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Kayla Johnston

My Common App and Supplemental College Essays

From Fauna I Flourish
My fondest childhood memories involve riding elephants through the jungle in search of
natures most exotic animals Okay, that jungle was actually my backyard, and the wildlife I
discovered there was limited to some songbirds and my dog, but I sure had fun pretending. I
couldnt tell you why I was so fascinated with animals, but I can tell you that my obsession did
not cease in childhood; Earths fauna ignited a lifelong passion within me.
As I grew older, my dreams became a reality; I owned a menagerie of pets and even had
the opportunity to help conserve and research different animals. Initially, I learned what one
would expect to learn about animals: This species lives here, eats this, and belongs to this taxa.
At some point, however, a realm opened in my mind, and I attained a perspective completely
foreign to me. I no longer looked exclusively at known facts; instead, I had begun to observe
these animals and apply my knowledge. Once I liberated my mind, I realized that I could learn
more about my identity through animals.
Interestingly enough, my experiences with animals have taught me more about my world.
As I observe my chickens interact, I draw parallels between the pecking order and societys
hierarchy: the head hen in charge dominates a flock, a mass of birds in the middle scuffle to
rise to the top, and the bottom bird struggles to thrive among its flockmates. My birds social
hierarchy is reminiscent of my school ranking; among various extracurricular activities, I must
forage for time to ensure my grades are up to the standard. Like a high-rank hen withstands
pressure gracefully, I must maintain my academic rank without getting my feathers in a bunch.
Another revelation came from my conservation work with the diamondback terrapin. I
noticed that no matter what crosses the terrapins path, whether it is a shifting tide, a road, or a
dock, she will persevere and reach her nesting site. Despite humans altering her estuarine habitat,
she adapts to her surroundings to survive. I realized that like the terrapin, I too possess an

unwavering desire to achieve my goals. I will navigate lifes tidal forces, scuttle across many
roads, and clamber over all barriers no matter how daunting in order to achieve my goals. I,
too, will undergo many habitat changes, and I know I will adapt to them all. Like the terrapin, I
am a versatile creature with a shell of solid determination who will stop at nothing to reach the
nest of my aspirations.
Surprisingly, my greatest self-realization came from a miniscule animal: shrimp. I spent
some time conducting behavioral studies on shrimp, but wondered how studying a puny
crustacean could be significant. However, I learned that the simplistic shrimp plays a key role in
its ecosystem, and that understanding simple creatures is vital to understanding more complex
creatures. While I have no desire to be eaten, nor am I a simple organism, I can relate to the
shrimp: I often feel like my small stature is an invitation for others to overlook me. I now realize
that the little creatures in life really do matter; I dream of playing a key role in my ecosystem and
swimming far beyond the boundaries of my niche.
I may not have understood years ago, but I can now explain my fascination with animals.
From my kaleidoscopic personality like the skin of a chameleon, to the way I slither through
lifes branches like a serpent, I see myself in all of Earths fauna. I have evolved from searching
my yard for lions to delving into the jungles of my mind, with the ambition of discovering more
about my world and myself. As I fly from the nest, I am prepared to hunt for new knowledge and
experiences in the wilderness that is college.

If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why?
My superpower would be the ability to transform myself into animals. I can imagine the infinite
possibilities! No more worrying about being late! As a cheetah, I could race to my next
destination, arriving promptly every time. Of course, if I was having a slow day, I could
transform into something nocturnal, like a bat. Then, I would actually have an excuse for

wanting to sleep all day. I could even become a monkey with the agility to climb the tallest trees!
Well, just enough agility to not trip over my own feet would be nice, actually. But my power
gives me greater opportunities. Why, if I was a shark, I could fearlessly delve into ocean depths
no explorer has ever seen before and learn about this mysterious realm, meanwhile being one of
the fiercest and most ancient creatures in the world. With my powers, the sky would no longer be
the limit. I could become a falcon and soar through the skies, exploring and looking at my world
full of opportunities and possibilities from heights most people have never seen before! Plus, it
would be nice to never pay airfare again. If I really wanted to, I could become a turkey and
become. someones dinner? Maybe thats not such a good idea. Being able to become any
animal I want would not only solve the trivial problems of my daily life, but also allow me to
experience the world from a perspective only Earths fauna has seen!

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