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CAS Experience Proposal Form For:

Experience: Musical Aspect of Willy Wonka Jr.

Approximate End Date: February 21, 2016
Activity type (BOLD one or more): Creativity


Start date: January 9, 2016



Learning outcomes (BOLD one or more):

Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the
Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences
Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively
Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance
Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions
CAS Stages complete questions below:
1) Investigation - what are your goals for this CAS experience?
To help out Lucaya International School with the musical aspect of the schools
production of Willy Wonka Jr by being the percussionist and drummer.
To become more knowledgeable in the area of percussion sheet music, and to
become better at effectively reading sheet music and executing what has been
To learn more drum rhythms and rudiments.

2) Preparation briefly identify your plan of action and include an approximate

I will attend every music practice and technical rehearsal that is held throughout
the period of January 9 February 21 in order to prepare myself and become
familiar with the music, and the storyline of the play.

3) Action - how will you accomplish your goals? Who will be involved?
I will familiarize myself with the music of this production by listening to the CD
I will practice regularly with the other members of the band in order to become
more comfortable in playing with them.
I will study the sheet music, learning all of the necessary breaks, rudiments, and
fills which will need to be inserted into specific places throughout the musical in
order to add depth, and make everything sound full and cohesive.

I will learn rhythms that I previously would not have known, which are necessary
for songs in the play by researching them, looking at how they are notated, and
practicing them regularly in weeks leading up to the performance of the
production. For example, the Tango, which is necessary for the song I See it All
on TV.

4) Reflection - what were your expectations? What did you hope to gain from this
experience? What did you learn? What are your next steps? How are the Learner
Profile attributes incorporated?
I am a drummer, and I have played in many musicals that have been held in
previous years at the Regency Theatre, so I know what is expected of myself and
everyone else in the band in order to ensure that the music of the play is the perfect
compliment to what is occurring on the stage and this experience is no different.
With that being said, I hope to become an even more confident drummer and
percussionist through my involvement in this production, as there is always room for
improvement; especially when I have not been playing the drums as often as I
should have been prior to this experience. One of the things that I learned about
myself is that I can cope with pressure. We had basically less than two weeks to
learn the sheet music for the first performance of the play, which was extremely hard
on us musicians, especially myself, because I had to fit music practices and learning
the music into the spare time of my schedule, and also still maintain my daily
activities of going to school and doing homework. Despite that being extremely
tiring, the few weeks leading up to the first performance were very fun, and seeing
and hearing all of the music come together was the best part of it all. I will continue
to practice in the coming weeks leading up to the second performance of the
production, and hopefully, I will have all of the music memorized for the second
This experience encompasses the following Learner Profiles:
Communicators Music is a language that can be communicated, hence the
music of this show.
Knowledgeable Having knowledge in the areas of drumming and
percussion allowed me to have that role in this production.
Inquirers Having to research the rhythms and new rudiments.

5) Demonstration what evidence will you use to show you have completed your
I will provide photo evidence, and hopefully sound bytes.

Estimate date of completion:

February 21, 2016


Total number of hours: 25 -

Supervisor name and contact: Wilfred Burrows (242) 359-5911

NOTE: This form must be completed in its entirety and emailed to before you
can begin a CAS experience. CAS projects only are excluded.
Post Your APPROVED Experience Proposal Form on your website as your first reflection. The
following reflections on this experience should be blogged or reflected directly on the website itself.

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