun,
scattering new dreams Why is it so hard to see putting words on paper.
into the dawn. The second step is to continue
The beautiful son that I could be? putting words on paper."
A kiss; stolen, betrayal; Who held me close, whispered
liquid hopes overrun, "Don't hesitate, write it now."
those scattered dreams sweet
now tossed into the night. "Oh, one should never shake hands
A price, a moment taken, Told me tales, tucked in my sheets? with a lurker unless one is fully
so when I look again, innoculated against cyber
I know the loss; Loved me dearly like no other?
viruses. Fortunately, there hasn't
love slaughtered, turned to spite.
Father dear, it was my mother been a major outbreak of
Opening out the letter, malignant clandestinusia in
to look, to read the words many years."
that burn upon the pages, When I was a young boy they
dimming light; called me a liar. Now that I'm all "I'm one very happy pirate
A kiss would make it better, grown up, they call me a writer. right now."
a touch, warmth now denied;
if I was but a child... - Isaac Bashevis Singer

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 14.
Featuring the winning Writer's Beat contest entries From July & August 2007

mare from the beginning. Our departure date

F I C T I O N was delayed six weeks when they decided at the
last minute to replace the main reverse vortex
"... we were going to have to
use the hyperdrive for the
JULY synchronization drive with the latest and greatest
of twenty-third century technology – the virtual entire trip back home – all
anomaly vertical rotation nano reticulator; or
What a fantastic round of affectionately known as the worm hole winder. A forty-one years of it. By the time
entries we had for this topic.
geek like me with a major in off-world studies and I got back home to Smith City,
a minor in rocket propulsion engineering
understands the subtle differences in the engine it would have been fifty-eight
You all really impressed us technology but for the common tourist, they just years since I left.
know that the new drive is supposed to be forty
with the quick pacing and percent faster than the old one. That’s a third of a
riveting story lines. Excellent
“Supposed to be” is the key phrase here. At lifetime."
the time I left Earth, no one had ever heard of, or
even conceived of a worm-hole divergence me when I got there. It’s not like I could do
job everyone. particulate storm. Our ship, the S.S. Hiram Page, anything about it now.
pride of the Mormon Empire’s fleet, was the first The first view from the observation level put all
to ever experience this interstellar phenomenon. of those thoughts behind me in an instant. Three
It completely knocked out the worm hole winder of the tourists died during crypto-sleep but every
The winner in the July 2007 Fiction contest is
drive. We ended up limping on to our target one of the remaining twenty were standing there
Gary_Wagner and his intergalactic tale.
destination on a hyperdrive. Can you believe on the deck in excited anticipation when they
opened up the anti-omega shields and we got
Allutia Prima
that? All they had as a backup was a hundred
and fifty year old hyperdrive? For Brigham’s sake, our first glimpse of the Allutia solar system. It was
we had to crawl the rest of the way at warp 4. more spectacular than I had ever imagined. No
matter how real they make the virtual reality
by Gary_Wagner When was that heap originally built, in the stone
neuro-links, nothing can substitute the feeling
Of course, they didn’t bother to tell any of us that comes from knowing that this is not simply
Allutia Alpha, the bigger and brighter of the two that while we were in cryo-sleep. They simply told
us when they thawed us out that, “Oh by the way,
an extremely realistic image – you are actually
there and this is reality.
visible suns set behind the towering mountain
you were asleep for twenty-six years, not the four Allutia Alpha filled half of the view through the
range much quicker than I was expecting. I
weeks you were expecting.” I may be observation window. Even through the digital
should have expected it since I had spent a
exaggerating their callousness about it, but it’s polarizer filters, it was painful to look directly at
year studying every detail of Allutia Prima before
going into deep space hibernation for the long what it seemed like. You know how those the core for more than a few seconds. It was
journey here. Still, the faster rotation of this planet Mormons are. Nothing bothers them. hard to fathom a sun that could swallow up
wasn’t first and foremost on my mind while I Then they dropped the other bombshell on Earth’s sun as if it were a pebble in the ocean
spent the past two hours running from the us; that we were going to have to use the until seeing it live and real while standing silently
monkelopes. hyperdrive for the entire trip back home – all forty- on that observation deck. It made Allutia Beta
Monkelopes is the name I gave the one years of it. By the time I got back home to appear as a dim glowing disk off in the distance
pursuing creatures. They weren’t in any of the Smith City, it would have been fifty-eight years even though it in itself is a huge sun by Earth
neuro-vids I downloaded and they weren’t in the since I left. That’s a third of a lifetime. Some of my standards. Allutia Gamma could be seen for a
info-cubes. Every single thing I cerebro- friends will probably be married and might even few hours but disappeared behind Allutia Alpha
downloaded said that there were no carnivores have applications for children submitted by then. as we approached Allutia Prima.
on this stupid planet, which is one of the reasons How crazy is that? Allutia Prima sparkled like a diamond. The ice
I planned it for my post-graduation trip, but when Always the optimist, I tried to take the news in packs, three kilometer thick caps of crystallized
a monkey-tailed furry thing with an antelope-like stride and still enjoy my adventure. I was one of a ice covering the tops of mountains stretching up
rack of antlers comes charging after you, being group of twenty-three adventu-tourists that were an amazing forty kilometers in places caught the
eaten doesn’t matter as much as being gored the first ever allowed in to explore Allutia Prima. suns light and sent prismatic rainbow beams out
to death. I don’t care if they eat me or not after That is still the most exciting thing I have ever like an invitation to paradise. That’s where the
I’m dead. I care quite a bit about being dead. been involved in and I decided I would deal with planet picked up the nickname of “The Diamond
This whole trip has been a living night- almost sixty years passing by back home without Planet”.
Continued on page 15

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 15.
JULY 2007 C O N T E S T W I N N E R S
Allutia Prima, Continued from pg. 14

When this planet was originally discovered they shocked when only minutes after leaving the that you must confront. Even the inner critic
thought the sparkling came from a thick coating landing sight, I saw the Hiram Page lift off and should be embraced and explored. What is it
of diamonds. Little did they know at the time leave Allutia Prima for good. I didn’t think the then that lies beneath this apparently solid and
that instead of being coated with worthless Mormons would give up so easily. fixed end point? Is it perchance a need to be
minerals, it was covered in the most precious loved, a need to feel special, some form of
My skitter-craft died two days ago. I ’ve been
substance known to man – fresh pure water. acknowledgement from another and another
running from monkelopes and trying to find the and another? Our egos can hold an infinite
That’s what made this planet so mind-boggling. Neo-Baptist camp somewhere in this great big
As expensive as an ice-crystal engagement ring amount of adulation and still crave more. It is
empty world. I think I found their trail and it looks from this dark place of desperation that the
is back on Earth, imagine some of these caps
the size of Australia. like I’ll be a Neo-Baptist soon. I can’t beat them question, ‘Why write?’ begins.
We weren ’t there as part of the ice-mining so I guess I’ll join them. Who is asking the question, the Ego or the
crew, though. We were simply tourists on a four Everyman? The answer to this question will
week vacation. Allutia Prima had been become more apparent when you ask yourself

promoted as the ultimate adventu-tourist what you want from the process. Is it immediate
destination. The atmosphere matched Earth in and perfect results, a publishing deal followed
by wide acclaim in the outside world. There are
its pre-pollution days. There were no known toxins
in any plant, animal, or other creature. There
JULY plenty of people who are willing to help you on
were no carnivores, no predators, no insects. A your path to success and who will show you how
layer of arcanicol gas covering the planet Congratulations to thehungryghost for winning to hone your skill to fill a hole in the market. If this
provided protection from the damaging July's Non-Fiction contest. All entries were a is where it’s at for you, then that’s fine, good luck
radiation of the suns so there wasn’t even any pleasure to read, so keep writing and to you. It does not rock my boat. It would soil the
sunburn on Allutia Prima. submitting! process for me; stop me dead in the water.
Maybe I shouldn ’t use the all inclusive term, These material wants are definitely within the
“we” when referring to the group of twenty who Ego's grasp and they overlook for me the most
important element in the creative process; the
survived cryo-sleep. Turns out that the three who
died and me had something in common. Also ability to be real, to be honest and to continually
turns out that nineteen of the survivors had By TheHungryGhost return to the blank page over and over again
something in common that I didn’t share. They without looking for anything in return.
were all Neo-Baptists. I was raised as an Apathist I wonder why I write, what drives me to As soon as you start looking for payback you
and had never met any of the radical Neo- continually try to express my thoughts, ideas fall into the Egos domain, a place of
Baptists prior to this trip. They were every bit as and feelings in words, endlessly attempting to fill comparison, where too much concern is placed
unpleasant and obnoxious as I had read they this empty screen or page with squiggles, on what others think, and too much worry on
were. reaching out to an unknown audience. I know whether or not you will get your required
They weren ’t tourists after all – they were how I tremble with excitement when the words adoration. When you start looking for something
colonists. Colonization wasn’t legal on Allutia flow together, sliding effortlessly onto the page. beyond the process of writing itself then you are
Prima yet but they aren’t much for laws and There is a sense of relief, even achievement at giving others the power to censor your words
such. When they opened up their crates of the thought that a connection has been made; before they arrive on the page. This is not the
supplies, they pulled out guns. I don’t mean a moment has been captured. way of truth and honesty. It is the way of
gamma-stream projectile weapons – I’m talking At this moment I feelempty. My interest in the compromise and slavery.
about ancient history, wild-west, gunpowder and things around me has waned. I corner myself For me there is no better way than to begin a
metal bullet guns. I’ve seen these in virtuo- and question my worth, knowing only too well new each day and to be ever grateful for the
museums but never in my wildest dreams how this line of inquiry destroys the validity of first ability and freedom to express my inner world,
thought that people would actually still use thought, strangling the quiet voices; like fragile the outer world as I see it and the intimate
them. Neither did the ship’s officers until one of wings beneath a heavy hoof. connection between the two. I write because it
them had his left arm blown off from the elbow Welcome to writers block I tell myself, or is it helps me to make contact with my centre ground.
down when one of the Neo-Baptists shot him for really a block? I suppose it’s a block in the sense It brings me back to where I am. Sometimes that
refusing to obey their command. I mean, that that something has come between the writer place may be uncomfortable and painful and
guy could have died if the medical technician and the written word. However there isn’t yet my continued attempts to be there and
hadn’t slapped a proton-tourniquet on there anything extra that needs to be removed. express this through the written word helps me to
quickly. I’ll bet that really hurt, too, and will be There is no archenemy make sense of it and not fight it, distort it or worse
pretty annoying for him until they can grow the deny it. I begin to see that it is the juice of my life
arm back in the cloning tank. and in it; in the very nuts and bolts of these
I guess it could have been worse. I could "When you start looking for meanderings, I connect in some sense with the
have never woken from cryo-sleep like the other universal, that which we all share.
three the Neo-Baptist took care of. They don’t
something beyond the process
even see what they did as killing anyone. They of writing itself then you are
believe that someone in cryo-sleep isn’t actually "A wonderfully written, thought-
alive so they were simply “preventing giving others the power to provoking commentary."
resurrection”. Since I survived in spite of their censor your words before they
attempt to get rid of me, they gave me a little
bit of respect and gave me a choice – convert arrive on the page. This is not
or leave. the way of truth and "You can't become a writer by
I chose to leave because I guess I still had
the foolish notion that I would get my four week honesty. It is the way reading Elements of Style," he said.
vacation and I would return to the ship when it "You've got to experience life."
left. I left on a skitter-craft with my supplies and of compromise
equipment at the same time they left with theirs and slavery." – Love Me, Garrison Keillor
to set up their new Neo-Baptist colony. I was

Contest Winners continued on page 16 Writer's Beat

Writer's Club 16.
JULY 2007 C O N T E S T W I N N E R S
Continued from pg. 15

P O E T R Y Ode to Sunlight "If you have

JULY Winterstorm five seconds to
We would like to give a BIG
thank you to Kal for agreeing
spare, then I'll
to be a guest judge this month.
This month's contest theme was
Sun peeks through our tell you the
"Ode." shades story of my life."
We have a tie for first place!
Congratulations to both
lighting parts of our bed – Morrissey
Winterstorm and Gary_Wagner, nestling up under our
and thanks to everyone for
entering and either inspiring sheets
us or making us hungry.
as we lay.
Ode to a Hot Dog
I roll around over its rays
Gary Wagner
while it plays peek-a-boo in
Oh steaming joy of pig my hair.
intestined pleasure
My husband wakes, turns to
Encapsulated grindings of
squealing swine see me
Your spices entices, in my trance of movement.
invites, delights, And underneath the covers
Your tube of joy enthralls
he touches the light
Plump and tender you lie that shines on our crisp
in perfect pinkness white sheets.
Upon a wheaten bed of
I kiss the sunlight on his lips
purest white
Your juices sluices, and follow the path that it
endures, allures creates.
Your bun invites the bite
Touching each others light

In the brightest shade of we

buttercup yellow fall into the sunlights
The condiment graces your trance- once again.
sides This Month's
Upon the still calm Quote of Note:
mustard river Gary_Wagner
Lies the pickled relish of life Writer's Beat
Oh hot dog thou art a gift
is growing! "Give a man a fish and
he will eat for a day.
from gods Register today and be Teach a man to fish
Perfection of bread bound a part of our unique and he will sit in a boat
meat writer's community. all day and drink beer."
A joy to behold in wonder - The Prophet of Zen
A greater joy to eat. Sarcasm

Contest Winners continued on page 17

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 17.
August, 2007 C O N T E S T W I N N E R S
Continued from pg. 16

Looking down and seeing that he was barefoot, “I told you, woman, that I left the note. Left it
F I C T I O N she exclaimed, “Harry, just what are you doing
without your shoes and socks on?”
laying on the kitchen table just like you pestered
me to.”
AUGUST Still hopping, but slower now, Harry said, “I Margaret pursed her lips, and wagged her
took them off. Those are my best shoes.” finger at Harry, which he couldn’t see without his
Many of you showed us what a dark sense of Margaret put her hands on her hips and with glasses, “I saw you write that note and put it in
humor you have. And we loved it! This was the stern look of a mother who has brought tears your shirt pocket, Harry. I told you three times to
another extremely close one--half a point to her children with her eyes alone said, “Oh, for make sure you left it on the table and now I just
separated first and second. Congratulations heaven’s sake, Harry, what are you doing saw it blow away in the wind. That’s it. I’m not
to gary_wagner for a hilarious portrayal of an running around on a cliff barefoot? What were going to do this with you today. Let’s just go
elderly couple on a cliff. you thinking?” home.”
Sheepishly, and unable to look into Margaret’s “You mean we’re not going to jump? I took
Cliff Notes steel blue eyes, “I was thinking that I paid a lot of
money for those shoes and there’s no need to
my shoes off and everything.”
“No, not today, Harry. Now pick up your
by Gary Wagner
ruin them.” glasses, they’re by your left foot.”
They stood on the edge, ready to meet their Reaching down to hold her cotton dress Harry felt around on the ground and found
fate hundreds of feet below. A strong salty wind down from a strong updraft, Margaret said, “Oh, his glasses. As soon as he put them on he said,
hit them with occasional gusts. They wobbled forget about the shoes and forget about the “Well, by jove, there’s your hearing aid right
like bowling pins that refuse to fall. hearing aid. Let’s just do this, Harry and be done beside your foot.”
“Harry?” He picked up the hearing aid and handed it
“Yes, Margaret?” to her when he stood up. He put his shoes on
and put his shoulder against her stomach and
“Standing here
picked her up. The motion knocked her artificial
“What is it, dear?”
pelvis loose and her legs flopped forward, but
Shouting, Harry said, “Oh for God’s sake,
Margaret. What is it?”
in this wind with they locked in place again when he stood up.
Margaret had her arms wrapped around his
With a furrowed brow, Margaret replied, “Well
you don’t have to use that tone of voice with
only one hearing neck and it looked like she was kneeling on his
“I can’t get you in the passenger seat like
me, Harry Mitzler. I wanted to tell you I lost one of
my hearing aids in the wind.”
aid and my legs that, honey. I’ll prop you up in the truck bed. I
have bungee cords, I’ll strap you in good.”
“You lost your hearing aid?”
In a useless action, Margaret cupped her
locked in place is “All right, dear. You want pork chops for
hand around the ear closest to Harry, “What?”
Shouting again, “Margaret, for crying out not the time to “Pork chops sounds great, sweetie.”

loud. Come around to the other side so you can

hear me with your good ear.” be talking about Join Writer's Beat
“Can’t move.”
“Oh, don’t be scared, honey. We’re going to cows.” Today!
jump anyway. If you fall, I’ll be right behind you.”
Grimacing, Margaret said, “No, sweetie. I www.writersbeat.com
can’t move because my prosthetic pelvis
locked up again. Would you look for my hearing
aid? I’m pretty sure it’s close behind me.”
“You need it now?”
with it. You left the note for the kids, right?”
“Oh of course I left the note, Margaret. I NON-FICTION
“Need a cow, Harry? Of course I don’t need might be 86 but I haven’t lost my mind yet.” AUGUST
a cow. I need my hearing aid.” Harry then did several deep-knee thrusts
“I didn’t say anything about a cow, which he did when trying to make the point that Congrats to Cuchulain with the
Margaret.” he was still physically fit – in spite of his age and essay on Bipolar Disorder.
“Well, I should hope not. Standing here in this the loud clicking sound his knees made each
wind with only one hearing aid and my legs
locked in place is not the time to be talking
time he stood erect again. On the fourth thrust,
Harry lost his balance and fell over onto his Bipolar Disorder:
about cows.”
Shaking his head knowing it was useless to
back. A piece of paper slipped out of the shirt
pocket of his plaid flannel shirt.
A Cautionary Essay
argue with her, Harry turned to look behind them “What was that, Harry?” By Kevin L. [Cuchulain]
for her wayward hearing aid. When he turned, a “Oh, I just fell over, it doesn’t mean I’m
strong gust of wind knocked his glasses off. “Oh feeble yet.” I read a book called Fight Club once.
jeez, my glasses are blown off. “ “No, Harry, I know how fit you are. You tell me And Harry Potter.
“Well, yes, we are freezing our asses off but every day how you’re fit as a fiddle. Fit as a It was really good.
you don’t have to be vulgar, Harry.” fiddle. Fit as a fiddle. Sounds like a parrot, Like magic.
Harry threw his hands up in the air and sometimes.” Totally, indescribably articulate.
stomped in a circle, as he did at times of “Now, don’t be calling me a parrot again, And not funny at all.
extreme frustration. He stopped, began jumping Margaret. In a few minutes, you won’t have to I read it over the course of two days. It made
on one foot and cried out, “Ow, oh ouch, I cut hear me say it again and I don’t have to hear for good bedtime reading.
my foot on a piece of broken glass.” that snoring of yours. You sound like you What young, auspicious, angst-ridden
Since Harry jumped his way to the other side swallowed a chainsaw and a couple of hyenas teenage writer wouldn’t take up reading a book
of Margaret, she heard him through her are fighting over it.” about guys beating the crap out of each other
remaining hearing aid. “Cut your foot? How on “Well, Harry Mitzler, at least I would have for fun as bedtime reading?
earth did you do that, Harry?” remembered to leave the note.” I slept pretty well during that time.

Continued on pg. 18
Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 18.
August, 2007 C O N T E S T W I N N E R S
Continued from pg. 17

After I read the book I went back to my normal Only I broke that rule. I asked everyone if they
life, which isn’t really saying much.
I ’d already seen the movie.
ever read the book called Fight Club. Mostly
nobody did but occasionally someone would say
You know. that they saw one of the movies. AUGUST
The one with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton? Flash back to my insomnia.
Ever heard of them? It’s the fourth of July and my Dad got his face To have literally chosen words
I guess that ’s the problem. all fucked up from a biking accident and he had at random, you all did a good job
Not the solution. to go to the hospital. Meanwhile I think I’m going creating lovely poems out of them.
We all know who Tyler Durden is. He makes bonkers because my mind doesn’t stop thinking Great job, everyone!
soap. about stuff. Our guest judges this month were
Don’t worry, it’s just the bipolar talking. Triquediqual and Tau Worlock. Thank
He also uses soap to blow things up.
That’s what I told my friends afterwards. you both for your time and input.
That’s the solution, not the problem.
If you know what I mean. Congratulations once again to
My uncle Richie recognizes this and he gives Gary_Wagner for winning August's
Let ’s go back to the past. I can’t sleep. I’m me some tea and it makes me calm down and I
an insomniac. I’m a writer and I’m writing poetry contest.
think I’m lucid dreaming.
constantly. I’m obsessive. I write every little tidbit
down in my big 3 subject notebook and I
But before that I’m stoned out of my mind at
my friends house and we’re listening to Pink Floyd The Eyes Have It
scribble down every little thing that pops into and we’re playing Stairway to Heaven backwards. by Gary Wagner
my mind. I’m afraid of my thoughts. I’m afraid I ’m kicking the shit out of someone in my fav-
of losing them. orite Japanese fighting game.
Eyes of pistachio green
I read, I write, I don ’t sleep, and I write again. I love Japanese imports.
I bring Fight Club to Richie and he looks at it belie the black heart of the man
That is my life. Was my life. Probably will be my
and he says that he is glad he showed me this who would rule the world.
life again at some point if I can’t find away out
of this mess. book but he doesn’t explain.
We have a bit of a therapy session. Richie Words resembling wisdom
Several days later, I ’m in a hospital and I think
does something in the psychiatry field, though I’m roll from this man ’s mouth,
that I’m gonna be famous. I’m Harry Potter, the
not sure what it is exactly. bring crowds to their feet
boy who lived. I’m Naruto-kun, the writer. Hear
I notice how beautiful the flowers are. in maniacal fervor
me roar.
Richie tells me to hold on to that. that would make the third Reich
Strike a pose.
I do. proud.
Give me the thinker.
He also tells me that sometimes to understand
Give me unreasonable hope
Finnegans wake you have to read it from back to Hang the criminals,
Give me the Harry Potter look front. kill our enemies,
Give me the Irishman. So I do. imprison those who don ’t agree.
But before that, things get a little messy. I re- Holy shit.
member Sarah and how her sister got hit by a Am I a madman? Or a genius? Ban the books, then burn them,
car and lost her leg. I re-member how Sarah I guess I was both. arrest the journalists,
used to cut herself because of it. I remember Either way, I pass on Fight Club to a friend control the media,
how I was in love with Sarah. (who still hasn’t read it) and a 200 dollar record- promote propaganda,
Give me unconditional love. ing system that I was given as a birthday present.,
silence dissent.
Give me an achy breaky heart. with the promise that one day he will return them
She never loved me and never will. if I ask for it.
If you ’re reading this now, you are not wasting Liberty is destroyed,
Good ol’ Sarah. Whatever happened to her?
your life. Wasting your life is in fact a good way to freedom absconded.
What happened to everybody. What
happened to my best friend Chuck, who used not waste your life. So go ahead. Read Finnegans
wake backwards. Try and learn something you Military might defeats diplomacy
to smoke weed with me all the time and now
don’t yet know. Think you know it all? Drop out of as nations fall under the
wallows in his own misery over the loss of his
high school and see if you do. Think you can stop combat boots
underaged girlfriend?
smoking pot? Do it, and show the world that you of the green-eyed menace.
What happened to Joe?
What happened to Matt, who shot himself can. Think you’ve got a really good idea for a
book? Try and market it and see if it sells. But most Tanks rumble from sea to sea,
because he got caught selling pot brownies?
likely, if you’re reading this still you probably don’t bombs fall like explosive hail,
His name is Matthew Bechara.
think it is marketable. But I’m here to tell you that missiles fly in evil arcs,
What happened to Matt, who got hit by a if you have read this from back to front and dec- cities and citizens are incinerated,
car on New Years eve because he ran away ided you like it, it’s probably worth selling. Some- nuclear winter puts an end to
from cops? times, tedious prose gets in the way of good global warming.
His name is Matthew Valenza. writing. But whose fault is that? The writers? It’s your
I met a lot of people in the hospital. People obligation to read this all the way through and The man who would steal the
that I liked. I stopped thinking about Sarah, consider what you read. If you skip over parts or world
even though I saw Sarah everywhere. Not just skim the pages of life’s stories, you will miss impor- sat back through years of turmoil,
Sarah, but Joe. They both disappeared and I tant details. That is a lesson that not even a block-
watched consolidation of power,
never saw them again. buster movie can tell you.
assumed global control
I also saw Matt. Both of them. The one ’s that But anyways, to get back on target what I ’m
trying to say is that you should read Fight Club. It’s with a single shot from an
a very important book, and will remain so for gen- assassin’s gun
Sarah was in my head, just like Tyler Durden
erations to come. between the pistachio eyes.
was in everybody who became infatuated with
that movies head. Fuck the movies.
Read a book. The man with the chocolate eyes
That’s when I remember the rules.
Tell everyone about it. will rule the world
You ’re not supposed to talk about Fight Club.
Read this again. until another assassin finds him
You ’re not supposed to ask questions.
That ’s the solution. or until the people take it back.

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 19.
Writer's Beat From the Forum:
Don't Know
What to Write?
Try One of These:
1. Write about a
dream you would like
to fulfill before you

2. Write a story about

a weird event in your
town's history.

3. What's the
funniest thing you
every heard or saw?
Describe it in story

4. Write about
your first love - or
a poem.

5. Write a letter to
the president/prime
minister of your
country. What do you
want him/her to

6. Write a country or
blues song about
your life.

7. Your house is on
fire and three people
are sleeping in other
rooms. You only have
time to save two of
them. Who do you
choose to save, OR,
how can you possibly
save all three?

8. Who would be
one person you would
take with you to a
desert island?
How soon would you
begin to drive each
other nuts?

9. You are a mental

patient. Write a story
or poem about your
view of the world.

10. What about your

one pet peeve and
why it bothers you.

11. Write about a

resolution you failed
to keep.

12. Write about a

confrontation with a
person or family
member you don't
get along with.

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 20.

Picture Puzzle
by Mridula C.

Can you guess these book titles? Take a look at the following clues:
1. 2. 3.


5. 7.


Stumped? Here are a few hints :

1. Where is the lower bird sitting? What species of bird is it?
Now you've figured that out, what is the higher bird doing?
2. Who is this person?
3. Everybody is so sad!
4. What are the people doing? Now, where does the arrow poi nt?
5. It's a field of...? And whose field is it?
6. There is a field of some grain. There is someone in the field.
What is that person doing?
7. How many soccer balls are there? Answers are on page 21

Writer's Beat
Writer's Club 21.

Writer's Club Picture Prompt

In the spirit of
this issue's New
Horizons feature,
we encourage
you to browse
photos from other
nations. Learning
about other
cultures invariably
leads to expansion
of both the mind
and the heart.

Here's a few to
get you started.


2. The Stranger [ L'Étranger ] 3. Les Miserables 4. Middlemarch 5. Flowers of Evil 6. Catcher in the Rye 7. Catch-22 1. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Writer's Club Staff If you’d like to see your artwork or

photo on the cover of the next issue
COLUMNISTS AND CONTRIBUTORS: of Writer’s Club, submit it to us
Hakeem D. Taya L. Mridula C. by either using the “Contact Us”
Jillian C. Michelle B. form located on the bottom of
the Writer’s Beat Forum main page, or
EDITING contact: hakeemd@writersbeat.com
Hakeem D. Mridula C. Jillan C. mridulac@writersbeat.com
Taya L. for more details.


Jillian C. YOU GET: A Secure, Private Forum, Retain First Publication
Rights AND Additionals Profile & Signature Privileges!
Daniel Fischer, Writer's Beat Site Owner All proceeds help support the writersbeat.com site.

All writing works and photos contained within are either property of Writer’s Beat or used with permission by the authors/artists noted. NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE
For questions, suggestions or comments, send to hakeemd@writersbeat.com

Writer's Beat

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