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People involved

The Ancient
and Medieval Period
During this period, people
the Greek Philosopher and
to the 15Plato,
that businessmen and(5
follower of Socrates - wrote and
people should do business to the
commmunity as part of public or
social service.
The Greeks and Romans treated the
businessmen next to slaves. The
Elite of the society condemned
businessmen, critisizing them for
utilizing their money for profit and
not for service to the community.


presented his ideas in the form of

dramatic dialogues, recommended
that such activities be prohibited.
St. Thomas Aquinas - introduced the
concept of compensatory justice
which maintains that prices and
wages should be fair.

People involved
Period of Mercatilism
(16th to the 18th
Max Weber - claimed that

To European governments, the main

source of power and prestige among
nations is the acquisition of gold and
silver through trade.
This period shows several violations
of social responsibility.
The power of the Catholic Church as
the most influential body in Europe
diminished also due to the influence
brought about by the philosophy and
doctrines introduced to the society.

Protestant values encouraged thrift,

industry and materialism, making
Protestant countries more
progressive than Catholic countries.
John Calvin - one of the proponents
of Protestant Work Ethic likewise
glorified the thrifty and industrious


People involved

The were
Industrial Revolution
The time when machines
Karl Marx
and Robert Owen ( 18th to
introduced, thus contributing
to the 19th
improved production and business
Businessmen regarded wealth as a
symbol of moral excellence.
Absolute free enterprise became an
argument, rejecting the concept of
social responsibility and promoting
the individualist philosophy that the
government must not interfere with
the activities of the business.

fighting against capitalists, were

both responsible in exposing the
abuses, thereby earning for them
the titles "social reformists."

After the Period of Depression


The government protected
the to the
welfare of the public against the
abuses of businesses.
Business viewed social responsibility
as an adherence to rules and
regulations and compliance with
administrative and legal standards.
Businesses have started to integrate
corporatae social responsibility as
part of their corporate structures
and processes.

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