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Digipak Presentation

By Heather Allso

Comments- Good

Your idea links with the genre and codes and conventions of that genre. The
design links well with the name of the album. Representation of indie music
Good idea and had a clear understanding of what it was trhat they wanted
their digipak to look like. Unique idea and fits the codes and conventions
really well
Maltese cross- good idea. Abstract ideas. Urban area idea- Double exposure,
brimingham. Importance shown through the sixe of fragmented glass.
Very unique idea, meaning the digipak will stand out. Use of inspiration from
other artists meaning the digipak will fit the codes and conventions. Use of
Goodwins theory (broken glass)
Connotes to the band name Glass House. Ideas of broken glass
representing broken past/childhood. Conventions of indie albums were good.
Clear link to audience expectations- added value=sleeve link to vinyl. Very
creative ideas to make images artistic and unusual. Did mention putting in
song lyrics.

Comments- Bad

Could be too complicated for some people

Use each panel wisely, including a Thank You message
may be a waste of a panel and end up looking to bare
because of a lack of detail
Thank You message may be a waste of a panel as it
could be on the lyric panel below the lyrics, so another
image could be on the digipak.
Some parts maybe too complex to understand
depending on the audience.
No mention of text, font colour and logo and how they
fit in, or how it links to the advert... Have you thought of

Questions to consider

How will you get the lyrics for each song

on the album?
Is there a track list?
How do you aim to fill your audience
expectations based on the digipak?
Will there be lyrics for all the songs?
How big is the audience?
How are all these different image ideas
going to tie together into a coherent

Answers to the questions

presented to us

In terms of lyrics, we will only use the lyrics for the main
song on the album and the track list of all the songs will be
included on the back of the sleeve. In terms of the size of
our audience, it is very difficult to estimate the number due
to the variety of different people within it. Yes its purely
aimed at the Indie culture, but within that culture are
variations of it due to how unique of a culture it is; also there
are people who are outside the culture that appreciate indie
music whilst having strong preferences for other genres of
music. When considering how all our ideas are going to fit
together, there is the common theme of the past/breaking of
the stereotype leaking through into the images, this is
through the broken glass or the double exposure concept
which also represents the bands concept and personality.

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