The Tasks of Tantalon - Tantalon's Secret

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‘TANTALON'S SECRET REVEALED! i wmiccen vy steve jacuson @& _steastRAced By srephen ays TANTALON'S SECRET Plas eats fest sort of "Hin Shot which stems to aver mat of the qe "hous tnt faders may Hane tad aboot the pure In Fanks of Pan ‘alr if here baa only Bec setae sf tis wa) eae cap Fefr to specific Tks and atempe tome hen het ay al thi trating Rok ar heya ve wing at soma (6) 1987 Stove Jakaon ‘THE TASKS OF TANTALON The Tass of Toalow began in ent 1983 when Bid Fie= ‘ng, tm eiar trom Oxfoe Univer’ Pres, appneaehed n Lasse aed mt aut he poy ef tng» soe ces ant po dice at unig fl-Soiurhtaone Yo mae the Sooks ataetive, This aid ot iterate a lst Thana mE Site foryounser eileen Batt ea of wing fu ceou ios “htave ie apea fey could be sed atm much se ackapng {Omake we Bek look strc, Dt sea staat esas “The ge of pure came up and I cooieted te Labour of Nerul in Greek mthnogy. Hercules was set 12 abouts 09 Kink Eursteus “Thee tivated aying momen lening ot fy suis, Fetching the Gide of Hippy aro on But this try 1 sea boom tld The ie of sims tary ith he won ate wlohe hia Ras stp the Prices ofthe Ham) and others ere ctely me Ce. he Ringe Beand the Demon Fh. m iow a ae Tals of Tova nr thi uw changed Ts of {aed Tanta in the ead, Stephen contributed sgnfcaay 0 the design of some ofthe pues when he hardok ae pushed in September Tots, we were all pout of the tel. The iustratons mage the tok a mork of erThe Tana ough ot easy worked wel nd ‘Sconomepropoton S01 tak the jo om mi fo Games Workshop, Dain Ra. London W6 010, 2 1. "Release Sir Dunstable...” Stephen Lavis did a which sethes over the lever teemendout jab wth this one being pulled to tell carne (the and the River Eade are ing the small wheel tices 2. "The Demon Fish..." relly, Easily f you follow feo eny to sve (What? You the food chain backwards, signee) “Thee small tt te The ilesration shows 2 end hich explaiar the season 3. "The Hag-Witch of Wiertown..." fle confuring, | wil eve the answer: Sobact te lowest Rnes‘on' the Sir" Danse Incidentally. "Stephen ing bythe game stall, wearing "hue tone and slicing (Oxford: University Press Hardback eon on). "Tas fon is Ieoking' down atte 4, "The River Eede..." berwren pipe four and three fi outets and Tllow them tack for example, you fol low te third wutet ick, You Feslined that thie scully fave aor val te open ioe avay (water wae become “An, but | know valve 5. "The Brimstone Dragon..." ine wp withthe eortect sla seal eapin about this. You Simpy" have eo count all he ome straight out With the Sawer 102 Sepen and 1 did tase out thir ilo. tn-my opinion the" Dragon looked much too 6. "The Princes of the Ham..." Should ave been, tply be “have renders coulda’ ite ge Sopased 1 ot fone came from an i pub Piboad 10 the Tee and four Ta at led oe ingle space between The object & 10 move the teads tthe Fight and the This othe left 0 wp with ‘nce he ene only either: Tato vacant space sirety in ont fH of ay mptng oer Sst below the main urton you wl ee span of she sar su The Fg Torntoads are to the right, fing ar deste above sod Solution for sours Avs Bit, the slrion is gests than 10 toves andes than 20: fact Sou wil id tha thee is ony the way of solving Remem= ter, "the feogs and taas cn 7. "The Regent's Jewel..." The solution to this one ‘in ewo parte Ft of all $00 ‘arty enh of the four mae names toot which ead the com, where the Regents Jewel Is kept You will fad 8. "Seek out the Ting Ring.. fostration Stephen did for the books Super seta ine ie? Goblin creatures in the top When Tie saw it (sad Distare’) took me 9 good ton Din that there isvometing of ck question’ here. Tr 900 need» further hin iti te totom hal ofthe per fut only one path anguarded” warns” Fagoen The others ace all an with easly taps. The Orb of Stanton, fashioned in yea, minora’ passages. es advice Stead sou safely 0th een {ora Ae example f the Orb Shanti vem a the Foot Uf the page bat tine the Fight one There tao entrance ‘eth four stares You wil ave {ofind sil Orb and these tre scattered though the book 9. "King Tag of Casper..." wos aitcut of the pe, ‘howsh youl hick yourself ‘thon You discover the anewe, ‘nay aga Tor ours over = within» minatl the ook Sevnal the tr Yin in ait unasersey Not totaly unneseary but mie tends nore tha Hebe "The testbed just By reading the (exe There ave may conftsing ‘Caegrapes, Vineyard and “Cap ae Slee) Tap fin Wel? "The anower to all these Nuon at secret render” Sour point doo rth inthe ‘Shadow of Mount Cup “Topether they rose tothe’ ome of Si Niching, Ket or Easham. But even their Gut wen, fo aig Iter 8 na of opt vines were ‘outed othe north hat shou give you 8 Join vp the numbers round he order Taw’ final hiding nee Sil hen fl gets inoone of The squnes thor formed. You nd add therm together, Tar ‘ape, you conceded that i ‘must be “The Towa ef Casper (North-South) and 3 (East Werth Addew together, ths 10. "The Golden Cross from Hornhelm's Crown. ‘hoe Sepen pur hs owe Inter roy "Oriya Sas to hive am istration of Treas Map jour han Stephen iste dre ays fenbwrpistre of Hoenbes te faethe alec Devece Most ofthe pussie can ‘ut he lvetraion ie essen Thos starng pt hat dont Standering of the ap, Wah Sirections and end vp nowhere ig under 3 buh" So foo the elle tae fern’ prea ‘tthe ee {bat you wl cert fon” Continue upateam wari ‘Agsin, the ilutation wil lp you follow the in structions for eich of tne Jead pou t's Burm Once ou Ive found ie you cam count 11. "Release Cassandra...” 12. "Free good Sir Duke, 1 remember this one hours trying to explain how the fimpler bat worked perfect work out which one ie Sit Sou then have to doi to locate the key (ine ifs not on that rae). Esch ofthe evs inthe ook nara number oni shat. ou ‘able to follow i Crowa’ be throuph now. 1B 13. The Runesearch From Tastalon which simply fared we on my Tass? I 30 jay atthe time, but Twas sed this ending. the book to mention 2 techies! po Salty” whi Ueig on 36 being the perfect ending. Some of ju may have Keowof at least two pepe tho did. Bot anyways the Cigna idea was worked into foundered about hopelessly {sing to fathom what Should ‘be done. Let's a0 Through Tataon's message imumberss if theyre some. The sartng gre you the th Fone ed inven © anes ‘A exhinos aoe, the Fist hing 80 a0 together 1“ tome with hat umber “0 search your Rune with open exer Aa open ond Hy wie Runssone isthe sartng point fora "Ronesearsh whatever thac aye. It Woks ke an Supposed 10 do with it? Skip Ineane no Ruosrtone, ail So Inay helps Th Tak to ting for aWhlpe Mark ot hs ord {a1 aoa. Ita ck what tl fade wih sar. Tight A hunter ith ro bow? is this a sword eying aight? An animal of Some hind? No. You will fad the bowie hunter at Peking whip and who fe be whelo? A help isa youngster, a Striig: a nippen wp Dornappor. An what tse was fhe whippersnapper faced Supervision OF the vermin= pits Bur we aust "Mark not his Som WIGh is what your need IF his makes no sent, owt jute have to go eaight already "be progressing long your Runesearch, And it fect, you will have no woubhe Find the Sword of Junce and theron of Cave The these objects for, now 308 Know the secret of the book problem, that is except for fest final tit The Crown ff Courage is slighty more itticute to find to "the SOLUTIONS

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