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Common Sense

at Bella Vista Bay Condominium

A Guide to Living at Bella Vista Bay
This document serves as a guide to living at Bella Vista Bay Condominiums.
From time to time people have questions concerning some aspect of community life at
Bella Vista Bay. Additionally, in recent months many new people have moved into Bella
Vista Bay Condominiums and become our neighbors. Therefore, the board of directors
has decided to write and distribute this guide to help answer any questions and provide
general information concerning procedures, rules and regulations, and general operations
at Bella Vista Bay.
It is important to note that this guide merely reflects the official by-laws of the
There are no new rules or regulations
in this guide
Additionally, while this guide serves as an informal reference for all
owners and renters at Bella Vista Bay, the by-laws of the association remain the legal and
official rules and regulations. This document merely restates the policies in the by-laws
in clear and simple language. If you continue to have questions or concerns after reading
this document please feel free to contact a board member.



What is a Condominium?
A condominium is a development project in which a group of owners share
common responsibilities
for certain aspects of the development.
An owner of a
buys their unit and agrees to share in the upkeep, maintenance, and'
not only for their unit, but for common aspects of the
development as well. Therefore, condominium ownership is really a share in community
living. Owners have chosen to share in the life of the association.
For example, you own your individual unit. You can paint the interior walls, get
new carpeting, arrange the furniture and decorate the unit anyway you like. The unit is
own it. However, unlike a house, all the owners together share responsibility
for common areas. For example, hallways, exterior walls, and the grounds of the
development belong to all of us. Since these areas are commonly owned, we all have
responsibilities in relation to these areas. Additionally, the association can determine as a
community rules and regulations that oversee the use, decoration, and care of these areas.




Bella Vista Bay Condominiums was established in 1982 by a master deed filed
with Kent County and the State of Michigan. As such, the condominium development
and association operates under specific state laws. When the association was first
opened, the original owners and developers also drafted a set of by-laws that clearly
stated all the rules and regulations governing the association. Changing or amending the
master deed or the by-laws requires both a vote of the general membership of the condo
association as well as legal and state approval. As such, the process is lengthy and
expensive and requires a lawyer.
Upon taking possession of the unit or at the time when one moves in to the unit,
each owner or renter should receive their copy of the master deed, the association bylaws, and the rules and regulations.
By purchasing a unit at Bella Vista Bay, or by
renting a unit, the owner. or renter agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations of the
association. The by-laws are a legal document and as such are written in 1egallanguage.
Therefore, the condominium association had issued a copy of rules and regulations that
explain the by-laws in simple language. This guide is now the most recent and applicable
rules and regulations for Bella Vista Bay Condominium Association.

The Condominium


Each owner of a unit is considered a member of Bella Vista Bay Condominium

There are 36 units at Bella Vista Bay. The association has one general
meeting a year, usually in the month of May. All owners are entitled to be at this meeting
and may vote at this meeting as long their dues and fees are paid in full at the time of the
meeting. Renters are welcome to the meeting, but may not vote.

The Board of Directors

At the annual meeting association members elect a board of directors to take careof the on-going management of the condominiums.
Usually the board of directors
consists of 4-6 owners, although the association may elect anyone they desire to serve on
the board. The board of directors meets regularly and oversees many aspects of life at the


Fees and Dues
All association members are .required to pay monthly association dues that
provide for the upkeep of the common areas of the development. Monthly dues are to be
paid by the 151 of every month to the property managers. The property manager is the
individual or
business that the board of directors selects to handle the daily upkeep of the property.
Dues and fees cover the cost of lawn care, snow removal, building maintenance, and
other common expenses and insurance.
Failure to pay dues on time can result in late
fees, fines, or even liens placed on an owners property.
In addition to monthly dues, the association may also levy individual assessments
to pay for necessary or emergency repairs or costs. AII owners must pay an assessment.
Assessments must be approved by a majority of the owners.


and Owners

Bella Vista Bay has both owners and renters living in the development. Each unit
is privately owned, yet some owners choose to rent their units. All owners and renters
are bound by these rules and regulations and the association by-laws.
In order to protect our common investment and insure quality of life at Bella Vista
Bay, each new owner or renter of a unit at Bella Vista Bay must be approved by the
association board of directors prior to closing or taking possession of the unit. Failure to
receive board approval can result in fines or invalidation of the sale of the property. If
the association board of directors decides to reject a potential owner of a unit then the
board is obliged by law to purchase the unit. This is called a right of first refusal.
Renters may be rejected for a variety of reasons including financial instability, lack of
insurance, or poor references.
If a renter is rejected it is the responsibility of the
individual owner to find a suitable renter. Additionally, The board of directors has the
right to request eviction of a renter for serious violations. Evictions are the responsibility
of the individual owner. Owners are responsible for the behavior of their renters. The
owner of the unit must pay all fees, fines, damages, and dues incurred by a renter

Common Areas
Common areas of the association include all exterior grounds, parking areas,
drives, interior hallways, and the laundry room. Patios, decks, exterior walls and
windows are considered semi-common areas since their appearance effects everyone
living at the development. The association by-laws provide details concerning the use of
common and semi-common areas.



and Violations

Complaints concerning any aspect of life at Bella Vista Bay are to be directed to
the board of directors or the property managers. Repeated violations will result in a
warning from the board of directors.
Consistent refusal to comply with rules and
regulations can result in fines.

Choosing to live in a condominium complex has many advantages. Among these
benefits are the close proximity of neighbors and friends in community living. To make
community as pleasant as 'possible it is essential that all owners and renters be considerate
of their neighbors. These rules and regulations therefore exist to provide for harmony
and peace within our complex. All attempts will be made to interpret and enforce these
rules according to the spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law.
Given the close proximity of units to one another all owners and renters are
requested to be mindful of their neighbors when it comes to noise, especially before 8am
and after lOpm. Please be considerate of your neighbors when you operate stereos,
televisions, vacuums, and other electrical equipment. Also, residents are responsible for
the behavior of their children both inside and outside the condominium units. Complaints
about noise should be reported to a board member. Repeated complaints concerning
noise will result in fines levied by the board of directors.
Outside Appearance
All residents of the association share responsibility for the upkeep and appearance
of common areas. The board of directors' contracts for lawn cares and grounds upkeep ..
Exterior building repair is also a board responsibility. Individual owners and renters are
requested to keep their common areas tidy and clean. Please refrain from leaving shoes,
boxes or other items in the hallways and common areas. Please keep your patios and
decks neat and presentable. Also, please limit your window coverings to neutral or light
All owners and renters are encouraged to help with snow removal, sidewalk
salting, and garbage and debris removal. In the Springtime all residents are encouraged,
but not required, to plant flowers or small gardens in their building's common areas.
Please help keep all our buildings and grounds beautiful.



All owners and renters are assigned one parking stall. An additional car may be
parked on the premises in the common parking areas. Residents are limited to two cars
on the premises at all times. All cars must be legally registered with the state and
Boats, trailers, and other storage items may not be kept in the car ports or
the common parking areas for more than overnight. Residents are responsible for the
appearance of their parking areas. Guests are requested to park in the upper lot. At no
time are cars to be parked on the lawn.

Residents are responsible for keeping the dumpsters tidy. Please place all your
trash in tied plastic bags. Please fold and crush any boxes and larger debris. Under no
circumstances may trash be left outside the dumpster or on top of it.

Certain pets are permitted at Bella Vista Bay Condominiums.
Cats, birds, and
fish are all permitted in individual units. No other animals are permitted. Dogs are not
permitted in the individual units or on the common areas. Cats must be kept indoors and
off common areas at all times. The board of directors reserves the right to request
permanent removal of an animal that is causing damage or making noise.

Laundry Hours
The laundry rooms are open for operation between the hours of 9:00am and
10:00pm. Please plan on your laundry being" completed by 10:00pm. Also, please clean
up spills and lint left behind.



The building hallways are considered common areas.

As such they are
professionally cleaned every two weeks. Please keep your building common areas clear
of clutter and clean. Please refrain from leaving shoes, boxes, newspapers, toys, or other
items outside your door or in the hallway. Appropriate decorative items are permitted
and encouraged. Please refrain from placing any poster, sign, or other such item on your
front door or unit exterior door. Please clean your feet before entering the building so as
to save the carpeting from damage.

Seasonal Decorations

Seasonal decoration is welcome within reasonable time periods around the

holidays. For example, please do not place Halloween decorations prior to October I or
Christmas decorations prior to Thanksgiving. Please remove all Christmas decorations
by January 15th Please try to have summer flags, banners, and other decor removed by
October I as well. For other holiday decorations and seasonal decor please use your
discretion, but be considerate of your neighbors.

Care of Patios and Decks

Patios and decks are the responsibility of the individual owners. Individual
owners may decorate their patios and decks as they see fit. However, at no time are sofas
or indoor furniture permitted on the patio or deck areas. Additionally, patio and decks
are not to be used for storage purposes.

Common Storage Areas

Each building is furnished with a common storage area beneath the stairs. Two
units have been individually purchased in years past. The board of directors has since
prohibited the sale of the remaining units. The remaining storage areas are open for all to
use within their building. No owner is permitted to monopolize any storage area and
should limit their belongings to no more than 1I6th of the storage area. We ask that
owners cooperate with one another over sto age use and upkeep.


Window replacement is the responsibility of individual owners. Windows in
common areas are the responsibility of the association. Window coverings should be of
neutral or light colors. Signs and posters are not permitted on windows or doors.

Each unit may not have more than four individuals living on the premises on a
permanent basis. Violating occupancy rules is a crime according to state law and will
result in eviction.


Condominium Upkeep
All owners and renters are expected to maintain their unit's appearance and
This includes repairs to walls, floors, and ceilings, as well as routine repair
and upkeep of appliances and air conditioning and heating.

All repairs to the interior of condominium
units are the responsibility
individual owners and renters unless external forces such as a leaking roof or wall cause
The association does not replace windows or scre-ens, paint walls, repair
electrical, phone, or plumbing problems, or clean carpets. All internal upkeep is the
responsibility of the owner or renter. External repairs are the responsibility of the board
of directors.

All unit owners are required to have and maintain homeowners insurance. This
insurance covers the loss of interior items and structures. Please note that such insurance
does not cover the. loss of exterior walls or other such items. Additionally, ALL renters
must maintain renters insurance at all times.
The association maintains its own insurance to cover the loss of buildings due to
fire or damage. This insurance does not apply to damage caused by individual owners.
Damage caused by individual owners or renters, or their guests, will be the ~esponsibility
of the owner or renter and their insurance.


Air Conditioning and Heating

All residents are encouraged to perform yearly maintenance on their heating and
air conditioning units. In the past we have experienced water leaks from air conditioning
units not properly maintained. Please be vigilant in your upkeep of these units.

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